Ok so as promised here’s the FLAC CDS of Amagami SS ED2, Surely Tomorrow… (Kitto Ashita wa…) from Satou Rina. Note this is my own department for FLAC’s! I got my own Department~ woot!
ED2 FLAC CD Single: [UaW]_Satou_Rina_-_Surely_Tomorrow…_Inc._Scans_(Amagami_SS_ED2_2CDS)_[FLAC]
? —- + —– + —- ?
Press full-screen for the best experience! (Best be at 720p too.)
This morning, Shuugo posted up a link. I didn’t notice it at first. But when I looked closely, it was…
[12:48] [+The_Assman] YouTube – ????SS ED2 FULL ?????????. (by FavAiraYuuki4) 314 views.
So I flipped out linking it to Raze. Eventually, he responded:
[16:22] [Raze] WHAT
[16:22] [Raze] WHAAAAATTTTTT
[16:22] [Raze] WHAT
[16:22] [Raze] WHERe
[16:22] [Kusion] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCGAW6RT5DI
[16:22] [Raze] FLAC WHERE
[16:22] [Raze] EAC WHERE
[16:22] [Kusion] I CANT FIND THE DL
[16:22] [Raze] WHAT
[16:22] [Raze] SHITTY YOUTUBE?
[16:22] [Raze] WTF MAN
[16:22] [Raze] YOU SUCK
He flipped out too.
He transcribed it, Ershin translated it, and I did all the k-timing and karaoke effects. Actually, this is my first time saying I’ve made a “legit” karaoke before. It used to be me messing around with settings that made the words big and small. So, I’m very proud of the work I did today. Even though it took me all day searching Google and bugging D4RK-PH0ENiX (thanks so much for the help)!
So enough bragging about my stupid accomplishment. Enjoy the Amagami SS ED 2 (FULLY TRANSLATED!) brought to you by UTW Fansubs!
Fuck yes. That is all.
/flips out
I’m speechless
your funny =D
i cant find the dl either T_T
Fuck yes, indeed.
aiyaaa ~~ let’s check this out XD
somebody needs to teach kusion how to time ALL syllables.
*note to self: don’t let kusion k-time actual shows :D*
Great song… Will be translated opening and ending 1 ??
TwT haaa… I was waiting for this so long
Full version didn’t disappointed ¦3
But yeah, I’ve been looking for the HQ single, but nothing…
Probably the first time I care enough to get a single, but in nontheless.
Oh you guys…*thumbs up*
Nipponsei just released the mp3s – http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Amagami%20SS%20ED2%20Single%20-%20Kitto%20Ashita%20wa…%20%5BSatou%20Rina%5D.zip.torrent
wtb lossless single
they should release this song in 5.1 and 7.1 for its epicness
Where’s the Kusion post for this week! Kusian troll us now!
Guys give me an hour or so and I’ll release a FLAC of this CD Single just tagging it now.
Thanks for the flac. 🙂
If anyone wants just the single without using the (slow) torrent, here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?5m1inj1qj7c6jdt
Video’s down; how about a torrent/DDL for that too? If they’re too small individually to warrant a torrent, you could do a batch once they’re all done.
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