DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Fractale_-_04_[h264-720p][BE4B9022].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Fractale_-_04_[XviD][78E1AFF2].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
This was a pretty funny episode.
The encoder is also proud he finally managed to legitimately break the magical 500MB size barrier with this week’s encode. The episode needed the extra bitrate, of course.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that there will be no Fractale next week. And for those of you who celebrate it, have a great Lunar New Year!
Nice timing guys, I was just wondering what I should watch. Thanks
I love you, ar. You are my hero.
Oh Encoder, you so crazy.
Sizes have been getting bigger and bigger lately, few months ago the average was just 300mb.
Though I don’t really care cause I have space on my hard drive and my internet’s fast enough and doesn’t have a cap. Me so happy. Although it’s kinda funny when you think about it, this episode alone is like half a GB.
Fuck this shit.
Wait for the BD to make oversized files!
size who cares…. XD
thanks dudes…
Oh, didn’t realize it was over 500mb till I read the comments. Size means nothing to me though. Once u have a 1tb hardrive then it will last you for a while, or u can just delete crap.
Thanks for the episode!
I’ve gotta say, I’m really enjoying this series a lot more than I expected. Watching it I get a feeling of nostalgia as it reminds me quite a bit of some of the older series (1980s) that I used to watch growing up.
What first came to your mind when you watched episode 01?
When I saw Phryne I thought “Nausicaa~~~~~~”~.
And Nessa is soooooooooo original.
How would be see a masterpiece like Nausicaa in a series with all the quality of nowadays~~~~
“Think only of Nessa!”

What? No Nessa love next week?
To everyone complaining about size just get a back up drive like i have in which i store all my anime on, you can get a 500GB back up drive for less than 70 dollars us. I use my back up drive for only my animes and manga,
“Oh, I almost forgot to mention that there will be no Fractale next week”
Is the TV station skipping a week or something staff related expected to cause the delay?
No problem. I can wait a couple weeks for episode 5.
Thank you for the awesome releases.
yah you can find some really good deals sometimes too. about two weeks ago i got a 1.5tb seagate freeagent for $90 at bestbuy. for desktop/laptop storage it’s a good way to go, they even backup automatically and such now.
thanks for the release guys!
Come home from work, unwind, watch Fractale.
Couldn’t ask for a more perfect Thursday evening.
Thank you for the ep, and the holiday wish.
“A strange old man”
LOL, the glasses let you hear the dopples! XD
Btw, thanks a LOT!
Thank you, good sirs.
wow, I checked out tokyotosho and it seems like a lot of new anime ps were subbed and posted in like the last 4 hours.
I have info from that next week is also there eps 5 for fractale.. how will you explain it to me?
It was twittered on the official fractale twitter account of course!
a hate these stupid Noitamina breaks,Musuko will have one for sure…10x for subbing guys, this is one of the best shows ever!
oh just another episode of miyazaki style terrori-oh shit nessa stretched her baka HNNNNNGGGGGG.
i dont think i can go a week without nessa,im gonna have to rewatch ep 3 just to keep myself going.
Almost forgot this show was out today, after shitting my pants over Madoka cliffhanger.
Thanks for the surprise <3 cutie patooties
good one 524mb ,,,if I dont use premium downloading I will never download it
Wow these large sizes are killing me.
I can half understand when people complain about file sizes, I for one dislike large filesizes because Australia has stupid internet, and I have a limit which well limits the amount I can download, and I think that might be the problem rather than storage problems. I have no problems with file storage, it’s just I hate my internet.
Ya who gives a flip about size. As long as a 1080p doesn’t break the 1.5GB line (unless it has damn good reason) then I’m straight.
Why aren’t you hardsubbing the karaoke effects?
I thought this was a standard practice…
As a side note. I see 720p episodes of One Piece by K-F, and they aren’t that big. Why is that?
Why would you hardsub a simple karaoke? It only makes sense when the karaoke is so filled up with effects that it laggs when watching.
if it needs hardsubbing
it’s not needed at all
@Eldir: every video file needs separate settings depending on the amount of action/dark scenes/noise/filters used etc etc. You can’t just go and say “but episode X by group Y has only the size of Z”
I prefer a larger filesize over eyecancer anytime, but then, my internet doesn’t have any bandwidth caps (it’s just slow). As for hardsubbing, hell no. I want my video untouched, kthx.
Thanks UTW, going to watch nao~
AVI version 210MB FTW!
Certainly the storage of files is not a huge problem. You can get a 2tb caviar green for $80 (or so). The real problem is bandwidth caps living in certain countries (eg. Canada, and Auzzies). Nearly impossible to find unlimited (Heck, I would kill for a 100gB limit with 10m/s down, 1m/s up at a price lower than $60) bandwidth plans.
By the way, resolution is not the only factor in determining file size. Thanks for the uploads nonetheless.
Sorry, regarding my previous post (dont think theres an edit button), I meant mb/s not m/s. Damn me and physics.
Well I was just wondering
( my laptop is 4 years old, so yes I turn of subs for opening; funny thing – during ending it doesn’t lag ;D )
(and no, I don’t have a bandwith).

I just get surprised from time to time, when I see big files
And I prefer hardsubs, even though I know how long it takes to encode a file
UTW keep up the good work
Thanks for the subs guys!
Hanazawa Kana continues to shine this season =)
Thanks for your hard work, UTW!
Who cares about sizes! (Except our womens…)
Holy shit I almost died at the end when Nessa said Baka
I think that was the best Baka I ever heard!
hnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg indeed
Thank you UTW for sharing this.
Thx foor this episode but where is episode 5!!!!!
Learn to read posts.
Thanks for the ep, looking forward to the others
Thanks for the ep