Unlimited Translation Works

Sakuranbo Syndrome

Nope, this isn’t a release, but I’d like to take this opportunity to recommend to you all a masterpiece of a manga I have been hopelessly hooked on for the last few days: Sakuranbo Syndrome, by the mangaka Taku Kitazaki. It is a Seinen manga of the Romance/Drama/Comedy genres with some explicit content.
I picked up Kono S wo Miyo (also an awesome series in its own right) from the same mangaka one night and simply could not put it down, reading all five available volumes at the expense of my sleep (the sixth is apparently due sometime this March). A couple days later, hungry for more Taku Kitazaki stuff, I made the “mistake” of deciding to read a chapter or two of Sakuranbo Syndrome right before I was about to go to bed.
A description taken from mangaupdates.com:
“Progressive Rejuvenation Syndrome.” This is an extremely rare disease causing the inflicted person to gradually become younger. The main character of this story, Munenori Agawa, is the only person that could save Rena Amami from this odd disease. Agawa’s saliva is the only thing that can halt the disease from making Rena younger, so they must kiss everyday in order for her to survive. This causes an immense amount of conflict and drama between Agawa and his new girlfriend, Sayako Asou. This triangle relationship story tests the capabilities and limitations of human love.[/spoiler]
Kitazaki is a master of taking ridiculous sexual/romantic premises and milking out of them surprisingly realistic stories in which his characters face social issues and grow from their experiences. In Sakuranbo Syndrome, Kitazaki explores mature issues such as what it is to be an adult, the power of destiny, the nature of love, and more, as Agawa, Rena, and Asou interact with each other, the people around them, and the society they live in. The variety of characters, the gripping drama, and the comedy interspersed throughout contribute to this beautiful and very human tale that will keep you wanting more until the very last page.
TLDR: it’s a great manga you definitely don’t want to miss. For Japanese readers, scans of the entire series are available online; for English readers, GantzWaitingRoom has scanlated up to vol.4 as of the date of this post (you can read it online HERE).
EDIT: It’s apparently a huge pain to download Sakuranbo Syndrome from the scanlator’s site, so here are some DDL links.
Sakuranbo Syndrome 01 [GWR].zip [MIRROR]
Sakuranbo Syndrome 02 [GWR].zip [MIRROR]
Sakuranbo Syndrome 03 [GWR].zip [MIRROR]
Sakuranbo Syndrome 04 [GWR].zip [MIRROR]
Alternatively, you can download it via torrent.
Kono S wo Miyo, on the other hand, can be downloaded via torrent.

57 Thoughts on “Sakuranbo Syndrome

  1. Any full Chinese scans that you know of? I would be greatly indebted 🙂
    I don’t, sorry. I’m sure a quick Google search will yield results.

  2. thanks for the recom, how bout’ some new amagami BD from you guys?
    >____> They’ll be done when they’re done.

  3. Yeah, I’ve both works as well and can really recommend them. 🙂

  4. Nice to see Kitazaki’s work getting more attention. He weaves stories together just as good as he creates those borderline h scenes… which is quite rare, IMO.

  5. The website you linked for the translation has got to be one of the most terrible websites I’ve encountered in terms of registration process.
    Sorry about that. Getting one’s hands on the English scanlations for this series does seem to be more difficult than usual; I’ve added a link I found where you can read the series online.

  6. Brainchild on February 28, 2011 at 5:53 pm said:

    Whoa. An update from Raze? No way!
    I was browsing random romance manga to add to my “to read” list, and this was one of them. Since you like it, I should bump it number one, huh? I’m a huge fan of romance manga and anime. You should definitely share more, if you ever feel like it.

  7. If you like “Sakuranbo Syndrome” and “Kono S wo Miyo” I’d like to suggest to you 2 manga’s from harumi Chihiro: “Velvet Kiss” ( 3chapters scanlated, up to ch17 raw) and “Koi wo Suru no ga Shigoto desu” (completely scanlated by Soba-Scans).

  8. Thought this was going to be related to Sakuranbo by Ai Otsuka when I saw the title on the RSS feed.

  9. She have 4 fingers? :O

  10. This has been the most contrived, ridiculous plot I’ve come across in quite a while. Thanks for the share — it will be nice to read the rest whenever it gets translated ^^

  11. blindbox on March 1, 2011 at 1:33 am said:

    Dude, this… THIS IS AWESOME. Hell man, I wish I know japanese (and probably offer translations as well). There wasn’t any chance for me to study it during my university days (no classes offered, there wasn’t even a japan society) 🙁

  12. Akina on March 1, 2011 at 6:12 am said:

    Anybody know where I can get the releases without having to register at GantzWaitingRoom? Places and sites like that just really annoy and stress the fuck out me! *sigh~ I really want to download this manga because I love the plot summary, and I am not a person who is really into manga to begin with. And reading it online is not an option for me because of my unstable interwebs connection. I need to download it so I can continue reading it without interruptions.
    Onegai!! <3
    I’ve added DDL links in the post.

