Unlimited Translation Works

Sword Art Online – 08

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_08_[720p][7AC6CF0F].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTWoots]_Sword_Art_Online_-_08_[XviD][3C4DB488].avi [DDL]
Joint with GotWoot Fansubs.
Asuna the Flash? More like Asuna the Perfect Waifu.

110 Thoughts on “Sword Art Online – 08

  1. klaynne14 on August 26, 2012 at 3:02 am said:

    been waiting for this! thanks 😀

  2. Thank you soo much!

  3. Xx1tach1xX on August 26, 2012 at 3:03 am said:


  4. XOXOXO on August 26, 2012 at 3:03 am said:

    It’s true.

  5. Tomoki on August 26, 2012 at 3:03 am said:


  6. Waffle on August 26, 2012 at 3:11 am said:

    Hooray! Thanks for the release. 🙂

  7. limabean on August 26, 2012 at 3:12 am said:

    Yay, thanks guys.

  8. Thank you guys!

  9. IZEROII on August 26, 2012 at 3:18 am said:

    perfect waifu. thanks guys as always

  10. stgmefly on August 26, 2012 at 3:22 am said:

    YOU TOOK YOUR FINE TIME! ( ;-;) Thank you though <3

  11. Oh, haha. I didn’t expect to see this here, usually use my RSS feed. While I’m commenting thanks to you guys and gotwoot for subbing this show.

  12. palladium on August 26, 2012 at 3:26 am said:

    On another note, they skipped the bit where Asuna was hiding under Kirito’s jacket to avoid being seen by The Army, just before the dungeon part. Sigh….

  13. Shawn263241 on August 26, 2012 at 3:34 am said:

    Ahaha! Verrrry clever!
    Thanks y’all.

  14. iSupercell on August 26, 2012 at 3:35 am said:

    Thank you so much! I was just waiting for this! Thank you for your hard work! ><

  15. PaulNamida on August 26, 2012 at 3:36 am said:

    awww yeah!!! now to wait until this finishes DLing -_- which is gonna take a while at 18 kbps, anyways, back to main story at last, can’t wait to watch this, thank yall

  16. Argh Asuna is so cute (=^_^=)

  17. LN reader on August 26, 2012 at 3:45 am said:

    AT LAST THE MAIN PLOT BEGIN!!! THANKS UTW ^^ and so many delicious expression from asuna from this one episode >///< b

  18. ishiney on August 26, 2012 at 3:49 am said:

    YES! IT’S OUT! Thank you so much for your hard work! 😛

  19. alex0714 on August 26, 2012 at 3:54 am said:

    Asuna is just perfect, nuff said. Thanks UTW!

  20. man00ver on August 26, 2012 at 3:59 am said:

    Totally LOVED this one. A first-class dinner and a trip to second base…now that’s progress! But of course, nothing says true love like killing things together.
    Thanks to both groups for the excellent subbing!!!

  21. Kuroko on August 26, 2012 at 4:12 am said:

    Begging ya,plz post XVID ver.!

  22. jemery on August 26, 2012 at 4:15 am said:

    WOW!!! amazing quality as always!! UTW SAIKO!!! I tried to watch SAO using other groups but UTW wins hands down. I can’t wait to see the epic boss fight and kirito’s “ace-thing”!!! Too bad they skipped the hiding under kirito’s coat scene when the army came. I guess they thought there’s too much fan service already (There’s no such thing though >.< ).

  23. archdevil917 on August 26, 2012 at 4:19 am said:

    Still waiting for SD version :)))
    arEdit: While the enthusiasm is appreciated, please stop posting “Still waiting for SD version” in release threads. SD will come when it comes, and for this episode of SAO it won’t be for at least another 8-12hrs because I am busy encoding other things at the moment as I am not the SAO encoder. He refuses to encode XviDs.

  24. perfect waifu FTW!!!!
    thanks for the release!

  25. Geese1 on August 26, 2012 at 4:21 am said:

    Thanks for the release!

  26. cinia pacifica on August 26, 2012 at 4:21 am said:

    Exactly, she’s perfect waifu material.

