Unlimited Translation Works

Sword Art Online – 15

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_15_[720p][0CACF127].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_15_[XviD][BCBFB120].avi [DDL]
Joint with GotWoot Fansubs.
New arc, and new OP/ED! Maybe I should title these release posts as “Alfheim Online” instead.
An overwhelming majority of people with younger sisters say you’d be better off without one, but this episode still made me wish I had one (full-blooded or not).

129 Thoughts on “Sword Art Online – 15

  1. Thanks for the release 🙂

  2. Snakeman on October 14, 2012 at 2:47 am said:

    Ahhh that was a nice episode 😛

  3. You can also rename it to “Itoko Online”. 😀
    Thanks a bunch!

  4. iSupercell on October 14, 2012 at 2:51 am said:

    Thank you very much as always! ^^

  5. thanks so much! been refreshing the home page for quite a while and it’s worth the wait!!

  6. Change SAO into Alfheim 😀
    cuz the story not SAO again Lol

  7. Meyrin on October 14, 2012 at 2:52 am said:

    A very gooood episode 🙂

  8. Linkmstr on October 14, 2012 at 2:52 am said:

    Thanks again! =D
    Another great Saturday!

  9. I don’t know about Japaneses concept about younger sister.
    All I know, me and my sis.. we disagree and almost fight all the time.
    But oh well, nice ep!

  10. xypher on October 14, 2012 at 2:55 am said:

    I know that feel… wish I had a sweet imouto.

  11. Biribiri on October 14, 2012 at 2:58 am said:

    “An overwhelming majority of people with younger sisters say you’d be better off without one…”
    I can honestly say my life would suck ass without my imoutos. They cook, clean, do the laundry, dont annoy me in the least…except the youngest one will try and bite me if she asks for something and I wont give it to her…but that only lasts for about 10sec then she goes away. Guess im just lucky =3

  12. pendragon on October 14, 2012 at 2:59 am said:

    banzai! 😀 haha thanks! 🙂

  13. Somehow the version I downloaded is missing the following dialogue from Asuna’s bedside:
    “I’m surprised you’d think this line of BS would have an affect on me. After having spent two years watching our friends die just to get back to this life, there really is nothing anyone can do to upset me. I owe my life to this woman — probably several times over; your weasel routine couldn’t phase me in the least. Sure, I might hurt you if you attempt to carry out your plans, for sure you’ll end-up in one of these hospital rooms if you even look like you’re about to touch her again, but the peace within me that exists now that I’m out of SAO is everlasting.”

  14. Sakura on October 14, 2012 at 3:01 am said:

    Thanks for the episode!
    Yes, you are lucky. I only have one and she’s an expert at annoying me 24/7. Little sisters (in fact all siblings) are similar to babies. They are best enjoyed when you can *give them back* to someone else.

  15. PaulNamida on October 14, 2012 at 3:03 am said:

    F YEAH!!!!! TYVM!!!

  16. Pingback: Sword Art Online Episode 15 Overview - Entravity

  17. iShiney on October 14, 2012 at 3:08 am said:

    Awesome!!! UTW quality is UTW. 😛

  18. Geese1 on October 14, 2012 at 3:09 am said:

    Thanks for the new release!

  19. Great! Thanks UTW!
    Btw, I can’t say that My little sister is annoying cuz she is the one who done the household everyday, although we
    kinda having fight for some tiny issues sometime………

  20. AwesomePossum on October 14, 2012 at 3:14 am said:

    Thanks for the awesome work as usual!

  21. Time check.

  22. Black Kirito on October 14, 2012 at 3:16 am said:

    Thanks!!! So ALO begins….

  23. True… ughhh… im so fed up with my younger sister :<

  24. What? you want a younger sister?
    Dude sisters in this part of the world are not like those in japan.
    In animes all younger sisters are cute and lovely, in real life they are like the devil.

  25. namednoob on October 14, 2012 at 3:30 am said:

    FUCK THIS EPISODE 🙁 seriously it makes you want extend animes to last 5 hours instead of 30 minutes less… Thanks for the sub.

  26. Elfheim Online lol

  27. fuwaruu on October 14, 2012 at 3:37 am said:

    Imma wait for teh SD.

  28. Asdfjuma on October 14, 2012 at 3:48 am said:

    You and me both Raze!!

  29. wa, new fitting (IMO) OP/ED, thanks for the subs!
    [spoiler] Is that Yggdrasil I see in the OP? [/spoiler]

  30. alex0714 on October 14, 2012 at 3:57 am said:

    Sugu is love~
    Thanks !

