Unlimited Translation Works


So I pull into my driveway after my morning class. No big deal, nothing new. I enter through the back door and start bringing in bins (trash day and all). About 20 minutes after chilling back getting ready for my night class, I remember that I need to get the mail.
I begin to walk to the door and see that the mail has, indeed, come. I open the door and start grabbing my mail and looking through what’s crap and what isn’t…
But then, all of a sudden… I look down and see this:

Ignore my horrible paint skills.

Curious to know what such a big package could be, I set it down on the table and start to rip this bitch apart (not really, I was quite the gentleman with this. We even went out to lunch and shared in a wonderful meal of filet mignon my friend said this line was really gay and offered an alternative. here: “I was quite the gentleman with this. We even enjoyed a rather soothingly hot kettle o’ tea round the fireplace right around quarter to five o’clock, what with it snowing outside and all.“)

Hmm… this’ll prove to be a bit more difficult than I had planned.

But no problem! I’m Kusion, I can handle this. It’s blank but… is there something on the back…?

Okay, guys. This motherfucker seems to be Japanese… or maybe he just knows it. I think we can take him!

FYI: That’s my name in katakana (I’m shocked he got the last name right, not many people do)~

Let’s keep opening this, shall we?

That… hair looks familiar…
…and those eyes…
…and that oh-so-obvious text…

I have a hunch… but let’s continue…

Is that…? Nah… can’t be…

Oh, God! It is!

So, all-in-all, today’s been a great day. And I can thank TheCumi for this. Thanks, bro! I’ll keep writing more stuff for you. Let me finish my current post though ~

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go stall a bunch of projects and start reading my new manga and doujin ~

Thanks again, man!

30 Thoughts on “HMM…

  1. IGChris on September 7, 2010 at 6:59 pm said:

    You lucky, lucky bastard. 🙂

  2. Laughmaster on September 7, 2010 at 7:24 pm said:

    A bunch of projects? There’s exactly 1 of them going on here, right? >_>
    Lol, congrats on getting your own personal tag TheCumi.

  3. Yo, that’s awesome. I can imagine how you looked when you saw that little bit of Misaka sticking out of the package =P

  4. That’s legit

  5. Any chance you’ll scanlate/translate it for those of us who are less fortunate? :3

  6. Listen to theguy! He knows what he is talking about! 😛

  7. Evviva Mikoto! on September 7, 2010 at 10:54 pm said:

    Già, Mikoto e una bella bomba, eh? 😉
    Se solo non indossasse quelle mutande di nonna, per la miseria… >_<;
    Perchè no indossi delle perizome, Mikoto?
    Kusion, caro amico, ti sarei molto ingraziato se faresti degli scanlazioni.
    Anzì, dì al tuo amico che la frase seconda è molto più gay! XD

  8. ParadoxFaith on September 7, 2010 at 10:56 pm said:

    Its already scanlated and stuff on Fakku. Give it a looksie. Well, some of it anyway.

  9. Laughmaster on September 7, 2010 at 11:09 pm said:

    Lol Paradox, only the top two are doujinshi and neither are on Fakku (Or anywhere else that I’m privy to). The bottom 4 are the manga, which is being scanlated by Sakurahana (“Hidori~! Translators” on mangaupdates).
    Still, your point that scanlating them would be pointless is valid. The doujinshi shouldn’t take too long to get scanlated anyway.

  10. @Laughmaster
    I am relatively new to doujinshis/mangas in general. Would you be so kind to suggest a website that updates frequently, and has a large collection of materials available at this time?

  11. martinez on September 8, 2010 at 5:34 am said:

    damn, you lucky bastard!
    i want that, too XD

  12. Laza_r_us on September 8, 2010 at 12:28 pm said:

    Damn lucky bastard! Hate u for this! Uugh >.<"
    Gimme! XD

  13. Sif i want one to lol hahahahah oooo are u going to pick up the second session of the show

  14. No wait.. fatemi capire.. ma quindi ci sono italiani nel team? Una bella botta di culo comunque, divertiti anche per noi XD

  15. Alucard on September 8, 2010 at 3:41 pm said:

    lol infatti poste italiane. La vera botta di culo è che il pacco sia arrivato a destinazione sano e salvo 😀

  16. codehooked on September 8, 2010 at 3:51 pm said:

    I want that omg.. lucky u ]:

  17. Your paint skills are fabulous Kusion!

  18. lucky~ basted! XD having rail gun delivered rite to your door

  19. On the first pic you see a part of Misaka’s head, she actually looked creepy to me. Yan-mode-like even. O_o

  20. Laughmaster on September 8, 2010 at 11:10 pm said:

    TheGuy, I’m not a huge manga reader myself, but here’s a few places to look:
    mangaupdates.com – Sort of like anidb for manga.
    sakurahana.com – Great forum with TONS of both complete and incomplete manga archived.
    mangafox.com – Good for reading online, if you prefer that.
    As for doujinshi (and by this I assume you mean hentai):
    doujin-moe.us – Good collection although about half are members-only; no ads.
    fakku.net – Similar to doujin-moe, except there’s no members-only section but there are (minimal) ads.
    g.e-hentai.org – Contains just about every doujin that has ever been scanned, all for free. There are more ads than Fakku, but they’re easy to ignore. The only big downside is that it’s extremely unorganized.
    Hope that helps :3

  21. Deafboy91 on September 9, 2010 at 3:13 am said:

    lucky you! pervert bastard! 😀

  22. Some1here2 on September 9, 2010 at 6:43 am said:

    @Evviva Mikoto!… torna a scuola e ricomincia dalle basi la seguente materia: lingua italiana. 😛
    btw… Il pacco è arrivato perchè… la destinazione NON era l’Italia, quindi la consegna NON era “gestita” da SDA. Che sia arrivato… intero, quella è una botta di cu.. ehm, fortuna.

  23. Ikuto_Ruisu-Kun on September 10, 2010 at 5:11 am said:

    So, will you feed us your readers with some scans of those doujins you have received… Scan’em all! You lucky otaku =S!

  24. Have fun, Kus 😛
    Glad that i wrote your last name correctly in Katakana.
    @Some1here2: Cosa ci trovi di divertente nell’insultare qualcuno come “Evviva Mikoto” che magari sta tentando di imparare una lingua difficile come la nostra? O che magari non capisce una mazza di quel che dici perchè ha usato uno dei tanti traduttori automatici che trovi su internet?

  25. Jumendez-sama on September 15, 2010 at 2:53 am said:

    So…you now have Biribiri Syndrome, right? This mean that UFW is going to translate it?

  26. damn, that’s fucking nice,
    I’m from btwscan and will gladly help you scanlate those doujin, just translate and send me the script, I;ll typeset it if you want 😀

  27. BakaPhoenix on October 1, 2010 at 12:01 pm said:

    Holy shit! why is send by italy? xD (i’m an italian guy XD)

  28. Man! I want biribiri stuff too! lol, to be honest this is the only series I’ve liked too much to even desire reading manga and all that stuff I’m missing (I only watch anime so you know what I mean).

  29. Pictures are all broken….

  30. Brittany Whitton on March 17, 2012 at 9:23 am said:

    “Say, you got a nice blog article.Much many thanks. Awesome.”

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