Unlimited Translation Works

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! To those of you who haven’t read the earlier post: our only Thursday show, IDOLM@STER, has been delayed until tomorrow. The translator will be spending the day with his family, while I, Kusion, stay on the Internet, avoiding contact with other human life! I was a bit too lazy to fix the height on the image, so deal with it.

No, instead of feasting on the food and getting drunk, I, Kusion, will be PLAYING video games. What could make it better? I’m going to live stream the event! No, just kidding. But I am going to bore everyone while I occasionally update this post to talk, or rant, about what I’m playing or doing in real life.

So, let’s begin with 11:30AM: I’m watching the fucking IDOLM@STER stream.
That was a great episode!  Those who like Boku ha Tomodachi ga Sukunai can watch that if they’d like, but for now, it is 12:00PM, and I should help with the cooking.
Ah, all done with cooking! Now I can return to actually doing something meaningful. Time to open up SC2! And the time is, 12:50PM.
I’m done playing some SC2 for now, time to break and do nothing! 2:40PM. Actually, no, I’m going to go play some BF3.

Okay, all done eating and drinking for the time being. I should have to go to another house soon and grab some food there, too, but for now I’m good. It’s 5:16PM.
Battlefield 3 time, then some SC2. 6:47PM.

Also, thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I know what I’ll be getting, and will clear the comments now!

46 Thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Thanksgiving was like a month ago. What the hell is everyone talking about D:

  2. What the hell are you talking about. It’s gobble gobble turkey day. X|

  3. Maye for you, Icy-nee-san, but in the US, today is Thanksgiving.

  4. subarufreak on November 24, 2011 at 5:55 pm said:

    happy thanksgiving!

  5. Uhh… Link to stream?

  6. @J
    Stream is here every Thursday starting around 8:15 AM PST

  7. rolf
    how about playing some BF3/MW3/Skyrim next? xD

  8. leo@uhw on November 24, 2011 at 6:42 pm said:

    You should’ve told us which headset you dediced on. Anyways, happy Thanksgiving to you and all people who actually celebrate it.
    >livestream the event
    my God, the trolling that would create.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving UTW on November 24, 2011 at 6:54 pm said:

    I am the bone of my drumstick.
    Stuffing is my body, and gravy is my blood.
    I have created over a thousand butter rolls.
    Unknown to dieting, nor known to exercise.
    Have withstood burns to create many heart attacks,
    Yet those stomachs will never hold anything.
    So as I pray, Unlimited Turkey Works.

  10. Alteration on November 24, 2011 at 6:55 pm said:

    uhm you guys might wanna rephrase idolm@ster being cancelled, it sounds like you guys dropped it this week or something

  11. Feed me your PIE!! I will be taking all of your PIE!!! You have no use for PIE! The PIE is MINE! All your PIE is belonging to ME!

  12. Nemesis on November 24, 2011 at 8:11 pm said:


  13. ilovelolis on November 24, 2011 at 8:12 pm said:

    kusion you have horrible taste in video games. you should go play some genuine nihongo video games to repair your taste.

  14. Trystinia on November 24, 2011 at 8:38 pm said:

    This sounds like my day… >_>;;

  15. dunno bout thanksgiving but dreamhack winter 2011 is goin on
    Watch ToD vs Sheth when vods up it was the most amazing game of day 1

  16. Mooficus on November 24, 2011 at 9:20 pm said:

    Yay for video games! I spent basically my entire morning playing Skyrim.

  17. Livestream please! Seriously…

  18. One of us! One of us! Gooble-gobble, gooble-gobble!
    [spoiler]Sorry, I just had to do it.[/spoiler]

  19. Strolgrom on November 24, 2011 at 10:11 pm said:

    Aren’t you supposed to get drunk, feast, and play video games?

  20. sup, everyone! just checking in since you all seemed bored. not much of an apology for taking the day off, but here’s a glimpse at the turkey day preparations at the psyche household.
    yes, that’s a homemade apple pie keeping warm in the microwave. not all dishes could be captured on camera at the time 😡
    happy turkey day, everyone!

  21. Don Nacho on November 25, 2011 at 1:27 am said:

    You play sc2? Add me, maybe we can play some team games.

  22. You sure like BF3 huh?

  23. Wanna play SC2? I play too. Toss all the way

  24. Happy thanksgiving! Whats your sc2 account? We should play.

  25. macxxx007 on November 25, 2011 at 4:42 am said:

    I’m sure Turkey’s the norm, but my family’s traditional Thanksgiving is ASIAN FOOD!
    Hope you’re having a great time!

  26. have we ever mentioned how much we love you Kusion?

  27. just had a thought… since the times for these comments are listed in GMT, what countries do you people live in exactly?

  28. weT_Towel on November 25, 2011 at 5:24 am said:


  29. The Moondoggie on November 25, 2011 at 6:03 am said:

    [FACEPALM]You sods don’t know Thanksgiving even if it hits you with a turkey: It’s about being with the family and giving thanks to all of the blessings you got from God.

  30. Moondoggie, one problem. everyone only understands everything in money form… just so you didn’t realize that. and not everyone’s religious either, unfortunate in my opinion, but whatever.

  31. BF3!? But you probably play PC version….
    Happy black friday! (and thanksgiving for anyone still in that time)

  32. ilovelolis on November 25, 2011 at 1:12 pm said:

    Right, because the Egyptian Sun God Pharaoh had “12 disciples” as well…nice god you got there 😉

  33. OH MY GOD
    Its like theres a twin out there that I dont know about!
    I am also playing BF3, SC2, and Skyrim currently ALL DAY!
    And I am also avoiding humanity while they all calm down from their hyperness!
    BATTLENET ID: cameler 336, I am only PLatinum.Diamond. roughly

  34. In need of a bro to play some SC2 2×2. I’m gold.
    Nick: Deufo
    Friend code: 939

  35. video games on Thanksgiving? We think alike

  36. neobowman on November 26, 2011 at 1:58 am said:

    I can coach you for SC2 if you somehow get to translating faster lol.
    Jk, I have no time, which is why I’m stuck in mid-masters instead of high.

  37. Anonymous on November 26, 2011 at 5:34 am said:

    Kusion… if you stop playing your vidya for a bit and do your work on iM@S to release it today, I promise you gain a free pass on C3 for the entire week.
    [spoiler]Please release iM@S soon… it’s truly another amazing episode..[/spoiler]

  38. Happy thanksgiving 🙂

  39. gandalf8 on November 26, 2011 at 3:56 pm said:

    Its times like these that I wish I took the red pill and not the blue one. And I don’t celebrate thanksgiving, yet still wish all those who do have a good day celebrating it.

  40. Anonymous on November 27, 2011 at 12:32 am said:

    Where’s my iDOLM@STER man?
    I want to see Kotori’s song ;_;

  41. Soon ;_;

  42. Where’s my moe!?

  43. Anonymous on November 27, 2011 at 4:46 pm said:

    where is iDOLM@STER? ;_;

  44. getting depressed to due lack of weekly LoliM@ster

  45. I’m getting depressed to due lack of weekly LoliM@ster as well! ;_;
    This is more than just a “day” late. I mean, I’m not complaining since I know you guys have lifes and all….. but don’t promise what you can’t deliver, maybe?

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