Unlimited Translation Works

Sword Art Online – 23

Dem virtual eyes

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_23_[720p][45F8C851].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_23_[XviD][F9B4ACC7].avi [DDL]
Joint with GotWoot Fansubs.
Here you go. Not much I can say without spoiling the episode, considering where the series left off last week. Picking a release pic was tough too, but at least you can’t really speculate too much off of this one.

77 Thoughts on “Sword Art Online – 23

  1. klaynne14 on December 9, 2012 at 2:17 am said:

    fk yeah. love you guys <3

  2. Entrav on December 9, 2012 at 2:19 am said:


  3. Yeah!!!! Thanks UTW and GotWoot! <3

  4. Pingback: Sword Art Online Episode 23 - Entravity

  5. macxxx007 on December 9, 2012 at 2:26 am said:

    There, there, Suguha… you’ll find love elsewhere someday…
    Thanks so much for the episode! Have a great night!

  6. zenbaku on December 9, 2012 at 2:27 am said:

    Thank you guys!! :D!

  7. Pleargh on December 9, 2012 at 2:34 am said:

    I misread speculate as ejaculate .
    Raze edit: LOL

  8. MagicPower on December 9, 2012 at 2:39 am said:

    Glad I decided to refresh πŸ˜€

  9. Darksouka on December 9, 2012 at 2:42 am said:


  10. Oshimos on December 9, 2012 at 2:51 am said:

    So, can the Cait Sith not fly or something? Or did all of them just decide that dragons were too cool to pass up on?

  11. ChronoBlue on December 9, 2012 at 2:54 am said:

    Thank you for the release =D
    Pertinent question of the day: Seeing as supposedly only one race would get “+10 flight wings”, why did the Sylphs and Cait Sith help Kirito be the one to get them?
    Yes he did give them the money, but that would only amount to cooperation. Otherwise why suit up the raid in shiny epics to challenge what appears as the final boss, to simply aid Kirito get the prize?
    As a reward for saving them from the red general? Would make sense. But to relinquish the ultimate prize would mean that you just get strong for being strong.
    Dunno, kinda popped into my head.
    I did like the reconciliation part though =)

  12. Geese1 on December 9, 2012 at 2:56 am said:

    Many thanks for the release!

  13. K-swift on December 9, 2012 at 2:57 am said:

    This had better do the novel justice. I’ve been reading SAO non-stop for a week now. Gotta say, the last few episodes of this season should be awesome.
    Thanks for your awesome work, guys.

  14. Jay-kun on December 9, 2012 at 2:58 am said:

    Thanks! πŸ˜€

  15. archdevil917 on December 9, 2012 at 3:25 am said:

    where’s SD?

  16. MagicPower on December 9, 2012 at 3:38 am said:

    DOWNLOAD SD: Coming soon… >.>

  17. iSupercell on December 9, 2012 at 3:42 am said:

    Thank you very much for the release! ^^

  18. man00ver on December 9, 2012 at 3:53 am said:

    Fantastic work as usual, teams!
    Great development for the Recon and Kazuto characters this week, and good to see Leafa fighting hard. I think they short-shrifted the duel though. Only two blade crossings? It should have been made clearer that they were both fighting to lose. The essence was still pretty well done.
    @Oshimos – Dragons are too cool to pass up. The Cait Sith are beast fairies. Can you guess who might join up with them in a future storyline?
    @ChronoBlue – You got the answer (he saved their butts). I’d also speculate that a certain percentage of the gamers just want to see if ANYONE can beat the quest, especially if it’s not a Salamander.
    Gotta love the harem powa in this story. Even the littlest member plays a “key” role. πŸ˜›

  19. FidelGVelasquez on December 9, 2012 at 4:14 am said:

    Is it just me, or does it sound like Burst the Gravity (Accel World OP 2) around 21 minutes in?

  20. Damn, two more weeks. This tension cannot be handled anymore (probably not for the ones who read the LN). Thank you really much for your splendid work, guys.

  21. i know that ALO need fixing, but did SAO need some? coz i think ima download till ep 13 if no fixing needed…

  22. SomeDudeOnTheNet on December 9, 2012 at 5:13 am said:

    I feel so sorry for Suguha. I mean it’s bad that she fell for her brother, but getting over it by … falling for her brother. Damn.

