Unlimited Translation Works

White Album 2 BD – Batch

DOWNLOAD 1080p: [UTW]_White_Album_2_[BD][h264-1080p][FLAC]
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW]_White_Album_2_[BD][h264-720p][AAC]
Futsuu loved this show and wanted to do the Blu-rays so here you have them. We also subbed the Picture Drama on the last volume which has both Kazusa and Setsuna versions. Subbing them took a whole lot of effort and now we all hate Picture Dramas, so these will probably be the last Picture Dramas we ever do!
SO APPARENTLY I COMMENTED A LINE OUT IN EP10 WHILE FIXING A SIGN. OOPS. Here’s a fixed script, just rename it to the same name as your ep10 file and it should play back fine.

88 Thoughts on “White Album 2 BD – Batch

  1. Thanks for the BD batch and working on the Picture Dramas too! Appreciate the hard work and time spent on it! =)

  2. Thank for the BDs .

  3. Crimson7 on September 15, 2014 at 10:23 am said:

    Now, if we could get an announcement for Closing Chapter and Coda, that would be great.

  4. firda_use on September 15, 2014 at 10:26 am said:

    thank you for this BD batch and i also want to see the continuation this drama

  5. There’s something magical about UTW releasing projects no one expected to see in the near future (or at all). Absolutely magical <3 :*

  6. OMG I can’t believe this is done! Thank you so much! Especially the picture dramas!
    A small question though: might this have the cast commentary audios as well???
    It doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t but it would be nice if i could hear them, lol

  7. twentyfaces on September 15, 2014 at 10:39 am said:

    Awesome! I’ll enjoy rewatching this! Thanks!

  8. @sharm
    Sorry no commentaries, tbh I completely forgot about them!

  9. fall5nangel on September 15, 2014 at 10:56 am said:

    i am glad to be alive
    thanks for the hard work

  10. @ar
    No problem, though it is a shame…. I’ve tried looking for raws that may have them but no luck…
    I heard all the staff involved in this series had a lot to talk about regarding both the story and the process of adapting this which i thought would be make a great thing to listen to about all the love and passion that went into making this series (Maybe even a hint of adapting the later series, lol).

  11. FRNZLove on September 15, 2014 at 11:23 am said:

    Futsuu ain’t ever gonna do SYD, is he?

  12. boingman on September 15, 2014 at 11:44 am said:

    Very nice. Have yet to watch the series, but will definitely use this BD batch in the near future.

  13. What a surprise, I hope one day Nisemonogatari will have a batch BD like this =)

  14. Nisemono will not sorry. The baton was passed to another group because we longer had the staff to do it, nor the motivation to carry on otherwise.
    Your guess is as good as mine! If he does then he does, if he doesn’t then he doesn’t. That’s how I see it at least.

  15. FRNZLove on September 15, 2014 at 1:23 pm said:

    Not gonna get my hopes up for it, considering Futsuu explicitly stated that he hated the show (almost as much as working on it). All I’m hoping for from him at this point is Haikyuu!
    Spectacular work on whatever you guys got done of SYD*, though! I appreciate it.

  16. Admit it, you only did this to piss Kristen off.
    Thanks for the release!

  17. @Aru
    You caught us out, oshi!

  18. Why aren’t you seeding this on nyaa?

  19. WarrFork on September 15, 2014 at 3:15 pm said:

    Thank you!

  20. Lilithsoft on September 15, 2014 at 3:39 pm said:

    Thanks so much! Was about to get this somewhere else, glad I waited.

  21. Much appreciated. Thanks

  22. >tfwCCnever ;_;
    Thanks guys.

  23. MPythonFC on September 15, 2014 at 8:44 pm said:

    Had the TV episodes downloaded but haven’t got around to watching it yet, so this is welcomed as it will be better. Thanks!
    No idea what a ‘Picture Drama’ is, but as you put so much effort it, I’ll make sure to appreciate it fully 😉

  24. voltageee on September 15, 2014 at 10:42 pm said:

    Who is the girl with the hairclip all the way to the left?

  25. I thought Coalgirls did a BD release with your subs and no changes. Was I mistaken? Was I deceived?

  26. Rokudaime on September 16, 2014 at 12:23 am said:

    Wow, this was a nice surprise! Much obliged! ^^
    They did, but that doesn’t mean UTW can’t do a release themselves regardless. I’m willing to bet CG’s release is bloated in filesize anyway…
    So, you were nice enough to give FRNZLove a reply about SYD, now it’s my turn 😛 :
    What about KnK: Extra Chorus (also, please fix that typo in the Release FAQ, it’s bugging me every time I see it because of my OCD tendencies)? 😉

  27. nishishi on September 16, 2014 at 1:24 am said:

    Thanks for the amazing surprise release!
    @ar, by passing off nisemonogatari, do you mean that another group has your work up until now and plans on finishing it. If so, who? Sankyuu ar-kun!

  28. UTWButtLicker on September 16, 2014 at 2:44 am said:

    Can you shorten the magnet link? The whole link is passing to the right widget area and layered over the poll making it impossible to highlight and paste into the url.
    Simple solution would be to double click to highlight but not many know about that.