  31. namednoob on October 14, 2012 at 4:09 am said:

    Im trying to remember but can’t, who is MASUPA ? And what is the spoiler tag ? Wanted to ask something else but will spoil the current ep.

  32. man00ver on October 14, 2012 at 4:11 am said:

    Great work as usual, team! One little adverbial placement suggestion: “you shouldn’t give up so easily on the one you love.” But it’s not like I’d be correcting her grammer while face-planted in that rack. 🙂

  33. man00ver on October 14, 2012 at 4:12 am said:

    …especially when I misspelled “grammar.” Hard to think when you’re covered in cute anatomy.

  34. man00ver on October 14, 2012 at 4:14 am said:

    namednoob – wrap square brackets around “spoiler” and “/spoiler” to make the spoiler tag.

  35. lolipedofin on October 14, 2012 at 4:24 am said:

    Yes baby, yes!!! Finally show time for Sugu-chan!!
    As for the little sister thing you said, I have a little sister in real life and I love her…. Of course she doesn’t act all clingy and spoiled like imoutos in the anime (actually she was back when she was 4-7 y old, but with 2 years difference I didn’t notice it at all), but still we hang out and chat like friends… In the end I’m glad I have a little sister.

  36. stgmefly on October 14, 2012 at 4:32 am said:

    I knew Suguha was going to be HNNNNG but my body wasn’t ready for anything that intense

  37. Oh and dont change the name.
    This anime is called Sword art online, i dont give a shit what the light novel is called.

  38. I think Asian imoutos (the one I have) are the ones that makes people HNGGGGGG, as there is a big difference between people coming from individualistic (West) and collectivist (East) societies. The qualities of ideal anime imoutos are more prevalent in Asia than the west, where girls are a lot more independent and self-assertive. But that’s just my oppinion.
    Believe it or not guys, my imouto is the tsundere type, I fucking love my life.

  39. enigmabloom on October 14, 2012 at 4:47 am said:


  40. Bolmetius^ on October 14, 2012 at 4:51 am said:

    Thank you so much!! 😀

  41. Trigger Off on October 14, 2012 at 5:00 am said:

    >game abilites in real life
    >no muscular atrophy
    Is this a fanfic?

  42. limabean on October 14, 2012 at 5:01 am said:

    As another guy with an Asian imouto, I’m gonna have to disagree with ya. It’s not like I wish my sister didn’t exist… but well, it would be nice if her entire personality changed :x.
    At any rate, thanks for the episode!
    Also Yggdrasil looks totally different from what I imagined.

  43. JokerGist on October 14, 2012 at 5:02 am said:

    Thank you UTW for the release ^^. This episode was pretty good, but what is with anime right now and suggesting these creepy incest couples XD. I have a question, by the opening, are the having Kirito get with someone else eventually or something, that would suck o-o.

  44. limabean on October 14, 2012 at 5:03 am said:

    Making a double post here ’cause I didn’t see Trigger Off’s comment ’til I sent mine.
    @Trigger Off
    He specifically mentions going through physical therapy and that he can’t pull off sword skills without the system assist.

  45. Tacos For All on October 14, 2012 at 5:05 am said:

    The new intro is so moving. How can it not with it’s DEEPLY SIGNIFICANT birds at the end.

  46. limabean on October 14, 2012 at 5:19 am said:

    Gonna put this in spoiler tags if I don’t fail:
    First one less spoilerific, second one a little more so.
    Less spoilerific answer: no.
    More spoilerific: that is the in-game form of his sister/cousin; in-game name “Lyfa” or however they decided to spell it officially.

  47. Kojiro on October 14, 2012 at 5:19 am said:

    Anyone else have issued with the OP crashing MPlayer? It couldn’t manage the file, so I shifted over to VLC for this ep. Also, ridiculously small file size compared to the rest, yeah? 400MB on avg, now 250MB, lol. Not that I’m complaining.
    In other news, pretty good ep, although it took it’s time walking through the LN events pretty methodically. Looking forward to seeing Alfheim Online. Kirito get’s to be pretty fucking cool during it.
    As for GGO, I’m betting that they have just a short little almost teaser scene at the end of the season, and putitng out hte hope that there will be a second.

  48. macxxx007 on October 14, 2012 at 5:21 am said:

    Ah yes… a man has a right to dream…
    Thanks so much for the episode! AND WOW! They’re not even going to bother separate seasons! JUST GO RIGHT IN WITH ALFHEIM! Very interesting… thanks so much for the episode and please have a good night!

