Unlimited Translation Works

Nekomonogatari Black

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Nekomonogatari_Black_[720p][4C075E10].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Nekomonogatari_Black_[480p][52719F1A].mp4 [DDL]
Here you go: the full Nekomonogatari Black release! This release would not have been possible without the enormous effort and time put in from everyone in the team, but __ar, who practically killed himself typesetting these past two days, deserves special mention.
Some comments from the staff:
ar (Typesetter/Encoder/GuyWhoStartedThisHell): Tsubasacat is too lovely~ Also fuck SHAFT and their shaking text.
Ulrezaj (Translator/Editor): Wait, we’re not doing the next season of this too are we? D:
Raze (Translator/TLC/Editor/QC): TIME TO GO BACK TO HAVING A LIF— shiiiiit I still have F/Z Blurays to do.
fotc (Translator/TLC): Kuroneko = mai❤waifu. Kobato = mai❤imouto.
Moshiburner (Translator/QC/Mascot): Wait, I’m a mascot now? Uhh…good shyow. meow.
Sutai (Typesetter): Nadeko the best.
Sindalf (Timer): Coming soon…
archdeco (Timer): Needs more Senjougahara.
fnord (OP Translation/ED Kara): I like -monogatari.
And that’s it! It’s been a crazily intense past couple days subbing this show, and I hope you enjoy our work! I’ll probably announce our next season plans soon.
P.S.: We decided to release the whole thing in its entirety to avoid the issues that would stem from releasing two files, having to fix the audio issue in the first, having to come up with some magical way to help you guys join the two together etc. It does mean our earlier release is now redundant, but it’s the saner strategy to go with.

101 Thoughts on “Nekomonogatari Black

  1. Danuchiha99 on January 4, 2013 at 12:10 am said:

    Intense TS much? lol. Anyways thanks for doing the Nekomonogatari… I hope you guys do all the monogatari series…

  2. Thanks.

  3. Thanks, are you planning BD version of this?

  4. Nickienator on January 4, 2013 at 12:11 am said:

    No 03-04 release for the people who downloaded and watched the 01-02 release?

  5. <3 __ar

  6. Thanks A LOT UTW-Mazui!

  7. tabaha on January 4, 2013 at 12:12 am said:

    thanks. you guys made my day

  8. Shadowreh on January 4, 2013 at 12:13 am said:

    Thank you <3

  9. soshii on January 4, 2013 at 12:15 am said:

    Is this all 4 episodes in one video?

  10. Arrogant on January 4, 2013 at 12:18 am said:

    Thanks so much! Really appreciate the effort guys.

  11. thanks!

  12. Jay-kun on January 4, 2013 at 12:25 am said:

    Thanks! 😀

  13. This came earlier than expected. Thanks!

  14. Entrav on January 4, 2013 at 12:28 am said:


  15. Branden on January 4, 2013 at 12:28 am said:

    So watching this tonight. Thanks a bunch UTW and Mazui.

  16. Not Koda on January 4, 2013 at 12:35 am said:

    Thanks for making download the same shit twice.

  17. Thank you UTW-Mazui and __ar for this ^^

  18. Frediloc on January 4, 2013 at 12:36 am said:

    __ar you are the man! Thanks, you guys, for the awesome release!

  19. Elite60 on January 4, 2013 at 12:37 am said:


  20. GrandMaster_JAX on January 4, 2013 at 12:39 am said:

    Thank you for Nekomonogatari and may Dark_Sage be merciful on this release.

  21. Not sure why you put all 4 episodes in one video, but whatever.
    Thanks for the hard work!

  22. postblitz on January 4, 2013 at 12:42 am said:

    thanks a lot for your hard work! much love from Ro.

  23. Schezza on January 4, 2013 at 12:44 am said:

    sexy as fuck.. thank you guys!

  24. Devileyes on January 4, 2013 at 12:47 am said:

    so basically this is all the 4 episodes in 1?