  27. Kirito’s famous “crash into hello” moment. Oh, how much we jelly you, dude :3
    Just as I suspected, they skipped Chapter 8 altogether, modified the aftermath of the Duel and why [spoiler]PoH/a Laughing Coffin member were there; observing the duel? Prelude to Chapter 14-15 (episode 11), justifying why Kuradeel join the Laughing Coffin by invitation and motivate him to seek revenge against Kirito perhaps?[/spoiler]
    Anyway, they get 70% adaptation right and turn out to be a slight good episode. Now, the next episode that will define Kirito as one of the top player in SAO :3

  28. They didn’t skip the hiding under his coat thing yet. The army makes its appearance after the end of this episode. Next episode should be good…

  29. to all those saying they miss the scene where kirito covers asuna with his coat, aren’t you guys forgetting what happened at asuna’s place?

  30. theworld58 on August 26, 2012 at 4:40 am said:

    and now I can finally watch SAO and not frown.
    I can’t wait for when they reach lvl 22 (don’t tell me they’re on lvl 74. I know that)
    I always smiled while reading the chapter on lvl 22.

  31. Sindalf on August 26, 2012 at 4:41 am said:

    Line 47, 184, and 273 are all translated wrong. Baka Tsuki had something completely different and I’m pretty sure the source material is always right!

  32. Roarke on August 26, 2012 at 4:49 am said:

    Thanks for this episode and everything from UBW to this point!
    If Asuna had been an option when you guys were doing that Irisviel vs. those other girls poll, I think we’d have a new winner.

  33. Yay! Thanks for more SAO UTWoots!
    The anime really did jump over Ch. 08 from the LN, It would be nice to see Asuna and Kirito hiding from The Army… pity. BUT! We all know that the next episode will be a blast! Also, we can always hope that the Blu-rays will have Ch 08! 😀

  34. jemery on August 26, 2012 at 4:59 am said:

    @This – they clearly skipped the hiding from the army part. The scene happened just after they entered the forest and before even killing the skeletons. Asuna asked kirito about his get-up cuz its always black. Then, they saw the army and the hide scene commenced. I think it’s on vol 1 chap 7 or 8. Well i think its not that big of a deal though

  35. kaznmac on August 26, 2012 at 5:03 am said:

    oh my Japanese kami its Asuna cutest pose.

  36. カノト on August 26, 2012 at 5:28 am said:

    you’ll be subbing the OVA for chapter 16.5 too, yes?
    😀 hahaha
    thanks for this EP as always

  37. @jemery – Yea…I had my scenes mixed up. Not necessary to the main plot so not that big a deal. The encounter I’m thinking about is kinda important though.

  38. PaulNamida on August 26, 2012 at 5:50 am said:

    This is it!!! At last the main plot, and Asuna was as delicious as ever *¬*. Now, I believe they were supposed to get further into the boss room, but that could be my memory failing me so I can’t say for sure. Overall a good adaptation, but was that PoH?? I’m guessing it’s going to be just foreshadowing for what’s coming next >w>. And too bad they skipped their encounter with the army, more blushing-Asuna scenes is always better -w-. AAAAHHHH!!!! I can’t wait for next week!!! I want to see Kirito kicking some real ass *-*

  39. 名も無き被検体1337号+ on August 26, 2012 at 6:03 am said:

    “61th Floor ・ Selmburg”
    Other than that small typo, thanks for the release. Good to finally see story moving along.

  40. sd,avi version where?

  41. Good episode, they did a very good adaptation this week.

  42. Dark_Pride on August 26, 2012 at 6:37 am said:

    @eqtyq: Jeez, just wait for it. You should wait for at least 1-2 days after release before asking (or read __ar’s post above).

  43. Knight on August 26, 2012 at 7:19 am said:

    Thank you!

  44. Rock Hunter on August 26, 2012 at 8:07 am said:

    Arigatou UTW team and of course GotWoot too.

  45. macxxx007 on August 26, 2012 at 8:14 am said:

    Thanks again and good night!