  49. grimeh on October 14, 2012 at 5:27 am said:

    Thanks! 😀
    This episode was amazing, freaked out for a bit there at the end of the last episode.

  50. UTW FTW!

  51. namednoob on October 14, 2012 at 5:34 am said:

    Can some one clarify to me who is [spoiler] MASUPA from the mail at the end[/spoiler] ? I don’t recall that name in the previous episodes or is that goign to clear up later or is completely irrelevant ? I know that agil is that balcksmith/merchant but have no recollections of the later.

  52. namednoob on October 14, 2012 at 5:34 am said:

    Oh and thanks man00ver for the tag info

  53. Kinny Riddle on October 14, 2012 at 5:35 am said:

    As Suguha-chan is voiced by Taketatsu Ayana, thus this episode’s subtitle is AKA “Kazuto’s ‘Sister’ Can’t Be This Cute”.

  54. JokerGist on October 14, 2012 at 5:36 am said:

    @limabean You mean the yellow-haired girl…? If so, I already figured that would be his sister, I’ve seen too much anime not to suspect that XD. Thanks though for confirming that thought ^^.

  55. Geez, At least make a web banner that says “UNLIMITED TRANSLATION ONLINE” or something. 🙁

  56. yptisme on October 14, 2012 at 5:38 am said:

    any chance you can share the timing of the karaoke? 😛

  57. Trigger Off on October 14, 2012 at 6:02 am said:

    OH YOU ARE SO-FUCKING-RIGHT, he mentions it! I might also mention that I can lift 5 elephants with a finger.

  58. unknownxfake on October 14, 2012 at 7:08 am said:

    Is UTW gonna do a Bluray version of SAO?

  59. Being a moron I kind of spoiled it for myself.
    [spoiler]So we are going to end up falling for her and when she gets rejected only to have our heart broken into a million pieces. I’m not sure I can take anymore heart break after Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate. [/spoiler]
    I might not be able to bring myself to watch this arc.

  60. Some consistency issues here. Okay, so Kirito looks like a 90 year old geezer when he woke up near the end of episode 14, which is to be expected considering he hasn’t moved an inch for two years. And yet in this episode Asuna looks hotter than ever despite being in the same state as Kirito. Dafuq?

  61. [spoiler] Great, first Accel World has a super hate-able character and now SAO has one. Bleh. [/spoiler]
    Thanks for the episode though!

  62. kinson555 on October 14, 2012 at 7:32 am said:

    My apologies if this has been asked and answered before:
    Does anyone know where i can download the SAO manga?
    NOT read it online but actually download it.
    And to the UTW staff: many thanks for all your hard work.
    It is appreciated.

  63. ergZay on October 14, 2012 at 7:40 am said:

    @kinson555 First off SAO is based on a _novel_ (more specifically an internet novel that became a light novel). I highly suggest you read the novel rather than reading the manga. That can be read at http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Sword_Art_Online
    If you really want to read the manga that was adapted from the novel and not the real thing then look on manga updates and look at the groups who translated it and go to their websites, they have download links on their websites usually.

  64. The manga is mostly as rushed as the anime, though. You won’t get much out of it.

  65. klaynne14 on October 14, 2012 at 7:55 am said:

    finally with avi… thanks! xD

  66. Just a question: Will you guys release a patch later with the end card illustration for all the episodes?

  67. Sunriots on October 14, 2012 at 7:59 am said:

    @Trigger Off
    You might wanna lay off the sarcasm there mate cause you’re sounding pretty damn stupid.
    A great episode to kick start ALO! I’m a Scilica all the way but Sugu is too HNNNG

  68. Another Deeply Significant Seagull Shot in the opening 😛

  69. a-chan on October 14, 2012 at 8:20 am said:

    omg! 24min is not enough for me.Give me more episode

  70. Kohiro on October 14, 2012 at 8:21 am said:

    Great episode just like I expected. ALO is not going to be rush like SAO was as to seeing this episode but really, That is Yggdrasil??? I thought is looked like this.
    Well I guess some changes are ok. LOL

  71. i have 2 younger sisters, and yea overall you’re better off without one.
    then again, i tend to borrow money from them so…. i guess its “convenient” to have lil’ sisters… XD

  72. >Quazacolt
    Damn I’m kinda envious of you.

  73. Many thanks for your work!
    I wished to see ALO beginning in this episode u.u

  74. Jay-kun on October 14, 2012 at 11:29 am said:

    Thanks! 😀

  75. ShadowBlade on October 14, 2012 at 12:34 pm said:

    Thanks for the release 😀

  76. guys any news or ETA about FATE\ZERO s2 BDs ?

