Unlimited Translation Works

Sword Art Online – 04

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_04_[720p][C0EA8D4E].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_04_[XviD][04552A39].avi [DDL]
Joint with GotWoot Fansubs.
Obligatory kawaii loli ep? Obligatory kawaii loli ep.
Looks like we’re getting the Inner Area Incident side story next. I hope to the divine powers that they aren’t going to try and squash all of it into one episode.

126 Thoughts on “Sword Art Online – 04

  1. Markafari on July 29, 2012 at 4:04 am said:

    yay was waiting for this thank you!!

  2. JackZen on July 29, 2012 at 4:04 am said:

    Thanks as always! Can’t wait to watch! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. dwdaw on July 29, 2012 at 4:05 am said:

    utw all the way ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Nice! Thank you so much!

  5. zilentworld on July 29, 2012 at 4:07 am said:

    Yay thanks, what a good timing just before im going to eat lunch.
    Btw, somebody on MAL said Murder Case in the Area will be a 2 ep story. Dunno where he got that info though but it seems legit

  6. Mezz on July 29, 2012 at 4:09 am said:

    Sweet, thanks.

  7. Asdfjuma on July 29, 2012 at 4:09 am said:

    Thank You.
    But why is this now visible on the Nyaa main page?

  8. Linkmstr on July 29, 2012 at 4:18 am said:

    I think they will squish episode 5 in.

  9. Pripswr on July 29, 2012 at 4:22 am said:

    Thanks for the episode.

  10. iqufa on July 29, 2012 at 4:24 am said:

    sd,avi version where??

  11. yay its out !! thank you for the episode

  12. Shawn263241 on July 29, 2012 at 4:28 am said:

    Woot, it’s finally here! Thanks UTW and friends!

  13. BelaGuez on July 29, 2012 at 4:43 am said:

    A Murder in the Area has got to be more than a single episode. The Black Swordsman is only a 3 part short story. Murder in the Area has twelve parts and introduces some major plot line character for later stories.
    Even if they wanted it to be a single episode I just can’t see how it would be possible.
    But who cares, Asuna will be in it. YAY!

  14. john dou on July 29, 2012 at 5:00 am said:

    arite, to all you novel reader, anything they missed out or it’s all there? i like details if possible ๐Ÿ˜›

  15. Alex on July 29, 2012 at 5:02 am said:

    Thanks, can’t wait to watch!

  16. Cyou on July 29, 2012 at 5:03 am said:

    You guys are awesome for getting it out so fast.
    Watching it now to see what changed from the LN.

  17. macxxx007 on July 29, 2012 at 5:11 am said:

    Thanks so much for the episode! Have a good night!

  18. Inquire on July 29, 2012 at 5:15 am said:

    You should link to the newer version of xy-vsfilter, not the second newest.

  19. Geese1 on July 29, 2012 at 5:30 am said:

    Thanks for the release!

  20. Shanticas on July 29, 2012 at 5:59 am said:

    sankyuu ๐Ÿ˜€

  21. Vaan on July 29, 2012 at 6:01 am said:

    A loli episode! HNNNGGG!!!
    Anyway, thanks for the subs and for the VSFilter, I had problems with lag in the OP and ED, and now it’s fixed.

  22. Cyou on July 29, 2012 at 6:23 am said:

    The line “You can’t work that hard for someone you don’t like” doesn’t make sense given the context of the following line “I’m sure she really loves kendo”. Is it perhaps “You can’t work that hard at something you don’t like”?
    Aside from that, most of it’s the same. A few minor details are removed, but it’s perfectly fine as an episode. They did take some of the parts described in the book and turn it to pure action, which I thought was a nice touch. You can infer that Kirito’s a lot stronger than what that level’s supposed to be if you’re paying attention, and that’s simply hammered in later with the numbers.
    For the specifics, I mainly recall things about the Drunk Apes at the beginning, the drink they were having, a few details about the night after the eavesdropping, and a bit regarding the floor and its monsters.
    Overall, I like.

  23. Kojiro on July 29, 2012 at 6:36 am said:

    This one didn’t feel as rushed. Sure, you lose some detail in the transition from short story to anime, but this one was handled well, and done well, especially the end, properly showing the viewers how ridiculously powerful front-liners are compared to other players.
    I liked it, even with the unneeded loli fanservice, and I’m hoping the next short story is executed like this one, and not like the Black Cats guild one, that should have been 2-3 eps.
    IMO they could have split the Black Cats stuff into one, and the Santa stuff into the next, and made it a much stronger sequence overall.

  24. Delicious fag chest on July 29, 2012 at 6:47 am said:

    This episode…it was made for me.

