Unlimited Translation Works

Accel World – 24 (END)


DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_24_[h264-720p][1DF1511D].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_24_[XviD][F57A86CC].avi [DDL]
And that’s another series completed here at UTW!
It’s been a long ride spanning half a year, and this project started out pretty rough. Nobody really wanted to work on this series, and I had a part-time job on Saturday mornings that severely limited my available time for the first few episodes. There was even a point when our motivation was so low and waking up in the dead of the night was so painful that we got pretty close to dropping the project.
I’m glad we persisted though, and while the ride hasn’t gotten any easier (__ar would want to kill himself every time the studio spammed screen perspectives for him to typeset), the enjoyment of it really improved. Those of us in the team who work on or follow the series are all rooting for a Season 2!
And we have the staff roll call!
Raze (Translator/TLC/Editor/QC): Snow Black ftw. I love her.
ar (Typesetter/Encoder/2nd OP Kara Styler): So it’s been 6 months and time has flown, and what started out kinda slow and silly turned into a pretty good show. Haruyuki stopped being a fag by the end, and that’s cool. Snow Black is wifey material, and Blood Leopard is hnnnnggg. There was a lot of tedious days where I had to spend anywhere from 6-10hrs typesetting, but I guess at the end they were still fun after the fact (though I am sick of typesetting perspective shots of screens!). It was practically Raze, fgg and myself almost all the way through and we managed to pull it off week to week. Bravo sirs, this was fun~
fgghjjkll (Timer): It was a pleasure to work on this project. The series was awesome and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Kusion (Kara Styler): Since I only styled the songs and QC’d 3 or so episodes, I can frankly say that I still know nothing about this show, and that I probably never will. Though, having said that, I can say that Chiyuri is pretty damn cute.
8thsin translated the first 7 episodes before real life took over him. He stayed on to TLC a few more episodes before dropping off completely, but he’s (sort of) back and working through that Nisemonogatari backlog!
I’m hoping to release the OVA sometime this week. The batch might take a while as my medical studies are picking up and there’s also Fate/Zero blurays to work on.
Thanks for flying UTW for Accel World, and we hope you enjoyed our work!

128 Thoughts on “Accel World – 24 (END)

  1. 520mb get high

  2. Thanks for the great subs :D. Can’t wait to finish this.

  3. Seagull shot is EPIC!
    Thanks for the ep:)

  4. Thank you for subbing UTW πŸ™‚

  5. Thanks!
    Hoping for season 2

  6. Danuchiha99 on September 22, 2012 at 1:10 am said:

    That post better be about a Season 2 and Fate/zero BD’s. and thanksss

  7. Thanks for all your work on this series, its been fun!

  8. Thank you so much for subbing this series^^. It was definitely one of the best of the season and I’m sad to see it end. I really hope for a season 2, as they barely even put a dent in the light novels.

  9. Thanks for the work you’ve done on subbing and typesetting this. Especially all those signs.

  10. stgmefly on September 22, 2012 at 1:15 am said:

    Dem wings!

  11. Thanks for the hard work during the series, lets hope for season 2

  12. mascthemoney on September 22, 2012 at 1:19 am said:

    i hope so too.
    i stopped myself from watching the TV version so i can watch the BD version in 1080p.
    i did the same with the first season. it was worth it.

  13. Now I can start watching from where I had left off. The first OVA is already out. I know you will be working on it.

  14. Armadillo on September 22, 2012 at 1:24 am said:

    RIP Accel World season 1.
    hope season 2 comes!

  15. Graphite Edge on September 22, 2012 at 1:29 am said:

    Thank you very much for all your hard work for this enjoyable series.

  16. Thank you guys so much for your hard work. I could barely handle part-time job and engineering degree. You pulled it off over med-school? You are awesome. I am not detail maniac but those typesets were flawless and made the whole show flow naturally for me. Thank you very much. Will donate when I actually get a job with this shitty degree!!!

