Unlimited Translation Works

Amagami SS & Yosuga no Sora – Batches

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW] Amagami SS [h264-720p].torrent [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW] Amagami SS [XviD].torrent [DDL]
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW-Ryuumaru] Yosuga no Sora [720p].torrent [DDL]
DOWNLOAD 480p: [UTW-Ryuumaru] Yosuga no Sora [480p].torrent [DDL]
With these batches, we bid farewell to the Fall 2010 anime season. Those of you who prefer to wait for a series to finish before downloading can now dig in!
None of the releases has been changed from the weekly release versions for both Yosuga no Sora batches. For Amagami SS, episodes 1-4 received new encodes, episodes 1-15 have been re-QC’d (that’s as far as I got before deciding there was little point in continuing), and the confusing typo in episode 17 has also been fixed. In other words, episodes 16 and 18-25 in this batch are the same as the weekly release versions.
We did not and will not re-encode the Amagami SS XviD releases to include the various tweaks and fixes made for the HD releases during the re-QC, so all the files in the XviD batch are the same as the weekly release versions.
In case you missed it, be sure to check out the post below for the final BD volume of Angel Beats.
Allow me to take this chance to wish you all a Happy New Year. Let’s hope 2011 brings us more great anime to enjoy!

38 Thoughts on “Amagami SS & Yosuga no Sora – Batches

  1. Indeed. I hope a merry and wonderful year with lots of BANG and fireworks galore. May you great success in future projects to come.

  2. any chance of patch releases?

  3. happy new year guys! 🙂

  4. hey dude, nice titties that u have there 😀
    ohhh and also awesome ass
    aside that, Happy new Year, too 😀 2011 await us, and i’m looking forward to your development and awesome project 😉
    still, i’ll wait for my awesome MIYA-MIYA 😀

  5. thanks to these release… really appreciated

  6. It would be good if there will be patch fro Amagami SS for episodes 5-16 and 17. Thnks

  7. Directory of patches for 720p files: http://www.mediafire.com/?jzrxex9xlohft
    You’re on your own for getting an xdelta3 executable. Once you have one, the easiest way to run is just do xdelta3 -d [name of patch file] after putting it in the same directory as the old file.

  8. Will UTW still continue with the Amagami BDs?

  9. @Alex…. did u know? Miya’s arc still in 13th disc Blu-Ray…. so of course they do 😀

  10. Thank you first and foremost, however I was very sad that you guys didn’t put the .txt of the monologues in the torrent, so instead I put it together! http://www.mediafire.com/?yiai8eblyymzj2s

  11. Iron Sand G on December 30, 2010 at 9:19 pm said:

    ^Thanks Buddy 😀 It’s To Have The Script.
    Also Thanks to UTW for subbing Amagami SS 😀

  12. chinlamp on December 30, 2010 at 9:21 pm said:

    Are you guys going to do the Yosuga no Sora BD’s? Sorry if you already said yes or no in one of your posts, I missed it.
    Thanks for the batches.

  13. Black_Raven on December 30, 2010 at 9:28 pm said:

    here’s the patches, included with xdelta3.exe and .bat files
    all credits go to eng

  14. Diogo4D on December 30, 2010 at 9:41 pm said:

    I am sure the next year will be as awesome as this year was to UTW.
    Long live to this group that i love so much. ?
    hmm… Now that i think about it, that out that ?… sounds to gay for me. 😛

  15. Diogo4D on December 30, 2010 at 9:44 pm said:

    take, godammit, TAKE not THAT!
    Sorry for the double bullshit. XD

  16. Hello there UTW, Happy new year to you guys, awesome job in amagami SS, and yosuga no sora.
    With word of another season of Angel Beats! Will you guys be looking into that if it comes out? or will you guys leave it up to mazui again?

  17. negativebro on December 30, 2010 at 10:46 pm said:

    2010 was a great year for anime. Hopefully, I’ll see you guys in 2011 for more great anime. Many thanks for subbing Amagami SS (one of my new favorite anime), Angel Beats!, B Gata H Kei, UBW, Yosuga no Sora, et al this past year.

  18. ParadoxFaith on December 30, 2010 at 10:56 pm said:

    Angel Beats BD no batch? I am sad panda.

  19. ParadoxFaith, if you look at the release notes for Angel Beats! BD7, ar said we’ll be making a batch.

  20. Speaking of character monologues, I noticed there’s a different set of monologues on the Character Song singles. Any chance of those being translated? =D
    Also, Happy New Year to UTW!!! We’ll be in your care once more =D

  21. I take it the amagami blu rays dont include the new qc edits?

  22. Could I ask where did you get that picture of Sora (possibly hi-res) ?

  23. @ vassago
    Actually, the “re-QC” I spoke of that I did for episodes 1-10 (those that have already been covered by the released BDs at this point in time) were actually done for the BD releases and transferred over for this batch. So basically, I technically only QC’d episodes 11-15 for the batch. Not that I’d honestly have the time to do any more during this busy and festive time of year.
    While this batch may be convenient for those of you who simply wish to watch the series, our BD releases are clearly what you’d want to archive, if that’s what you’re doing.

  24. anom.nom.nom on December 31, 2010 at 1:20 pm said:

    Thank you for all your works this year and Happy New Year.

  25. how did you know i was waiting for the batch? sneaky devil you! thanks a lot. Happy new year!

  26. vassago on December 31, 2010 at 7:48 pm said:

    Thanks for the clarification and all the hard work. Have a great new years!

  27. Wanted to thank Black_Raven (and eng) for the patch work. I will do these when i can free up some hard drive space =)

  28. Something seems to be wrong with the eps 09 & 10 of Amagami SS (XviD)
    Can’t seem to play ’em on mine pc and dvd player… 🙁
    Anyone had the same issue…?
    Note: Posted about this yesterday… But for some unknown reason… Mine post just suddenly vanished… 😕

  29. Ishikawa on January 3, 2011 at 1:50 am said:

    First of all…thank you SO much for the fantastic work you’ve done on all your releases!
    Secondly…I know I’ve read stuff on some of the “missing” story arcs in Yosuga no Sora being on a “fandisc”…any chance of it being done by you, or has it been done by someone else?

  30. Wizel603 on January 4, 2011 at 7:44 am said:

    yes, episodes 09 and 10 in the XviD batch are corrupted.

  31. @Wizel603
    Well then… [ http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/5879/pirorin818b.gif ] …. At least other eps in the batch works fine… Am not too happy ’bout this though… 🙁
    I’ll simply DL the single eps 9 & 10… And can anyone tell how to use ’em to seed the batch…? 😕

  32. Brixter on January 5, 2011 at 5:20 pm said:

    Hello guys!
    I am currently downloading this and re-encoding some videos in the process but can anyone please tell me what are the patches? What are patches?
    I don’t have any idea, sorry i’m green.

  33. @ Brixter
    The patches fixes the script I believe, also may change the numbers at the end of the file name.
    You guys at UTW forgot to add the character monologue to the Amagami batch. ;_;

  34. clunipot on November 25, 2011 at 3:14 am said:

    Seeds for Amagami SS please.. 🙁

  35. Need seeds for Amagami SS Xvid..

  36. sukiseishiro on May 29, 2012 at 3:03 am said:

    I think Amagami SS 09-10 are broken files

  37. waterxeno on August 17, 2012 at 12:56 pm said:

    need seeder for [UTW-Ryuumaru] Yosuga no Sora [720p].torrent >.<
    I've been seeding and leeching for almost 1 week now

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