Unlimited Translation Works

Angel Beats BD5

DOWNLOAD H.264 1080p: [UTW]_Angel_Beats!_09-10_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC] [FS]
DOWNLOAD H.264 720p: [UTW]_Angel_Beats!_09-10_[BD][h264-720p_AC3] [FS]
Etto… Angel Beats! BD5. LiSA’s Ichiban no Takaramono rocks. Nothing more to be said! I fixed a couple of signs that lagged on the 1080 too.
Bonus Features List:
* Episode 09: Creditless Ending + Web Preview Spliced In
* Episode 10: Web Preview Spliced In
720p Release
* Video – ~CRF 15, 2-pass mixed
* Audio – AC3 2.0 320Kbps
1080p Release
* Video – ~CRF 16.5, 2-pass mixed
* Audio Track 1 – Main: FLAC 2.0 24bit
* Audio Track 2 – Commentary: AC3 2.0 192Kbps
By the way, the commentary is NOT translated because it’s meant to be enjoyed in Japanese πŸ˜€ (iirc we’re lazy~)
Blu-Ray Volume 6 retail release is 11/24, that’s all I know at this point. Hopefully won’t take as long as this one this time around!
So now that Volume 7’s Special Episode has been announced and a Web Preview made available;
The OVA Title is Stairway to Heaven. It’ll be released on BD/DVD Volume 7 on 22nd December and before anybody asks;
“Of course we’ll be translating it!”. So without further ado: ??????
Angel Beats JP Flash Video or YouTube Video
[c165] Let’s go! (Yui)
[c84] This is what being young is all about! (Hinata)
[c150] Awesome!
[c100] Still no Honnouji Incident yet?! (Noda)
[c77] Hooh!! (TK)
[c42] So good! So good! So freaking good! (Ooyama)
[c168] Lemme dance too! (Fujimaki)
[c236] Cuuuuuuute!! (Ooyama/Shiina)
[c136] What’s with you people?! (Naoi)
[c38] What a fiend!! (Takamatsu)
[c272] Cute. (Kanade)
[c140] Seemed like so much fun… (Otonashi)
[c36] All of you, no food for a week. (Yuri)
Not sure who the translator was, but thanks to whomever none the less!
– ar

40 Thoughts on “Angel Beats BD5

  1. go3001 on November 7, 2010 at 5:47 am said:

    Your other projects translations are very good but why is this so shit?? Go get Mazui’s subs! Please!

  2. Thanks πŸ˜€
    @go3001 If you for some reason don’t like the subs remux the mkv’s with Mazui’s subs….

  3. @go3001
    Um excuse me, you have actually watched this right? In my humble opinion the translation Ershin did was great (and I understand some Japanese too). I don’t know which translation you’ve been watching lol.

  4. mmm any chance for a DDL? my torrent sucks at my location :(. also waiting for BD4 in DDL but dont think that’s gonna happen anymore.

  5. I don’t do the DDL’s myself, you can try irc for xdcc though, it’s available there~ I’ll ask Raze if he can do the DDL’s when he wakes up though.

  6. Eh? Someone bashing UTW’s subs? Alright, I’m going to download all of UTW’s Angel Beats BD releases and see >_> I have great faith in UTW, and my only regret is not getting your AB BD releases sooner ><

  7. Stilzkin on November 7, 2010 at 8:08 am said:

    although i have the original blu rays, i’m stil downloading ;p
    so thank you for the release UTW !

  8. i saw a weeboo here @_@ [i]stare at go3001[/i]
    don’t mind him, keep going, guys….. i’ll always wait for ur awesome project πŸ˜€

  9. aniluv on November 7, 2010 at 9:13 am said:

    Thanks a lot. Last volume to go

  10. @aniluv
    2 more to go! 6 has Episode 11/12 and 7 has Episode 13/13b? (Stairway to Heaven OVA)
    Edit: I updated the main post with Special Episode stuff!

  11. DmonHiro on November 7, 2010 at 10:46 am said:

    OK, I’m going to play devil’s advocate for a while, so don’t hate me too much. The translation is actually great. What isn’t, is the editing. What I mean is that while the meaning it conserved, the subtitles are a bit awkward, and a bit too literal in their grammar. For example, in episode 08 when
    [spoiler]Kanade summons the last clone, she says “For her to take in all the consciousness in at one time… It won’t be easy for her”. While the IS what she said, it is not a good idea to keep the same structure as the Japanese language. A much better line would have been “Do not think that taking in all those consciousness at one time will be easy for her.”. It says the exact same thing, but with a correct sentence structure. There are other cases like this scattered through the other episodes. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, I really appreciate your work and am archiving it. I just think that you could make this release even better, through a small extra effort.

  12. You could sit there all day reviewing and revising a script. But it will get to the point where the time spent sitting there restructuring lines will outweigh the possible grammatical gain from doing so. I think the fact that you perfectly understood the line from the translated version (assuming you don’t know Jap) and even gave an edit of said line means that the message that was being conveyed through the original line did it’s job. I know it might come as a shock to some.. But this is a translation, not an essay.