  46. Not that much perfect waifu.
    Your waifu won’t slap you to fly over 5m just because you just touch her a bit

  47. @New
    C’mon. Everybody wants a waifu that can give you a good ass-kicking once a while if you cross the line. :3

  48. archdevil917 on August 26, 2012 at 10:06 am said:

    Hey is SD version won’t come out today? I’m really saving disk space…. after I buy a external Driver I’ll be downloading all HD but not today pls :))… And if you’re good enough can you translate also the SAO LN 😛 XD.. And pls release the SD version.. quickly 😛

  49. Marelt on August 26, 2012 at 10:21 am said:

    Could someone please explain something to me?
    There were supposed to be only 10,000 people. About 2,000 of them died in the initial confusion and at the rate at which we see people falling for traps or getting murdered or whatnot, you’d assume that at least a few more thousand have bitten the dust after two years. In other words, there are perhaps 5,000 or so people left. And those people are spread out over 70+ levels. In other words, on average, there should be less than a 100 people per level in total (and one would assume that many of them are in the wilds adventuring at any given time), but these levels all seem to have huge sprawling cities and every time something happens, a huge crowd seems to gather in an instant. Where do all these people come from?

  50. @Marelt if you read the light novel you’ll know why still a lot of people survive.
    I think it would be different from the novel to defeat 74th boss. From the opening song there’s only Kirito and Asuna fighting the boss and [spoiler]from the opening song, kirito still using a single sword :p.[/spoiler] But why from the anime there’s no name of the skill. it look like Kirito’s Horizontal Square from manga (there’s square effect)

  51. Jay-kun on August 26, 2012 at 10:36 am said:

    Thanks! 😀

  52. Olexijl on August 26, 2012 at 10:43 am said:

    Asuna is delicious, that’s right. It’s some kind of hatelove 🙂 She’s stubborn though and loves to get her way.

  53. Zardoz on August 26, 2012 at 11:27 am said:

    Series has been enjoyable so far, one thing that still confuses me though…
    If they’ve been in game for 2 years now, how are their bodies in the real world surviving this ?
    [spoiler]Or are is it going to be a case of “The brain works faster when the body is asleep” and the ending is going to be “SURPRISE! You were only gone for 72 hours!”[/spoiler]

  54. @Marelt
    Here’s a few points (from the LN)
    * NPCs can fill out the cities (walking the street, etc)
    * Not every floor has a large sprawling city (the impression I got from the LN was that there was actually only a few floors with cities, and even fewer with sprawling cities)
    * All shopping/trading/crafting in cities is generally done at the same time.
    * People live/sleep in cities, and some cities are more desirable or cheaper than others, which would cause uneven distribution.
    Another thing to note is that your general impression to divide players by floors is incorrect. A large portion of players stay on the first floor (to be safe). Another group of players stay on the front lines — the so-called front liners — and are made up of a few guilds (like the one Asuna is in) and solo players (like Kirito). There are also some other giant guilds whose players stick on the same floor as their guild.
    I’m sure I’m missing/forgetting other reasons as well, the LN goes into great detail in explaining a lot of this sort of stuff.

  55. @Marelt
    it is because higher floors are also open to lowbie players as long as they stay within the town. I mean it is common sense to stay at town if you can’t handle the mobs outside. Anyone who opens the next floor gives right to all players to go to that floor as well. Traveling from floor to floor does not require you to pass through the stairs on each boss room, you can simply use the portal at the center of the city. Merchants and other people tend to gather on higher floors to have a better market due to the richest players who are the front liners are on these floors.
    the whole setting was set in the future, technologies like taking care of a comatosed body is somehow a simple matter to them. With regards to your question, their bodies were transferred to hospitals during the early stages of SAO, the Nerve Gear has an internal battery that allows it to disconnect from electricity thus transferring bodies is possible. Players trapped in SAO were transferred to hospitals and placed under surveillance by a special committee that was created to monitor and try to save the SAO victims. The hospitals have their way of taking care of the patients body, giving them enough nutrients to live on however there are still limitations to that since it is not a perfect technology of depriving one person of its biological needs such as food and water. After the game ended, those who were logged out were noted as malnourished with weak bodies that require therapy.

  56. @Zardoz
    Not really a spoiler (mentioned early on in the LN… way past the episode content is being aired now)
    Shortly after the announcement in the city in episode 1, players were suspended (or something similar my memory is a little fuzzy) for a short time, and given a chance to be transported to hospitals.

  57. Haha the studio is trolling us alright. They just HAD to make S look exactly like 5. Sheesh. Anyways, thanks for the subs as always, UTW!