  17. Oh, forgot about this but, hey Kusion, any news on the Madoka Magica BD’s, they still editing?

  18. Thanks you guys so much for your work on this show! It’s been great.

  19. Thank you guys so much! I’m also hoping for a season 2. kuroyukihime~~~

  20. palladium on September 22, 2012 at 1:47 am said:

    Thanks very much!

  21. thanks a lot for all the episodes guys, it’s been a fun ride…
    btw, seems like the DDL is broken

  22. Whoa Thanks! Already at the end ;_; Hoping for a second season!

  23. dreamerar on September 22, 2012 at 1:49 am said:

    so, fall plans?

  24. stgmefly on September 22, 2012 at 1:50 am said:

    That was a beautiful post from a great group <3 Looking forward to more SAO and the last NakaImo and hopefully some great shows next season too πŸ˜€ Thank you for the great subs

  25. tony_redgrave on September 22, 2012 at 1:53 am said:

    It ended..*cries* thank you so much as always UTW! Kuroyukihime was the best thing animated those 6 months..

  26. Overlord Laharl on September 22, 2012 at 1:58 am said:

    its finally over the ride was fun i ordered the psp game and all the psp skins for accel world after seeing the anime halfway through and loved every minute of it. season 2 hope you come soon like half a year from now

  27. natsukashii-ne? on September 22, 2012 at 2:06 am said:

    Thanks for sticking with this show, myself & many others appreciate your hard work!
    Also, welcome back *sorta* to 8thSin! You’ve been missed, in your blog & in the scripts! Now get to working them Pornomonogatari BD’s; out of all stalled projects on all groups, there are few more highly anticipated projects than Nise [edited/TLC by 8thSin]!

  28. Hallgaar on September 22, 2012 at 2:12 am said:

    That was one of the better /ends I’ve ever seen. Bravo.

  29. I’m really grateful that you guys didn’t drop it. I much prefer UTW’s subs over Commie (still mad at their translations of “Jersey Club” in Rinne no Lagrange).
    I hope you guys continue with the great work (though with med school…).
    Oh, does anyone know what happened with Underwater? Their last post was back on August 15th.

  30. man00ver on September 22, 2012 at 2:23 am said:

    Splendid work, just splendid. Thank you so much!

    Amazing job this is for me and the thousands and thousands of ur torrents leechers πŸ™‚

  32. Ashitaka on September 22, 2012 at 2:30 am said:

    Thanks for the great work as always, UTW is definitely the best group around. Here’s hoping for a season two!

  33. Doctor Bojangles on September 22, 2012 at 2:37 am said:

    Thanks guys, really appreciate what you guys do.

  34. this needed an Ace Attorney scene to prove piggy’s innocence

  35. Thank you guys, really thank you.

  36. Solaristics on September 22, 2012 at 2:45 am said:

    Thanks for Season 1! It was a great run. Sword Art Online now for another few months. Will you guys be doing F/Z S2 BD?

  37. macxxx007 on September 22, 2012 at 2:50 am said:

    Please know I greatly enjoyed your work!
    Thanks so much for all your hard work with this series! You guys did great!
    I’m glad Haruyuki got a bit better… it was annoying when he backlashed when shit didn’t go his way… but bleh, he at least bounced back…
    Thanks for this episode and the many episodes before! I’M SO HAPPY YOU DIDN’T DROP THIS SERIES! I HAVE MY FINGERS CROSSED FOR SEASON 2!

  38. That was amazing! Thanks for the awesome subs, and for the marvellous quality of your releases. You guys are really the best. IΒ΄m hoping for a season 2 with your subs, and IΒ΄m curious too: do you have any idea what shows are you picking up next? Thanks so much, UTW!

  39. archdevil917 on September 22, 2012 at 3:03 am said:

    Season 2 pls come :))

  40. buffbizzle on September 22, 2012 at 3:07 am said:

    You guys do something great for me every week, and its much appreciated. One day, I’ll have to treat all of you to booze and bitches πŸ˜€

  41. Great Episode !!!!!
    Thanks UTW for all your hard work and I hope to see a Season 2 with you again!!

  42. Are you guys going to be subbing the OVA that released with the game? No one has subbed it yet and was wondering if you guys might pick it up.

