DOWNLOAD EP05 HD: [UTW]_Fate_Kaleid_Liner_Prisma_Ilya_-_05_[h264-720p][1992EB58].mkv
DOWNLOAD EP05 SD: [UTW]_Fate_Kaleid_Liner_Prisma_Ilya_-_05_[h264-480p][74B15445].mp4
DOWNLOAD EP06v0: [UTW]_Fate_Kaleid_Liner_Prisma_Ilya_-_06v0_[396p][5BB8A565].mkv
Next up is Saber Alter. Talk about overpowered!
Still trying to recover from the awesomeness that is episode six, though. Next week’s HDTV action and awesome EMIYA background music will be glorious.
P.S.: If the subtitles look weird/wrong or don’t appear at all, you’re most likely using an outdated codec pack/player. Installing the latest CCCP should fix the problem.
Thx for the Ep ^^!
What’s up with Railgun or was it recap or something ?
There was no railgun this week. It was a 22min preview of the upcoming index movie.
So I hear episode 6 is over the top awesome. Looking forward to watching it some day in the distant future (when the BD’s are out).
Episode 6 was just full of awesomness!
@ar aha ok thanks xD hope you guys do the BDs when they come out.
Episode 6 is full of Gettai!!! Go Illya!!!
What the hell!? Saber Alter!, now that’s just make me want to watch this anime
great episode but i laughed hard at the image at the end of episode with multiple Saber appearance
dat ep 5 end card
Episode 6 was great! Looking forward to it in HD.
Holy fuck someone please tell me when the soundtrack is coming out.
I’m not sure why I wasn’t expecting there to be yet more remixes when they finally got to this part, but for some reason I wasn’t.
Do you use a different version of mkvtoolnix now? I don’t see the otf fonts in mplayer since last week, it worked when the mime type was still set to truetype font.
Saber in black suit and sword, Fate/Stay Night : Heaven’s Feel release confirmed.
About eps. 6 awesomeness, it’s like about loli archer cuteness.
Ep 6 – Mind. Blown.
Must rewatch and rewatch and rewatch when 720p comes out. Epic-ness overload.
Sooo depressed I watched ep 6 in shitty version first. God damn do I need to stop watching the v0s. Mrrrlglrglrglrgrrrrrr!
The fight scene would’ve been better if they actually made it more consistent, like Ilya swinging broken K&B before she used ‘Trace: Over Edge’
If I survived waiting for Date A Live, I can survive waiting for this.
Lookin’ good!
A bit surprised to see HER come up so early… thanks so much for the episodes!
I guess if you give Silver Link a budget they really can animate the hell out of things. And the references in episode 6 during the fight. That whole episode was awesome in amazing and impossibly awesome ways.
Very nice ep. indeed…
Hope the other Class Cards can do that…!
I feel sorry for the clique of usual douchebags on anidb trolling the forum for this show . They have to stick to their guns now , but in their tiny little hearts they are crying over the facts it’s the best show in it’s genre to date and will be made to look like assholes till the very end.
“This is all a scam to suck more money out of the fate/night series” blablabla…
You know who you are, eat your fucking hats.
Why is this screenshot png? >:I
Because it was saved as png? Jpeg stinx.
anyone knows how many episode it will be? do you guys know if it will include Drei / 3wei arc?
There will be 10 episodes (i.e. no 2wei nor 3rei-> maybe later)
A 11th episode will also be released as a bonus with the 4th tome of F/KL 3rei (Release Date set for the 25th of January 2014 in Japan), according to
Excepting that even a 90 jpg is indistinguishable from this but takes up almost one ninth of the space, and excepting that the image has artifacts in it already anyway.
So yeah.
I could convert it but I didn’t feel like doing so. Maybe Raze will do it at some point.
Archer too OP, nerf please.
Can’t wait for 720p and/or BD later D:
Episode 6:
And another translation remark: Obviously, it cannot be “seen”, since we only hear it, but apparently (in the manga) the last time Ilya said “I must defeat her.”, she actually says “I must destroy her.”
ep06: Yesssss. I had no plans to archive any of this fiction’s episodes, but I will /definitely/ be archiving this episode!
Archer-ko… BANZAI!
Thanks so much for your release! Umm would it be possible for you guys to include a subtitle track with no honorifics by any chance? if not for the tv releases, then perhaps for the future BD releases??
The TV version is even more awesome. It’s like the Niconico version is a FF beta. Those who watched the two can see the difference.
wow, that was probably the best remix of UBW I’ve heard so far. And I’ve listened to many :p
dual wield Excalibur while inside UBW, and I crap my pants. no joke.