Moar! Moar delicious tears!
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Danganronpa_The_Animation_-_09_[h264-720p][F052941A].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Danganronpa_The_Animation_-_09_[h264-480p][37652EF4].mp4
This week, we have the fourth trial episode!
Oh, and of course, KIRIGIRI BEST GIRL.
P.S.: Please use spoiler tags (i.e. [spoiler*][/spoiler*] without the asterisks) when posting spoilers.
Kirigiri best girl
so what does kirigiri best girl mean?
But dont tell me if it a spolier please. But instead, just say Spolier
[spoiler]16th student is guy or girl or gay ???[/spoiler]
Thank you very much yo, been waiting for this (despite them killing of all the sexy girls and tasty trap first)
Hi, thanks for your hard work.
But, why is no sub for the 3rd part of this episode? (after the ending)
Is it a mistake?
Ahh, we’re almost at the fun part.
[spoiler]You guy’s will find the next two cases insanely absurd.[/spoiler]
Anyone else get the video lag during the second-ish bullet during the trial?
Yeah, I also got no subs for the whole prtion after the end credits.
Well, the subs are complete on the SD version.
@ akiramkl / Rocks
The subtitles are in the HD release and show up for the multiple setups which we just tested it on, so it’s probably an issue on your end.
What player(s) do you use and what versions? You might want to update them.
Maybe it’s something with VLC player. On the 720p version I paused right after the end credits and disabled the subs then enabled them again and they showed up.
Thanks Raze. Actually I just installed the latest update to VLC today. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered :). I’ve downloaded hundreds of your subs before and never had a problem with VLC. Oh, well.
kirigiri best girl thanks
Kirigiri best girl
@Lp I also had a lag at 3:41, and I’m using MPC-HC with xy-VSFilter and never had any issues like this before.
@Jensor I had no issue at 3:41 using the same setup. Though that point appears to be relatively demanding due to typesetting which is most likely the root of your issue.
Anyone else getting letters overlapping each other on the ammunition parts?
I’m using the Kawaii Codec Pack and I’m facing problems with the 3:41 part. I’ll try redownloading it.
About Lags:
Tests on rather powerful machine (3,4 ghz) wmp, an MPC-HC with Codec Pack from 12/12 –
didnt’t lag for previous releases
Lags on both “bullet” scenes (cpu goes up from 5 to 15%, memory usage goes up from 3xx mb to 7xxmb)
updating just the player: still laging
updating the codecs and filters (i.e xy-VS, fffdshow) –> no lagging
update your codecs (manual or pack)
Hi all. Firstly, i did not have any issues with the playback and im using he K-Lite codec pack. Secondly to the amazing team subbing and encoding the eps, this particular episode had a full 1min 30secs or so of video including the heartfelt apology of on of the characters, however, no matter which codec i used, nor which version i downloaded the subs were missing. Unfortunately my understanding of Spoken Japanese is relatively poor (incomplete) and i only got a small part of what was said but more to the point, the is what I can only presume to be a plot point for the next episode in that final 30 seconds. the first of these two scenes is at 22.09, and more importantly (i think) at 23.01. please let me know if i am just not seeing it or if i have done something wrong.
Thanks a bunch
Asahina – delicious body
Kirigiri – BEST GIRL
Next two chapters are going to be hype…. assuming they keep most of it intact.
So, looks like theres something wrong this episode. I get a consistent crash at 3:40. I made sure i’m using the latest version of MPC-HC from the latest CCCP (8-1-2013) and even checked for updates within MPC itself.
Did you update to XySubFilter (beta)? I had it installed formerly, but since it’s a BETA, I found it had several bugs that caused playback issues. Otherwise everything I’ve currently installed is up to date. I’m using an AMD X945.
i have too lag around 03:40 but i update media player classic home cinema and episode played no problem
Also got lag issues with the first two bullets. All my programs are update with the stable versions and never had issues with the other episodes
Yeah, guys. You fucked up somewhere. I never had any stutter with the previous eps.
Ahh. Thank you! And thank you very much for the tag explanation!
To be absolutely careful, not even reading other comments.
Kicking myself over not connecting the yellow powders… the weird (and sometimes inconsistent?) representation of blood may have dulled my reaction to colours. Come to think of it, I don’t remember any explanation for the magazine being upside-down… ah well. As always, a very mentally stimulating(ly challenging) fiction! Incidentally, interesting that the laptop computer didn’t turn up in the ED… ah, and it seems to be implied that the students will die if they try to leave the premises. …and there’s the question of whether Kirigiri’s relative (father?) is Monokuma… continuing to look forward to whatever the grand reveal is about the underlying background.
Silly UTW. Junko is obviously best girl.
I must be slow… what did you mean by “Gotta make o-gurt outta Ogre?” I don’t really get it lol
Play on words pal.
Kirigiri best girl? Oh yeah, but Asahina has been in the running since Ep 1, and is still hanging in there.
Still kind of disappointed that they killed of Sayaka so early, but I suppose that the preexisting bond between her and Naegi made it so that they kind of had to.
Yeah, I had problems with this episode on the Bullet at 3:40 too.
This is the only time I ever experienced lag on a Fansub using my current Setup and Kawaii Codec Pack. I even updated the Codec Pack and the problem still persisted.
Yeah, typesetting surely kills the mood. One “-” from me on MAL.