  43. corelpuccino on September 22, 2012 at 3:48 am said:

    thanks so much for your hard work guys πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  44. hurrdurr on September 22, 2012 at 3:51 am said:

    Have my humblest thanks, UTW.
    @ Gojira
    Are you blind or f*cking retarded? Read the damn post.

  45. Thank you for the hard work guys! It was a great season. Hope to see a season 2 soon~ πŸ™‚

  46. optimusprime on September 22, 2012 at 4:19 am said:

    i really fope to be a season 2

  47. Aggressor on September 22, 2012 at 4:29 am said:

    Thank you guys so much for all the work that was done with this series, I’m very glad someone did it and really hopeful for a season 2.

  48. KiritoIsTheBest on September 22, 2012 at 4:30 am said:

    Thank…you…so…much…FOR EVERYTHING!!!

  49. Xilveraine on September 22, 2012 at 4:38 am said:

    You guys are awesome!
    Thanks for all your hardwork!

  50. Holy crap Noumi’s behaviour on before and after is so freaking different it feels off.
    [spoiler]You’d think that he’d still be a complete bastard even if he lost all of the Brain Burst memories. Or show some mental scarring of some sort.[/spoiler]

  51. Someone needs to give chiyu a bro fist

  52. Strapped on September 22, 2012 at 5:32 am said:

    Downloading now.
    Also thanks for all your hard work and many hours spent so that we could enjoy this series.

  53. Season 2 must happened, still many mystery in accel world.
    Thx for your sub πŸ™‚

  54. Haven’t finished the series yet (pretty behind orz) but thank you for finishing it! Your subs are stellar as usual, I really appreciate the work you’ve done to translate and time it for us less-talented people. Gotta catch up now ^^;;

  55. Thanks for all your hard work! Been an amazing series, looking forward to season 2!
    Sky Raker <333333

  56. Thanks guys πŸ™‚

  57. Great series and great subs ! Thanks UTW !

  58. Mark Smith on September 22, 2012 at 7:44 am said:

    Thank you so much for persisting with this show despite the various difficulties that you guys had to face, it became quite slow in the middle but the Dusk Taker arc was definitely one of the best in terms of enjoyment and suspense in ANY anime! It’s been difficult on you guys, but I certainly hope that you are proud of yourselves for sticking with it and making it such a success, thank you once again from all of us viewers!
    P.S – Any plans to sub Little Busters in October? That would be absolutely awesome! πŸ˜€

  59. Big_Boss_90 on September 22, 2012 at 8:11 am said:

    Thank you!

  60. February 12, 2012 Raze: “Shounen shit really isn’t my thing.” http://utw.me/2012/02/12/fullmetal-alchemist-the-sacred-star-of-milos/
    >Does Accel World from start to end

  61. Keep up the good work guys! You are awesome!!!

  62. Thanks for all AW episodes! Awesome job as always! =D

  63. Can’t wait for you to sub the OVA! Thanks UTW! πŸ™‚

  64. Thanks for all the hard work guys. Always come to you guys first when watching something you’re subbing.

  65. I admire your hard work and salute you for this well subbed anime.

  66. Many much Thanks to you guys for this series!
    Although I’m only 17 years old Chinese, may have some problem understanding some phrases but still I always stick to Eng-sub and I enjoy really much of it,especially UTW ! πŸ˜€
    Looking forward to the OVA and future Season 2.
    Once again Thanks for the hard work!

  67. shadablade on September 22, 2012 at 10:00 am said:

    Thanks for all the hard work to bring this out! If there is a season 2 Ill be hoping UTW does it! Cant wait to catch the OAV!

  68. Congrats on finishing the show you guys. That fight scene was awesome (but I’m still pissed at Chiyu….seeing Fuuko again was awesome though).
    Have you guys decided on what you are working on for the next season?