  58. Thanks UTW! I have to say, they seem to be getting a bit back on track, and not rushing so much. Sure, we are still missing some details, but it’s a lot better! Very nice episode.

  59. Dark_Pride on August 26, 2012 at 12:38 pm said:

    Thank you for the SD release!!

  60. Revelations on August 26, 2012 at 12:50 pm said:

    Get back to the kitchen, Asuna

  61. Whoa, can’t wait got the next episode! Thanks as always, UTW 😀

  62. Akurei on August 26, 2012 at 4:16 pm said:

    It’s hard to ignore such discrepancies within the episode
    [spoiler] The duel shouldn’t have ended as it did, in the LN it made it seem as though kuradeel was utterly and completely devastated with the loss. not just a little pouty end like that. [/spoiler]
    Everything else was pretty accurate except The Army introduction. they switched the scenes a bit.

  63. Akurei on August 26, 2012 at 4:17 pm said:

    it seems as though my spoiler tags didn’t come out as planner sorry! I feel stupid now lol

    Fixed ’em for you.

  64. @Zardoz
    This aint Inception, bro. :3

  65. CyberTonTo72 on August 26, 2012 at 5:16 pm said:

    another great episode, but what a cliff hanger.
    love how I can never work parts of this anime out and how it keeps me guessing all the time

  66. archdevil917 on August 26, 2012 at 5:43 pm said:

    Thx UTW hope you sub BTooom :)) XD hehhehe

  67. Zardoz on August 26, 2012 at 5:46 pm said:

    @1340, @whaha
    Thanking you both for this insight.
    Guy can dream right. ;D

  68. PaulNamida on August 26, 2012 at 7:50 pm said:

    LOL @ “SURPRISE! You were only gone for 72 hours!”. If only the series were to keep going till Alicization~. Damn, they’d better get up to 3 seasons!!!

  69. Thank you so much for the release ^^

  70. mootjuh on August 26, 2012 at 8:55 pm said:

    @Marelt, most floors are left empty because the resources dried out or the monsters are too weak to train on. So all the people stay at the higher floors like the highest floor(yet) where the huge crowd was.

  71. pseprodux on August 26, 2012 at 9:40 pm said:

    In case anyone wants a gif of that knife twirling goodness in this episode…

  72. I prefer breast-groping goodness. I got a 403 on your link (probably the same when it happened to mine a while back) – easy solution: paste link in a new tab.

