Unlimited Translation Works

B Gata H Kei – 04

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_B_Gata_H_Kei_-_04_[h264_720p][C116867B].mkv [MU]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_B_Gata_H_Kei_-_04_[XviD][2B575A80].avi [MU]
D’AAWWWWW @ end.

30 Thoughts on “B Gata H Kei – 04

  1. FlareKnight on April 23, 2010 at 6:49 am said:

    Thanks for the release. Interesting change for the episode image. Not a bad call :).

  2. Ershin on April 23, 2010 at 7:18 am said:

    We mostly just wanted to show off how damn awesome Bob64’s work on that was. ^^

  3. Indeed, we’re blessed with a very gifted team.
    If you guys ever want to see what’s underneath, though, simply disable the subtitles. Contrary to what Kosuda said, her writing’s not that… bad… (well, I suppose it’s not super girl-neat, but… *shrugs*)

  4. Thomas on April 23, 2010 at 8:35 am said:

    Wow, those are some pretty amazing softsubs right there. Unfortunately MPlayer OSX doesn’t always seem to play nice with complex softsubs (atleast I assume that’s the issue), so it was nice to have a screenshot of the intended result 🙂
    Thanks for another episode everyone!

  5. FlareKnight on April 23, 2010 at 8:41 am said:

    Definitely a great job done in the episode. Really makes it all the better to watch.

  6. CherryHawk on April 23, 2010 at 9:26 am said:

    That’s dedication. I feel like a jerk for not realizing that it was typesetting (Even though the Japanese probably don’t write in english XD). Goes to show how awesome it is.

  7. Geese1 on April 23, 2010 at 11:06 am said:

    Thanks for the episode! Great work, as always.

  8. Looking forward to watching this after work!

  9. Loving this series, great working subbing it! 😀

  10. Lloyd on April 23, 2010 at 5:56 pm said:

    Sweet episode 4. I’ll wait though till the avi comes out so I can watch it on my Xbox. Super excited though.

  11. I’m also using mplayer to watch this (‘buntu user 🙂 ) and while the text is shown correctly, there’s no white background – other than the video, which contains original text. Bob64, if you’re reading this – what’s the feature which produces the background called? Hopefully it’s implemented in the recent libass 0.9.9 – I’m stuck on 0.9.6 for a few more weeks.
    And, as others have said – great job on the letter (and other signs). First time I see so much dedication to signs, and on a speedsub, no less! 😮

  12. Bob64 on April 23, 2010 at 8:32 pm said:

    Drawing Tags is the feature I use.

  13. Bob64 on April 23, 2010 at 8:38 pm said:

    Oh, and if your curious, drawing the background for that letter took 2 “lines” that looked like this:
    {\fad(0,200)\an7\pos(0,0)\bord0\shad0\p1\c&HE4DAD6&}m 218 150 l 276 202 451 164 559 152 572 189 436 183 264 238 364 552 425 582 427 622 575 603 638 640 423 666 392 750 808 725 600 737 645 687 659 662 702 586 654 586 583 605 554 584 525 577 532 550 625 538 602 484 651 464 642 445 647 427 653 414 663 408 679 406 700 413 739 395 689 67{\p0}
    {\fad(0,200)\an7\pos(0,0)\bord0\shad0\p1\c&H918882&}m 686 616 l 656 666 645 687 613 727 825 725 784 658{\p0}

  14. Thanks for the releases guys. I’m away from home/out of town, but as soon as I’m back home Sunday I’ll be downloading this one. I already have a computer back home working as a torrent mule for the other releases =P.

  15. booboo on April 23, 2010 at 10:18 pm said:

    definitely needs a v2. maybe try not to be so fast next time :-/

  16. ilovetsundere on April 23, 2010 at 11:04 pm said:

    This anime is very relevant to my interests and you guys/gals are awesome for subbin’ it.

  17. @booboo: What about this release needs a v2?
    Also, thank you all for your continued support~

  18. Ershin on April 24, 2010 at 2:40 am said:

    I’m going to politely assume it was a joke.

  19. Nikon on April 24, 2010 at 4:06 am said:

    Bob you’re amazing.

  20. vicza on April 24, 2010 at 5:02 am said:

    Thanks for releases. Good job, but… WHY do you remove the ending sponsor message? (“B?H?????????????????????????????”). Tamura Yukari herself announces it, besides, it’s a quite non-standard one. Even if you don’t translate it (why not, btw?), it should not be removed, I think.

  21. Beaux on April 24, 2010 at 3:07 pm said:

    Does this series have an uncensored version or will we have to wait for the DVD rips?

  22. ilovetsundere on April 24, 2010 at 6:22 pm said:

    Well, the only part that I saw could possibly wrong is this line:
    “and these are obviously demon seal condoms!”
    She is mentioning the things she is gonna be using to conquer Kosuda.
    So shouldn’t it be “and obviously these demon seal condoms!”.
    I don’t know a speck of Japanese, but I decided to see what he thought was wrong and that’s the only thing I found weird.

  23. Nikon on April 24, 2010 at 6:59 pm said:

    So uh
    If you don’t know any Japanese, how could you know if it’s right or wrong
    Just sayin

  24. ilovetsundere on April 24, 2010 at 7:04 pm said:

    You’re right.
    It was just something I found a bit weird.

  25. Anonymous on April 24, 2010 at 10:31 pm said:

    I was wondering if that was soft-sub or intergrated. Good job! Too bad it says “atwosphere”.
    I haven’t seen this episode yet but MPlayer Extended (as opposed to MPlayer) had a horrible time displaying the subs in the RPG scene in episode three (the one where she can masturbate with her breasts now) VLC did a better job (still looked terrible)

  26. Bob64 on April 25, 2010 at 2:16 am said:

    That’s the font. If you look closely, its actually a “m”. Oh, and don’t make me repeat myself on the good “wood” part. That’s also an “m”.
    Didn’t know of another girly font that really matched her handwriting.

  27. Anonymous on April 25, 2010 at 3:09 am said:

    You’re right. The odd first stroke threw me.

  28. Anonymous on April 28, 2010 at 7:48 am said:

    I thought my comment was moderated but I guess not. So I’ll try again. I found two fonts that might work, Catholic School Girl and Miwaza Smart Girl. Miwaza has a big downstroke before the first upstroke so it might wind up the same. My last post didn’t make it because of the links I guess so I’ll have to leave those out.

  29. Well I don’t know about you guys, but when I do running-writing, my ‘m’ looks exactly the same as that font too~ So I would have thought most people follow the correct stroke for an ‘m’ when they write~ To me, it definitely looks like an ‘m’ though!

  30. 108s9001 on April 30, 2010 at 2:17 am said:

    UTW follower reporting in.
    Thanks for the subs! ~

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