  69. is that [spoiler]Sacchan the real name of Snow Black? lol[/spoiler]

  70. CyberTonTo72 on September 22, 2012 at 10:40 am said:

    WOW, what a great ending to a great series. I will be buying this if it ever gets a UK release, same goes for the games too.
    Thanks very much for subbing this show, your work on this was outstanding and most enjoyable.
    @seife i was thinking that too.
    also I must be getting old as I was really drawn into the characters in the end and was getting choked up :/
    now for the OVA and series 2 :]

  71. Thanks so much for finishing this, you guys really deliver the best work πŸ™‚
    Looking forward to the OVA!!

  72. Dark_Pride on September 22, 2012 at 11:35 am said:

    Thank you for the SD releases!

  73. pendragon on September 22, 2012 at 11:57 am said:

    otsukaresama πŸ˜€ thanks for the weeks of work on this project!

  74. No one commented on the “Sacchan!” “Fuuko!” dialogue?

  75. Ashitaka on September 22, 2012 at 12:27 pm said:

    Overall the Noumi character was shit. Sorry, but the “boo hoo, one guy in the past picked on me, now I hate the whole world and all love is fake and I will rule you all!!!!” story is overdone and, frankly, silly and unrealistic. Not very compelling at all. Then the complete 180 in character after he loses BB and the related memories only further highlights the ludicrous nature of it; one guy picking on him turned him from a saint into the fucking devil himself. At the VERY best, it paints him as a sissy little bitch who couldn’t handle anything in life. Just not the most compelling villain, really.
    Also, “Sacchan” is clearly short for something, but what? It could be any number of different names, and there’s no guarantee that whichever name it might be is her ACTUAL name, and not some alias or screen name of some kind.

  76. Thanks! πŸ˜€

  77. ArKhangel on September 22, 2012 at 1:03 pm said:

    Grats for finishing this show! Thanks for the hard work and keep up with your releases, the quality you deliver is unmatched.

  78. Thanks guys, it was a really good show.

  79. It’s been a good series and you guys made it GREAT! Thanks you for the hard work. I really appreciate it as I mostly watch series that’s been translated by UTW! More power and projects to come! πŸ˜€

  80. You guys are amazing and I’m really glad that you didn’t drop the show when things got rough. It definitely shows that you care for your fans and viewers so thanks! πŸ™‚

  81. Thanatos on September 22, 2012 at 4:17 pm said:

    Thanks very much for doing this show, it has become my favorite since the first episode.
    Also rooting for a season 2 ^^
    Spent a lot of sleepless fridays waiting for your releases xD but it was worth every single one of them ^^
    Once again thank very much!!

  82. Thank you. You are the best.

  83. Shikinoe on September 22, 2012 at 4:42 pm said:

    Thanks for all your hard work ! Waiting for Fate/Zero BD now *o*

  84. Ahhh UTW you are the best. I love you guys; thanks for all your hard work and dedication πŸ™‚ this was a great series, and I’m also rooting for a season 2 to come later on.

  85. Thank you UTW for subbing this series, love you πŸ™‚

  86. I just did a catch-up from Episode 20 ’till the end. [spoiler]There are a lot of continuity nod between Sword Art Online and Accel World. I did wonder if Kuroyukihime is the real daughter of The Black Swordman and The Flash, although it just pure fan speculation and they were written by the same author.
    And, Haruyuki said the same line as Kirito did to Kuroyukihime however subverted he managed to calm her down and explain to her. She didn’t jumped the gun like Asuna did. Sigh. Although, if she did go through with that misunderstanding, Haru did deserved it with all the shit he had been gone through.[/spoiler]
    I’m pretty sure they gonna make a sequel. If they didn’t, why bother showing the future casts in the epilogue. And, I bet they gonna do the long awaited SAO and Accel World crossover special when they have wrap up the SAO series.
    Thanks for the good work :3

  87. Since everyone is speculating (or hoping) that she is the daughter of Kirito and Asuna, I’ll guess Sacchan is short for Sachi (from Red-nosed Reindeer side story). lol that would be weird

  88. Thx a lot for this show UTW <3
    I hope we all get to see Season 2 from you guys as well ^-^

  89. Sachan… Sachy?? lol SAO fags.

  90. -And, I bet they gonna do the long awaited SAO and Accel World crossover special when they have wrap up the SAO series.-
    There’s a message in this episode regarding SAOxAW and also something like a release date.

