DOWNLOAD 1080p: [UTW-Mazui]_Motto_Marutto_Railgun_-_III_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC][E33FACB8].mkv
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW-Mazui]_Motto_Marutto_Railgun_-_III_[BD][h264-720p_AAC][FC170EC8].mkv
Shitty games (or Kusoge) are what separates the men from the boys. It makes you learn that when you start a game, you finish it at all costs.
When I was a young lad in his prime, I purchased a game called Superman 64. How I longed for a Superman game! I popped in the game and I barely even could see around me, but I did see rings, a whole lot of rings. The entire game is not about kicking alien ass and saving Metropolis, but to fly through the rings, with shitty mini games in between, and the controls sucked so bad that it was almost unplayable. The game caused me to go through the five stages of grief while playing it and never believe in licensed superhero games ever again (Until Arkham Asylum) , but as a result, I’m the man I’m today.
Thank you, Superman 64. I love you.
The road of enjoying shitty games is long and is not for everyone, you’ve been warned.
Special thanks goes to MPythonFC for supplying the BD, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
The following is a PSA on behalf of the Railgun team:
Stig stinx. True story.
At least he doesn’t fuck everything that has two legs and moves…
Hi, I’m archdeco and I suck.
Hi, I’m Xythar and I am commenting on this blog post.
Hi, I’m KmE and I fuck for money.
The hell’s going on here…?
LARGEHARD here… And I’m getting repaired.
Oh, that seems like fun…
Hi, I’m Enz and Eien stinx the most.
Shirai scares me………….
will you do the previous eps too?
will there be a release in 480p?
Hi, I’m obto and I can verify that archdeco stinx.
personally i never interested with super hero games. luckily i tried batman playing once an it really did pick my interest lol. well maybe arkham series was successful because batman doesn’t have super powers like other heroes does XD
Admin, did you guys Planning to Sub “To Aru Majutsu no Index – Endymion no Kiseki Blu-ray” this Movie? o.0
why do the ending ends up halfway ?
Hi I’m stgmefly and let’s be serious
@Akari Taiyou:
Long answer:
Short answer:
Does this mean you guys will be doing the BluRays for this show?
Love the dialogs about the next-gen console, also Nintendo.
Hi, I’m HitodamaKyrie and I’ve already gotten bored with this joke. But now I super happy because I can finally watch moar Railgun themed shenanigans. It is a good day to wwwww
Didn’t realize there was a special coming out so this is an unexpected treat. Thanks for the release!
I can’t thank you guys enough! Particularly ar who put up with my pestering.
Yeah thanks!
I am elenrod, and I like seiyuu jokes.
[spoiler]Are you still looking for Archive 2 from Arinashi-UTW? If so, see my last post in last week’s Railgun thread.[/spoiler]
@Shadow Thanks for that! I’ve been working some crazy hours so I’d not checked for updates for a couple of days. Thanks very much.
>Superman 64 rings
Yeah, AVGN told us about those.
Oh, and thank you for the release!
TY TY! I waited soo long for this! even though it’s only few min long haha :3
As far as kusoge goes; Codename: Eagle is pretty damned great.
I just watched this and I have to say I’m extremely confused.
I guess I was lucky. I rented that game (not bought). It was the July 4th weekend. It was the worst game I’ve ever played. Ever. Nothing has even come close. The controls, the rings, the fucking rings. I did finish it though, somehow. I returned it to blockbuster with the eyes of a man that was robbed of the death he so earnestly prayed for.
give me back those 8 min of my life i just wasted
No chapters for 720p version or this ep no needs?
It didn’t have any chapters, so yeah no need. There might have been but I didn’t have the full bdmv so they weren’t available to me.
So is episode 19 coming out soon, or will it be a few days late?
Few days late~
I just checked the Bluray, no chapters in it. Only other thing on the disk was a ‘preview’ of the season (footage from Ep1 only), same as the one here:
this was awsome, i love you, oops i said it
As someone who knows Japanese, that reverse translated line fucked with my mind.
When everyone doesn’t notice Uiharu it reminds me of Shinpachi of Gintama where his glasses is the only noticeable about him….
Thanks Admin! Love you guys~ Excited!!
My shitty game was Alex Kidd in Miracle World. And a lot of the other hard Sega Master System games where you had to play through a lot.
Those were the days.
As A kid I didn’t get mad at Superman 64, but now I can’t stand it…just how I can’t stand the fail that it is Steel Battalion for the kinect. That game just brings out the rage within me on how can a game be this terrible.
I never reply on these, on any website, but you said Superman 64 and it brought up alot of old memories. I too owned and eventually beat Superman for the N64. It is one of the few useless achievements that I take pride in. That and unlocking every cheat code in Goldeneye. Don’t judge me!
Excuse me, I’m not a native english speaker, and I have a doubt, What are you trying to say with “cours”?
05:53 *
Thanks, buuut… do episodes I and II even exist?