Unlimited Translation Works

Author Archives: Stig

Toaru Majutsu no Index-tan: The Movie: The EXPERIENCE

DOWNLOAD 1080p: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index-tan_-_Endymion_no_Kiseki_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC][C4772B66].mkv
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index-tan_-_Endymion_no_Kiseki_[BD][h264-720p_AAC][A26D6D00].mkv
My name is stig, my first officer is fotc, and we are in charge of flying you to the island of Index-tan The Movie, which is part of the Toaru Republic behalf of UTW Airlines. We are currently passing through the barrened lands of Hatsuyuki and beginning to lower altitude in preparation for landing.
I’d like to apologize on behalf of the entire crew for the delay caused by the turbulence we ran into while travelling over REAL LIFE land, which forced us to land. I’ve got it on good authority that you’ve been well cared for at the WHITE ALBUM and KYOUKAI NO KANATA resorts the airline provided for you.
It’s been a pleasure to be your captain on this flight, and I hope you’ll choose to fly with us again in the future.

Much More Railgun III – Railgun S Special

DOWNLOAD 1080p: [UTW-Mazui]_Motto_Marutto_Railgun_-_III_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC][E33FACB8].mkv
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW-Mazui]_Motto_Marutto_Railgun_-_III_[BD][h264-720p_AAC][FC170EC8].mkv
Shitty games (or Kusoge) are what separates the men from the boys. It makes you learn that when you start a game, you finish it at all costs.
When I was a young lad in his prime, I purchased a game called Superman 64. How I longed for a Superman game! I popped in the game and I barely even could see around me, but I did see rings, a whole lot of rings. The entire game is not about kicking alien ass and saving Metropolis, but to fly through the rings, with shitty mini games in between, and the controls sucked so bad that it was almost unplayable. The game caused me to go through the five stages of grief while playing it and never believe in licensed superhero games ever again (Until Arkham Asylum) , but as a result, I’m the man I’m today.
Thank you, Superman 64. I love you.
The road of enjoying shitty games is long and is not for everyone, you’ve been warned.
Special thanks goes to MPythonFC for supplying the BD, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
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