  77. Cosmos on October 14, 2012 at 1:57 pm said:

    Is it just me, or does the subtitle rendering becoming heavier than before ?
    I can still manage 1st season subtitle rendering without problems, but I can’t afford this one… It lags a lot..
    And yes, I’ve upgraded my xy-vs filter to newest version…

  78. Tenpura-kun on October 14, 2012 at 2:23 pm said:

    Thank you for your hard work!
    I’ll happily be your sister~ XD

  79. JokerGist on October 14, 2012 at 3:50 pm said:

    @ Sushi
    Is this a problem? XD. But you do have a point though, Asuna would be more decayed looking XD.
    @kinson555 Here are some download links for SAO LN and Manga.
    Light Novel Download: http://kat.ph/sword-art-online-light-novels-pdfs-t6644914.html (only 1-9 though : /).
    Manga Download: http://www.mangatraders.com/manga/series/6899 (need to make an account).

  80. My imouto is the only person in my family who cares about anime and has done paired cosplay with me three times. We’re currently working on #4.
    I rather like my sister.

  81. I don’t think it’s Yggdrasil, most probably it’s the Tower of Wind in siph territory.

  82. anonymous on October 14, 2012 at 7:12 pm said:

    nice new episodes :), but the subtitles kinda appear-dissapear for awhile? or is it just me?
    also, the new op/ed kinda ugly, i like the previous ones :/
    and yay, i think it much times but sugou really better off eating the water from vase or a good 100 hit combo punch in face lalala

  83. Why do the subtitles always flash during the Opening and Ending theme?

  84. Kazeto on October 14, 2012 at 9:27 pm said:

    I’m telling you guys, the ALO server ships Kirito x Lyfa. Because it spawned them close.
    [spoiler]A shame Suguha took (will take?) the revelation that Kirito is Kazuto badly. But then again, it’s like drowning and getting a floater made of asbestos.[/spoiler]

  85. JokerGist on October 14, 2012 at 9:44 pm said:

    @Anyone needing help with subtitle issues. Okay, so I have no problems with the subtitles, so I will tell you all the programs I have. Okay, first off: K-Lite codec sucks in terms of easy user-interface. I use CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack), it’s much more streamlined. Why not try it at least, K-Lite is not going anywhere, you can always re-install it. Once you have CCCP, go to view, then options, click playback (in left column), set the EVR buffer to 4 (left side). Also select EVR custom preset (right side), put the Resizer on Bicubic A=-1.00 (PS 2.0). Then I have the newest Icaros 2.0.0. Then lastly, then just have xy-VSFilter Hope that helps, it not, sorry :(.

  86. Thank god I’m not in this position. Love my sister but it will never turn out to be like what you see in anime. Though I’m not one of those people who’d say I would be better off without my little sister.
    Anyway, fairly good episode. Interested to see how ALO will look.

  87. Navitron on October 14, 2012 at 10:58 pm said:

    I guess I had my hopes up too high after the ending of episode 14. It turned from the best anime I’ve seen in 2 years to typical harem anime bullshit in 1 episode WTF! I’m not impressed at all with this episode, I hope this isn’t the kind of stuff coming up in future episodes.
    Oh yeah and as someone with 2 younger and 2 older sisters, I can say definitively sisters are pretty cool! 😀 Younger ones are pretty much like you see in most anime looking up to their older brothers and stuff… But once they turn 12/13 say goodbye to that cute little sister that always wants to watch you play video games/anime and hang out with you. Once they become teenagers they will hate your guts and you will hate theirs… But at about 16/17 they start likening you again. Its like a bittersweet little sister roller coaster. >_>

  88. Shawn263241 on October 14, 2012 at 11:29 pm said:

    I was worried where this anime was going, but I gotta say this episode wasn’t any bit less interesting than the last 14! Thanks UTW!

  89. @Navitron: I’ve actually been consistently disappointed in this show throughout, partially because it already had a lot of bad-harem-ness. This part actually felt the most natural in that regard so far, and was actually one of the few episodes I kind of liked, even if I can’t believe some parts. Honestly, I just don’t like Kirito very much, which I find amusing since so many people seem to hate Haruyuki and I don’t have any more problem with him than I do most male protagonists.