  23. @ChronoBlue
    The original reason behind the alliance was that Cait Sith and Slyphs would both cooperate to complete the quest and whoever won and became Alfs would help the other race win the next Grand Quest. It works basically because Alicia and Sakuya are IRL friends (at least according to the character Q&A for the Web Novels, but I don’t think it would be retconed in the LN/Anime)
    As for why they let Kirito be the only guy through its because they trust he isn’t after the grand quest but simply wants to meet someone on the World Tree. That and the LN made it clear that after KIrito broke through the respawn rate was even overwhelming the raidgroup so they withdrew and left it to him

  24. UhClem on December 9, 2012 at 6:21 am said:

    I love the dueling drum music. Actually all the battle music is stirring. It’s one of the strong points for any good action series.

  25. Thanks! =D

  26. conga conlon on December 9, 2012 at 7:30 am said:

    Thanks ! :3

  27. cave_guard on December 9, 2012 at 7:37 am said:

    [spoiler] So the whole Grand Quest, ie. the end goal of the game is a huge scam? Imagine if it was some other player that got through and didn’t have a card or a pixie like Yui, they would still be banging their head against that opening without knowing any better. I’d personally log out, unhook my Nerve Gear / Amusphere and start filing a lawsuit against the game company… [/spoiler]

  28. cave_guard on December 9, 2012 at 7:38 am said:

    ugh sorry didn’t know why the spoiler tags didn’t work
    Fixed ’em for you.

  29. nakhart on December 9, 2012 at 8:15 am said:

    Who’s the official encoder of UTW? whoever he is, he’s a fucking GOD. The video quality is one of the main reasons why i really like UTW Fansubs. Seriously and Honestly. Btw, thanks for the release.

  30. Kazeto on December 9, 2012 at 8:31 am said:

    Yup, which is why the guardians’ spawn rate increases as you progress further. So that everyone would think that they simply didn’t have enough time to open it because of the guardians and that the guardians can be defeated and there’s a missed quest.
    ALO devs are arseholes, aren’t they…

  31. γ‚«γƒŽγƒˆ on December 9, 2012 at 9:15 am said:

    isn’t the whole ALO thing a front for their main goal, ie. illegal neural research? It makes sense that they give their players a carrot in front to keep them occupied and paying while they could do their primary objectives.
    still, only one or two more episodes to go huh. It’s been half a year now. I relly hope they start animating season 2 soon

  32. Thx Utw (:

  33. Turren on December 9, 2012 at 9:43 am said:

    Thanks for the release πŸ˜€

  34. cave_guard on December 9, 2012 at 10:00 am said:

    @ γ‚«γƒŽγƒˆ:
    In a way, I think ALO resembles modern online games a lot. They keep a carrot dangling but not in the form of an unbreakable quest because people will lose interest too fast. They just add more content and better equipment which renders your previous equipment useless, rinse and repeat – think WoW.
    However, the difference between modern online games and ALO is huge. Modern games can immerse you for like 8 hours a day but you still need to go to school, etc…not many people skip school to play games….so one day if you do decide to disconnect from the game, you might’ve destroyed most of your social life but at least you still got your basic education. A game like ALO on the other hand is too immersive…the joy of being completely in a virtual world and not just in front of a computer screen, compounded by the joy of flying which you don’t get in real life, can seriously lead people to only disconnect from the game when they need to eat/sleep/go to the toilet. Once you disconnect from a game like ALO after a few years, you’d be totally screwed…
    I seriously fear for the future of mankind if a game like ALO came out IRL…

  35. @cave_guard you will still go to school even if ALO games would be released irl as long as there’s someone out there that cares about your future (usually parents). And since the game and hardware costs money, in order to get it, you either need to have a social life (working person or thief) or parents(or legal guardians) that care about you a little bit.

  36. “Sugu-”
    “Onii-chan… …Let us kung fu fight now”

  37. archdevil917 on December 9, 2012 at 11:51 am said:

    why why why the SD version isn’t release?? :((

  38. Thank you very much! I’ve been waiting for this to go out since last sunday ^^

  39. olexijl on December 9, 2012 at 12:43 pm said:

    0:16:44:36 The Cait Siths’ dragon cavalry?!
    should be actually The Cait Sith’s dragon cavalry?!
    am i right?
    PS: awesome episode.

  40. 19:25
    what the actual fuck

  41. Sicins on December 9, 2012 at 1:42 pm said:

    why didn’t they just chop the tree down?

  42. @Sicins
    [spoiler]This object is immortal.[/spoiler]

  43. ChronoBlue on December 9, 2012 at 6:30 pm said:

    @man00ver & Zed
    Your arguments are sound and true, but we all know they only helped him because Kirito’s HAWT!! =0
    This situation is the same as Vanilla Molten Core, It’s so broken you won’t be able to beat Ragnaros any way you try it.
    Ok, if Alicia and Sakuya are IRL friends why not pick the same race, since this is a multi faction MMO? At least thats what ya do when ya have friends to play =)
    And screw it, I’m gonna start on the LNs when ALO finishes =)

  44. “Ok, if Alicia and Sakuya are IRL friends why not pick the same race, since this is a multi faction MMO? At least thats what ya do when ya have friends to play =)”
    So that they would form alliances and win against other races(like, 2 races are better then 1) + diversity (for race specific items and skills) + competition (most people like having someone against whom to compete, it also helps them become better).
    And there’s also personal interests, like 1 person liking to fly on their own and the other likes to fly on dragons (even if they are friends, it doesn’t mean their interests much be exactly the same).

