DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_06_[h264-720p][2C3FE952].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_06_[XviD][C4C85B4B].avi [DDL]
Junichi and Ai are so adorable together. >_<
For those of you who don’t know this, “Wherefore art thou Romeo?” does not mean “Where are you, Romeo?” but “Why are you Romeo?”. Read more Shakespeare, get smarter.
Random observation:
[04:22:02] < @Raze> notice how the love hotel district is conspicuously empty during christmas eve
Looks like Kaoru’s up next week. It’ll be interesting to see what they manage to milk out of the bro-turned-girlfriend relationship.
yay, first!
where’s the DDL?
Finally the last half of Ai-chan. Thanks !
thanks UTW!
are there any ddl sites left that work left?
@John Conner
well, considering UTW has been lately using sendmyway and deposit files… uh, fansub groups just find whatever works and use it… but it has to be able to satisfy everyone… some groups use, but i know it’s blocked in places like the US and Japan… tried it, i’d know. and yeah… i get how the groups want to be paid to be able to continue, but, yeah…
Sendmyway has disabled their affiliate program. So they are dropped.
fucks…. yes…
good, because at my slow 1mbps speed, it was downloading at only half the speed i normally download stuff at. but you guys are awesome nonetheless
Junichi and Ai are the best : )
thanks guys
thanks for Nansaki!
when will they get to the secret Hibiki route?!!@#$%^&*
My body is ready.. 
why do we have a Miya pic btw?
Thanks ever so much!
And, yeah, so true about the “Wherefore art thou Romeo” … GO DRAMA!
Have a good night! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!
i thought they were going in reverse order… why is kaoru next
check my facking soul.
I always did wonder why the Japs translated it that way… I honestly never knew it meant that. I’ve read lots of Shakespeare, but I’m by no means an expert on Old English.
Regardless I’m excited for the new Nanasaki ep!
Ohhh Ai-chan!
Miya is a Goddess herself after all.
But they have changed the pic to the current one huh..
Tachibana lives his life to the fullest and it pisses me off. Someone should punch him hard.
You are my temporary personal hero for actually understanding Shakespeare. I’m so sick of that line being misinterpreted, second only to the constant misunderstanding the use of the word “protest” in “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” to mean “object” rather than “insist.”
Eh? What happened to Sae’s arc? They changed just these two for no apparent reason? Oh well, works for me, I was looking forward to Sex Hair’s arc much more than Sae’s anyway.
I don’t understand why you’re surprised, it was obvious already in episode 2 (to be exact, preview to ep 3) that they don’t care about maintaining any particular order.
Great episode, I support Junichi x Ai because it means more Nishishi x Meat buns ;] Maybe there’ll be a doujin soon?
That screenshot is NSFW, spoiler that shit
I’m at work and now everyone’s looking at this /d/ material on my screen
Reported to the police, my local church pastor, and the president of Zimbabwe
hand-holding should be illegal, one of the sickest fetishes I’ve ever seen
I think the Sae and Morishima arcs are dropped in favour of four episodes of Stalker-chan! I so do hope something like with her will be included as an extra episode on the BDs, though.
This episode… so sweet and vanilla-y that it gave me diabetes…
Finishing my favorite arc then skipping to my next favorite arc? Fine by me!
Thanks for the episode, guys!
Thanks for the release!
I don’t understand why there is so much confusion over that line (Shakespeare)… it’s pretty obvious when just taken from context. I guess no one bothers to read the next four lines where she asks him to deny his father and family name or else she will have to because otherwise they can’t be together.
But then again… reading is way overrated these days I guess.
Where are you Romeo?
what kind of inbred redneck would ever think that’s what it means?
geez -_-
Thank you for further ruining my hope in humanity.
Pingback: Amagami SS plus 06 (UTW) | The Universe
double bummer… I was expecting fireworks between junichi & Ai-chan but all I saw was fireworks in the sky… worse, they put Kaoru’s Plus arc ahead of Sae-chan… she should be at the penultimate arc before Haruka’s final arc… to save two of the best girls Kaoru & Harukaaaaahh for last… it would be a big, no a HUGE letdown if Sae is the last arc… and you guys are right Hibiki should have one special arc and also Mia must have a boyfriend in her Plus arc…
Thanks for the episodes UTW! Love your subs.
Btw I think people are able to download from fileserve again, rather than just using it as a file storage now. I tested it this morning and was able to download from other user, just a FYI.
Great job on the subs, you guys are definitely one of my favourites.
A complaint: While this isn’t important as it doesn’t affect the entire episode, I notice the op kareoke subs disappear once the title card comes up. This has happened to me ever since ep 1. Whats up with that?
But great job nonetheless.
LOL at those who don’t understand Old English!!!
I think you guys are missing something here…
The title was changed.
Like, in episode 05 it was “Strife”, and in this 06 it is “Escape”.
Being Portuguese and don’t understanding English on his fullest can lead me to mistake, so I don’t know if the words are very similar.
But, of course, you’re still the best for me out there.
Thank you, UTW, see you guys next week again.
Nanasaki was great in this white coat Black hair + pair jeans + black sweater + white coat = Nanasaki rocks!!!
I hate you Juinchi
Thank you very much, for this episode. ^^
Thanks guys
Kaoru now please. c:
That and I want some Takahashi-sensei… <3
Shakespeare isn’t Old English. Hell, it isn’t even Middle English. It’s straight up modern English. (with some early-standard usage). Old English looks a lot like this:
Wæs sio swatswaðu Sweona ond Geata,
wælræs weora wide gesyne,
hu ða folc mid him fæhðe towehton.
Spoiler :
UmeharaxTakahashi ? That would be a interesting pairing, lol ! :3
junichi = pedobear?
just love ai-chan….can’t wait for kauro and haruka arcs….hehehehe
Thank you very much for all of the Amagami SS+ releases so far! UTW continues to be a leader in typesetting among fansub groups.
Thank you!