  90. Solitud on October 14, 2012 at 11:34 pm said:

    Until their friends start liking you! Then you become a target of hate again and little sister hate is the worst kind of hate (it’s liking being glared at by the devil himself!).
    Anyway, yeah, you really shouldn’t expect much from this arc. Kirito obliviously attracts girls to his harem in every arc after this, though the latest is at least better about it. Author should’ve called it quits after the first arc…before putting the side-stories up even because that’s when harem-filler began. Then we get horrible fairy brocon arc, overall decent AMURICA MMO arc, and pretty philosophical/existential underworld arc. Volume wise, it’s about 50/50 on good and bad assuming the last arc still has a few more volumes to go.

  91. Just noticed this episode has the smallest file size so far, probably because not a lot animation required for this episode

  92. Kazeto on October 15, 2012 at 2:14 am said:

    Originally, only the first arc existed. The author had to write more after SAO had been cleared because his novel got green-lighted. A similar thing happened with Haruhi novels, really.

  93. littleogre on October 15, 2012 at 2:40 am said:

    @Solitud: There is taste for everything. Personally I liked the second and specially the third arc much more than the first one. You may dislike the series to your heart’s content, but there is nothing remotely like an harem in these series. Sure girls fall for Kirito, but it is always one sided. His relation with Asuna is very solid throughout the series. There is never any doubt about who he is with.

  94. Anyone else getting an audio problem where it is cutting off randomly?

  95. psyionx on October 15, 2012 at 4:17 am said:

    Thanks for this splendid episode! cant wait for the next release!
    feel like reading “Alfheim Online” again!
    didn’t expect yggdrasil trees’ trunk to look so inorganic….

  96. Rambling. I have to concur with Sushi. Kirito looked like he had been bedridden for two plus years, muscles had atrophied, etc. Asuna looks like she’s taking a nap. Her hair doesn’t even look any longer than it did before.
    My real point, if I have one, would be this: I’ve not had any exposure to SAO outside of the anime. I don’t know what story arc does what and goes where, etc. What I do know is that while I’ll continue to give this show a chance, I’ve not found anything in either the OP or this episode that is making me not wish Kirito et al were still in Aincrad clearing dungeons. Maybe I’m overly partial to hack-n-slash and not overly fond of elves and little sisters. Or elves that are little sisters. I dunno. I don’t even have a sister, little or otherwise, but they seem to crop up alot in anime and usually I wind up disliking the character. Maybe if they were not always oddly attracted to their older brothers…
    The new Aoi Eir OP is awesome. I was hoping the ED would be more along the lines of Luna Haruna’s ED for Fate/Zero. Maybe it, and this series going forward, will grow on me. Peace!

  97. ChickenSoup on October 15, 2012 at 11:31 am said:

    Awesome subs! great job and Keep ’em coming~
    Omg, Suguha is so HNNNNNGGGG….

  98. Just wait for 3rd arc and see Kirito there you will go HNNNNGGGGGGGGGG

  99. The glorious Sugu. And, just I’d predicted, Sugu’s fanart is inundating the net after Episode 15. Waiting for [spoiler]Oreimo crossover[/spoiler] :3
    Yes, it seems Reki-sensei likes to make douchbag antagonist like Sugou and Nomi in his writing. I can feel the their level of dickery in the same level.
    Now, let’s enjoy the Kazuto’s badassary grinding un ALO in next episode.

  100. man00ver on October 15, 2012 at 4:49 pm said:

    @Nine – I felt the same as you when first approaching the Fairy Dance volumes in the light novels, but starting next episode you’ll begin to realize that Aincrad was never the main character in these stories. Take heart, as it’s very likely your patience will be rewarded.

  101. billy bo bob on October 15, 2012 at 4:56 pm said:

    ………not sure about this episode kinda had a ntr moment in their i just hope when the anime over and done with he is with asuna and not in a romance with his sister

  102. eirix85 on October 15, 2012 at 7:13 pm said:

    Hi guys, first thanks for the release. Second, I have a problem. The player crashes during the OP. I’m using mplayer2 on fedora 16, the player is updated. Thanks for helping. 🙂

  103. Passby on October 16, 2012 at 1:12 am said:

    For those who think it’s odd that while Kirito looks terrible after 2 years, Azuna’s still hot. Azuna is the daughter of a millionaire. Her father can hire a maid, a stylist, or whoever to take care of his daughter. They can clean her body, apply lotion, cut her hair, or massage. That’s what a rich father can do for his daughter.

  104. JokerGist on October 16, 2012 at 1:56 am said:

    @Passby I had not really put any thought into the matter. But you do have a point for those who wondered that XD. Besides, maybe the father could also afford a better way of feeding her XD.

