Unlimited Translation Works

White Album 2 – Batch

DOWNLOAD: [UTW] White Album 2 [h264-720p]
Working on this batch reminded me of how much I enjoyed this series, and this was while knowing the best is yet to come (if CC ever gets adapted).
Episodes 1-5 and 7-8 have been v2’d for various tweaks and fixes, as per usual. I think it’s confirmed that we will be working on the BDs for this.

33 Thoughts on “White Album 2 – Batch

  1. Anonymous on January 29, 2014 at 4:00 pm said:


  2. Thanks for the release and batch! Will be waiting for the v2 patch for those episodes.

  3. I wonder when Carnival Phantasm BD batch is?

  4. MantasB on January 29, 2014 at 4:24 pm said:

    danganronpa batch?

  5. Downloading this batch reminded me of how much I hated the last episode. Poor Setsuna…

  6. Individual patch files as I finish downloading new eps: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/uux68stbc9k3z

  7. Jay-kun on January 29, 2014 at 5:27 pm said:

    Thanks! 😀

  8. Jackbraolx1 on January 29, 2014 at 6:15 pm said:

    Hi.How much do you want this series.the deal for reasonable price.English bad.I’m sorry,I’m waiting for your answer.
    maya the bee 1975,

  9. Last episode really hit me hard. I still vote for Setsuna. xD

  10. Just want to thank you guys for subbing this incredible series. I was late watching it, but it was a damn amazing ride. I didn’t expect the show to be so impactful that it ended up on the top of 2013 for me. Thanks again!

  11. Silvermoonlight on January 29, 2014 at 7:41 pm said:

    Any ways to boot Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai 2 realease along with Seitokai Yakuindomo because of CR delays?

  12. Xikarra on January 29, 2014 at 8:06 pm said:

    Might have missed the note saying otherwise but you guys (Kusion?) are still working on Index II’ blu-rays, aren’t you? Just curious. Railgun S’ batch must have you busy too.

  13. EinsamerWanderer on January 29, 2014 at 11:08 pm said:

    Thank you for the batch – will be looking forward to BDs!
    Also thank you very much for the patches, eng!

  14. @Xikarra
    Nah, Index II bd’s were dropped a long time ago. Also Railgun S batch, who knows. Kusion is in charge of that so if he ever finishes it, it’ll get released but don’t hope too much!
    No we can’t. What makes you guys think we can make stuff go faster than it is? If something is taking more than a day to release it means staff are busy with real life or the episodes takes x days to sub. Nothing can make this go faster.

  15. Xikarra on January 30, 2014 at 12:21 am said:

    @ar Okay. Thanks for the clarification.

  16. @eng Thanks for the patch files!

  17. I miss WA2 Sundays. sniff.

  18. jackbraolx1 on January 30, 2014 at 11:10 am said:

    I want to help in this regard.I appeal to the authorities of the site.about this series,
    maya the bee 1975.about the translation.
    How much are we talking about? I have a life too y’know, and balancing that and translating this season takes alot of effort.how much do you want for this series
    the deal for a reasonable price.This serial help I want you to.These are videos;

  19. hadi_rena on January 30, 2014 at 11:19 am said:

    Here the batch patch: https://app.box.com/s/3m0h7gmswrrc7pblu8ee. Just run patch.bat to patch and del_v1.bat after successful patch to remove v1 files
    @eng: Thanks for individual patch file

  20. Jackbraolx1 on January 30, 2014 at 1:42 pm said:

    how much do you want for this serial.the deal for reasonable price.Please waiting for response.
    ‘maya the bee 1975’

  21. @Jackbraolx1, UTW para karşılığı çeviri yapmıyor. Boş yere sormanın gereği yok. Blogu spamliyorsun sadece. O seriyi bu şekilde millete tekliflerde bulunarak yaptıramayacaksın.

  22. Jackbraolx1 on January 30, 2014 at 2:23 pm said:

    kusura bakma bende farkındayım.Ama hiç kimse ilgilenmiyince.sitenin yetkilisi hiç kimse yok mu cidden ilgilenecek.Attığım ilk mesajda sitenin yetkilisi Raze cevap vermişti.cidden hiç kimse yok mu ilgilenecek.

  23. @Jackbraolx1 ne yapmalarını bekliyorsun ki? Kabul etmiyorlar teklifini. Hiçbir grup da etmez.

  24. Jackbraolx1 on January 30, 2014 at 2:56 pm said:

    @kme cidden böyle kült serileri izlemek isteyip te nasıl ulaşıp izliceyez ya.ayrıca sitenin admini hiçbir olumsuz bişey söylemedi.Kimse böyle el atmıyınca nasıl olucak bende anlamış değlim vallaha.

  25. Gelecekte çevrilirse çevrilir, çevrilmezse yapabileceğimiz bir şey yok. Sitenin admini zaten benden sana cevap yazmamı istedi. Bu yaptıklarının hiçbir faydası olmayacak. Boş yere fansub bloglarına yazma.

  26. Jackbraolx1 on January 30, 2014 at 3:20 pm said:

    Gelcekte derken,hangi gelecek.Çevrilse şimdiye çoktan çevrilirdi.Cidden bi şekilde yardımcı olun..nyaa da baktığımda videoları var ama, ne İngilizce de Japonca.Tabi bi hayat var,denge.bir sezon bir sürü çaba alır emeğinize karşılık.ingilizcen pek yoktur.Bi daha böyle senin gibi anlaşabileceğim birini zor bulurum.sahi nerelisn?nasıl anladın?

  27. Raze IP’nden Türk olduğunu anlamış, gelip benden seninle konuşmamı istedi. Madem İngilizcen yok neden İngilizce çeviri yapan bir gruptan bu seriyi çevirmesini istiyorsun ki?

  28. Jackbraolx1 on January 30, 2014 at 3:36 pm said:

    Tahmin etmiştim.Asıl bence şimdi boşyere konuşuyoruz.Kaynak olduktan sonra gerisi teferruat.Benim birçok arkadaşım var,ayrıca internet ortamında iyiyimdir.Asıl mesele videoları bile doğru dürüst yok.Nasıl temin ediyorsunuz videoları.bi şekilde yardımcı olun.Lütfen rica ediyorum.cidden sen nerelisn? şehir olarak.

  29. will you be releasing 480p?

  30. polarbearsawg on February 4, 2014 at 5:25 am said:

    I cant seem to use the patches??

  31. Just curious, does anyone know when the full version will be available of the episode 1 insert song? I don’t know if it will be released at all (the piano and guitar version), and if it will whether it will be on a BD bonus disc or on an insert song CD or OST…

  32. Sasquatch on April 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm said:

    Sorry to bump that after almost two months, but are you now definitely working on the BDs of White Album 2?

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