  25. Bigwig on July 29, 2012 at 6:59 am said:

    Actually I think the pacing was very well done for episode 3. I think that it would have been ideally done in 1.5 episodes, because 2 would just drag out the story more (which was slightly clumsily written anyway, imo) , so I can understand packing more into just one and losing some minor details ([spoiler]Honestly, who wants to see Kirito grind insect mobs to level up for half an ep anyway? Although one thing, which I don’t know if they left out due to time, that I don’t like was not showing how Kirito almost died to the Christmas event boss, which was something that didn’t show, or rather, made it look like he was a lot more God-like than the author portrayed him in the novels. Also, I dunno if it’s just translated differently in Japanese, but the words to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer that the author used were kinda retarded, so just humming it in the anime was a good choice >_>.[/spoiler]). The emotions I still felt at the end of it are my reason for thinking so at least. Agreeing with what Raze said in the previous ep post “As for the episode, I think they adapted the Red-nosed Reindeer side story pretty well.”

  26. Arashi_Leonhart on July 29, 2012 at 7:00 am said:

    Whelp, it sounds like the Misaka network has invaded Aincrad.

  27. zilentworld on July 29, 2012 at 7:01 am said:

    @john dou
    The reason why silica lost to the three apes was because they are regenerating at a very fast rate when they are switching
    I dont remember him dashing like that towards rosalia, but he really said that line to her. The 7 guys went and enter voluntarily on the gateway kirito created but rosalia was still resisting, kirito took out a dagger with lvl5 poison/paralysis and said that she will either walk voluntarily or be thrown paralyzed inside
    Those are not important parts though, it was well adapted this time
    Though i have a problem about Pina. Why Pina? why not Fina or Fiina?Fina was the one used by baka-tsuki. No im not raging or something, im curious as to why

  28. thx for the release but I have a prob with UTW & GotWoot releases the past days my player freeze or go extremely slow at OP & ED & that force me to skip them every time, I use CCCP with MP Classic I dont have any prob with releases from other groups so can some1 explain me why this happen?

  29. Lollier on July 29, 2012 at 7:29 am said:

    It was written as Pina in Volume 8 in Baka-Tsuki though~
    Haven’t watched the episode yet but from the comments it looks like it’s a good epi!

  30. Masc on July 29, 2012 at 7:33 am said:


    Baka-Tsuki version is “Pina”

    “Please……Don’t leave me alone……Pina……” ( From the website, maybe they made a revision after you read it?)

    (Started reading the light novel after watching the first ep, was not specting to be so good simple by the name =x )

  31. zilentworld on July 29, 2012 at 8:09 am said:

    @Lollier @Masc
    Hm maybe its just my memory, ill double check it again.

  32. iSupercell on July 29, 2012 at 8:20 am said:

    Thank you for the release!

  33. Envoy on July 29, 2012 at 8:30 am said:

    Much appreciate! Thanks as usual!
    btw really I curious that how they gonna compress the Inner Area Incident in one episode, if they really does that of course

  34. Thanks for the release.
    Awww, Scilica… now, I need a dose of certain blacksmith [spoiler]going after dragon dung[/spoiler] ;3

  35. @Arashi_Leonhart It’s more like the moe-loli side of Scarlet Rain invading Aincrad :3
    Although there were some minor variation in the anime, it had been handle quite well; lot better than the previous episodes.
    Now, I’m more concern on how they gonna make the Murder Inside the area arc into one episode. Stay tune….
    P/S:[spoiler]Beside the romantic feeling that Asuna began to sprout on Kirito, next episode it’s all about the in-game marriage system and expecting lotsa awkward moment when they touch that subject. Hilarity ensues… Aww yeeeaaaah!
    Also, the introduction of infamous red guild, The Laughing Coffin; PoH, Red-Eye Xaxa and Johnnie Black[/spoiler]

  36. Episode was good until they changed something major.
    In the Light Novel it is Silica who knocks on Kiritos floor not the other way around. Before that she trys out the new dagger in her room and can’t sleep and thinks she wants to talk to him more. With the excuse about wanting to know more about the dungeon ahead she goes to his room. Honestly I’m just pissed that they just changed something like that without any reason. If this keeps on a lot of people who read the LN will be pretty dissappointed

  37. And now my explorer messed up the spoiler tags, damn it. Sorry about that, we need a delete/edit option.
    Fixed it for you.

  38. Lollier on July 29, 2012 at 8:46 am said:

    Am I the only person who doesn’t expect the anime to be 100% faithful to the LN? When I started watching, I expected random changes/rushed episodes/missing content/etc. Maybe everyone just has too high an expectation?

  39. @Lollier I guess the world will never be the same if you pick up the original material and compare it to the adaptation.

  40. EcchiSkecchi on July 29, 2012 at 8:59 am said:

    I liked this episode!

  41. AzoLto on July 29, 2012 at 8:59 am said:

    Looks like they do a lot of side stories, not that it bothers me..

  42. @zilentworld
    It was Fina in the past, when it was translated from Korean (no idea if it’s a language or localisation issue).
    Changed it to Pina after we started using the Japanese raws.

  43. XAXA on July 29, 2012 at 9:15 am said:

    Kirito isn’t using Elucidator..wtf!?

  44. Jay-kun on July 29, 2012 at 10:16 am said:

    Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

  45. XOXOXO on July 29, 2012 at 10:26 am said:

    Loli ep ?
    nah….. My favourite loli of the series will comes later, before the final battle.