  105. Kohiro on October 16, 2012 at 6:05 am said:

    For those of you that think this is a harem show I don’t know what what you been watching. IMO a harem show is where many girls liking the male protagonist for no reason at all but just the first look and fall in love, the male protagonist being a bastard and indecisive with whom to be with or chasing skirts all over the place them self. Kirito (or Kirigaya Kazuto) as a male protagonist in this show was never like that and girls don,t fall for him just because.
    Let See what we have here so far…
    We all know why Kirito and Asuna fall for each other because they would on die a long time ago without each other even all the way back in episode 2.
    Silica: She like him because Kirito save her life and also help her bring Pina back to life. You can call Kirito a bastard here because he was really just using her to catch the PKers that he was after.
    Lisbeth: Kirito just wanted a new sword and had to do what he can to get it made. His first impression wasn’t even close to flirting with a girl (breaking her best sword and all) and right off the bat she was like ”Can you even pay for that?”… It was through his actions later on that she fell for him and he pretty much turn her down on the spot and plus she never fight Asuna for Kirito like all of the harem shows out there anyway.
    Yui: I know many of you was thinking loli time to join the harem…=_= Well it’s true there is love there but as a father to a child love. There are other shows like that where the male protagonist live with there child and such but not many. Not harem here.
    Sachi: She was the only one that ever came close. You can see she somewhat fall for Kirito but have more fear of death and see no future to even start falling for him. As for Kirito. He just wanted to be in a group and protect them the best he could although that one final fatal mistake made him regret it for the rest of his life.
    Suguha: As we can see she is good in nature with a good heart to start with (Yes, a perfect Imouto we wish to have), For her to like her brother not just a little but a lot he has to of been really good to her. Although some mistake here and there sometime, Kirito (or Kirigaya Kazuto) was not a bad person. Not once had we seen he yell at anyone out of ill logic anger. Maybe it’s also due to the fact that he knows he was adopted into the family (since the age of ten) and that he should be greatful and kind to them. For Suguha, she always love him as a onii-chan but gotten lonely and sad when he got stuck in SAO. When she found out they ain’t siblings she slowly turn that feeling into love for a man instead of a brother and after he wakes up from SAO she found out he already has someone named Asuna it was hard for her to take. As the story goes you’ll see how she try’s to avoid the love for her brother (cousin) and look for love elsewhere. (Yes, in ALO where she thought she found someone else to love.)…
    As for male bonding, there is some of that too (Glad there wasn’t too much). Agil was a good friend but Klein really do care about Kirito from day one. Always checking up on Kirito to see if he is OK.
    All in all I don’t see this as a harem show but if you’re looking for nothing but male bonding or mindless hack & slash through every episode. This is not for you.
    Might as well watch JoJo or Fist of the Northern Star or something…=_=

  106. natsukashii-ne? on October 16, 2012 at 7:38 am said:

    Thanks UTW for the great sub, as always…
    NOW to the creators: what the fuck. an imouto kick now? his little fucking sister just has to have unrequited love complex on the brother who has projected a technologically unrequited marriage complex on a (temporarily?) comatose girl…. GOD DAMN IT, SAO! I’m trying SO hard to like this show. It’s not like there isn’t great material in the novels, but no let’s write it so it’s got loli, HAREM that wasn’t a harem, IMOUTO that probably won’t actually be, and troll it all with a traditional marriage love story and a imaginary kid. Jesus McFuck.

  107. @Kohiro
    Good call. I couldn’t say better myself.
    There’s something for everyone though I don’t condone loving your little sister beyond the context of sibling. Well, in some cultures, marriage between cousin is acceptable but it might comes with a stigma in the community. [spoiler]Since Midori and Kazuto’s mother are siblings, Suguha will act as his emotional support at the family side (which her conflicting feelings will be reveal and resolve near the end of the arc). Asuna will still become Kazuto’s de facto lover and yet gamer chicks are keep falling for him. Haters gonna hate :3[/spoiler]