  29. Even if you hated doing the picture dramas, thanks for doing them.

  30. Stop complaining about magnet links, instead go to nyaa.se and download from there.

  31. Rokudaime on September 16, 2014 at 11:41 pm said:

    @UTWButtLicker (lol, dat nick)
    Must be something on your end. Doesn’t happen at all for me, and I have zero trouble copying and pasting the link into my utorrent.

  32. S

  33. Coalgirls’ release is actually smaller than this one – Tenshi is the only one in the group that really inflates filesizes.
    More importantly – were there any script/typesetting changes that’d make the subs in this superior to those in coalgirl’s release, or are they the same?

  34. FRNZLove on September 17, 2014 at 4:22 pm said:

    For god’s sake, man. If you seriously feel that it’s your civic duty to endlessly pester someone for SYD*, then go pester Futsuu (the translator). Or better yet, just stop. Futsuu already voiced his hatred for SYD*, and you continually making these comments is not going to make him translate it. It’s just going to piss off everyone who worked on SYD*.
    Apparently, when kristen is completely wasted, he also inflates the filesizes as he did for Gundam Unicorn. He even said that himself.
    Also, if you’re in doubt, then just get the UTW version. If filesize is an issue, then get the 720p.

  35. Rokudaime on September 18, 2014 at 12:35 am said:

    I’d just like to point out that Kristen (assuming we’re talking about the Chihiro Fansubs group leader) is not a “he”, but a “she”.

  36. GenerlisimoTsundere on September 18, 2014 at 3:29 am said:

    Complaining about “inflated file size” now-a-days is kinda silly. 3Tb for less then 100USD = Godzilla size the bitch, I just want quality.
    But I can understand where the people not having much cash…still if you’re that under…then just download it, watch it then delete it. Then get mo money damn it!
    Y U H8 SYD
    plox schtop da H8in mon, pleeeez

  37. I’m not gonna shout ‘SYD!’. I’m gonna shout ‘Chuuni OVA!’
    It got released a day ago.

  38. Hi there. Thx for the BDs! Was really looking forward to them.
    Btw, there´s a line missing in the 10th episode. Time: 10:10. Not really important though.

  39. Hi, I can’t see the subtitles for the picture drama even though the subtitle option is on.

  40. EcchiSkecchi on September 19, 2014 at 11:42 pm said:

    “We also subbed the Picture Drama on the last volume which has both Kazusa and Setsuna versions. Subbing them took a whole lot of effort and now we all hate Picture Dramas, so these will probably be the last Picture Dramas we ever do!”
    Lol. I don’t really watch white album but there are some good picture dramas out there….

  41. @UTWButtLicker
    Here you go:
    1080p magnet
    720p magnet

  42. The magnet links in my comment above should work (currently awaiting moderation, so you might not see it quite yet), at least they work according to jsfiddle.
    If they don’t, then there’s probably something wrong with this site’s HTML sanitizer.

  43. By the way, HAS there been any updates on the scripts for this???

  44. 星さん on September 20, 2014 at 9:19 pm said:

    I loved this show too, that makes one more than before! Too bad they didn’t decide to make the closing chapter.

  45. Do i need to watch white album or can i jump straight to season 2?

  46. @Uh?: They are completely unrelated. Just watch this one.

  47. sdfgfgijdfg on September 22, 2014 at 4:55 pm said:

    You can delete the magnets links in all the post that have them.

  48. dfghgvcfg on September 26, 2014 at 2:51 pm said:

    complete series of Seitokai Yakuindomo, they are not fucking

  49. Is there any chance they’ll fix the missing translation around 10:10 of ep 10??? Anyone else find any misses??

  50. UTW must stay Alive on September 27, 2014 at 2:38 pm said:

    Are you going to pick Fate/stay night remake or any other anime from Fall 2014 ?

  51. usotsuki on September 27, 2014 at 4:06 pm said:

    Are you guys going to sub the Idolm@ster movie?

  52. dannphou on September 28, 2014 at 2:27 am said:

    Are you guys doing the Suisei no Gargantia OVAs?


  54. is SYD beyond hope at this point..?

  55. SYD was always beyond hope.

  56. Well… At least you did not say something like . . . Or is it…? :\

  57. Well it hasn’t been done and it’s 2 seasons past it’s due date. So I don’t really have any hope for it and I don’t think there’s the motivation for it anymore either.

  58. boingman on September 28, 2014 at 11:52 am said:

    I think archdeco already confirmed you working on UTW? What remains to be seen if Raze will have anything to do with it?

  59. boingman on September 28, 2014 at 11:52 am said:

    Type, UTW = UBW

  60. Can’t other TL pick SYD* up? It’s still midseason now.

  61. We don’t have another tl who wants to work on it. Can’t another group pick it up? Basically having a different tl do it would be the same as having another group sub it.