  73. I liked that end card of Asuna. :>

  74. Crimson on August 27, 2012 at 12:47 am said:

    There are actually more survivors than you think; the light novels say that (spoiler contains a wall of text about how many people survived up to this point, and why the death rate in the first month was monstrously high but the death rate after that was comparatively low; there are actual spoilers in it, too, as I reference the 1st, 2nd, and 8th novel as well as the Aria in the Starless Night side story)
    [spoiler]there are 6,147 survivors when the game is cleared. Between where the anime is now and the clearing of the game, there were several on-screen deaths: 3 people die in the battle against The Gleameyes, Kuradeel kills two people before Kirito kills him (3 more deaths), 10 people die when scouting out the boss of the 75th floor, and 14 people die in the battle against the 75th floor’s boss. If you add this up, that means there are at least 6,177 people alive at the current point in time.
    One may think that it doesn’t make sense that over 2,000 people died in the first month, but less than 2,000 people died in the following 22 months, but it’s actually what one would expect: In every MMO, there are players with varying degrees of skill. Even if you’re a game maniac or a veteran MMO player, not every game will be suitable for you. It’s natural that many of the players who simply weren’t cut out for SAO but who still dared to leave the Starting City (probably because of their pride as veteran gamers) would be killed in the first week or two, along with (it was revealed in Part 8 of Aria in the Starless Night) around 300 beta testers (due to rushing or slight differences from the beta).
    To understand why the death rate decreased sharply, we have to remember a few key differences:
    1. Death by disconnection. Players were transported to hospitals with the offline time given to them by Kayaba. Of the 2,000 dead in the first month, 213 were players whose family or friends disconnected them from SAO. It’s safe to say that, after witnessing this, the hospitals did all they could to keep players connected, so few players, if any, died because of disconnection.
    2. Level differences between players and floors. In Part 2 of The Black Swordsman (Volume 2 chapter 1, Silica SS), it is mentioned that, if SAO were a regular MMO, players would challenge dungeons on the same level as them (for example, level 40 players would play on the 40th floor). Since there is no respawning, however, players stay on floors numbered roughly 10 below their level, because that’s much safer (but not completely safe; Silica, a level 44, nearly gets killed on the 35th floor against the Drunken Apes). While SAO is a death game, it’s still a game. Players don’t start at level 11 on the first floor, but at level 1. Therefore, the relative challenge is greater in the first few weeks than in the months after that. In most games, the first floor would be easier… but this isn’t the case in SAO. Just as Klein had trouble with the boar in the beginning (his HP even went down to half before he managed to kill it), players can have trouble with and even die from many of the monsters on the first floor if their levels are low.
    3. Safety nets. In the lower levels, few people have safety nets such as teleportation crystals because crystals are relatively advanced items and, as anyone who’s played an MMO will know, advanced items become more common at higher levels. Teleportation crystals, healing crystals (which instantly restore health as opposed to potions which restore health over time), various clutch skills… all of these become more common at higher levels.
    4. Knowledge. While some can say that this doesn’t make sense because beta players had more knowledge of the first nine floors and of the game’s basic mechanics, yet it’s shown in Aria that this didn’t really help all of them (the 300 dead beta testers, the fact that Diabel died because of his beta knowledge…), I think that most of the beta tester deaths on the early floors would either be results of having the wrong knowledge (generally a result of changes from the beta; for example, Ilsfang the Kobold Lord had a katana instead of a talwar), having partial knowledge (in First Day, volume 8 chapter 3, the beta tester Coper knew that completing the “Secret Medicine of the Forest” quest would net him an Anneal Blade, a good beginner’s one-handed straight sword. He knew that the quest item only drops from rare Nepents that have flowers growing on them. He also knew that cutting off the fruit of a Nepent with a fruit growing on it would cause all the Nepents in the area to swarm around and attempted to MPK Kirito by doing so. He didn’t know, however, that the Hiding skill didn’t really work against monsters that relied on senses other than sight, such as Nepents. As a result, half the Nepents that appeared swarmed him, resulting in his death), or having too much knowledge (ever start a game at level 1 again in Open Beta after you were one of the few invited to Closed Beta, only to overestimate yourself and end up getting killed because you knew what to do but your character wasn’t capable of doing it yet?). Players (including the beta testers who survived), over time, got used to the official launch of the SAO, became accustomed to its intricate mechanics, and also became aware of their own abilities and limits. By using this knowledge and experience, they managed to keep themselves relatively safe. This also applies to knowledge of countermeasures against PKs (staying in rooms when you sleep to avoid being sleep PK’d by someone forcing you to accept a duel or someone moving you out of a safe zone, for instance).
    5. Fewer people challenging the front lines. At the beginning of the game, in essence, everyone is at the front lines. By the time of episode 8, however, only about 500 front liners remain. Everyone else is content with staying on lower floors, being a merchant/craftsman, or even simply staying inside the Starting Town. Fewer people venture into the most dangerous, unknown places… so it makes sense that fewer people die.
    In addition to the fact that there are actually quite a few more than 5,000 people, there are factors that others have mentioned: NPCs are almost indifferentiable from PCs and inhabit every city. Players tend to be gathered in certain cities (the Starting City, particularly big cities like Algade where rent/property is cheap, cities with running water and other assets for workshops, cities with good dining facilities, cities with attractions that make them good hangouts, cities with levels suitable for the “average” players, and whatever city the front liners are in). Players tend to gather in cities at certain times (particularly when they wake up and have breakfast and from dinner time to when it’s time to sleep). I also think more players hunt during the day, because it’s suggested in chapter 5 of volume 1 that it’s more dangerous to hunt at night, when it’s harder for you to see (I’d say it’s safe to assume there are monsters that have better nightvision than PCs, mostly nocturnal ones).
    So, short conclusion to a long explanation: it’s not strange for there to be a lot of people in cities like the Starting City (which a lot of people refuse to leave because they’re afraid of getting killed), Algade (the biggest city apart from the starting city, with cheap property and lots of merchant shops), or the city on the front lines.

