DOWNLOAD HD: [Victorique]_Gosick_-_21_[h264-720p][AF8764D6].mkv | [DDL1] | [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [Victorique]_Gosick_-_21_[XviD][4FA0C31E].avi | [DDL1] | [DDL2]
So with that, we’ve reached the conclusion of the tale of Queen Coco’s unsolved murder. Next weeks episode covers Victorique’s birthday, which is still from Gosick VII I believe although it’s possible it’ll be a mix of Gosick VII + GosickS IV (went on sale 25th may). From there on, episodes 23 & 24 look to be from Gosick VIII: Twilight of the Gods Part 1 and possibly some content from Part 2 which won’t be on sale until late July and most likely just ties up all the loose ends.
Gosick VIII is set to take place at the beginning of World War 2 (going by the summary blurb), so I guess that puts the timeline around 1939, which would be roughly 14-15yrs after Gosick VII (December, 1924). Considering Victorique was born on December 25 1910, it’ll put her age somewhere around 28-29 and Kujo around 29-30 iirc (can’t remember his birth year).
Anyway, that’s enough Gosick trivia blogging. Enjoy this weeks ep!
>Next weeks episode covers Victorique’s birthday
My body is ready.
15 year timeskip? I hope this is true. I hope they’ve fucked by then, too.
aw yissssss
thanks for the release. will be waiting for the sd release and victorique’s birthday next episode
Yaaaaay! Thanks for the release and I hope the remainder of your weekend will be pleasant!
That was quicker than usual, nice job!
Victorique’s adult? can’t wait for dat, too. even though she won’t loli anymore XD 😀
Will there be realy 24 Episodes ?
I think there will be only 23 regular Episodes plus the Special
“The GOSICK Special That Comes in the Spring – The Beautiful Monster Sees Beyond the Chaos”
that you mention here
and that you didn´t sub and that you didn´t count.
@Crusty Cheese
1 ? 25:23-25:53 ????? #24
2nd July, 1:23-1:53am TV Tokyo Episode 24
Also the Special doesn’t count to actual produced episodes since it was just an extra thing they did for publicity. I don’t even think they will be including it on the blu-ray/dvds.
there’s going to be a 15 YEAR TIMESKIP between this ep and next!? whoa….
@Force Gaia
No, the next ep (episode 22) I believe is still from the Gosick VII novel (it might be a mix of VII & GosickS IV, i don’t know much about GosickS IV)
It’s when they start covering Gosick VIII Part 1 that there will be a timeskip. That should be in episode 23, which gives them 2 episodes to wrap the series up. Whether they’ll be covering much of Gosick VIII Part 2 (which won’t be published until the end of July) I have no idea.
That novel will probably just close the curtains on the series rather than anything else, but if it doesn’t then whatever relevant material follows on from part 1 will be included in the anime I imagine.
So sad that only few eps left. Best anime of winter season
I can’t wait for an adult Victorique!! I hope she’s still cute by then o.o!
Implying that Adult Victorica will look any different from Cordelia
I doubt it will 🙂
So that means we won’t see [spoiler]them kissing or anything romance related until after the timeskip? Because as far as I know, there is no real development in the first 6(?) novels.[/spoiler]
Not sure if I am okay with that.
What’s with the two Brians?
I LOL’d at the two Brians.
Yup, that was surprising.[spoiler]But now we know how he helped Victorique in the previous episode dispite not having entered the room she was in.[/spoiler]
Yeah that really surprised me I was like “wtf did I miss something?!” and watched over again 3 times. XD
Soooo… nice job giving out the spoilers. A 15-year time skip would have been a big surprise… if I hadn’t seen it here first.
So, I’m curious, does that “prayer” kujo does at the beggining actually mean anything?
(What I mean is, is it a custom or something? or just a joke?)
I love this show … but I HATE Kujo …
I can’t watch this anymore, he’s such a looser … because of him I’ve stopped watching this.
I miss my Victorique T_T
Can’t you guys cut out Kujo from the show ? Would be so awesome 😀
The two Brians confused me…:P
But I laughed.
Can’t wait for the next episode!
He IS a magician though so shouldn’t really confuse anyone.
Not the first time he’s been everywhere at once either (I… think) 😉
And the fact that all magic is just bullcrap (as proven by Victorica again and again) should just make it even more obvious…
whenever i read your synopsis it makes me feel like you just remuxed the subs to a different raw and pulled a whole episode out of your ass
“So with that, we’ve reached the conclusion of the tale of Queen Coco’s unsolved murder.”
Yes. I can see how you feel that way… 😉
“From there on, episodes 23 & 24 look to be from Gosick VIII: Twilight of the Gods Part 1 and possibly some content from Part 2 which won’t be on sale until late July and most likely just ties up all the loose ends.”
“Whether they’ll be covering much of Gosick VIII Part 2 (which won’t be published until the end of July) I have no idea.
That novel will probably just close the curtains on the series rather than anything else, but if it doesn’t then whatever relevant material follows on from part 1 will be included in the anime I imagine.”
Wait… some of you are saying ‘It doesn’t matter whether the anime adapts the ending to the entire series because it’s not strictly, 100% necessary’? >_> That’s… well… I can’t really say I agree with that… if the anime doesn’t adapt the entire source material, it would be nice to have the remainder covered in an OVA or two, at least.
Whatever the case, though, episodes 23 and 24 sound amazing. Can’t wait to see the older, more mature, non-shota and non-loli Kujo and Victorique. ^^
hei new amagami OVA is out! please subss 🙂
Will you ever translate the novels?