  108. Kazeto on October 16, 2012 at 3:10 pm said:

    You can keep on explaining, but there will always be people who are too ignorant to care. Case in point, people who think/thought that Yui was going to become a part of the “harem” – they are ignoring the nature of their feelings (assuming that Yui has any, but whatever) because they just got used to equalling “a lot of girls and a male protagonist” with “it’s a harem anime”.
    And it’s not really hard to see that this is what happens with the “harem” thing if you aren’t ignorant:
    [spoiler]Kazuto and Asuna are the official couple.
    Lisbeth had a crush on him but realized nothing will happen and is just their friend.
    Suguha’s feelings are barely anything more than a source of pain for her as she tries to keep herself as Kazuto’s sibling, and in the end she is just Kazuto’s “little sister”.
    Silica had a crush on him, but it was more “admiration” type than “love” type, and she remains their friend.
    Sinon sees him as a worthy rival.
    Yui is pretty much his and Asuna’s in-game adopter daughter, though he is the one she is around of.
    Sachi felt something, but we don’t know if it was anything more than friendship because she died.
    And both Klein and Agil are just their friends (because I’m sure there are blind idiots out there who think they are also parts of Kazuto’s “harem”).[/spoiler]
    But sadly, there is no medicine for ignorance (nor for stupidity). Still, props for you for explaining it well for those who just did not know but wanted to learn.

  109. You can have a harem where the male lead isn’t skirt-chasing, and even without him ending up in accidental-grope situations. All the girls can even have a halfway decent reason. Hayate no Gotoku is an example of both. It’s still a harem. I’m not saying this really is one, it just had a number of poor harem-like elements in some of the side-arcs (no, I don’t count Yui’s). These girls fell way too hard way too quickly to make reasonable sense.
    And just because there is an official or end-coupling also doesn’t make something not a harem show. It doesn’t have to end with a literal one.

  110. Thanks for the release. I wonder what will happen in the next episodes?
    BUT what I really hope is this anime will not be like Fairy Tail.

  111. littleogre on October 17, 2012 at 9:20 pm said:

    @Cork: no you cannot. have an harem when the male part of it is unwilling to form one. An harem is, by definition, a lot of women who are attached in stable relationships to the same man and living in the same place. Otherwise it is not an harem at all.
    It requires willingness from the man to keep those women as romantic partners and in the same living space. If you wrongly define harem as “several women pinning for a guy” every single male pop star out there has harems of epic proportions.

  112. JustusR on October 17, 2012 at 9:55 pm said:

    “what the fuck. an imouto kick now? his little fucking sister just has to have unrequited love complex on the brother who has projected a technologically unrequited marriage complex on a (temporarily?) comatose girl…. GOD DAMN IT, SAO!”
    I also am not a fan of this arc. Incest is creepy, not cute, and the ending is bullshit, but on the bright side it’s a short arc and the subsequent stories are better. I don’t know if those other arcs are going to get animated though.

  113. man00ver on October 17, 2012 at 11:16 pm said:

    Since cousin-marriage is legal in Japan (and elsewhere, incidentally), let’s stipulate that there is no possibility of actual incest in this arc, m’kay? I’d say something even more definitive, but I don’t really want to post an open spoiler. Let’s just say that there shouldn’t be any need to drop this anime if you’re offended by incest; your sensibilities on this matter should be safe from abuse. That’s no guarantee you’ll like the story (though I did).

  114. Yeah, what man00ver said. Both Kazuto and Suguha were trying to distance from the other; Kazuto because he did not want to stop seeing Suguha as his sister, and Suguha for the same reason. Heck, she will go and try to find herself a guy in a game to have someone to love romantically, to be able to be with Kazuto as just his sister.
    [spoiler]And she will succeed at finding a guy for herself. One going by the name “Kirito”. When she found out about him being her brother, she kind of broke (a really sad moment in the story). But in the end, she remained there as “just” his sister, and she is happy to be there on that position.[/spoiler]

  115. littleogre on October 18, 2012 at 3:54 am said:

    [quote]projected a technologically unrequited marriage complex on a (temporarily?) comatose girl[/quote]
    Sorry, but there is absolutely nothing unrequited between Kirito and Asuna.

  116. natsukashii-ne? on October 18, 2012 at 8:25 pm said:

    Apparently no-one realized I turned the sarcasm dial up to 11. I’m enjoying this show, I know it’s NOT a harem, and yes we all are explicitly aware that Asuna & Kirito have consumated their relationship (IN-GAME).
    @Kohiro – perfect analysis of the harem that isn’t a harem I joked about, nice summary. I don’t think this show is a harem, for those who didn’t get my sardonic tone before.
    @littleogre – yes, it was a joke — technologically-projected unrequited love implies specifically she isn’t reciprocating the love he feels for her, because she can’t love him, because right now she’s fucking comatose. not sure that’s hard to interpret, but apparently it was.

  117. @natsukashii-ne:
    I thought it was something like that with the “unrequited” thing.
    Well, people will always over-react when it’s about characters they like. Nice parody (or however you want to call it), by the way.