  45. Kazeto on December 9, 2012 at 7:32 pm said:

    No, you are not right. It should be “Cait Siths'”, because it’s supposed to be a possessive form of a plural noun (“Cait Siths”) and thus only an apostrophe is added, at the very end and not somewhere in the middle.
    Why not pick the same race? Well, tell that to Kirito (who started playing as a Spriggan even though his sister already played as a Sylph) and to Asuna (who will be an Undine). As well as Rika, Keiko, Ryoutarou and Shino, none of whom was neither Sylph nor Spriggan.

  46. Damn this episode got some juicy visuals, thanks for the release!

  47. Hey I’m just curious, but is utw rips better than CR rips
    I know the typesetting and other stuff is but how bout the video quality?

  48. @Kazeto
    “Kirito (who started playing as a Spriggan even though his sister already played as a Sylph) and to Asuna (who will be an Undine). As well as Rika, Keiko, Ryoutarou and Shino, none of whom was neither Sylph nor Spriggan.”
    Well we needed a main character on every race (two for Cait Siths)
    except Pucas, because fuck Pucas aparently

  49. deadman80 on December 9, 2012 at 8:45 pm said:

    So.. now that a few non-established people have released the first two BDs, what are the odds of getting a real release from you guys? I am hoping that I can get some archive worthy copies of Offline in addition to a better encode so Asuna looks even more perfect on my screen XD

  50. man00ver on December 9, 2012 at 9:14 pm said:

    @Anon – what happened at 19:25 is rather poorly adapted from the LN. It should have been an ultra high-speed dual-wield slashing attack, drawing a “ring of white flame,” “a snow-white circle that looked just like the corona of a solar eclipse,” which shredded all guardians in Kirito’s path. Instead, the animators created something that looked a bit like a Prismatic Sphere spell, with no evidence of slashing going on. Oh well, at least it looked pretty cool.

  51. komedy27u on December 9, 2012 at 10:04 pm said:

    I always apreciate that you never spoil me an episode, thaks for everything ^^

  52. @Zed:
    I think it would’ve been fun to see a Puca Kibaou.

  53. @man00ver Well probably they didn’t animate that because the description doesn’t lend itself to animation well. How does dual wielding swords suddenly make a circle? Sounds more like a magic spell.

  54. jabagawee on December 9, 2012 at 11:00 pm said:

    Just a note, the HD link goes to nyaa’s torrentinfo page, whereas the SD link goes to the torrent download directly. I’m pretty sure it was just a simple slip-up. πŸ™‚
    (The only reason I mention this is because my automated script tripped up on it this week.)

  55. Asdfjuma on December 10, 2012 at 12:27 am said:

    Time to add some validation and auto correction to that script then. πŸ˜‰

  56. man00ver on December 10, 2012 at 12:33 am said:

    @ergZay – I’m sure they didn’t feel it could be well animated. When reading this part of the LN, my mind’s eye pictured an Indian Gatka double sword technique (find examples on youtube if you want to see), done faster than the eye could follow and looking like a “sphere of steel.”
    A similar simplification was done when Kirito fought the white dragon in “Warmth of the Heart.” In the LN side story, Liz watches Kirito defending against the breath attack, reporting, “the sword began to spin like a windmill centered in Kirito’s hand. Based on the light green color of the effect, it must be a sword skill. In just a second, the sword reached speeds invisible to the human eye and looked like it had become a shield of light.The icy breath streamed directly towrd the light shield….But, when the cold air slammed into Kirito’s sword-shield, it dispersed as if it had evaporated.” In the anime, he merely seemed to slash the breath attack away.