  91. sengjung123 on September 22, 2012 at 8:42 pm said:

    i bet the crossover would be the most watched among all the shows. the novel’s epicness was too epic.

  92. Okashii Sensei on September 22, 2012 at 8:46 pm said:

    Awesome show! And great work as always, thank you πŸ˜€

  93. @seife:
    Not really. “Sacchan” is a nickname, equivalent to “Sa-chan”, and the way Japanese language works it only gives us one thing – a high probability that her name starts with an “s_” syllable (“sa”, “shi”, “su”, “se”, or “so”), and a slightly lower probability that this syllable is “sa”.
    That opens up a few possible guesses, namely “Sachi” (if she really were the daughter of Kazuto and Asuna, which the author debunked by saying that it is an alternate universe, but Japanese light novel authors are known for doing that when something that was supposed to be true is a very popular guess which ruins any prospects for a “reveal”), and “Shirayuki” (which translates to “Snow White”, and would be a good match for her “my name is not that different from my nickname” comment), but who knows what her name really is…

  94. Orange Raven on September 22, 2012 at 9:46 pm said:

    otsukare-sama deshita!

  95. It could be short for Sachi if she is Kirito/Asuna’s daughter (naming her after Sachi).
    Black Vise is my fav character in this in the end. Close second is Ash Roller.
    One question, who is the girl @ 21:41? I recognize the others, except her. Anyone know?
    [spoiler]Chiyu f’in rules! That was awesome![/spoiler]

  96. Tachyoon on September 22, 2012 at 10:30 pm said:

    Megumi’s red eyes in the end… fabulous ^^

  97. @Shadow:
    This is who the girl at 21:41 is, but it’s a spoiler:
    [spoiler]That girl is the player controlling “Ardor Maiden”, a fire-themed duel avatar that belonged to Nega Nebulous in the past (and she was a member of its sub-group called “Elements”, the exact same group that “Aqua Current”, “Graphite Edge” and “Sky Raker” belonged to). Her avatar is pretty much a “spellacaster” type – she has various attacks but they all have to charge every time she uses them.[/spoiler]
    And yeah, Ash Roller is awesome. Though I wonder what exactly was a problem of that girl to create this sort of avatar.

  98. Thanks Kazeto! πŸ™‚
    [spoiler]… and almost forgot Aqua Current. She is also one of my favs, mainly her otter-like avatar with glasses. πŸ˜‰ Kinda makes sense that she said it was too early to meet and about her having a master and having things all torn apart (ep 7 end). I didn’t know they were of the same legion. Very cool! Can’t wait to see more of her hopefully in Season 2 or beyond.[/spoiler]

  99. strifeexcalibur on September 23, 2012 at 12:53 am said:

    Are you guys getting rid of your .avi file formats? The reason I’m asking is that I was checking out the Project sections and the list was only in .mkv formats.

  100. Chiyu: 10/10, would bone again.
    Thanks for the subs! <3 Great as always.

  101. Thank you for the SD releases.
    Will you work on the specials as well or just the OVA?

  102. Thanks UTW for subbing Accel World! πŸ™‚

  103. anonymous on September 23, 2012 at 3:44 am said:

    thank you for all your good work till now. and things that i find funny, the boys really got owned by the girls hee heh heh..
    i wonder if we make new character in accel world game, or we play as haruyuki?
    i rather use snow black hime though. haru is man up a little, but still nowhere satisfying

  104. That was a nice series, and yes, I’m so glad Haruyuki isn’t the way he was at the beginning of the series. Thanks for doing this. I think they would make a 2nd season though, there was one major plot point in this season they never resolved.
    [spoiler]The Chaos Armor stuck to Silver Crow, which almost activated during his fight with Dusk Taker.[/spoiler]
    We also get a hint at Kuroyukihime’s real name!
    [spoiler]Sacchan…Sachi? Satsuki?[/spoiler]