  25. What the fuck are you fags thinking? Release 3-4 separately or don’t release 1-2 at all. Fuck.

  26. AeiroWultx on January 4, 2013 at 12:51 am said:

    I tip my hat to you UTW and Mazui. Truth be told, I started watching the Monogatari series cause of the frequent blinks of text. Do know that I indeed go back and pause the episode just to read the texts and that I appreciate you guys taking the time to translate each and every single one of them.

  27. trident on January 4, 2013 at 12:52 am said:

    Where is 03-04 release i am already download 01-02 release?

  28. > having to come up with some magical way to help you guys join the two together
    Linked chapters?

  29. Donkey on January 4, 2013 at 1:00 am said:

    Always appreciate the work UTW., thank you. Will be looking forward to FZ Blurays too.

  30. seeders where?!

  31. thedegeneric on January 4, 2013 at 1:25 am said:

    Did anyone else find the BS11 logo to be annoying at times? What channel needs such a huge f*cking logo! As the name suggests, the BS11 logo certainly is BS.

  32. Stryke on January 4, 2013 at 1:47 am said:

    On behalf of people who live in countries where internet bandwidth is capped, thanks for wasting our bandwidth.

  33. Sumgui on January 4, 2013 at 1:52 am said:

    Would it really have killed you to split the episodes up?
    I literally cannot get download speed faster than 400kb/s in Quebec. Now I have to wait 3 hours and waste the bandwidth I already used for downloading episodes 1-3.

  34. com’on guys it will be fun Monogatari Series Season 2 – 26 Episodes =) you will enjoy it, it will be just 1 episode per week and not 4 in 1 night =)

  35. mascthemoney on January 4, 2013 at 2:03 am said:

    that’s some super-gorgeous SHAFTing….
    keep it up baby

  36. klaynne14 on January 4, 2013 at 2:14 am said:

    thanks.. awesome job as always, cant wait for kizumonogatari 😀

  37. martinez on January 4, 2013 at 2:47 am said:

    Don’t worry. I won’t mind spend my bandwidth for monogatari series. Thanks bro

  38. Out of pure curiosity, I gotta ask why do subbers such as yourself typically upload only one quality of your releases at a time? As far as my knowledge goes, you’d just have to run the file through a converter to produce videos of other qualities, which wouldn’t take very long.
    At any rate, thanks for all your hard work!!

  39. Big thanks to whoever fucked up the torrent.

  40. tupapi on January 4, 2013 at 3:24 am said:

    this torrent is so slow, I guess utw is not the fav for leechers. Too bad

  41. warchico on January 4, 2013 at 3:41 am said:

    Anybody have trouble with video freezing at 1:36:XX

  42. Thanks UTW/Mazui. I didn’t realize you guys would be doing this.
    I caught the first 2 parts from Commie and started to fear that I’d be forced to take their release.
    They went a bit overboard with the cat puns. It felt like I became dumber after reading that part.

  43. bertman4 on January 4, 2013 at 4:00 am said:

    Thanks! And Happy New Year!

  44. nigger-obama on January 4, 2013 at 4:02 am said:


  45. For me it freezes at about 51:48-ish in vlc, if i play with mpc the freeze happens for only like a second…
    Also, did anyone else find it annoying how the subs include black borders for the video during the credits….and the fact the borders were shorter than the video length and theres like a gap on the two right corners

  46. Poor typesetter… He worked so hard and the typesetting is still total crap, oh well, hopefuly he’ll get better with time.
    arEdit: Yeah, no. Faggot. Try harder please. The poor typesetter can’t really get much better with time, since he is already one of the best.

