Plot development. Delicious.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Fractale_-_06_[h264-720p][F8DA9F24].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Fractale_-_06_[XviD][53A72615].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Enjoy your soup. I mean show.
Plot development. Delicious.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Fractale_-_06_[h264-720p][F8DA9F24].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Fractale_-_06_[XviD][53A72615].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Enjoy your soup. I mean show.
me FIRST!!!

Nom nom nom Nessa.
Dat Nessa- I mean, Dat Soup– I mean… Meeh, thanks for the awesome release~
Oh my god I had completely forgotten it was Thursday.
And now I’m so happy.
Love this show and it nice to know you hard working gents (and ladies? sorry, usernames can be gender ambiguous) are doing this show justice… THANKS FOR THE EPISODE!
thx for the release u just made my week =D seriously
Phryne!!! Gracie.
Make that Grazie.
Yay! More Nessa!
Is there something wrong with this file just tried to play MPC was not showing subs. I switched to VLC and got subs but then digital static in video at 6:40. Is it just me? or the file?
Thanks for the new episode!
dat service
Too lazy to think up something heartwarming to put here, so… Danke.
Thanks for the release, though I’m hoping this show picks up soon D:
another post by moshiburner, this is surprising @_@
btw, thanks for the release ^^
At 04:40 shouldn’t it be “Only perverts would be WILLING to forgive other perverts”?
Oh god, Phryne is so delicious. [spoiler]Nice to see the story still has more surprises up its sleeve, the second half of this episode was unexpected.[/spoiler]
That was… vaguely sad? Anyways, thanks for the subs!
Thanks guys! I love Fridays.
I’ve gotten problems with subs not loading automatically lately. If they don’t show look at the settings and activate them manually. If that doesn’t work try running it with Media Player Classic instead of Windows Media Player. It worked for me with Mazui’s Oreimo 12.5 sub.
YAY!!!!!! Thanks for the ep and nessa goodness, and some great Phryneness =D
was that clain’s dad?
itadakimasu \o/
Leaving a comment to say I’m throughly enjoying this series. Thanks for all your hard work!
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