  13. Shadow-F-Asura on March 1, 2011 at 3:38 pm said:

    Nice I read Sakuran on mangareader but couldn’t find Kono S Wo Miyo, so thank you!!
    And I dont have to question my reading it like prunus girl lol

  14. AgelessPhantom on March 1, 2011 at 4:24 pm said:

    It’s depressing knowing that once i finish volume 4, there is a chance I won’t be able to keep reading for a good while T_T.

  15. Ignition-san on March 1, 2011 at 6:34 pm said:

    @AgelessPhantom: Yeah, I know..
    Just finished reading it and damn, it’s good. Cant wait for the next volume, when will it be released?

  16. Hilf on March 1, 2011 at 9:53 pm said:

    Since i can`t find any english translation for this “Kono S wo Miyo” and i kind of like the whole thing bout it so …just an idea – why don`t you start translatin ecchi mangas that are waiting for fans? if you find time and joy from it of course. just a little siggestion. but i`d really like to see that one.
    As to Sakuranbo i`m already in it (i can see those sleepless nights ;( )

  17. Akina on March 1, 2011 at 10:23 pm said:

    ARIGATOU!~!~!~! <333

  18. Thanks for the recommend. I’ve started and already really like this after only the first 2 volumes. Will defo read until the end.
    You’re quite right though, I don’t know how any human being was able to design such an annoying site to download the originals from. That itself should be something to marvel at. Unfortunately Fileserve has decided I can never download from them again for apparently failing to pass CAPTCHA (even though it never even presents one, and even though it says wait until later), so I had no choice but to download it from their terrible site.
    Worth it though!

  19. Akina on March 1, 2011 at 10:55 pm said:

    @hai I can upload it to Megaupload for you if you want?

  20. @Akina
    I have it all now, but ty very much for the offer. Not sure if anyone else has had problems or if it’s just me.

  21. blahfdsf on March 1, 2011 at 11:32 pm said:

    One of his other series’ Fu-ta-ri also interests me, but I am lacking in the japanese department.

  22. IsThisNickTaken on March 2, 2011 at 12:08 am said:

    Agggh! NOW you post the DDL links, after I went through the pain of finding some myself (without registering at that ridiculous site, I might add). Oh well, at least others will be spared the pain. Thanks for this pointer; I’m really looking forward to reading this when I get time.

  23. the only problem: THERE’S ONLY 4 VOLUMES TRANSLATED.

  24. Coded on March 2, 2011 at 12:07 pm said:

    the links arent working ><

  25. inter4ever on March 2, 2011 at 6:32 pm said:

    I sadly am unable to dl from FS. If someone could upload it to a different site, I would be very grateful. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

  26. Hollowbear on March 2, 2011 at 7:43 pm said:

    Can someone Upload to torrent site plss… It would be easier and files do not get delete easily unless there is no seeder whch unlikely. Well most people that download anime use bittorrent anyway so If someone make torrent file I will be eternally in your debts

  27. BLACK_JUDGEMENT on March 3, 2011 at 5:27 am said:

    DDL links don’t work :(. *Convinces Raze to release white album blu rays*

  28. dc1293 on March 3, 2011 at 6:01 am said:

    Raze, how did you download from the Gantz site? I looking at other releases but can’t seem to find a download link for them.
    Thanks for Sakuranbo Syndrome by the way, couldn’t get a hold of it on their website, which was annoying.
    I actually didn’t download them from the Gantz site. I just found other sources for them.

  29. ragyxx on March 3, 2011 at 6:14 am said:

    Thank you so much for the recommendation! 🙂
    Now translate the rest, onegai-shimazuuu—- D:

  30. Anonymous on March 3, 2011 at 10:48 pm said:

    FS DDL of those files sends you to a server which refuses connections. Use mediafire, megaupload or something else instead.

  31. Justa_Dream on March 4, 2011 at 12:12 am said:

    Thanks Raze ^^ I’ll definitely take a look at these. Oh and the DDLs are not working for me either. T_T

  32. Lilsparky67 on March 4, 2011 at 4:35 am said:

    The 1st volume isn’t working. It says, ‘Error’, when I try to download it.

  33. Kanji on March 4, 2011 at 4:54 am said:

    Oh noes!!
    [spoiler]DDL not working for me either.[/spoiler]

  34. SolBalmung on March 4, 2011 at 6:10 pm said:

    Awesome seinen manga,been looking for somthing like this for quite some time now.Too bad that the scanlation aren’t ongoing for some time now (117 days since vol4.Its prequel “Cupid no Itazura Nijidama” isn’t scanlated at all even though its loos quite interesting T-T

  35. IHateFileShareSites on March 5, 2011 at 1:11 am said:

    A torrent is available at sukebei.nyaa.si with volumes 1-4.
    Awesome. Added link to the main post.

