DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_20_[h264-720p][955252FF].mkv
DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_21_[h264-720p][20145507].mkv
One thing led to another and the delay got out of our hands but we’re back on track now.
DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_20_[h264-720p][955252FF].mkv
DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_21_[h264-720p][20145507].mkv
One thing led to another and the delay got out of our hands but we’re back on track now.
Thank You!
Much appreciated
OOH! Double drop!! Thanks
Rly nice job, Sankyuu
Thanks UTW, those guys that badmouthed you doesn’t really realize what you contributions are ;D
You think this is good enough? all the money and resources we as leechers pour into your sorry excuse for a professional subbing service?
You will be hearing from my lawyers!
I luv u
So glad that you’re back on track! nobody like UTW for Fate!
Praise the UTW!
Thanks so much, I’m really excited to watch it
Double release. Awesome. Thanks, guys.
are you doing all this subbing things alone?
thank you so much! It’s really worth waiting for UTW subs!
I have been holding from watching episode 20 and 21 and now it has been paid off.
Thank you for the release.
Thank you so much for translating Fate/-series. I always wait patiently for your subs ’cause they are just the best option. I rarely leave a comment before dl’ing episodes (I know I should do that every single time, but yeah) but I really, really appreciate your effort. Please keep doing the good work!
BOOM! Thanks for latest releases!
Relieved that our man was able to f/ap.
thank you
So happy he managed to f/ap well enough ^^
Thank you!!!! you rock!!!
Thanks! <3 Much appreciated.
The editor can freely fap now…double times!
Thanks guys! keep up the great work!
Love you guys! thanks!
Never lost faith in you guys for a moment. UTW you are my heroes
thanks for the releases and I’m happy hear you’re back on track!
Keep up the amazing work!!!!!!!!
Thanks once again guys.
Thank you!
GJ, thanks!
Thanks guys!!
Thanks a lot!
Wanted to come say thanks! have been waiting for you guys to release.
I’m almost grateful for the delay of releases. I would have died with 20th cliffhanger.
Thansk for the hard work!
Love you guys!
the animation for ep22, I had more trouble understanding with my eyes than my ears
Worth the wait
Such is life, I’m glad you’re back, I’m sure it was worth the wait <3