  46. Grecian Urn on July 29, 2012 at 10:26 am said:

    @ Cyou
    She’s obviously talking about working hard for Kirito.

  47. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

  48. zilentworld on July 29, 2012 at 10:46 am said:

    Yea that was what i was thinking too, maybe Elucidator will not come out till Liz’ arc

  49. NecroMac on July 29, 2012 at 10:47 am said:

    Good ep, Great subs ๐Ÿ˜€

  50. Should change it to “if you are still lagging and can’t afford a new comp try visiting Hadena”

  51. zilentworld on July 29, 2012 at 10:50 am said:

    “We”? Are you a part of baka-tsuki? Thanks for clearing it up, maybe the pdfs i downloaded still used “Fina”

  52. @Vi
    Why is that significant? As I haven’t read the novels, and from reading your description, I think the anime version is better (makes Silica more moe?).
    Thanks for the Subs again ๐Ÿ™‚ I just gotten my Monk in Diablo 3 to Level 60 and ready so that speech about Regeneration and level was really cool hehehe

  53. MeiKo on July 29, 2012 at 11:15 am said:

    Just a question, the next episode takes place on Volume 8. I just finished Volume 4. Will any of the volumes in between be required to be read? I was planning to skip Volume 2, but luckily ended up reading it. xD Otherwise I wouldn’t know what would be going on during the Volumes 3 and 4.

  54. dwdaw on July 29, 2012 at 11:24 am said:

    lol meiko, they are ALL sidestories, you don’t need to know anything, as they are set in the time interval of the 2 years which they skipped in Volume 1.Hence why they are called Sidestories.

  55. Thanks UTW! This was a good adaptation of the side story I think. :> Man I love the art style here! And Silica turned out to be as cute as Asuna… I can’t wait for Lisbet’s chapter now :p

  56. Dark_Pride on July 29, 2012 at 1:11 pm said:

    Thank you for the SD release.

  57. Thanks guys! Nice episode. It did include most of the important stuff, and Silica was really cute!.
    For the people that have not read the light novel, what the episode is missing is just some back story. Silica is a young girl, trapped into the game, and she was deathly afraid for her life. She was almost one of the many players that was simply too scared to leave the starter city. Still, she left, and went to hunt mobs. The first mob she found was a pretty rare dragon, but that dragon did not attack, it just came close to her. She offered it a nut she was carrying, and the dragon happened to like the nut, and became her pet. She named that dragon Pina.
    The dragon pretty much saved her. Not because the dragon could heal a little in battle (that helps), but because it was a companion for her. It helped her beat back her solitude. She was no longer alone. Beast tamers are very rare because the game conditions to get a pet are very strict. The more mobs you kill of a type, the less likely they are to befriend you. Then you have to offer them some food they like, and that information was also unknown at the time. So Silica is a rare type of player. After that, she became pretty famous, and people wanted her in their party. As she mentioned, many of them wanted them simply to look “cool” because they had a rare beast tamer. However, this went to her head, and she became a bit full of herself.
    When she went with a party hunting, with Rosalia and others, at the end of the hunt when they were splitting up the loot, she got into a fight with Rosalia because she said Silica did not need any healing potions with her pet around. So she was not going to get any. The discussion, and her false sense of superiority is what lead her to leave the party… The problem is that the forest they were in changed its sector locations randomly every minute, so without a map, it was very hard to get out…
    That’s when she ran into that team of 3 apes. She had battled them before, and had never had any issues… However, she had battled single enemies, not 3 of them. What they did was very surprising to her, and identical to what players do. When one of them was weak, they “switched” with another mob, and went to the back row, they then drank from the item in their left hand, and that started recovering their life slowly. Silica was not able to defeat them before they did that, and they could completely heal before she could take the next down… So that is how she came to that bad predicament. Silica pretty much froze, she ran out of healing items, and Pina could not heal her fast enough. She panicked, she froze, as she came to the realization she was going to die. Then something strange happened. As she was about to take a killing blow, Pina got in the way of the killing blow, and sacrificed herself. That in itself is very strange, there is no AI logic programmed for them to do that, they only support. That’s where Kirito came in, and saved Silica, but was unable to save Pina. And the rest is pretty much as it was in the episode ๐Ÿ™‚

  58. I don’t know about other LN readers but I didn’t expect it to be 100% like the LN. But changing stuff like that without any good reason when in fact it may lead to a different image about the main character of the series doesn’t sit well with me.
    The part about Silicia going to Kiritos room instead of the other way around is significant concerning the fact that Kirito still trys to avoid making friends or getting involved with anyones life in SOA. He still wants to maintain the image of a soloplayer, beater and stuff. All because of his dicisions at the start of the story and how he thinks he has no right to do otherwise. This is important later in the story when he actually changes that way of thinking. So I think its reasonable to be pissed about changes like that. Something like this might make later events much less significant.

  59. nakhart on July 29, 2012 at 1:38 pm said:

    I think it’s time to add “Asuna Yuuki” in the poll.

