Crikin sure is pimpin’ it up.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_19_[h264-720p][5CADDCEF].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_19_[XviD][AEE5E15D].avi [DDL]
Not a bad episode at all. And wow, Sulfur Pot is the epitome of the sore loser.
Please note that what I had as “Kurikin” in the previous episode is now “Crikin”, short for Crimson Kingbolt. The previous episode will be fixed for the batch.
Looks like we’re going back to the main plot next week! Things aren’t looking too good for Haru and Co. though…
way to go UTW..unusually fast than commie..
oh, and thanx for the release and such.
Thanks, 600 MB is ok.
Really, ok, I’m not on the phone internet anymore.
watdafuq. Why is this encode so huge?
How about watching the ep before complaining?
er, I meant that in a “lolwut” way, not a “dear god this is terrible” way.
sorry ^^;
Well yeah there’s a ton of explosions and fighting and stuff this ep, so I guess it can’t be helped.
wow, early release for this week !! thank you guys
Yay early release!
Cool! Mulan bot has the xvid on the irc channel already.
cool,thanks for releasing SD version quickly.Way to go!!!
i need it as quickly as this release
Curses… Now I need to stop working and watch this. NOW, or well in 20mins once my slow ass internet downloads it.
Shit, actually make that 30-45mins.
Dat size… It’s to much for me.
Thanks for the release. I’m getting both UTW and Hadena’s release this week to see if UTW’s extra 180MB has any difference in the encode quality (although UTW’s script is always miles ahead of Hadena and others).
Thanks for the new release!
Thanks for the release, loved the episode ^^
Let’s fucking do this, there’s a lot of nice animation this episode. Thank UTW.
Also, can someone explain Lotus overdrives? She have one for each color or something?
Thanks so much for the episode! And yes… there will be conflict… for without… THERE IS NOTHING INTERESTING! THANKS AGAIN AND A GOOD NIGHT!
Thanks! Can’t wait to watch it
That was a very pleasing episode.
Kuroyukihime: I’m also can’t wait to open the gift you bought me.
Thanks for the quick SD version !!!
Will UTW be subbing the new Carnival Phantasm?
Thank you for the SD release.
Will Haru get everything back next week? Let’s find out!!!!!
Crikin: They said they were 18!
ahhhh 600+ mb episodes, how much I’ve missed you!
@Gregor? A new Carnival Phantasm? When?
my balls when i saw voltes five-ish character in there.
by some days i can’t acess the gotwoot website, do you know if something happened or if this will slow down SAO release?
Just wondering but I’m not mistaken, shoudn’t Crimson Kingbolt’s nickname from KYH be “Kurekin” instead of Crikin?
Kurenai = Crimson
So it would make sense for her to mix Japanese and English for it to be Kurekin.
She even pronounces it Ku-re-kin.
LOL, Crimson Kingbolt’s Megamachine Awakening is practically a homage to all the sentai gattais of the past and present. XD
Black Lotus says “kurikin” (クリキン), not “kurekin” (クレキン).
Oh I forgot, Megumi’s Duel Avatar is Orchid Oracle.
Great episode. Now lets hope she uses the gift she got from Crimson Kingbolt later in the story :]
The signs are fucking everywhere. Kuroyukihime is Kirito’a and Asuna’s daughter, I called it first.
NGD = new guitar day. trufax.
I’m keep missing the episodes when they are released because they aren’t being posted on Tokyo Toshokan anymore.
typo @21:24 I’m also can’t wait… (I also can’t wait…)
thanks for the subs as always!
also…..seeing a megazord after all these years…brings back sweet memories.
Now wait just a minute here….
Didn’t it get mentioned by Haru in a past episode (15 maybe?) that the Brain Burst program took up a ridiculous amount of space on their Neuro Linkers? And yet Megumi had no idea she had it installed all this time?? How the heck does that happen? It seems like their generation would know how to check disk space and usage 0_o I mean, I could understand if she couldn’t remember installing it for whatever reason, but how could she not notice something that big had been there all along?
In any case, thanks again for all your hard work and sharing it with us.
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So is Sulfur Pot voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama? definitely sounds like him
nevermind, it is voiced by him. Guess I can recognize his voice pretty well even though it’s not hard from when he screams
I dont know if everyone knows about this but i just downloaded an updated version of VLC today. which is VLC 2.0.3. It plays 10 bit 720p videos beautifully. .I really find that MPC-HC plus MadVr thing quite troublesome. VLC 2.0.3 is already an all in one package. Now i can watch Accel World in its 720p glory.
Hi I’m new here so I really don’t know where to look but when is your sub of ep.20 coming out? thanks