  75. カノト on August 27, 2012 at 7:29 am said:

    you weren’t kidding when you said a wall of text 😀

  76. After watching this, went searching for the graphic manga novels and have read them all (vol1 thus far). It’s just like FZ man. Waiting for the next ep is unbearable!!!

  77. diegolg on August 27, 2012 at 12:09 pm said:

    Thanks UTW! Next episode will be amazing!

  78. hereiam on August 27, 2012 at 2:53 pm said:

    Where is the script?? Apdmin, please update subtitle scrit at script page altough just for this anime. ^_6

  79. superpandaa on August 27, 2012 at 4:41 pm said:

    is there a possibility you’re able to change the download links to a more reliable source? Such as mediafire if possible? The daily quota’s on this website is unbelievable. The 15minute wait and one parallel download is understandable for free users but a 1gb limit per 24 hours is absurd. But again im just asking if possibility there can be a change of source for the Dll. Either way thankyou for providing a dll link for users who cannot torrent.
    love the subbing by the way. Its almost like experiencing the light novel but in an animation.

  80. Brakenjan on August 27, 2012 at 5:02 pm said:

    Would it be worth reading the novel after watching the anime? I got a few chapters a while back and then got the news of the anime release. Couldn’t help but start watching. Would be sad if by watching first I’m spoiling the novel experience.

  81. superpandaa on August 27, 2012 at 5:06 pm said:

    Well in the novel, volume 1 shows you the main story, whereas volume 2 is the sidestories. So in a way watching the anime makes more sense because the sidestories occurs before the main story. In my opinion reading the light novel made me want to watch the anime even more. The novel really is a gem. One negative of this is you would be reading the main story first which just appeared in the anime. In a way you’ll want to know the expectations of the anime adaptation of it but it will also be a possible let down if the anime adaptation doesnt suit what u had read.

  82. Kohiro on August 27, 2012 at 5:28 pm said:

    Lol… I wanted to see them [spoiler] RUN LIKE THE WIND to the safety zone!!! [/spoiler] but I guess I have to wait for next week…

  83. Soukyuu on August 27, 2012 at 7:03 pm said:

    @Brakenjan: I broke down and started reading the novels today. Couldn’t stop until I finished the first volume, now fighting with myself to not rush ahead reading the next.
    I’d say it’s worth watching anime first and getting it filled out completely by reading the novels after that. Some things are better in the novel, some in the anime imho.
    [spoiler]For example, their relationship escalated way too fast in the novel, but with knowing the sidestories already, it all makes sense.[/spoiler]

  84. Brakenjan on August 27, 2012 at 8:10 pm said:

    Thanks. Will hold out and read afterwards then. Probably better than reading a masterpiece of a novel and afterwards being disappointed by a good anime cause it can’t match the original.

  85. @Brakenjan
    (if you don’t want to read all this, just read the first and last paragraphs)
    After I was a few episodes into this anime, and had noticed that in the comments everyone was taking about the LN, I decided give it a try. I have now read everything that has been translated on baka-tsuki (roughly half way through volume 10.) So as someone who began watching the anime, then read the LN while continuing to watch the anime, I feel I know where you’re coming from.
    I do not regret reading the LN at all. In fact, I would argue I enjoy the anime much more because of it. The LN goes into much more detail, not into just the characters, but the entire world. Reading the LN answers pretty much any questions you have of the world (as you have likely noticed if you read the comments of any of the episodes here)
    An important thing to note is that the LN volumes do not progress linearly (as has been stressed by many others.) After the author finished the original story (volume 1), he filled out the world and characters with the so called “side stories” (specifically volume 2 and 8, but there is more back story in the other volumes as well). However, the subsequent volumes do not just add these side stories, the story is continued (about three more entire arcs).
    Generally the side stories were written from the point of view of the characters (e.g. Liz). Another generalisation I feel that I can safely make is that the side stories focused on the development of the SAO universe (aincrad, the side characters, etc) more than Kirito. Now, in the LN that made sense as volume one had already defined Kirito. However, because anime opted for a chronological approach (which makes sense), the anime essentially started with a string of side stores. This led me to get the wrong impression of Kirito’s character in the anime. However my impression of Kirito was fixed once reading the LN.
    I would say the first volume is by far the best of all the volumes (and would expect most of the LN readers to agree.)
    The anime is reaching a tipping point where I would have definitely regretted not reading the volume 1 of the LN first. (I expect that it would be the end of this episode or at latest the end of the next couple episodes.) Now, I am reaching the point where it is going to be hard to explain my suggestion without giving spoilers. So I am just going to give my recommendation.
    I highly recommend you to stop watching the anime now, and to read the first volume of the LN — it is short. (It only took me a couple sittings to read through it.) After that, I would say it doesn’t matter what you do. And after reading that first volume you should be able to make that decision yourself.