  60. Arukami on July 29, 2012 at 1:42 pm said:

    Is this your own translation or did you pick up CR again?

  61. ronelm2000 on July 29, 2012 at 2:49 pm said:

    @nakhart Noooooo…! If you add “Asuna Yuuki” in the poll then I won’t be able to vote for Snow Black (I’ll obviously be voting for her)
    I think the changes were… subtle. A bit good. Some things bad. (Yes, Kirito going to Silica instead of vice versa is bad… but not that bad. LN readers shouldn’t exagerrate too much on it. I’ve only REALLY felt the death game aura of SAO [Anime] in Ep 4.)
    The REAL issue now is in the next episode. The next episode is important of course, because it will set the basis for a future season. (of course, I’m not telling anything). I hope by this time we’ll be hearing about marriage status, crime prevention code, PKs, etc. I wish they’d at least explain something about limits of SAO Graphics though. The anime looks as if it has really really good graphical interfaces though but in reality:
    [spoiler]There’s no hair, non-focused images are partially pixelized. The fluid algorithm sucks, and showers said to be unrealistic. Reason being it might bring inconsistencies to Accel World which is 20 years advanced, and because of the latest arc — Alicization Arc..[/spoiler]

  62. Lets see:
    He saves her life.
    He gives her free items.
    He offers to escort her to a place where she can’t normally go so that she would get her pet back.
    He tells her that she resembling his sister.
    He goes to dinner with her.
    He does nice stuff for a poor guy.
    He doesn’t even put a fight with the orange guys, just points out that he will win if they would actually fight.
    Yes, indeed. Just because “he goes to her room”, changes ALL his character. Right….

  63. shin on July 29, 2012 at 6:14 pm said:

    Is it me or there’s something wrong with ED karaoke?

  64. slyfox on July 29, 2012 at 6:20 pm said:

    Great episode once again. Thanks for the quick release.

  65. JokersGist on July 29, 2012 at 6:25 pm said:

    Thanks very much for the new episode UTW, you guys are awesome ^^.

  66. lol It’s those two guys again: the one that pretended to be a girl and the one that claimed to be 17.

  67. Kira0802 on July 29, 2012 at 8:51 pm said:

    @zilentworld He is, unless someone is using his ID. Anyway, PDFs can’t be updated at each update, so many are likely not up-to-date.

  68. phdchristmas on July 29, 2012 at 9:01 pm said:

    [spoiler]Wow. just the item name of “heart” made me burst into tears.[/spoiler]
    Wish i had such deep feelings for my Cargo Crab.

  69. Havok on July 29, 2012 at 10:19 pm said:

    Hey guys! Thanks for the release.
    On another note, this series is starting to concern me. I have not read the LNs but the pacing of the series is really concerning. I mean…
    Kirito is already lvl 78 in 4 episodes! WTF! It feels like I am missing HUGE chunks of storyline… ANN says that the series is only 12 episodes long… Assuming the leveling cap is 100 and there are 100 level to clear in the game, we have essentially missed out on 60-70 levels of plot & character development…. The animators must be messed in the head if they think the audience is going to harbor and empathy for characters when so much time is passing between each episode and most characters appearing for only a small portion of time. Like, common, do they just assume when Kirito meets someone he chills with them for a few days and then never sees them again for MONTHS AND MONTHS! I don’t buy it.
    Sorry for the rant but this series had so much potential and it seems to be falling short.. all these “side stories” just seem like a mish-mash of storyline slapped together to give the illusion of a continuative timeline…. I dunno, I am still hoping against hope that the series settles down and gives us some real continuous kanon instead of re-introducing Kirito every 2 episodes….

  70. Havok on July 29, 2012 at 10:21 pm said:

    To anyone reading the LNs, without spoiling anything, let me know if there is any more meat on the plotline bones in them, Thanks.

  71. Kojiro on July 29, 2012 at 11:01 pm said:

    @Havok: The pacing in the original LN for the main plot was worse. It had the start, then instantly skipped to the final few levels they were clearing. The only subplot was stuff he did with the guild Knights of Blood and one person in it, then the completion of the game.
    The second light novel had these short stories in it, and were mostly a sort of afterthought type thing; the animators wanted a cleaner timeline, so they’re putting htem in it first.
    This way we see Kirito increasing heavily in level, but not instant jump to the end.
    And the original LN? It jumped TWO YEARS. This is jumping a couple months, then couple months, and it’s much better than the original LN timeframe.

  72. @Havok
    The LN makes this huge skip in the first novel. SAO is not merely about SAO, Aincrad is only the main setting for the 1st volume (2 if you count side story volume). In the real canon, it was straight from episode 1 to Aincrad, 75th floor, no backstory. Most of the side story characters also return later, so chill out dude.

