DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_-_03_[h264-720p][2C55B11E].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_-_03_[XviD][7E6D3C15].avi [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SCRIPT: [UTW]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_-_03.ass
This week we have Luccia and Angelene.
Thanks, you’re awesome!
Thank you for another episode
awesome! thank you.
Ohh, out extra early, only a bit behind Ayako this time. Awesome, thanks for the hard work.
any eta until the DDL is up?
Thanks, I gotta wait for the xvid atm, cuz i’m not on my pc and this laptop can’t handle 720p. xD
Hooray, thx
Nice quick release, wasn’t expecting this. Thanks.
Thankiesss <3
<3 sankyu
[spoiler]You should change the color theme of the website now that the Ai banner is up
We’ve actually got additional plans for the banner in the works.[/spoiler]
Awesome! I was just about to download the Ayako version and get your’s later to archive but I saw that it was out! It’s always a pleasure to watch these subs. Keep up the fantastic job!
Been waiting for this all week!
For DDL, click on my name.
Time to watch.
thx for the release
Thanks a lot for your hard and dedicated work as always. First time commenting here and I thought I would share my gratitude with you guys for once and will possibly will continue to do so.
Thanks again. Always a pleasure seeing your work come to fruition.
Oh fuck yes.
Keep up the great work guys!
Yes, keep up the good work. You guys are good serven…Iah… I mean your services are most appreciated.
Good Job! Thanks for the episode.
Why did you edited out transitions(those with breaking glass between halves of the show) from each Index ep?
man. even in anime the roman catholic church is fvcking crazy.
Is it just me or is the timing for the karaoke messed up. Starts at 2:43
Here are the corrected timings for the OP if any are interested in remuxing:
0,0:02:39.01,0:02:44.72 – mayouna sono…
0,0:02:39.01,0:02:44.72 – Don’t get lost…
0,0:02:44.72,0:02:50.06 – kami ga…
0,0:02:44.72,0:02:50.06 – The answer…
0,0:02:50.06,0:02:55.31 – sou sore…
0,0:02:50.06,0:02:55.31 – Yes, that…
0,0:02:55.31,0:03:02.57 – norikoetara…
0,0:02:55.31,0:03:02.57 – You’ll see…
0,0:03:02.57,0:03:05.28 – No buts!
0,0:03:02.57,0:03:05.28 – No buts!
Also, and this may just be my ears, @ 4:49 it sounds like he yells “Stiyl!” as it sounds the same as how he pronounces it @ 5:15.
And thanks granting me my Index fix for the week!! =)
damn hayai!
gracias! i appreciate urs!
Yups karaoke little messed at end (opening)
New font for this release?
could you give us a patch for the opening
i want SD file of this episode. When will it be available?
You’re going to LOVE Agnese’s little… “speech”.
Good Episode… Needs more biribiri…
Note: the xvid has the fixed kara timings.
One crazy ass nun, and one sexy, innocent nun thanks for da release!!
thanks a lot, now a rant about the anime and not about your work (which is awesome)… but it’s been 3 weeks full of church stuff, I need some science… c’mon all magicians are owned by just one hit, even the mugen look a like… this needs some level 5 action!!!
Yeah, looking forward to seeing the other type of “sisters” and their crazy Level 5 pet.
Gotta say though, I’m impressed with how much more Index actually contributes this season compared to last. Loving the new season so far and can’t wait to see where it goes from here!
mmmm, a lil suggestion:
Luccia = Lucia (italian name)
Angelene = Angelina (italian name) or Angeline (English?)
the ONE and ONLY thing that bothers me with UTW’s index is when two people talk simultaneously. They should either be in different colors or at the top and bottom of the screen. It gets a bit confusing if lines of dialogue cross like that. thanks for the release though
I wonder why that action scene with [spoiler] Kamijo Touma (Goku) when he was a decoy or bait for the Look-alike Mugen (Raditz) and when Stiyl (Piccolo) used his flaming sword (tried to anyways) to get both of them in one hit [/spoiler] reminded me of a certain scene from Dragonball Z…
You’re right about Lucia but wrong about Angelene. It’s a variant on Angelina and although it’s more commonly a Greek name it’s still a name that can be found in Italy. It definitely wouldn’t be “Angeline” though.
It was kind of hard to tell from the anime but Touma’s plan was to [spoiler]distract Saiji with the fire magic and do the attacking himself. Making Stiyl seem to be the most dangerous of the group would cause Saiji’s attention to be drawn to him rather than Touma, either leaving him vulnerable or forcing him to retreat from their charge. I don’t know if Stiyl caught on or was actually prepared to stab through him but in Touma’s mind Stiyl was the decoy.[/spoiler]
Oh yes, of course you’re right. I just wanted consider it in a general aspect instead of an individual perspective is all.
Guys, check out this video “Help the ANIME Industry (Sustain the Industry Intro)”
After doing some more looking into, I think something about your subtitle file isn’t working with haali or vsfilter because even though the font is muxed in and in the subtitle file, it isn’t loading it (it’s loading arial instead). Could you look into that?
Thank you!
While I mostly believe a separation of the chair and CEO is a healthy thing, particularly in public companies, it is not a healthy answer to set up 2 people of analogous ages, tremendous egos and significant ambition in this kind of office relative to each other. They tell a camel is a horse fashioned by a committee. This is a two humped camel.