  86. @Brakenjan
    It depends on your personality though, if you are the type of person who wants a written material to be done piece by piece then you should just stick to the anime before reading the novels.
    If you are itching to find out what happens next then better read the novel, I think it is wise to read the novels now because 3 out of the 4 side stories on book 2 were already released and that would help you understand more of the novel especially Kirito and Asuna’s relationship. Plus they added the beater and inner accident episodes that builds a foundation on the relationship of Kirito and Asuna. If you were to read the novel the start of their meeting was on episode 8 on Agil’s shop.
    Reading the novels will still make you wait for the anime for the amusing fight scenes that you will encounter on the novel especially when Kirito uses the sword Lizbeth forged him. Although some good scenes are cut, mostly funny or fan-service things, that are somehow okay to be cut without ruining the entire plot itself, others were changed as well.
    For example:
    [spoiler]On Silica’s episode, it is not Kirito who went to Silica’s room rather it was Silica who went to Kirito’s room and even slept there without noticing. I think this scene is somehow important because it will be relevant to book 3 (or 4). LN users should know what I mean[/spoiler]

  87. @ my own spoiler
    LN readers* not LN users

  88. Searth on August 28, 2012 at 1:46 am said:

    sorry if i’m a little late for this to even matter or if someone’s already mention’d it, but i beleive more players are still joining the game despite the risks, i know i would, yes only 10k copies were made available on day 1 but surely more were made available after the 2 years between day 1 and the present, furthermore i’m pretty sure when i was reading the lizbeth extract from the online novel thingi that was linked last episode, she mentiond something about there being over 40,000 players.
    opologies if i’ve messed up somewhere there but i think i got it all down right.

  89. @Searth
    What were you reading? There were only 10,000 people inside SAO. 2,000 died during the first month and since then people tend to adapt. They were only hunting mobs about 8 or more levels below them. This is also the reason why Kirito’s first guild was wiped out. Kirito hid his true level giving the wrong impression to his party that they can clear mobs a few levels below the front lines during that time.
    There are only 10,000 people inside SAO, in fact after the SAO incident, NERVE GEARS were banned from the market or rather they died out due to the fear it brought to the people. It was soon replaced by another console almost the same as the Nerve Gear which brings us to book 3 onwards. If you finished the book there are atleast [spoiler]6,000[/spoiler] survivors. Crimson explained it all earlier.

  90. Thank you UTW team for bringing us this fabulous anime^^.
    After endless nagging from friends who’ve read the LN, I gave it a go. I finished it in a single sitting, devoting about 6 hours straight until finishing volume 1. I was completely hooked by the marvelous storytelling, character development and emotional involvement. A real work of art for any reader to enjoy. After that, I re-watched the first two episodes with new-found understanding and can say that while some parts are cut or modified, the animated series does a terrific job at breathing life into this story. I recommed to anyone that likes this anime to read the LN’s, because quite frankly, I just couldn’t wait to know what was going to happen next^^.
    [spoiler]I recently read the infamous chapter 16.5 of the LN. It was quite… detailed. Definitely not safe for work, but it does delve deeper into the relationship between Kirito and Asuna. A must read for the more mature fans.[/spoiler]

  91. @VGuy
    There was only one thing that “delved deep” in chapter 16.5.
    In no way does it progress the relation between Kirito and Asuna any more than chapter 16 does itself. The end of chapter 16 implies they have sex (note: I inferred that before I had even heard of that infamous half chapter.)
    You must not be serious. In no way is that “official fanfic” a must read for any fan of the series.