  73. @Havok
    The premise as a standalone anime rely on the assumption that you know about the inner workings of an MMORPG. As there are a lot of time skips between episodes (Episode 1->2 = ~2 months, 2->3 = ~12 months, 3->4 = ~2 months) meaning he as a beta tester and hardcore solo player does a lot of grinding during that period and participated most of the boss raid. Added that sense of urgency to finish this game and escape imminent death, fueled his determination to become stronger thus explained the off-screen grinding.
    However, the premise as a light novel adaptation, if they stay true to the original material, the 1st volume is already 2 years time skip. It gonna be a headache for the producer to introduced most of the side characters in they are planning to expand it after SAO events later on. Noted that most of the side characters are introduced on later volumes in LN. The current pacing and episode count are quite a letdown for most of the LN readers as they expect more from this.

  74. Cyou on July 30, 2012 at 1:07 am said:

    @Havok: I’m not particularly in the mood to watch Kirito killing ants to level for hours. Because that’s pretty much all you’re missing.

  75. thewizardninja on July 30, 2012 at 1:15 am said:

    Your assertion of what makes a “cleaner timeline” is amusing. You seriously think ONE 2 year skip right at the beginning is more jarring and disconnecting than 6 or 7 skips consisting of multiple months?

  76. PaulNamida on July 30, 2012 at 1:55 am said:

    @Cyou: LOL I actually wanted to see Kirito grinding those ants in the previous ep, not for hours though ~w~

  77. Mmm… Perhaps they really should have added some “AD 2101: War Was Beginning” captions for the side-stories at the beginnings to set up some proper time scale. I guess I can see how it can be confusing, but I still say that the anime so far seems to do great things with the limitations it has! :>

  78. dwdaw on July 30, 2012 at 2:13 am said:

    havok, the LN itself(atleast the SAO arc) is just the beginning, where they got trapped, then a 2year timejump happens and the rest of the chapters tell the (main) story.
    so it’s not cut out or anything, there is little to no info for what happened in those 2 years.
    the author wrote a couple of Sidestories, that happen within this 2 year void, and to avoid a time jump of 2 years right off the bat in an anime they decided to include the Sidestories to make it not that jumpy.
    Also SAO will be 25 episodes and the pace will slow down around ep 7 or 8, which should approximately be when they continue with the main story(from there it’s mainstory only, except for 1 SS that will come later)

  79. Alkai on July 30, 2012 at 4:42 am said:

    This episode is really good to me, and the osts too. I kinda like the song when Silica made it to the flower xD

  80. Solitud on July 30, 2012 at 5:54 am said:

    Actually, most of those can be explained by “not wanting her to die” since he’s still sensitive to death and “she makes good bait”. All that fall outside of those two are fairly inconsequential as far as comparisons go or have to do with another more important reason I’ll touch on later ((i.e. mentioning looking like his sister).
    On the other hand, going to her room -does- change things, since, for instance, he later gets nervous about asuna going to his house or going to her house even before romance is on the table. His opinion of her was essentially ‘troublesome’ since she tended not to leave him alone even though she had a whole bunch of other attachments that he definitely didn’t want to get dragged into.
    After the whole guild incident (episode 3 here), he’s supposed to be a bit more closed off than he was even at the beginning of the game…not that he’d ever be a jerk to silica, but to needlessly go to her room rather than her feeling the need to go to his room is somewhat jarring. Well, if they played up the ‘guilt’ aspect it would have worked better, since he feels guilty about silica for two reasons: 1) she looks like his sister, who he avoided in real life and he regrets that 2) he is using her to track and capture the orange guild. Those two things, aside from him saving her, which was more the “fear of death”, are what made her an exception in terms of “avoid other players”.

  81. Bigwig on July 30, 2012 at 6:36 am said:

    12 episodes? I’m pretty sure they’re doing 25, as that’s the only number I’ve seen on info sites (which I’m perfectly fine with for the Aincrad arc, hoping, as I’m sure all LN fans are, that they continue to the next ones afterwards).
    Like many of you, I was a little surprised that they switched the roles of who knocked on which door, but I think they did this mainly for one reason: [spoiler]Remember, after Silica came into his room and they talked, she fell asleep on his bed and he was forced to sleep on the floor because Silica’s room was locked. Then he woke up with some neck cramps and they had some more idle chit-chat. Switching around who went to which room prevents this from happening and then they could cut off a decent chunk for time’s sake.[/spoiler] Remember that they’re limited to 20 minutes per episode of content and I’m sure the anime team are trying their best to make it work and be canon. If you look at the ep, everything that Kirito talked about in the inn room was business. Almost no friendly chatter and especially seriousness with the eavesdropper, so in terms of this affecting how Kirito feels about avoiding people, I don’t know. After all, he really only befriends a few people, and we’re merely seeing which ones he does. [spoiler]Although one thing I’m wary about is how much more of a harem this becomes because of the anime going in chronological order. Asuna was the heroine in the LN and pretty much the only female character, but now each of the side characters get equal “plot development” time (falling for Kirito), and Asuna get’s less show time. I might just be butt-hurt though because of how attached I got to Asuna-Kirito from reading the first volume, heh.[/spoiler]
    Here’s a question for LN readers that I’ve been thinking about :[spoiler] How do you guys think they’re gonna transition the main story arc in terms of Asuna? In the LN, she didn’t meet Kirito until a year and a half into Sword Art Online, but in the anime they met on floor one after a month. I dunno if you guys discussed this already, but I hadn’t been reading the comments before episode 3 was posted, figure I may as well ask anyway.[/spoiler]

  82. Cyou on July 30, 2012 at 6:41 am said:

    Oh wow, I just noticed that at the beginning, one of the Drunk Apes is at half health and it’s healing up with its pot. I can’t believe it took me this long to notice that. (Yes, I know that’s how it was originally in the LN. That only makes it worse. >_>)

  83. @Solitud
    He is more open to relationship with other humans then you think.
    You don’t tell others personal information about yourself if you intend to be closed up.
    And if you say he considers Asuna annoying and its conflicted about going to her place. That can be explained in 2 ways:
    -he is unconsciously attracted to her

  84. @Solitud
    He is more open to relationship with other humans then you think.
    You don’t tell others personal information about yourself if you intend to stay closed up.
    There’s a huge difference between closed up Kirito (between Black cats and magic christmass talking orb) and the one that helps a random folk to “punish” some evil players and someone that confesses personal stuff to another player he just meet a few moments ago.
    In that regard. Just going to someone’s room AIN’T a big deal. Even more since he goes there to plan what to do tomorrow. Not to have sex / tease/ chitchat with her because he needs a better relationship

  85. @Bigwig
    [spoiler]Kirito did met Asuna for first time during Aria in the Starless Night side story. It’s also was their first they partnered with other. There are some sides stories that featured their budding relationship. Most prominent are the Inner Murder Mystery. Their relationship will be the main focus once we got through the Lisbeth’s side story, which the story contained in the rest of Volume 1 of LN[/spoiler]

  86. Strifer on July 30, 2012 at 11:02 am said:

    The way I see it, Kirito’s harem being introduced is necessary, even though they’re just side stories. There’s a reason for this:
    [spoiler]Yui. She’s a side story character during Aincrad, yes. But if most people predicted this correctly, the anime will go all the way to Fairy Dance, and Yui plays a huge role there. So it makes more sense for her to be introduced here. That said, it wouldn’t be fair to the other girls to be omitted when you introduce Yui.[/spoiler]
    Asuna’s transition is a big question. But Kirito and Asuna’s “first” meeting has already been retconned at least twice in the LNs to begin with:
    [spoiler]The main arc has Kirito saying that he hasn’t had a meal together with Asuna before, then the starting events of Murder in the Area kicks in. Then when they were doing that fishing thing with old Nishida, Asuna spoke as though the Murder Area start was the first time she met Kirito, which was then derailed by Aria in the Starless Night.[/spoiler]
    If they wanted it to make sense, they’d probably do one of those “I haven’t seen you in a long time” thing.

  87. I think it is fine the way they are doing it. If they did it just like in the books, then we would have the whole main story in 11-12 episodes, and the rest for side stories. It would not be “bad” to do it that way, but it would be a bit weird, and may push people off the show after the main story is done, or make them feel disappointed with the end after 25 episodes.
    Or they could make a mess like Haruhi, where the chronological order is just like the books, and then they mess up the order for television… Nah, better not.
    Anyway, I do not think it is that bad. And I’ve also read they are planning 25 episodes, and we have Yui in the intro, so they are probably planning to dedicate more anime time to the main story and Yui. I’m also fine with that.

  88. Cyou on July 30, 2012 at 6:37 pm said:

    [spoiler]I believe the section with Nishida you’re referring to isn’t a “first meeting” sort of thing, but something that happened between Aria and Inner Area that we don’t see. Alternately, if I’m wrong about the time line of the incident, it can be interpreted as the reason she came to love Kirito.
    The other one, however, is an admitted retcon.[/spoiler]

  89. ruggia on July 30, 2012 at 7:06 pm said:

    The paradoxes with Asuna and Kirito’s encounters shouldn’t be too big of a problem. They just have to not include most of the internal dialogues that they already are ignoring in the first place. At least I hope they do some-effort to show the cold-hearted Asuna before she falls for Kirito.
    and I HIGHLY doubt they’ll get to Fairy Dance on this season unless the studio continues on with their pace of 1 ep per arc.

  90. ruggia on July 30, 2012 at 7:17 pm said:

    about Fairy Dance, never mind it actually is quite possible now that I count the episodes.
    I’d rather have them take their time and extend this for the entire season though, but that probably won’t happen.

  91. Anonymous on July 30, 2012 at 9:01 pm said:

    ‘squash all of it into one episode’: They might. O.O
    I confess, it’s a little disconcerting seeing all the one-shot extra stories slotted in chronologically before we’ve yet been shown the main story after the opening(/stage-setting/prologue). I can also see why it might be feared to be disconcerting in a different way if handled otherwise, granted.
    A few moments in this episode where moment-to-moment reactions went a little faster than ideally comfortable. It would not surprise me if the next episode continued the trend of one episode per story, though the pacing will probably feel strange. *recalls the various significant bits left out of the first floor part*
    Hmm. First I realise that I will be sad if it leaves out the Heathcliff dripping-with-foreshadowing conversation-over-ramen, and then I realise that I will be said if it has the conversation-over-ramen and then leaves out that hilarious ramen-shop-owner scene. –though come to think of it, the most amusing part of that scene would be hard to represent in anime.
    All such thoughts on my part are only at the level of reflexive-nickpicking, though, rather than heartfelt griping/grumbling. The animation of the series is very enjoyable!

  92. Anonymous on July 30, 2012 at 9:11 pm said:

    ((Now, the thing I’m really curious about is whether they have the Fairy Dance half too with the flying and the kendo/u application and the whole Suguha arc… it would be really(/just a little) frustrating if they had the Suguha true-relationship revelation in this episode and then never followed it up with the he-doesn’t-know-she-knows-he-knows situation and the mutual-ignorance situation all breaking down at once in that wonderful moment/conversation… *glee at imagining that animated* If they don’t have that half in this season (no matter how long it is), I’ll be hoping for another one.))

  93. zilentworld on July 31, 2012 at 3:46 am said:

    To be honest, i wanted them to make SAO arc a 2season cour, with the ending of the season Kirito is waking up, (something that Shana did, you know the footsteps) and start with ALO for the next season. But that was just me wishing things

  94. Pete on July 31, 2012 at 9:56 am said:

    Ah, but isn’t there a translation mistake at 14:19?
    Your translation is “You can’t work that hard for someone you don’t like”.
    Anyhow, it would make more sense to say: “You can’t work that hard for something you don’t like”.
    The LN translation on Baka-Tsuki also states: “…I don’t think your little sister resents you, Kirito-san. If she didn’t like it, then she wouldn’t have been able to work so hard at it. She most probably liked kendo very much.”

  95. Nayu on July 31, 2012 at 1:30 pm said:

    I’m almost 100% sure that they’ll cover the inner incident within one episode. EP6’s gotta be the Liz SS and EP7-12 will cover the the rest of the aincrad arc. There’s just no way they’ll do the aincrad arc in 19 episodes lol. Sorta obvious that they’ll cover the whole Fairy Dance arc as well by now.

  96. Nayu on July 31, 2012 at 1:54 pm said:

    She says ใ€Œๅฅฝใใงใ‚‚ใชใ„ใฎใซ้ ‘ๅผตใ‚Œใ‚‹ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚ใ‚Šใพใ›ใ‚“ใ‚ˆใ€(14:19). Technically you can translate this line either way. However, the successive line shows that the latter translation would have a considerably better logical flow.
    (e.g. โ€œYou canโ€™t work that hard for something you donโ€™t likeโ€)
    There’s another line I considered to be off:
    10:37 ใ€Œใงใ‚‚ใƒŽใƒƒใ‚ฏ็„กใ—ใ ใจใƒ‰ใ‚ข่ถŠใ—ใฎๅฃฐใฏ…ใ€
    Should’ve been “But you can’t hear anything through doors except knocking…”
    Fact is, whether you knock or not, you can’t hear voices through doors in SAO (that is without the appropriate skill).

  97. Pete on July 31, 2012 at 3:08 pm said:

    Thanks! I already thought so, but my Japanese is on an absolute beginner level so I couldn’t tell for sure.

  98. ruggia on July 31, 2012 at 5:45 pm said:

    “10:37 ใ€Œใงใ‚‚ใƒŽใƒƒใ‚ฏ็„กใ—ใ ใจใƒ‰ใ‚ข่ถŠใ—ใฎๅฃฐใฏโ€ฆใ€
    Shouldโ€™ve been โ€œBut you canโ€™t hear anything through doors except knockingโ€ฆโ€
    Fact is, whether you knock or not, you canโ€™t hear voices through doors in SAO (that is without the appropriate skill).”
    that’s not true. if I remember right, (which shouldn’t be too bad since I read it recently) the sound gets enables for a few seconds once someone knocks.
    So the only “right” way to hear stuff through the door is through knocking.

  99. Nayu on July 31, 2012 at 7:40 pm said:

    Well since she didn’t finish her sentence, you need the background information to put it right.
    The novel clearly states that only knocks, shouts/screams and sounds of battle can go past a door. I’m too lazy to check this, but I’m pretty sure whenever a similiar situation occured the person indoors always only heard a knock and opened the door before engaging conversation.
    Now that I think about it, the anime already stated otherwise. Either its an inconsistency with the novel or I’m simply wrong. This was minor nitpicking anyways

  100. I love reading novels and maybe my standards are high (Crichton) that I find the Light Novel poorly written but this might be because of translation. Don’t get me wrong, I love the LN. I also don’t understand why the author keeps on inserting bad guys (even in Accel), it breaks the mood everything.

  101. Lollier on July 31, 2012 at 10:06 pm said:

    @Frost Wait what? You don’t want antagonists?

