Unlimited Translation Works

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Lite – 06

See if you can name her without looking her name up.
Mouse over image for answer.

DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_Lite_-_06_[9363EE51].mkv
I remembered her name. And the green-haired one’s, too. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.
If you did forget, buy some BDs.
If you remembered, buy some BDs.
If you didn’t even care to guess, buy some BDs.
If you read this post, buy some BDs.
If you didn’t read this post, buy some BDs.

25 Thoughts on “Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Lite – 06

  1. Thanks!
    Going to switch to Horrible for SYD* now, best of luck to which ever one of your translators is currently tied up in the trunk of a chevy that is slowly falling into a lake while a shadowy figure stands in the background smoking a cigarette.

  2. Anonymous on March 16, 2014 at 4:13 am said:

    Any word on SYD* at all? I know you said it would be awhile, but there are already 2 stalled episodes soon to be 3.

  3. ACrazyOldMan on March 16, 2014 at 4:33 am said:

    I did not remember her name. Shame on me.

  4. dummyacct7 on March 16, 2014 at 6:52 am said:

    If the BDs promise 444% more Shichimiya, I’ll buy them all.

  5. Binder on March 16, 2014 at 8:39 am said:

    I can’t even remember the names of all my co-workers, so I don’t feel bad about not remembering every character on every show I’ve watched.

  6. gieb syd pls or i r report u

  7. Despair~ on March 16, 2014 at 10:33 am said:

    SYD Status?

  8. Chronos on March 16, 2014 at 12:38 pm said:

    UTW, please do not give up on SYD. Please.

  9. Kiyoso on March 16, 2014 at 1:23 pm said:

    I don’t actually _know_ all of my co-workers’ names despite I rolled here in October.

  10. Guys, UTW already mentioned that SYD will be delayed due to their lack of free time. So hold your horses, sometimes you need to be patient for a few weeks or whatsoever.

  11. WHERE IS SYD???

  12. Borat on March 16, 2014 at 7:39 pm said:

    Is this all the Lite clips for Chuunibyou Ren?

  13. Rokudaime on March 17, 2014 at 1:17 am said:

    Never mind SYD that all you people are whining about, what about the Ano Hana BD’s that I have waited for for GOD knows how long? :-/ Just DITCH THORA already, and do the BD’s yourselves, on your own. THORA obviously aren’t going to work on it, and you guys are just using that as an excuse for not working on them either (“It’s not our fault, THORA aren’t working on them, so we can’t either”). -_-

  14. We have no plans on doing the bds ourselves so if THORA don’t finish them we won’t either.

  15. ikikinoko on March 17, 2014 at 2:01 am said:

    I feel sorry, it is also my fault of not buying BDs. Don’t watch this Lite yet, but I already moved my mouse over the pic (feel sorry again). For SYD, I will hold!

  16. thx for the release.
    P.S: hey fotc, i would love to know how to post images and do mouse over image thing through comments

  17. I love you on March 17, 2014 at 11:15 am said:

    Are you guys going to release subs for Fate/kaleid OVA ?

  18. @I love you
    Yes, but probably not any time soon. Raze has his finals coming up so he has a lot of studying etc to do.

  19. Rokudaime on March 17, 2014 at 9:05 pm said:

    Then could you at the very least send THORA an email/PM/whatever asking them if they are still planning on doing the Ano Hana BD’s, and/or if they have forgotten all about it? Because if they have forgotten all about it, and will never work on it, and you’ll never work on it either, and none of you post any kind of messages or hints about this being the case, and never remove the project from your listing, then that could result in us waiting for literally 20 years for something that will never come out, without us knowing that we are in fact waiting in vain. That would suck, and it would be kind of a cruel thing to do to us. πŸ™
    I’ve waited 3 years to watch this anime already. I consider myself patient, but c’mon. I just want to know if I’ll ever see a BD release or not. I’m sure you understand.

  20. Teasing the transformation scene in the low quality web format just for people to buy the bds that include it is like the light beam censors in tv broadcasts.

  21. Rokudaime on March 19, 2014 at 12:29 am said:

    Coalgirls’ release uses the non-batch UTW scripts that don’t have the updated and fixed translations, and it also has UTW’s subs as the secondary sub-track. The default one is m.3.3.w’s. Of course, according to 8thsin, while UTW, m.3.3.w, and gg’s subs for Ano Hana are all good, the best subs for the show are apparently definitely Frozen’s. Problem is, no group, including themselves, have used their subs in a Bluray release, strangely enough. πŸ™ I guess maybe they were just too slow or something.
    Ano Hana is one of those rare shows that has been over-subbed by many good groups, but which is a royal nightmare when it comes to acquiring and downloading “the definite” version, in bluray and with the best available subs, which is what archivers like me are all about (I also don’t watch TV releases, patiently waiting for BD batches instead).
    At one point there was some group that were planning on using Frozen’s subs in a Bluray release (there was a discussion about it over on BakaBT I think, but the show is blacklisted there now for some reason, so I’m not sure if the topic is still there…), but I think it must have been scrapped or something. πŸ™

  22. Rokudaime on March 19, 2014 at 12:35 am said:

    Remembered. The group in question was Delicio. I can’t find a release or even any infro from them anywhere though, so I guess it’s scrapped. πŸ™

  23. Best news for iPhone and Ipad lovers! Do u need to have Kamen rider on your palm?. You’ve seen heroes frequently on morning shows, at this point , It’s time to think&guessing them

  24. Soluna on October 3, 2015 at 2:28 am said:

    Thank you for doing the Lites!

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