  57. @man00ver:
    Which is probably where Kirito got his attack from – semi-replicating a high-level sword skill via “muscle” memory and reflexes, only this time with two blades.
    But really, many details are skimmed over like that. It’s not necessarily bad since it makes the story more compact while still being essentially the same, but it means that some things from novels aren’t exactly compatible with some things from the anime.
    A fine example is Asuna’s rush to save Kirito from Kuradeel. In the novels there was one other (minor, without even a name) party member then, and thus Asuna had more time to arrive rather than just about a minute “after Godfrey’s indicator disappeared”. Another example is the time Kirito spent down that hole with Lisbeth, since in the novels he told her stories that made her realise he is a front-liner rather than only realising it later (not to mention that their conversation after they returned was somewhat different and that Kirito revealed his “Dual Wielding” to her then).
    Nothing that would make it impossible to enjoy the story, but as it usually tends to be with light novel adaptations which aren’t complete fanservice, it’s pretty much eye-candy for readers of the light novels who want to see animated battle scenes and hear voices of characters, because it either simplifies or leaves without explanation many things.

  58. man00ver on December 10, 2012 at 2:21 am said:

    @Kazeto – Agreed, the details of the mechanism aren’t really important, and the outcome of the struggle for the rooftop is the same. If I hadn’t read the LN, I would just assume that Spriggans have some kind of Prismatic magic in their Illusionist spellbook, and that Kirito’s casting of it was magnified by his overpowered combat stats and his berserker rage. Of course, if that’s what we were supposed to think, it would have been helpful to have him chanting something and/or be surrounded by the spinning runes. But whatever! He’s in, and we’re headed for the final showdown…where there are sure to be differences from the LN details, I’ll bet.

  59. Frediloc on December 10, 2012 at 6:36 am said:

    Haha, every week it seems the comment is “Well, I can’t really say anything without spoiling…so…”
    But seriously, I do appreciate that. Also, sorry if I missed this somewhere, but are you guys planning on doing the BDs?

  60. Dr. Pepper on December 10, 2012 at 6:38 am said:

    Why doesn’t Kirito go literal beast mode on the trash? Are you telling me extra reach and huge fucking arms wouldn’t help with multiple enemies? Jesus fuck that’d be amazing.

  61. Progeusz on December 10, 2012 at 10:27 am said:

    That sure was anti-climatic. Definitely the worst episode so far, and it’s all studio’s fault, they did terrible job.

  62. @Dr. Pepper:
    You mean on the guardians? No flying.
    And on Suguou? You’ll see.
    I’m tempted to agree.

  63. Revelations on December 11, 2012 at 3:04 am said:

    @Dr. Pepper
    If you haven’t noticed he’s surrounded 360 degrees by swarms of guardians that can shoot blades as arrows. I don’t think becoming a bigger target is a good idea.

  64. akkarinkhr on December 11, 2012 at 10:31 am said:

    Awesome subbing as always guys, thank you. πŸ™‚

  65. JokerGist on December 11, 2012 at 8:48 pm said:

    I got my internet back and this is one of the first things I checked for of course! :D. Thank you UTW for the release ^^.

  66. Just asking that, will you guys be doing Sword Art Online Special 1 and 2?

  67. jayssanh on December 12, 2012 at 4:33 am said:

    I feel like this episode being sort of a tease is a trademark of what any studio would do as a lead-up to something epic. More people need to stop calling the studio out on this and try to realise that maybe they’re just building up to something epic.
    We do (apparently) only have 2 episodes left πŸ™‚

  68. olexijl on December 13, 2012 at 6:31 pm said:

    Sorry, i messed up: http://bit.ly/Ub4r6d
    I hope it is fine now.

  69. Ashandarei on December 13, 2012 at 7:07 pm said:

    The trailer… o.0
    [spoiler]Asuna IS getting her top torn off by that creepo?! Dood, I didn’t think they’d animate that…
    Granted we won’t see anything, but it just ups the content level significantly…[/spoiler]

  70. olexijl on December 15, 2012 at 5:05 pm said:

    I already saw the raws: http://www.animeavenue.net/sword-art-online-episode-24/
    WTF: He really logins with Heathcliff ID without password? How is this possible? Awesome episode, but what about password?

  71. olexijl on December 15, 2012 at 5:06 pm said:

    Awaiting episode tomorrow here on UTW.

  72. Ashandarei on December 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm said:

    @olexijl: Dood, Spoiler tag, yo! Srsly! Granted most people have read the LN, but I’m sure there are some that haven’t.

  73. olexijl on December 15, 2012 at 8:56 pm said:

    Well, thanks for the “spoiler tag”. Next time i won’t do. Promised. One episode left as far as i know.
    I just really wanted and could not wait.

  74. @alexjil:
    No, he doesn’t. This is what happens instead:
    [spoiler]Kayaba’s digitised consciousness (a digital ghost, duh) logs in for him and grants him access.[/spoiler]
    And honestly, I find that fitting for Suguou considering his reason for going “evil”.

  75. @olexijl:
    And sorry for writing your nick as “alexjil” in my previous comment. Being tired doesn’t serve my ability to read well.

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