DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_21_[h264-720p][BCB5C808].mkv [DDL1]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_21_[XviD][AAD6EE33].avi [DDL1]
Just when you thought they had run out of shit to throw at the fan… there’s more!
P.S.: Nico script grade: 1.5/5
Urgh. They completely butchered an explanation of a certain Noble Phantasm, and screwed up another crucial line practically right afterwards. The only saving grace of this week’s script was the last scene in this episode, which was handled decently.
Thanks for Fate/Zero, UTW!!
By the way why do you guys always judge Nico Subs? I find it rather amusing
Now this was a proper Fate/Zero episode – I haven’t felt moved enough by those “death scenes” in the previous episodes, but this week’s was great!
And fuck yeah Saber’s riding skills =D
I’m expecting to see Saber getting a ticket or something in fanart.
Ok, Question: can someone explain to me why Kariya had to use two command spells, not just one? It wasn’t clear in this episode.
I’m astonished by the episode without having seen my God!! This final’re killing me!
@chenga91 they judge nico subs because they are taking them for base translation, and edit afterwards.
The first was to force Berserker to use the Noble Phantasm that disguised him as Rider, since normally he can’t use it fully due to his Mad Enhancement status. It normally is used passively as the mist that prevents him from being identified. It’s why Waver couldn’t read his stats in episode 5 by looking at him.
The second carried the command “Get Irisviel, and allow Saber to escape,” so that Berserker wouldn’t go out of control when he saw Saber like he usually does.
I also wish that it had been explained in the episode. Perhaps it might be in some cut footage in the BD edition, but sometimes exposition can’t make it through an anime adaptation.
waiting for SD…
So… did you at least correct it? lol
Thanks for the episode and please have a good night!
Fuck yeah. Thanks Raze and UTW!~
now I have some motivation to finish my History assignment XD I’ll have this to watch afterwards.
… shiiiiit
did utw use nico scripts? dont recall
Is it me but is there no eng subs for the HD ?
Thank you for working on this despite it being a holiday weekend for perhaps some or all of your group members. Much appreciated.
Exquisite episode
Here it is, the Knight Rider.
FYI, Knight Rider is an old time TV Serial, search it in wikipedia.
@jeremy should be ur player. make sure its enabled. coulda been disabled accidently with some hotkeys
Thank you very much, guys. It makes me sad to know that this show will end in a few more weeks. We’ll see what TP plans to do if the show ends.
@pikaboss i played last week’s episode, episode 20 and it still had english subs
what player are you using? Try restarting your pc. No problems for ep 21 on my mpc.
I pity for Kariya.
His mind is broken because of that bitch
Thank you for the SD release.
They finally used that awesome soundtrack in the PV videos. Added awesomeness to the chase scene.
Zouken and Kirei confronting each other here made me remember their confrontation in Heaven’s Feel again..Kirei’s awesome moment.
Are you going to translate the Kariya Drama CD?
Interesting… in the Fate/zero novel translation, I seem to recall that Aoi had only fainted, but that Kariya didn’t realise that. I wonder if I missed an important signal in this, or if the viewers of the anime are going to be allowed to hold the impression that the novel readers didn’t..?
(*in any case, great enjoyment at witnessing this particular twisted, emotional scene*)
Kariya ;____; )
And yet, “Oh Kirei…”
I see, Alex’s interested in bikes. I really want to see him next episode on Harley-Davidson in biker’s outfit ^__^ And his Hetairoi too!
Hi there ^^
I would like to request the ass of fate/zero bluray version instead of the TV versions+the fonts ^^
I really have a shitty connexion so I cant afford to download the 28 GB for the first season ^^
And a real big thx for yu guys for keeping up the pace with so much IRL issues ^^
Kirei is one twisted ugly motherfucker.
Thanks for the work, as always. I really enjoy this show

I just had a quick question. I notice there is always a quick rating of the subs. Do you guys change the ‘errors’ you notice, or are the subs unchanged? (I’m not a big pro on how the sub/encode world works ;))
Thanks again
I’m pretty sure UTW changes the subs, or there’d be no point in releasing Fate Zero on this site (they’d provide a link to Nico subs instead)
As long as the show is softsubbed, modifying the subs is a very easy task that requires nothing more than a muxer/demuxer and a good text editor.
@Nick J
Now he still just trying things out.
No, not yet
BTW, tragic episodes starting next week. The ending of zero is pretty much a tragedy for everybody except Kirei…
Eh I’ve played through the entirety of Fate/Stay Night. I know what kind of character he is.
Thanks UTW. Too bad about the Nico scripts. Hope it wasn’t too much extra work.
Kirei is a sociopath and Archer is, well, uh, an egotistical maniac. Kariya, you didn’t stand a chance against them. This is getting really ugly.
[spoiler]No, she suffered permanent brain damage. She’s not dead, and not a vegetable either, but she’s no longer all there. That’s why Rin (in yet another twisted turn) ends up under Kirei’s guardianship.[/spoiler]
@Nick J :
And that is why…
His daughter almost ended the exact same way…
If it weren’t for one not so ~ heroic spirit that screwed her, that is…
Wow, I was hoping for Saber’s motorcycle to go all awesome like that, and I was not disappointed. Kinda feel bad for Rider though…not much of a Rider without his chariot. Excalibur is definitely a Noble Phantasm to be reckoned with.
Karen is cute. ‘Nuff said.
@Clau Thanks, that cleared up a lot.
@ zergl
Thank you! I had forgotten that part; indeed, if the funeral scene is later shown then understanding will be imparted. *happily rereads said scene, smiling at Kirei’s emotions*
Thanks Drano for your reply
…am I the only one who thought the ep was a little erotic starting around 19:40?
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