  92. Kojiro on August 28, 2012 at 6:26 am said:

    I was reading the LN’s at work on my kindle, and my boss has a tendency to sneak up behind me. I got to 16.5 went holy shit, and skipped through it as fast as possible. Not two minutes later my boss came up and started reading aloud over my shoulder.
    Scared me shitless, it did.

  93. カノト on August 28, 2012 at 1:19 pm said:


    (•_•) I guess you can say that your boss…
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■
    (⌐■_■) Came out loud

  94. Akurei on August 28, 2012 at 3:43 pm said:

    I think everyone should read @whaha post up above. It really summarizes what I think of the series as well. Watching the anime made me like the storyline, reading about the LN made me go out and read it at bakatsuki and now I’m hooked because in the anime they focus of Asuna’s developing relationship with kirino more while the LN goes WAY too fast. throughout Vol 1 of the LN I though kirino was a pretty normal player until the later chapters where they show how large the gap was between his strength even among the front-liners while in the anime they slowly start building up his reputation and his skill right from episode 1. just read the LN first, well at least Vol1 and 2 and then watch the anime you will be 1000x more satisfied. I guarantee it.

  95. Akurei on August 28, 2012 at 3:59 pm said:

    I actually have a question to the ones well versed in the LN.
    In episode 2 of the series, what chapter or side story was that derived from? I can’t seem to pinpoint it. and also episode 5 and 6’s side story, what was the name of it?
    I have read both vol 1 and 2 but no more. can anyone help me out?
    I have a rough sketch of the episodes and they correlating chapters and side stories.
    Ep 1 = chapter 1 and 2
    Ep 2 = ??
    Ep3 = Red-nosed reindeer
    Ep 4 = Balck Swordsman
    Ep 5 = ??
    Ep 6 = ??
    Ep 7 = Warmth of Heart
    Ep 8 = Chapters 5-9 (roughly)

  96. Ep 2 = Aria in the Starless Night
    Ep 5 = A Murder Case in the Area – Part 1
    Ep 6 = A Murder Case in the Area – Part 2

  97. Baltor on August 28, 2012 at 6:20 pm said:

    Thank you for this epsiode UTW!
    Does anyone know the name of the insert song starting at 20 min?

  98. whaha’s post is exactly right, and I like that it doesn’t spoil things for the anime watchers.
    I would also add that in general, people tend to have a difficult time switching from movies/animation over to novels simply because they are too used to the visual/audio side and the key moments of the storyline tend to already be spoiled. So I would highly recommend reading the books so you can understand the world and its characters much better and then enjoying seeing your favorite scenes come to life in the animation. You will get the best of both worlds that way.

  99. 1KyzZi on August 29, 2012 at 12:25 am said:

    “No, I don’t think there’s time. We are doing anohana together with utw.”
    what? AnoHana blurays?

  100. Danuchiha99 on August 29, 2012 at 3:43 pm said:

    Yeah I was surprised, when I asked THORA that, but they sure are taking there time on the Ano Hana BD’s.

  101. Badboll on August 29, 2012 at 11:51 pm said:

    Am I the only one that wants to see this Anime in, day by day mode following Kirito/Asuna?
    Would have been epic to see this one in a really large scale without missing so much story and shit that happens in between.
    Kinda like what happens directly after the first episode etc..
    It’s really good as it is as well though! Asuna and Kirito = Awesome!

  102. As an alternative, for those who want to read the manga on top of the LN :

  103. @Badboll: There is no “story and shit that happens in between.” besides the side stories. The LN had a 2 year time skip.
    Really good episode! Looking forward to the next one~

  104. manuel on August 30, 2012 at 7:52 pm said:

    Thank, UTW for this episode, ¿are you going to work the special BD de AW Vol1?

  105. Sasoritz on September 1, 2012 at 1:55 pm said:

    Next episode coming soon!!

  106. Link3895 on September 1, 2012 at 2:43 pm said:

    Heh, I’m like a week late on pointing this out. You aren’t looking at ranks, those are numbers for quantity, if you read the item names you’ll see the second one with 1 next to it is the Ragout Rabbit Meat that Asuna cooks. The other three are generic monster loots, he was there to sell them after all.

  107. Thank you very much!

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