  102. Grecian Urn on July 31, 2012 at 10:55 pm said:

    You’re simply wrong. I’m not even sure how you managed to misinterpret “ใƒŽใƒƒใ‚ฏ็„กใ—ใ ใจ” so badly. As for what completes the sentence, it’d probably be something along the lines of “่žใ“ใˆใชใ„ใฏใš”.
    Not to mention the novel does state that voices can only go through doors after you knock, unless you have a high enough listening skill.

  103. Kurihara on August 1, 2012 at 2:25 am said:

    The only argument I have against Kirito going to Scilica’s room instead of the other way around is
    [spoiler]that Scilica ends up sleeping in his bed that night while Kirito sleeps on the floor. It’s not a terribly important detail, but in Fairy Dance there is a scene with his little sister Suguha that ends very much the same way, with her sleeping in his bed. Kirito even comments on it and mentions that that situation was very much like the one with Scilica.[/spoiler]

  104. Next episode preview:
    [spoiler]The Aincrad very own idol, the delicious Asuna The Flash making her second debut. Looks like they gonna make a two part episodes… I hope. Can’t wait *squee* :3[/spoiler]

  105. Whoever decided to put the Gangnam Style video, good job! (โ‰งฯ‰โ‰ฆ)๏ฝ‚

  106. ใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒณ on August 1, 2012 at 6:55 pm said:

    Haha epic Song! XD Korea FTW!!!

  107. narshe_delvar on August 1, 2012 at 6:59 pm said:

    rofl Who found this super epic PSYTRANCE video? xD I just rofl’d the whole time.

  108. narshe_delvar on August 1, 2012 at 7:03 pm said:

    And now I’m tempted to turn this into a fucking epic dumpfile for stepmania. >=D

  109. Jossie on August 1, 2012 at 7:12 pm said:

    just what the fuQ is up with the video? .. seems like a hacking prank to me

  110. Drano on August 1, 2012 at 8:45 pm said:

    I don’t know guys, could you at least make the video not start automatically?

  111. Jossie on August 1, 2012 at 9:16 pm said:

    ah! the vid is gone! .. now spill it! who trolled us?! ๐Ÿ˜€

  112. Kojiro on August 2, 2012 at 7:18 am said:

    Seems like they’re not cramming all the content into one ep. Yay for small miracles.

  113. @Kojiro
    ofc they don’t put all content in one ep. They cut it off ^-^

  114. foreverMore on August 3, 2012 at 3:58 am said:

    Thank you!

  115. To anyone here interested in a Misaka Mikoto static web template, just created one a while ago –> http://frostproject.org/single/mont-blanc

  116. theworld58 on August 4, 2012 at 12:06 am said:

    I love SAO, but I’m starting to find it not as great as it could be.
    The novels are much better and more detailed.
    I stay up hours trying to finish each volume.

  117. Charkelle on August 4, 2012 at 2:09 am said:

    Overall, I don’t feel the anime has been able to live up to the LNs… but really, I can’t say I could have reasonably expected it to. Honestly, they’ve done a better job than I thought they would so far, even with some changes and omissions I don’t agree with (For example, why leave Argo out of episode 2 where she actually plays a big role, but put her in 3 where she doesn’t do much of anything?). After thinking about it, chronological order is probably actually the best way they could have done it.
    The side stories may have been later additions to the original LN, but later volumes take the events of those side stories as canon, so they can’t just be ignored (And doing just the original story then the side stories in the way the LN did it wouldn’t have really worked in this format). Yui, for example, plays a large role in Fairy Dance, but was a character introduced in volume 2 (the first set of side stories). If they’re going to do Fairy Dance as well, they couldn’t just leave that out. They also couldn’t really leave out the other characters introduced in the side stories if they put that one in. Basically, while it’s not ideal for fans of the LN, they’re doing a fairly good job with the limitations they have.

  118. ฮตp!c....โ€ผ on August 9, 2012 at 3:51 am said:

    And where the hell is the ” Terror of Death ” (Black Swordsman) version in this story….!?

  119. Pingback: Translation review: [UTWoots] Sword Art Online 04 « Not Red Reviews

  120. i think those who have read the LN should check 18.55 something tells me they ignored Kirito’s “unique skill” ๐Ÿ˜›

  121. Christie on September 18, 2012 at 12:42 am said:

    Any chance we could get a copy of the font pack? I doubt that’s the issue but suddenly I’ve stopped getting any subs except the main dialog, and that only if I use the ‘default’ fallback, not the native settings built into the subs. ๐Ÿ™
    It’d be nice to have the fonts either way, see it in the style intended rather than falling back to a ‘similar’ font.

  122. HD DDL link does not work. ='(

  123. Crasher on October 14, 2012 at 6:25 pm said:

    I would appreciate it if someone can reupload the HD version on Rapidgator ๐Ÿ™‚

  124. Victor Tang on November 4, 2012 at 3:24 am said:

    HD DDL file is not available. Is there any way to get another link to download?

  125. Ashandarae on November 12, 2012 at 8:26 pm said:

    @LOL: Yeah, I noticed that, too.
    There’s a guy dual-wielding hand-axes…
    I thought Kirito’s skill was unique?
    Prolly just another goof on A-1’s part.

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