  13. DmonHiro on November 7, 2010 at 12:42 pm said:

    Zanz, you are indeed correct. It did not stop me from understanding what they were saying. In fact, I’m sure anyone could have made the edit I made. Please take note that I am not complaining. I am just giving a little constructive criticism. If they listen to it, great. If not, it’s still the best version available.

  14. communist on November 7, 2010 at 12:51 pm said:

    can u tell me…why the size of ep 9 isn’t like usual? I mean, 600 MB? really?
    anything beside that….thank you very much…looking forward to Angel Beats! OVA : Stairway to Heaven πŸ˜€

  15. dark_skeleton on November 7, 2010 at 1:06 pm said:

    AWESOME, I can resume watching this one ^^

  16. IZEROII on November 7, 2010 at 1:39 pm said:

    Yes yes and yes. @communist….really? stop your bitching :p
    Thanks UTW! Yosuga no Sora Monday!!! πŸ™‚

  17. communist on November 7, 2010 at 2:09 pm said:

    @IZEROII…I LOVE EP 9!!!!!

  18. IZEROII on November 7, 2010 at 2:34 pm said:

    @communist all in love man all in love πŸ˜€

  19. ShadowRealm on November 7, 2010 at 3:26 pm said:

    Thx for the episodes!!~

  20. Soukyuu on November 7, 2010 at 5:55 pm said:

    [c36] All of you, no food for a week. (Yuri)
    I’m interested in what they could possibly do with that special OVA. The story had a complete ending that doesn’t really need added to it imho.
    One thing they could do is [spoiler]show them all meeting in their next life, but it was already enough Otonashi met Kanade, more “coincidences” will make it worse imho.[/spoiler]
    Will be pretty disappointed if that’s simply a recap episode, though. Time will tell.
    Thanks for the BDs so far UTW.

  21. DmonHiro.
    The only thing in the original line that is “wrong” is that she takes them in twice.
    “take [b]in[/b] all the consciousness [b]in[/b]”
    Other than that the sentence makes perfect sense and your edited line does not mean the same thing.
    Original line (that you said were correct) is a general statement.
    Your edited line is addressing a character that thinks it will be easy and thus. A correction.
    Don’t point out mistakes that aren’t actually mistakes and then make it worse.

  22. Then again. It’s probably the plural form of consciousness you find troubling.
    consciousnesses has been used even tho it looks awkward. But whatever. You didn’t rephrase it as much as changed the whole meaning.

  23. Sukiyaki on November 7, 2010 at 9:07 pm said:

    AB BD4 doesn’t have a ddl link..

  24. Sukiyaki on November 7, 2010 at 9:10 pm said:

    ohh sorry my mistake, the link was fileshared in this thread..

  25. I don’t even know what’s being discussed here anymore.
    Unless someone changed the line from the batch script, it should say: Dialogue: 0,0:22:02.66,0:22:05.33,Dialogue,,0000,0000,0000,,For her to take all that consciousness in at one time…
    I’ll admit that I may have been a bit literal from time to time; it was my very first anime translation ever. So, if there were a few awkward lines, that’s to be expected. Overall I’m still very proud of the work I did on Angel Beats, and very grateful to the many people who gave me a chance.
    Mazui are a great group, and we’re on good terms with them (obviously), so it’s perfectly fine with me if some people prefer theirs. But it’s not okay, and more importantly, not even remotely accurate to call these “shit”.

  26. communist on November 8, 2010 at 5:12 am said:

    lol….in just 2 days, there are 2 updates of MPC-HC…..what’s wrong? @_@

  27. Nothing, they are actively developing it, it sure beats 0 updates in 6 months!

  28. CherryHawk on November 8, 2010 at 9:47 pm said:

    LiSA’a ichiban does indeed rock! It’s got top plays on my iTunes! XD

  29. trollgod on November 8, 2010 at 11:30 pm said:

    Seeding this one as well.

  30. why uncategorized?

  31. Obv. because I fail at setting a category! lol

  32. Uhm, on the 720p version of Episode 09 @ 14:27/26:01 time, it’s kinda laggy, is it just me or its really like that >.<?

  33. @Xjow
    Yeah it might lag slightly, I get a slight bit of lag on the 1080 but its not very noticable. Didn’t expect the 720 to lag anybody though lol.
    Anyway if it really bothers you that much, here’s a patch to fix it. Sign looks terrible like this, but it doesn’t lag πŸ™‚

  34. add Angel Beats and Blu-ray category, so it would be easier to find all angel beats bd releases by using this tags

  35. sorry, not category, but tags

  36. To baka: You could always use the search function…

  37. @ar yes I watched some that I dl’ed from this site… The overall translation is not bad, but detailed translation in ep 1 is just…
    For example in ep 1: about 1:40, translation said: “Where am I?” when he actually said: “Where is this?”
    Or, at 2:22, translation: “The fact you’re here means you’ve died.” but should be: “The fact you’re here means you’re dead.”
    ep 5: at about 7:50, the translations said: “Geez. I guess I’ve gotta use it.” when she actually said: “Geez. I have no choice.” and etc etc.
    I know those are just some tiny detail mistakes but still… Mazui’s is way better

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