DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_18_[h264-720p][9C146A48].mkv
Thanks again Full movie Fate/kaleid :oath under the snow leaked
Thank you so muc!.
One of the best episodes yet
Thank you as always!
Apparently Apex got hurt by “apex is dead” comment and he released ep 18 almost 24h ago.
Poor nyantalanta… and poor poor poor jackie… LET ME LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!
Thanks for the episode! Great work.
That’s, uh… “Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair.” from Shakespeare after the ED, guys. It’s a famous line. You know, from Macbeth.
Are you guys going to do Heaven’s Feel when the Blu Rays come out?
Thank you!
Its Friday November 10th where is episode 19? It hasn’t even aired yet! Im sick of this sloppy work. I’m selling all my UTW stock. Hmph
wait he FORGOT his NP? he said he DIDN’T WANT TO USE IT a few episodes back since OOOOHH a Mig 21
give me 20mins of pure astolfo fanservice screentime and i’ll fap to his cute face
If you can read espanol.. then wait no more:
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Thanks again
Full movie Fate/kaleid :oath under the snow leaked
Thank you so muc!.
One of the best episodes yet
Thank you as always!
Apparently Apex got hurt by “apex is dead” comment and he released ep 18 almost 24h ago.
Poor nyantalanta… and poor poor poor jackie… LET ME LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!
Thanks for the episode! Great work.
That’s, uh… “Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair.” from Shakespeare after the ED, guys.
It’s a famous line. You know, from Macbeth.
Are you guys going to do Heaven’s Feel when the Blu Rays come out?
Thank you!
Its Friday November 10th where is episode 19? It hasn’t even aired yet! Im sick of this sloppy work. I’m selling all my UTW stock. Hmph
wait he FORGOT his NP? he said he DIDN’T WANT TO USE IT a few episodes back since OOOOHH a Mig 21
give me 20mins of pure astolfo fanservice screentime and i’ll fap to his cute face
If you can read espanol.. then wait no more: