DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_09_[h264-720p][C9990DF9].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_09_[XviD][621DA158].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Body +5
Voice -10
Total -5
Enjoy the episode.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_09_[h264-720p][C9990DF9].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_09_[XviD][621DA158].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Body +5
Voice -10
Total -5
Enjoy the episode.
Is this the shy bitch’s arc?
Dropped again.
u guys are awesome <3
Eh, her voice is horrible, but i do think she is cute. surely we can endure 2 eps this time around
I always found her voice to be cute, guess that’s just me though
Thanks! Hopefully her voice doesn’t ruin the narrator arc
oh god, her voice…
Sae’s voice is fine you assholes. ;_;
how freaky would a real girl be with that voice?
Yea, this arc dropped again. I dont know y she was added, possible for a comparsion to others. Idiotic and boooring.
Not just you, Parkur; I think her voice’s awesome. Love Konno’s singing, too — it’s always totally in-character. For fun, contrast Anata Shika Mienai and Misoji Misaki.
This week has really been early release.
You guys are delusional; Sae clearly has the voice of a goddess.
Fuck, man. She’s in here because of the whole “if we have a bunch of different girls, we can grasp a larger audience” shit. I’d probably drop this arc too.
Gonna pass on this and the next episode. still, thank you for working on this. lol.
What’s this? No love for (…looking up name cuz she makes THAT MUCH of an impression… ) Sae? Shy chicks need love too!
Thanks for the episode, regardless… GOOD WORK!
>dropping Sae arc
Fucking mongrels.
I would prefer 4 episodes of Morishima…
Well, thanks, UTW!
> Sae? Shy chicks need love too!
Nope, man. Nanasaki is shy. Rihoko is shy, she can only act good cause to “childhood friend” thing, but shy in anything in lovers-relations.
Sae is enourmously overreacting, in real life shell just die in her room cause she’ll afraid to open the door and use kitchen or a toilet. And thats the worst in her personality – she is not DAMN REAL.
No offence 😉
And thanks, UTW!
Thanks for the new episode!
And fuck the haters – Sae is my favorite Amagami heroine!
And yet she’s 10x better than sex-hair… God Kaoru is more fucktarded than Junichi!
is there an ETA for the next Razion cover? XD
fuk me this was shit
I could handle the voice overkill but why do they have on top of her voice, have to put that lame narrator?
That damn Captain Obvious narrator is annoying.
Oh dear lord, he’s back! Whatever, I thought it was pretty enjoyable.
More like body +7.5. Personality + 2.5. Voice -10. Leaving a net result of… ah whatever. Stab my ears, problem solved.
I don’t think her voice is awesome, but I can’t understand how people think it’s just the worst thing in history. Honestly.
Sae’s voice doesn’t bother me, what I can’t stand is the narrator voice. F*** I hate him so much.
Pardon my confusion, my video is upside down. Was this intentional or no? lol
you guys all must be delusional since sae has a goddess’s singing voice. I mean, have you guys ever heard of her character image song? you guys just all mad cuz you cant have her.
The ONLY time where haters speak the truths.
19:40 > There’s no way a highschool student would have an marriage meetup.
a) high school has the space in it, and
b) way to be an hero about this sentence lol. (meaning, it’s A marriage meetup, not an.)
>I like Sae
>I think her voice is fine
>I like the narrator and think he’s hilarious
I am the 1%
All hail Akira-sama … Ohalucky!!. (when i remember her, Sae voice really anoys me xD)
But i like Sae chara, she has money and isn the tipical ojou type.
Thanks a lot guys for this chap (and others chaps… of many series)… and sorry for my bad english, i usually only speak spanish and italian.
From one of the best to definitely the worst. Oh well – 2 episodes and then back to one of the best.
Ow god, the other voice is back to and thanx
>her voice
i love her! this is great episode! Thanks guys!
Not this voice again.
Champion Tachibana!
Why many of you hate her. Everytime I hear Champion Tachibana!
I just want rape somebody.
Thank you!
Thanks! 😀
her voice or bible black dub?
Body -15
Voice -10
Total -25
Oh god, my sides hurt (and brain’s melting). This episode was extremely silly. Narrator-kyun is pure win.
I like Sae’s voice, but I can understand that you guys hate it.
But hating on NAKATA GEORGE?
That makes you shit.
They should have dropped Sae for a Nishishi arc. We all liked YnS and we all know Miya would be an absolute freak if they were getting it on – like all those incest hentai where the families just have sex until they all die.
So we meet again, annoying narrator guy!
02:43 — “mint sauce spaghetti”
Sounds like “meat sauce”.
You all now realise and start imagining that the narration is done by Kotomine Kirei
I love the Narrator AND Sae’s voice. I feel so alone here.
How can you hate the voice of Kirei Kotomine?
And for Sae’s seiyuu, see
@MotsuCQ [2012-03-02-2153]:
I noticed the same thing. Pretty certain it should indeed be “meat sauce”.
Mint sauce… wtf.
oh i love this girl
Bear Cosplay Sae-chan and you guys chose a yukata pic?
Sometimes I don’t understand people….
You are [NOT] alone … in thinking that…
I love both voices too. Hang on guys, we will be heard ! 😀
First time I heard the narrator’s voice, I thought he was Sae’s butler and Sae was a rich girl or something.
Why does he only appear in Sae’s Arc, and who on earth is he anyway?
Because Sae and Junichi are too shy so they had to fill the arc with something. It’s also hilarious how Narrator-kyun makes fun of the cast. He’s the only reason I’m able to survive and enjoy Sae episodes. Other girls are fine on their own.
Oh Fuck me sideways!!!
this was Platinum Crap, thanks goodness queen Haruka will be the final boss
and WTF is wrong with the stupid narrator?!?!
I wanna take a dump all over his fucking face
Someone re-up the DDL links in Amagami SS BD
So fucking Boring!
Thanks! 😀
…still better love story than Twilight.