  47. warchico on January 4, 2013 at 4:47 am said:

    “Anybody have trouble with video freezing at 1:36:XX”
    I forgot to mention was using MPC

  48. goddamn on January 4, 2013 at 4:48 am said:

    “P.S.: We decided to release the whole thing in its entirety to avoid the issues that would stem from releasing two files, having to fix the audio issue in the first, having to come up with some magical way to help you guys join the two together etc. It does mean our earlier release is now redundant, but it’s the saner strategy to go with.”
    Fuck you

  49. revoltech on January 4, 2013 at 4:51 am said:

    Great. Looking forward to season 2 from you guys =3

  50. Thanks guys, I can imagine what a nightmare dealing with 4 episodes of SHAFT being SHAFT in such a short time must have been

  51. Some comments from the staff:
    ar (Typesetter/Encoder/GuyWhoStartedThisHell): Coming soon…
    pretty sure you mean *dead*

  52. Revelations on January 4, 2013 at 6:25 am said:

    Best girl after Shinobu, IMO. Gahara comes third.

  53. Kissshot Acerolaorion Heartunderblade on January 4, 2013 at 6:34 am said:

    Waiting for Kizu now lol

  54. mascthemoney on January 4, 2013 at 6:36 am said:

    kind of an off-topic question, but when you release FateZero S2 BD, will you release a totally new batch with S1+S2 or just keep them as separate torrents?

  55. invshika on January 4, 2013 at 6:46 am said:

    great work as usual guys! get some sleep

  56. bluesam20 on January 4, 2013 at 7:35 am said:

    I know this may be inappropriate, but UTW/Mazui I love you guys and can I have your babies? Seriously though thanks for giving a damn, you guys/girls/whatevers always impress me with the quality of your releases. Fan-subbing is a thankless job despite all the “thank you” posts, so know your work is really appreciated.
    P.S: My 1.3TB hard drive thanks you too, without your efforts she’d still be empty.

  57. Good thing I waited for the whole thing.

  58. Why did you join the eps together?

  59. @Ami
    Because they aired as a 2hr block with commercials in that format?

  60. wellthar on January 4, 2013 at 9:15 am said:

    The blocks behind the ending karaoke looks somewhat off. Other than that, thanks for the release!

  61. aaaaaaaaaaaa on January 4, 2013 at 9:47 am said:

    Honestly I felt that commie’s subs had less awkward phrasing, the whole cat pun thing aside.

  62. Zephiel on January 4, 2013 at 9:54 am said:

    So you are going to do season 3 before finishing up season 2.
    OK then, seems logical.

  63. Eugene on January 4, 2013 at 10:11 am said:

    Are you going to release Kizumonogatari?

  64. Is SHAFT going to release Kizumonogatari?

  65. Anononono on January 4, 2013 at 10:33 am said:

    Thanks guys/gals(who are we kidding,lol). I always pick UTW and/or Mazui over anyone else. Great work and effort. For what it’s worth you have my heartfelt gratitude.

  66. Darwin on January 4, 2013 at 1:31 pm said:

    I seem to have some sub problem around 51:49. Video in VLC stops around there.

  67. My player (Zoom Player) has a problem at 1:36:07 / 1:36:08. It just crashes right when the second goes from 7 to 8, right after Koyomi finishes his sentence “..naru darou” -> crash. Only CCCP installed. It works if i just skip this second. With the sub stream switched off, it works too. Also, MPC seems to have no problem. Dunno if you want to look into it. Just loving Zoom Player.. best player.. aside from the playback issues it sometimes has.

  68. Rokudaime on January 4, 2013 at 6:08 pm said:

    Thanks for this! I wonder if SHAFT will be releasing BD’s of this one…If they do, I hope I can count on you guys doing them. ^^ If not, at least I have the Nisemonogatari BD’s from you to look forward too! ^^ I’m really hoping you guys will be doing Zenmonogatari/Bakemonogatari S2, and the Kizumonogatari movie as well, so I can have everything from the Monogatari franchise (except S1 of Bakemonogatari, though it’d be cool if you did those too. I currently have Coalgirls release) from the same fansub group for consistency (plus you guys are by far the best group for this franchise). I’m thinking of watching all the Monogatari tales chronologically rather than in the order they have been released, so I will have to wait for a long time until Kizumonogatari is released before I can even start anyway.
    Also, Raze, please hang in there and don’t forget those Fate/Zero S2 BD’s. : p I have been holding off on watching any Fate/Zero until I can watch both seasons in BD quality from you guys, and I’m a MASSIVE MASSIVE Type-Moon fag like you wouldn’t believe, so you can imagine how crazy I’m going here waiting for your release! <p I've been waiting ever since I first heard that the Fate/Zero anime was going to be made (and I caught wind of that pretty much right away), so I've been waiting for a long time. ^^'

