DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_03_[h264-720p][8F1647EC].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_03_[XviD][7D8FA08B].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Turns out ar didn’t need to go to work, but I still ended up waking 2 hours later than usual, so… a slight delay. Here you go anyway!
Oh, an interim poll just for kicks. What’s the bet that Rihoko’ll be friendzoned again?
hell fucking yeah! my thursday is now complete.
Friendzone forever
…and I thought you guys said this would be late? it seems it went out earlier than the first two episodes, oh, well. thanks a lot!
Definitely friendzoned. Poor Rihoko
rooting for rihoko T_T
Friendzoned as always
Of course she will.
But I’m fucking hoping she doesn’t.
Her arc was my favourite, until the ending. I’m in high hopes her unrequited love will be returned.
can’t wait for the end of Rihoko arc. She is waste of eps. ~_~. /run / hide.
Well happy birthday to me. Thank you UTW.
(insert cryin fat dude meme drawing here)
Thanks for the hard work!
Also: I’m sure she’ll get friendzoned again.
I am also sure that if that happens I’m not going to keep watching.
… okay yeah no, but I’ll still be very upset!
I hope she leaves the friendzone…
If she gets friendzoned, I will rage for hours. Then I’ll turn to the visual novel (despite me not knowing Japanese) and revel in her true ending there.
dela-what ? óÒ
and – friendzoned. sadly : (
I’m thinking she stays in the friendzone.
Thanks for the new episode, and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that she moves up out of the friendzone.
Zone status:
[ ] – Lovers
[ ] – Friendzone
[ ] – Fucking friendzoned
[x] – My Little Pony: Friendzone is Magic
Hopefully she doesnt get friendzoned she deserves more then that
Here’s hoping she actually GOES for it this time!
Thanks a lot for the episode! THIS SNOW WEEK IS AWESOME!
Fuck, are they seriously gonna waste more eps on the fucking fatty?
Dropped until they go back to a decent girl.
Also, disable warnings in php.ini bros.
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘footer_link’ was given in /homez.433/utwgtcaa/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 405
Also, Fileserve link seems broken.
@The handsome stanger
whoa! blasphemy!
She’s certainly not my favorite character, but friendzoned is too mean.
If this is supposed to be a continuation from the previous series though maybe there’s some hope for her. Maybe… Well, probably not.
Its the deep dark secret of good stories. As soon as the protagonist gets his girl the story is over. So if you dont want it to end, the endless persuit continues…
I hope Rihoko is prepared to get Friendzoned again. XD
“Then I’ll turn to the visual novel (despite me not knowing Japanese) and revel in her true ending there.”
agreed the true ending I am not even sure how the anime made that ending. Or how they managed to Mix Ai’s True end with the Bad end lmao
Convenient plot device train is convenient. Also, you fellow’s release makes my day.
one does not simply escape the friendzone.
thanks again for another amagami goodness!
She’ll be friendzoned, then she’ll cry about it to her best friend. Her best friend then pops the jar open and confesses something; she’s actually in love with Rihoko. I think you can see where this is going.
Where do I sign up?
Friendzone all the way!
If the game also ends that way, they’re probably gonna keep it that way. But since I haven’t pleyed the game I can’t tell.
>poll about friendzoning Rihoko
Thanks for the episode!
here’s to hoping rihoko gets laid. cheers.
thx ^^
whoa,,Fileserve, Videobb, Videozer removed affiliate program.
Fatty? Well, bulling an anime character is lame.
hey wondering what media player you guys are using to watch this, vlc isnt working for me
for the hd quality version that is
MPC. Screw anything else.
MPC. Get it through CCCP if you lack 10 bit.
awesome, working great, thanks alot!
or u can try Potplayer / mplayer2
Thank you very much guys
Nah. This time she will get a happy end for sure.
I don’t think her getting fzed again would make anyone happy.
friendzoned and I won’t be happy about it either, when I can watch this 3 months from now.
Stupid motherboard dying.
dat ending… *PANTING IN RAGE*
>Oh, an interim poll just for kicks. What’s the bet that Rihoko’ll be friendzoned again?
isnt season 2 just filler between the middle of episode 4 of each arc and the end of each arc?
That’s where you’re wrong. It has already been established that this season revolves around the events AFTER Season 1, excluding Morishima’s and Ayatsuji’s endings, wherein you could call them events that played out DURING the timeskip in their respective storyline.
@Dark Tigris
Agreed. Bullying Anime characters is pretty pathetic.
Sakurai Rihoko
Standing in the FriendZone
The FZ
With a fist full of doughnuts
The distance that separates two hearts
Would you cross that space for me?
Like when you still loved me
Back in 1950
At 38 degrees latitude
The line
Between friendship and love
Are we just normal childhood friends?
Am I the same as porno guy
And Ni-Shi-Shi?
And if you closed your heart from me
Maybe you could make a hole in the fence for me
Like at 21:50 Ep 17
Do you love me?
Or do you troll me?
If I said I love you
Would you laugh and say
The arc never ends for fatties
Loose weight, then let’s talk
But if we are broadcast on forever
George Orwell
Amagami Double SS Double Plus Double Minus
Stalker-Chan OVA
I will be waiting for you
Standing in the FriendZone
She’s going the NTR-Route and Junichi is going to be heartbroken again ! Sad Ending 8(
who Qc’ed this? as i noticed a couple of things that should have been picked up
A) I’m having problems with the subtitles when rhioko’s shopping list is on screen, performance should have been checked outside aegisub, as my laptop has no problems with anything else you guys do
B) 16:18 “I guess that makes use rhinoceros beetles” -> ‘us’ not ‘use’
Sorry it’s just I QC and time for another group and notice things as I watch other groups’ stuff.
This seemed appropriate:
@Force Gaia
#1 Was checked outside Aegis and it didn’t lag.
#2 I guess the qcer missed that.
Rihoko is my least favorite girl in this harem and even I’d be pretty annoyed if she got friend-zoned again.
Bad news guys, Filesonic just disabled filesharing for everyone: GRRR!
Now you’re going to have to provide a name and password to share files. Screw filesonic.
Luckily FileServe is still up…
Thanks UTW… I’m still working on S1, but with all these DDL shenanigans going on, figured I’d grab ’em while they’re still available.
and filesonic is gone. should go to other ?
Fileserve is now gone as well. All thats left out there now are torrents, Mediafire, Wupload, and Netload.
Just hoping they wont get near torrents and Mediafire,
here another bad news..fileserve also disabled file sharing..
>Not using the latest MPC-HC
I was so afraid to go to sleep last night. Seems I was right.
[spoiler]And riho wasn’t frienzoned…
Please enclose spoilers in spoiler tags.
I remember this girl, she’s from that NTR doujin that I read; hot!
Thank you!
links are dead