DOWNLOAD HD: [FTW]_Watashi_ga_Motenai_no_wa_Dou_Kangaetemo_Omaera_ga_Warui_-_09_[720p][2BEF3C5B].mkv
DOWNLOAD SD: [FTW]_Watashi_ga_Motenai_no_wa_Dou_Kangaetemo_Omaera_ga_Warui_-_09_[480p][655E7990].mp4
I spent practically the rest of my day working on this release when I really should’ve been studying. It’s only been two days of med school and there’s already so much crap to memorize; guess they weren’t kidding about Year 2 being hell.
Oh well, all this means is I’ll lock myself in my dorm room tomorrow and the day after, and cram all this stuff into my head. I can’t wait.
Anyway, please enjoy this week’s Mokocchi Antics. It’s already past midnight, so I’ll be retiring for today.
Do work, make money, get bitches.
cringing > cramming
hope she becomes less Zombie like before the end of saison lol
I have no idea how you manage fansubbing and being in medical school. Next year when you start your rotations i think it may get even harder. Some of those have brutal hours. Props to you and UTW! Thanks for the release!
Raze what university are you doing med at?
Thank you for your dedication (for our own good) as always
I look at you and I see me in three years (minus the fansubbing part) since I’m applying to Medical School in 2014…. XP
Thank you
I assume you know how to use google … <- I'm in no way related to the author, but it helps explain how to get 'A' on every exam AND have a lot of free time. And that means more time to fu … I mean fansub ^.^
Thank you for your work on this. Now go be a responsible student!
Yeesh… good luck man… I wouldn’t mind playing doctor but actually being one is something that’d make me run for the hills…
Too cute XD
Thanks for spending time out of your busy schedule to do this for all of us. As always, great release !
Delicious zettai ryouiki:
Lol@thepeople who think medical school is something you can blow off.
Year 2 is the hardest year of medical school, they throw at you years of knowledge in a single semester and you’re expected to memorize it. Most students study all day almost every day just to get it memorized.
@Raze, prioritize dat Med school.
Oh god… Med School… I’m doing my Internship next year so I know what you’re going through, it’ll feel like you’re in hell at times but it pays off… most of the time. Good luck brave sir
I have several friends in med school. I wish you the best of luck. Thanks very much for spending time on these releases!!! I have been enjoying them
Did the OP karaoke mess up for anyone else?
Why isn’t the index movie status up anymore?
Year 2? So that makes you ~19-20? Much younger than I imagined.
Also, in terms of pure workload, I don’t think anything can top Engineering Year 3.
I’m in your same boat, Raze. Second year sucks ass so far. Parasites and Heme/Onc? What are they smoking!?
I did the unthinkable..
i watched episode 8 and 9 in a row.
I dont want to anything anymore…
Hey, Raze, since you’re gonna be a doctor anyway, why not start earlier and diagnose mental diseases in anime characters ?
Would be nice to see such an analyse of popular characters and their diseases.
Dat post pic and alternate Moko – HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG!
Thanks! (Don’t jeopardize your education, though)
> Delicious zettai ryouiki:
This is relevant to my interests!
Thanks for the subs, and good luck with med school!
Try catching up in the series from eps 1 to 7 straight.
My cringe overloaded.
errr. previous comment @Reborn
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