  69. Siriru on January 4, 2013 at 6:52 pm said:

    Fuck all of you haters. What’s wrong with wasting your bandwidth on such an awesome release. If you don’t want to, just GTFO.
    On the other note, thanks a lot to UTW / Mazui!

  70. to the guy 2 above me, yes they will release BDs for Neko, 2 BDs each 2 Episodes , scheduled for march and april o/

  71. @Siriru.
    AHAHHAH Faggot.

  72. @Rokudaime
    You’re in for quite a ride… Fate/Zero is fucking awesome. I’ll be marathoning it all again once the Blu-rays for the second half come out. I haven’t checked any of the raws but I’m hoping they include as many extra scenes as they did in the first half, if I remember correctly a few episodes were at least 30 minutes long. The first episode alone is something like 45 minutes long and sets things up perfectly.
    As for this release, watched it and enjoyed it. Need to watch the Bakemonogatari BDs now since I’ve only seen the broadcasts versions, and continue watching Nise from you guys as they’re released. Pumped for season 2!

  73. Rokudaime on January 4, 2013 at 11:50 pm said:

    Awesome! ^^ Here’s hoping UTW will do them (assuming someone buys and uploads the BD’s).
    Ye, I know, I can’t wait! ^^

  74. Schezza on January 5, 2013 at 1:38 am said:

    KMPlayer crashes at 1:57 and 5:09, first time ever for an UTW release. only happens when subs are enabled.
    Installed mkvtoolnix and extract, tried to extract the sub file, to see which wicked line at those times might cause the crash, but stupid program doesn’t work like it should…

  75. Schezza on January 5, 2013 at 1:58 am said:

    ah well… downloaded extract gui2, got it to work but even so, impossible to figure out anything yourself

  76. Schezza on January 5, 2013 at 2:29 am said:

    got aegisub now, looks like at 5:09 the Human Intensity and at 1:58 the Sat Morn 29 April is the cause.. well, maybe someone knows how to fix it. I’m gonna try and watch the movie now. Let’s see how many more crashes I’m gonna have :/

  77. KKRais on January 5, 2013 at 2:55 am said:

    @Schezza: The “text” at those time codes are actually draw objects that it’s choking on. There’s nothing wrong with the syntax, so it’s just their sheer complexity that KMPlayer can’t seem to handle.
    Even mpc-hc’s notoriously shitty internal sub renderer doesn’t have problems with them, though, so it’s kind of odd that KMPlayer’s would. I’m assuming you’re using its internal sub renderer, because if you’re not, then I don’t know what could be causing the issue. xy-vsfilter and libass should have no problems.
    Also, you should expect to crash again right before the ending card (1:39:00). Other than that, you’re probably fine.

  78. Schezza on January 5, 2013 at 5:23 am said:

    Nope, 3rd and last crash was at min 26 something. Read about using xy-vsfilter a couple times, but honestly, I never had problems with KMP. Except black frames that appeared on some 1080p encodes, but since I don’t like big screens anyway, I’ll stick with 720p.
    Elysiumsubs got a guide for KMP + LAV Filters, madVR and xy-vsfilter, but thats for Win7. I guess, I’ll stick with Win XP and CCCP. Just had to delete the signs at the three times and remux.. but sucks not having the original 😛

  79. Pingback: Nekomonogatari: Kuro Episode 3-4 (FINALE) - Entravity

  80. Big thanks to everyone who worked on this, banging it out in record time and doing a quality job. Very impressive.
    It’d be nice if there were 720p 8-bit releases instead of just 720p 10-bit and 480p 8-bit, but I guess there’s always re-encodes.
    Definitely looking forward to the next season, should be awesome.

