Unlimited Translation Works

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren – 05

Lizard poisons Spock.

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The Causes and Effects of Eighth-Grade Syndrome Throughout History

fotc (Mazui Subs, Unlimited Translation Works)

4  Eighth-Grade Syndrome

The acquisition and onset of eighth-grade syndrome are separate entities. The acquisition is characterized by the adoption of an attitude and mindset, while the onset is characterized by its symptoms—observable behaviors. There is typically an asymptomatic period between acquisition and onset, during which testing for the condition returns positive, but behaviors have not surfaced. In this sense it is similar to HIV/AIDS, and many who have experienced the condition consider this an apt comparison.

The duration of the asymptomatic period is not well characterized, but typically lasts from one to two years for cases with visible onset. The onset is typically marked by a trigger, which may be exposure to a symptomatic case of eighth-grade syndrome or intellectual material of an eighth-grade syndromic quality. The nature of the trigger is typically visible throughout the case of eighth-grade syndrome as part of its trajectory.

Triggers, and resultingly, cases with visible onset, may generally be placed in one of three general categories: rebel, subculture, or supernatural. Many more specific categorizations fall along the boundaries of these general categories. Several triggers for eighth-grade syndrome are described alongside the effects of eighth-grade syndrome throughout history in the following sections.

A  The Mindset of Eighth-Grade Syndrome

Eighth-grade syndrome is an extension of teenage angst which includes a desire both for attention and to be special which typically presents itself as a feeling that one is trapped in the wrong “world” or “body.” It is also characterized by the placement of undue emphasis on things of little consequence, such as minor verbal connotations. The self-consciousness and desire for attention may also result in delusions of grandeur.

B  The Rebel Type

A rebel-type case of eighth-grade syndrome may best be characterized as following the typical trajectory of teenage rebellion. In order to meet the thirty-minute time limit, the author refers the reader to watch several teen films, such as Rebel Without a Cause and Teenage Rebel.

C  The Subculture Type

A subculture-type case of eighth-grade syndrome pursues self-qualification in the immersion into a community with tastes contrary to what is considered “normal.” This immersion is typically done in imitation of others without a proper understanding of what the subculture truly values. Common examples of this type of eighth-grade syndrome includes hipsters, furries, and international anime fans, especially those who watch “fansubs.”

D  The Supernatural Power Type

A supernatural power-type case of eighth-grade syndrome is characterized by an obsession with a field of study, such as mythology, religion, magic, extraterrestrials, or anything pertaining to the occult. The sufferer also typically imagines entire settings and stories in which the sufferer or a character on which the sufferer may self-project is of great consequence. Some very rare, extreme cases take to enactment of these settings and stories. It is of importance to note that the sufferer is also conscious that his or her conceptions and actions are outrageous or unrealistic.

Creative Commons License
The Causes and Effects of Eighth-Grade Syndrome Throughout History by fotc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Research was funded in part by FFF Fansubs.

24 Thoughts on “Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren – 05

  1. Geese1 on February 6, 2014 at 1:18 pm said:

    Thanks for the episode!

  2. I’m nicking this* and making it my thesis proposal. Thanks!
    *The episode, not the paper

  3. I’m lovin’ this.

  4. Thanks for chuniiiii!

  5. Thanks for the ep! Couldn’t help laughing at the end of part C ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. TheSion on February 6, 2014 at 5:06 pm said:

    Thanks a lot, UTW~

  7. Kiyoso on February 6, 2014 at 5:10 pm said:

    And as it always has, Rock crushes Scissors.

  8. jigajig on February 6, 2014 at 5:35 pm said:

    yeah type C are the worst.

  9. RandomDood on February 6, 2014 at 8:55 pm said:

    Shouldn’t B, C and D be a subcategory of A?

  10. Kiyoso on February 6, 2014 at 9:26 pm said:

    Wait guys, aren’t you talking about cups?

  11. Jay-kun on February 6, 2014 at 10:31 pm said:

    Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. man00ver on February 7, 2014 at 12:13 am said:

    Stupid episode had me smiling like a moron all the way through. Thanks!

  13. Atticus Lee on February 7, 2014 at 2:35 am said:

    “Common examples of this type of eighth-grade syndrome includes hipsters, furries, and international anime fans, especially those who watch โ€œfansubs.โ€
    Gave me a good laugh, that last one.

  14. skylion on February 7, 2014 at 4:58 am said:

    Thank you for the release. I mean that in the naughtiest way possible.

  15. thank you, anyway this article ๐Ÿ˜‰
    This immersion is typically done in imitation of others without a proper understanding of what the subculture truly values. Common examples of this type of eighth-grade syndrome includes hipsters, furries, and international anime fans, especially those who watch โ€œfansubs.โ€
    so what does this subculture value?

  16. Since you wrote all this crap about 8grade sybdrome, you obviously are all affected. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    It’s only anime after all. XD

  17. I think it may be important to note that Chuunibyou (as I see it used, and as it was originally used on radio by Ijuuin Hikaru) refers to people (typically those going through puberty) who pretend – out of a desire to be ‘special’ or ‘important’ – that they are something they are not. That is to say, a chuuni “rebel” is not an actual rebel; he may talk about being involved in a gang, getting into fights, committing crimes, etc. but he hasn’t actually done any of what he says he’s done.

  18. Can I please point out that the very first line of the OP, “I wanna fall in love” is subbed as “I wanna fallin’ love”?
    As if they’re singing “I want to falling love”
    Do you guys not know the phrase “fall in love”?

  19. Xythar on February 9, 2014 at 2:56 am said:

    You might want to consider that the people who bring you your fansubs aren’t as retarded as you seem to think they are.

  20. Suaveburn on February 13, 2014 at 2:33 pm said:

    Xythar, for that one statement I LOVE YOU. Not really but still, keep up the good work.

  21. Had Monochrome Monster been left without romaji intentionally?

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