  36. koolace on March 5, 2011 at 9:58 am said:

    Both “Sakuranbo Syndrome” and “Kono S wo Miyo” are fantastic series. I also recommend anyone who hasn’t given of these series a chance to take a look, you won’t regret it. =) I am also waiting for the next release.. I’m more patient with “Sakuranbo Syndrome” as the current scan group releases by the volume, and not by the chapter. (I would go insane for this kind of series!) “Kono S wo Miyo” is a is currently ongoing, just the releases are a little irregular. Not bad for those who juggle 25+ mangas anyway. Lol.

  37. Aidolon on March 6, 2011 at 1:58 am said:

    Vol. 1-4 were an absolute riot. Thanks for the suggestion.
    Going to have to limp my way through the raw scans to finish the series… Hopefully my Japanese (somewhere between JLPT 3 and 2) and a trusty dictionary will be enough to get me by.

  38. Hollowbear on March 8, 2011 at 8:41 am said:

    @IHateFileShareSites Ohhhhh NICE!!!!! Thank you for the link. I also have the same feeling as your name suggest. xD Free for all P2P!!! AILL HAIL BITTORRENT!!!

  39. Phillangees on March 9, 2011 at 1:51 am said:

    I’ve read as far as I can on both of those and they’re pretty damned awesome. Thanks very much for the recommendation!

  40. yisaker on March 9, 2011 at 3:55 pm said:

    shit gantz waiting room. the moderator avatar is gay + the rules also gay. i suspect the they must be girls. i hate when girls do the translation

  41. iCrazyNoob on March 13, 2011 at 12:25 pm said:

    When is Vol 5 gonna be out >:]
    you got me hooked on this now I cant stopppp ><

  42. Under on March 18, 2011 at 6:57 pm said:

    “scans of the entire series are available online” < where can I download the raw?

  43. EntrOpic on March 30, 2011 at 3:45 am said:

    Where the raws at?

  44. Aereus on March 31, 2011 at 7:21 pm said:

    I made the same mistake and ended staying up until 7am reading the 4 volumes. Even then I only probably skimmed about 2.5 of them, since they are 211 pages each. I think if contact info for GWR is available, we should leave words of encouragement to release more. They seem to prefer releasing 1 volume at a time, but it’s still like 4 months since the last release.
    The story itself has been excellent. Extremely well-written characters for both genders, I think I need to read seinen titles more often, because it was refreshing how the relationship banter has gone so far.
    If I had to nitpick, it would be how odd the situation has been so far thru Vol4 even considering the hook used for this story. But some of it I chalk up to the limits of budget and time for manga. (Would be a lot of work to minutely change her design over chapters, etc)

  45. Jay on May 9, 2011 at 5:54 am said:

    How dare you make me read 4 volumes of an awesome manga and leave me googling info about vol 5+ for hours. -__- rage.

  46. mr. roboto on May 22, 2011 at 1:56 am said:

    i think u guys should start doing manga, cus those gantz guys are a little strange with their releases, and i absolutely MUST SEE WAT HAPENZ NEXTOH!

  47. Thank you for the recommendation. I would never have noticed Sakuranbo Syndrome otherwise. For once a story is actually well thought out and the main character is not some useless teenage wimp. The artwork is so pretty, too! I just hope the scanlators have not lost interest and release some more of this great manga.

  48. volume 5 was just released but I can’t figure out heads or tails where gantz waiting room is putting the releasees.

  49. I just saw that volume 5 was released but couldn’t find it, too. Thanks for providing the link, Marik!

  50. Hollowbear on September 13, 2011 at 12:04 pm said:

    wow you really save my @ss >_< Thanks a lot

  51. Anonymous on September 14, 2011 at 12:30 am said:

    Everything by this author is top tier, both story and art (DAT BLUSHING).
    Thanks for the DL links.

  52. ritoyuuki13 on September 20, 2011 at 12:16 pm said:

    I would be willing to pay anybody that could give me a translated version of Sakuranbo Syndrome volume 6 and 7 for 75 USD (negotiable) cause it’s only available in Jpn. Just mail me at ritoyuuki13@yahoo.com

  53. hellion on March 24, 2012 at 7:17 pm said:

    so i just read all 5 volumes that were translated in one go before i went to sleep, or when i should’v been sleeping to be more precise. it’s amazing, at first i was afraid i wouldn’t like the lolicon factor it provides but it isn’t that bad. god i just love this manga :D. i need the read the next 6 volumes asap T____T

  54. AmebaGold on June 13, 2012 at 8:01 pm said:

    The links are dead

  55. Jengas on July 5, 2012 at 4:51 pm said:

    Chapter 49 translation (not the scanlation) is ready. Match it with the Japanese raw if you want to know what happens during this next chapter. I hope you all enjoy!

  56. Did anyone read FU TA RI from this author? is an amazing love story. I recommend it

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