  118. littleogre on October 19, 2012 at 12:20 am said:

    @natsukashii-ne: you need to read about Poe’s Law. 😛

  119. JustusR on October 19, 2012 at 2:31 am said:

    “Since cousin-marriage is legal in Japan (and elsewhere, incidentally), let’s stipulate that there is no possibility of actual incest in this arc, m’kay?”
    Hiding behind legal technicalities doesn’t not change the symbolism in the story one bit. Having romantic feelings for someone you’ve lived with as a sibling all your life is a symptom of significant psychological trauma that should be treated, not celebrated. Note: search Google for “covert” or “emotional” incest definitions.
    This is one of the aspects of mass media, including anime, that causes me to avoid most of it – the normalization of dysfunction.

  120. man00ver on October 19, 2012 at 2:56 am said:

    JustusR – I don’t generally disagree with you, but I think your points are more aptly targeted at some other stories (example: OniAi), and not this one. Our heroine has just emerged from a psychological trauma of two years’ duration, during which she learned something new about someone close to her. She’s confused, and this is a source of pathos and dramatic tension for the story, not a celebration. Let’s see how she deals with it (for those who don’t already know).

  121. man00ver on October 19, 2012 at 3:23 am said:

    JustusR – Also followed your reference to “covert incest,” and I can’t imagine why you think it has anything at all to do with this story. The storyline in Sankarea had a pretty extreme example of it, though.

  122. JustusR on October 19, 2012 at 3:28 am said:

    “but I think your points are more aptly targeted at some other stories (example: OniAi), and not this one”
    Overall I’ve found this series to be better that most, which is why I’m watching/reading at all, and also why I’m disappointed about some of the weaker aspects.
    I’m certainly willing to give them credit where it’s due. This series actually allows male characters to display emotional intelligence (not as much as I’d like, but vastly more than what I expected). Female characters don’t get to physically abuse any man they feel like, for any (or no) reason at all. In one instance even the subject of physical child abuse is mentioned without downplaying the severity or making excuses for the perpetrator.
    “Let’s see how she deals with it (for those who don’t already know).”
    I didn’t find that to be particularly satisfying, but on the other hand it’s a lot better than how Maze, for example, handled it. So at least it represents progress in the medium.

  123. littleogre on October 19, 2012 at 6:44 pm said:

    @JustusR: Personally I think, that given your sensibilities, you would be better off if you refrain from watching or reading Shounen material, but then again your sensibilities make me think you wouldn’t be too comfortable around most of the Seinen stuff too. Maybe your best choice would be to skip animes and mangas completely…
    Personally I find OniAi, Harems and any other kind of “depravity” you may shun at as very good material to create funny and interesting stories, and “Emotional Inteligence” a stupid concept that in the end means absolutely nothing. “Inteligence” and “Emotional” in the same expression is actually an oxymoron.

  124. JokerGist on October 19, 2012 at 9:15 pm said:

    Yeah, being sensitive to all these weird things in anime is really pointless, you have to keep in mind that it is just that, anime, these weird things like harems and apparently incest is to be expected at this point XD.

  125. JustusR on October 19, 2012 at 11:33 pm said:

    “Maybe your best choice would be to skip animes and mangas completely…”
    Did that for years. It’s good to find a series that’s not too bad to watch.
    ““Inteligence” and “Emotional” in the same expression is actually an oxymoron.”
    It’s not an oxymoron according to science, but I understand not all people get their facts from science.

  126. littleogre on October 19, 2012 at 11:47 pm said:

    “Did that for years. It’s good to find a series that’s not too bad to watch.”
    And still most of what you have to say about such series are complaints. You are either masochist or you like to complain more than you like to watch. Probably a bit of both. 😛
    “It’s not an oxymoron according to science, but I understand not all people get their facts from science.”
    Nah. Real science at large does not recognize the term “emotional intelligence”. It is too vague a term with and with intrinsic inconsistencies in its definition to be taken seriously. Not even those few psychologists of any importance who defend the term can agree about what exactly it defines. In the end it is a misuse of a perfectly fine word called “intelligence”, which has a very clear meaning that has absolutely nothing to do with emotions.

  127. JokerGist on October 20, 2012 at 11:41 pm said:

    I just looked through a raw version of episode 16 (I get them raw too, for editing). But I can not wait for UTW to release this episode :D. Yui is more adorable than ever :3. Even though the anime looks different now, it looks to be very interesting still ^^. I hope the anime extends longer than 25 episodes, cause this is one of my favorite animes of all time ^^.

  128. OMG that is Yggdrasil!!! They change the look of it!

  129. Come on, new episode, stop hiding already!

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