  81. Pingback: Nekomonogatari Download | Nipponmedia.net

  82. Solaristics on January 5, 2013 at 10:39 pm said:

    Thanks for the release, but it was pretty annoying having to see all the y’s in random words examples like, “Myore”..

  83. Thanks _ar and all staff, the quality shows and enjoyed it to the fullest

  84. @KKRais
    Sup bro, it’s been a while! You like my 30 odd line texture box?! haha~

  85. Thank you guys !

  86. Kamugin on January 6, 2013 at 10:10 pm said:

    Damn, Araragi! Don’t come up with fucking mind twisting excuses! Just embrace Hanekawa and love her like she deserves and desires!! >_<
    By the way, thank you guys for another magnificent release.

  87. warchico on January 7, 2013 at 8:17 am said:

    Any body figure out why video crashes with MPC with CCCP right after 1:36:00

  88. Use xy-vsfilter. Or update cccp and don’t use MPC’s internal subtitle renderer, the version of vsfilter you are using caches all the drawings into memory and probably runs out of ram. It works fine with xy-vsfilter or the new CCCP using xy-vsfilter, so use either of these.

  89. Rokudaime on January 8, 2013 at 12:15 am said:

    New CCCP sucks imo, no offense…I downloaded and installed it, but reverted back to the previous version, because the new version gave me playback problems that I didn’t have before. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌ I also don’t like the new version of MPC that they included, since it doesn’t have any internal filters anymore.They even removed the “subpictures to buffer” option…

  90. natsukashii-ne? on January 8, 2013 at 10:24 am said:

    Great work guys, congrats on the best version of Nekomonogatari to be released so far… I watched all 3 versions side-by-side, and this overall was definitely my choice for archiving… encoding from BS11 doesn’t hurt at all either =P

  91. KKRais where are my pictures of spiderman?

  92. He’s keeping them all to himself, that guy!

  93. Wtf guys. I like UTW more than any other fansubbing group because you always have quality translations and very good taste in anime. But then you go and translate the word Aborations when it’s supposed to be Oddities. WTF

  94. > Supposed to be Oddities
    Says who?

  95. know I’m just nitpicking here but… I believe Gahara-san fell on the 8th of May and not 18th…XD Thanks for the release

  96. @Solaristics – Try watching Commie’s release… it’s ‘purrratically’ overflowing with cat-related puns, even in lines where the cat doesn’t say ‘nya’, so you can’t blame UTW ‘fur’ a some scattered ‘y’s.
    @Ryan – Says who? UTW was not the first to pick aberrations, and frankly it’s a better term. You think a vampire is really an oddity? No.. it’s an unholy demon from hell that feasts on human blood. An aberration. A monster. Even ‘anomaly’ would be a better choice than ‘oddities’…

  97. asdzxcman on January 13, 2013 at 2:14 am said:

    >Raze (Translator/TLC/Editor/QC): TIME TO GO BACK TO HAVING A LIF— shiiiiit I still have F/Z Blurays to do.
    8/10 – laughed, would be 9/10 but where are my F/Z Blurays?

  98. chopsy on January 13, 2013 at 7:31 pm said:

    Where can I find that picture as a wallpaper its really nice :3

  99. kjbmarr on January 14, 2013 at 4:27 am said:

    I think his referring to his age

  100. Hey guys! thanks as usual for the awesome ubs. Always choose you guys over anyone else.
    i downloaded the torrent for neko black and opened it, and…green screen with audio. That’s it. Other mkvs from have been fine… Anyone had this problem so far?

  101. Soluna on October 4, 2015 at 10:51 am said:

    Such a splendid series. Thanks for working on it!

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