DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Kono_Naka_ni_Hitori_Imouto_ga_Iru_-_08_[h264-720p][9D26E04C].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Kono_Naka_ni_Hitori_Imouto_ga_Iru_-_08_[XviD][3DB3E8E1].avi [DDL]
Oh gawd Rinka is so hot.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Kono_Naka_ni_Hitori_Imouto_ga_Iru_-_08_[h264-720p][9D26E04C].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Kono_Naka_ni_Hitori_Imouto_ga_Iru_-_08_[XviD][3DB3E8E1].avi [DDL]
Oh gawd Rinka is so hot.
Yay c:
Hot….. oh gawd, dat face.
is it me or around 730-736 the lines didnt appear
Yeah the subs don’t show up as cloud said :c
In the lead in the LN as well as the adaptation? Yes please. Rinka can be my Dolphin Tango.
@ cloud04 & stgmefly
Sounds like you need to update to xy-vsfilter.
hoo hoo hoo Rinka is joining the Harem:)
That didn’t help o- o But thank you I’ll attempt to mess with it some more to maybe make it work
Thanks for more Rinka goodness!
Thanks for the episode!
what’s with the massive shadow under the skirts when it seems perfectly fine to see 95% of Ikusu’s naked body…. censorship can be irritating….
Lol, don’t say that XD we’ll be seeing a massively shadowed Ikusu if you insist.
Rinka is a goddess, by the way.
Is that… HIS shirt?
Ooooohuhuhuhu… how does it get to THAT?!
This’ll be good!
Thanks for the episode and please have a good night!
No audio at 7:31…or is it just me?
Thank you very much!!
Thanks for this awesome episode! :3
GAh! I have experienced an overlord of hot shyness while watching this episode, I need to reboot.
Holy mother of god, just marry Rinka and let´s call it the end, Shougo.
Damn, who’d have thought that this would turn out to be a show where every heroine is extremely likeable?
sd,avi version where??
I had the same problem as both cloud04 and stgmefly as well. Lines won’t appear on the said timeframe. I updated the xy-vsfilter as well. Didn’t work though. I am using CCCP and MPC HC Settings are default as far as I am aware of.
Well, for now i removed the signs conflicting the lines in the time frame and it seem to have resolved it. Not exactly an elegant solution. At least it works now. If anyone knows better though like tinkering with some specific settings, I am all ears.
For people that have their subs not showing at around 7minutes try this:
i think the title on episode 08 didn’t match on the preview episode 07
I’m having a problem with my vlc player’s video freezing up when the OP starts for all the episodes of this anime. Does anyone else have this problem?
oh ho I think this episode showed me the true woman of the show. Ojou-sama ftw! Second to Asuna of course
What the freak, you guys had that sticky up for while now and only up till this and SAO 9 did I actually have to update.
It’s like you guys told me to put a winter coat on in September.
“There’s a simple explanation for this!”
“It’s, um, well… you see… YOU BITCHES DON’T MATTER!!!!! At least I “know” Rinka’s not some closet imouto! I repeat, Rinka = Waifu Supreme! Suck it bitches!!!”
‘Well dunno…tried it on 2 pcs with default MPC HC x64
Only with ur mkv it seems to have subproblems sometimes
What was the missing line around 07:30? Not really worth downloading over again, I suspect.