  105. @ghli
    [spoiler]I gotta a feeling it gonna be like Bleach all over again when Armour of Destruction kicks in whether Haru find himself in hopeless and anger state. It gonna be either he able to control the violence tendencies for his advantage or purge and destroy the cursed add on completely.[/spoiler]

  106. Thank you so much for all your effort and hard work… You guys were very kind and very nice for all of us who don’t understand Japanese but would like to watch Accel World…. I was very happy to come here and see what you’ve posted every week and then downloaded Accel World to enjoy watching it at home… I wish you guys all my best and good luck for every thing… Thank you so so much once again….

  107. @K.2003
    Just the OVAs.

  108. It’ll be really interesting if Kuroyukihime is the daughter of Kirito and Asuna. If she really is the daughter, then there might also be a possibility that the creator of Brain Burst is Kirito. Maybe Kuroyukihime already knew about it that she want to reach level 10 to understand his father as to why he created the Brain Burst program.
    It’s just my own prediction, though there might be also a possibility.

  109. Imouto lover on September 23, 2012 at 1:35 pm said:

    Thanks for your good job on the series! πŸ˜€
    Also thanks for Accel World and the upcoming last ep of “Who is Imouto?”.
    Speaking of imouto, please consider picking up “Onii-chan dakedo…”, so we can keep getting our weekly dose of imouto πŸ˜€

  110. Thanks! οΌˆοΌΎγ€‚οΌΎοΌ‰

  111. Thank you so much
    I have a question
    are you translation Acchel World (BD Specials)?

  112. Awesome work, thanks for HD release.

  113. sagebeard on September 23, 2012 at 6:29 pm said:

    a splendid deus ex machina pulled out of thin air….
    great episode nontheless~

  114. Anyone else notice 13:21? Fun stuff ahaha. (Didn’t catch it until the second viewing)

  115. @Balance:
    You mean Evil Megumi? Yeah. I also only notice on a second viewing.
    I viewed this many times. And after last week ep, I also re-watched the whole series again.
    AW has lots if details. You blink and miss them.

  116. Kit-Tsukasa on September 23, 2012 at 11:34 pm said:

    Thanks for all the great work. Are you guys doing the BD? I think I recall a no, but wanted to confirm.

  117. @Kit-Tsukasa: They said some time ago that there will be no BD release, guess that didn’t change

  118. LunarCrusade on September 24, 2012 at 3:30 am said:

    Will there be any 1-24 batch? I really want to watch this show, but too lazy to download it one by one… >__>

  119. Arashi Yamato on September 24, 2012 at 5:21 am said:

    ^Yes! Batch plox! πŸ˜€ I’ve been looking forward to watch this but was too lazy to watch it a week at a time XD

  120. UTW's #1 Fan on September 24, 2012 at 9:04 am said:

    What changes are you guys going to do in Batch ?
    Scripts were the best , but even for hi10p the size were BIG.

  121. another spoiler
    the girl at 22:00 is ash roller but not as player, but just watch. the player is her brother

  122. sagebeard on September 24, 2012 at 4:37 pm said:

    the filesizes were probably larger than usual because accel world has ridiculous amounts of dark(ish) scenes and such with lots of contrast differences that require lots of bandwidth to look decent, also, i suspect utw’s source files weren’t all that good either…

  123. @carlox:
    [spoiler]Yes, her brother is riding her. The whole thing is rather funky, so let’s just pretend Ash Roller is one person until it becomes relevant.[/spoiler]

  124. anonymous on September 28, 2012 at 1:38 am said:

    Thank you so much for your time and effort!

  125. Someone must do it. Well then…
    Burst Out!

  126. Pingback: Accel World – Episode 24 « Semai Sekaide

  127. uesuriuon on December 26, 2012 at 1:52 am said:

    Could Anyone help? My subs are ok but the ones in the background aren’t
    Any ideas, btw im using vlc 2.0.4

  128. There are missing subtitles towards the end of episode 24, I’m not asking for a version 2 or anything, I just want to know what they said

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