  62. All in all… Anyone can add SYD in an UN~completed collection by UTW right…? We will all get the BDs anyway… Simply consider it a reminder of sorts… If you want to…

  63. Guess that LOOKING ELSEWHERE was a pretty good choice back then…
    Hopes that keeping these releases ’till ep.11 won’t end-up a GRIM Reminder of UTW’s end times… 🙁

  64. ichigo on October 1, 2014 at 9:12 pm said:

    Thank You!

  65. http://i.imgur.com/hSGhWGA.jpg
    So guys I was watching this just fine. Until I updated to the latest drivers for gpu, then that happened.
    Reverting to an older driver makes it work fine again, but I don’t want to do that.
    Am I shit out of luck?

  66. Just use madVr as the video renderer and it should fix itself. I’m guessing you have a Nvidia GPU.

  67. Thanks man, that worked.
    And yep, you guessed correctly.

  68. Kiyoso on October 2, 2014 at 5:02 pm said:

    >We don’t have another tl who wants to work on it
    Are you all Sinji or what? Get in the damned SYD*! Or do I really need to drive Rei to a moveless state?
    BTW, what are your plans for Fall? ^_^

  69. Good thing this group’s still alive even with some incomplete works…
    Hoping for your fall plans and subbing the new fate S/N ^ ^

  70. some dude on October 3, 2014 at 3:12 pm said:

    Fate/Stay Night (2014) started 🙂

  71. Magikarp on October 4, 2014 at 2:18 am said:

    Surely they won’t betray their namesake and not sub Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, right?

  72. Dark_King on October 4, 2014 at 8:12 pm said:

    Hey there,
    Just wanted to ask it was said that a line was missed in episode 10? but I seem to not be noticing this error is there an exact time? and what was the line I added the new .ass file but haven’t seen any difference.
    Would be much appreciated to know.
    Also like to give thanks to UTW for doing the BD’s. ^_^

  73. Thanks UTW for getting the BD batches of White Album 2 and From the New World finished. We anime watchers appreciate all that you’ve contributed to the online anime watching community. Thanks for everything. 🙂

  74. fatrobo on October 5, 2014 at 6:37 am said:

    We love you guys. eclipse did the original deen anime. You awesome people did UBW Movie. Watch 00. The Rin reaction shots are delicious. Doooo it. We are set up for goodness here.
    That aside, idolmaster movie is glorious too.
    And I will look forward to idol hijinks.
    Regardless, we love watching what you sub.

  75. Cassius on October 7, 2014 at 11:39 pm said:

    Thank you very much, UTW.

  76. Thanks for the release
    Anyone know what’s the easiest way to merge the new script into the mkv?

  77. damedame on October 15, 2014 at 4:03 pm said:

    @jayc: Download MKVToolnix and use the mkvmerge GUI(mmg). There’s no need to do it though, it’s better to keep the original mkv so you can have the same file as everyone and seed the torrent.

  78. @damedame
    Thanks. It’s more to practice on how to do things with mkv files. I learned how to make patches years ago and every chance there is to do something new I take it.

  79. dakoslug on December 29, 2014 at 3:41 am said:

    Damn! Needs more seeders

  80. blusaber on May 21, 2015 at 4:17 pm said:

    Hi I am a a type setter can u please tell me in episode 10 when haruki gave english grammer book to kazusa you change the Japanese text in english in red and blue background can u tell me how you did that i have the basic knowledge in aegisub but i coudn’t able to change the japanese text so please can u guide me on this i would be really gratefull

  81. //வழக கம ப ல க ந த ம த க ழ ப ணர வ க ள ள ம ஆர எஸ எஸ அப ம ன கள க ந த க ற த த ந ன ச ன னத வ த த க ந த ச ய தத ம தவற என க ற அவர களத கர த த க கள வல ய ற த த க ற ர கள . :)//அந க ம க என ன த த ன க ற ப ப ட க ற ர க ள என ற ந ன க க ற ன .. ந ன உலக ல ம த க க ம த ல வ ர க ள ல ம த ன ம ய க இர ப ப வ ர க ள க ந த ய ம , ப ர ய ர ம .. அதன ல த ன அவர ச யல ன தவற ப ர ந த வ டன அத வ ட ட வ ட ட ர என ற க ற ப ப ட ட ன . அத ற க க அவ ர க ள ன எல ல ச ய ல ய ம ந ய யப ட த த வ த த வ ற என ற ந ன ப ப வ ன . அம ப த க ர ய ம , ப ஸ ய ம அவர ச ர ய க ப ர ந த க ள ள வ ல ல என ற வ ம ர ச ன ம அவ ர ம த உண ட .. ந ங க ள த ன ர த ன ஷ ச ன ன த ன அர த த த ப ர ந த க ள ள ம ல as usual க ழ ப ப வ ட ட ர க ள .. அத வ ம அந த program ப ர க க ம ல ய க ண ம ட த த ன ம க deenfd ச ய வ த த த ன ஏற க ம ட ய வ ல ல

  82. http://www.url2go.online/johannesholstein.de on December 9, 2015 at 5:18 am said:

    Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.

  83. darkangel2224 on August 8, 2017 at 8:46 am said:

    Can someone please Seeds Batch 720p please?, please? ,please?

  84. densebrains on December 12, 2017 at 4:24 pm said:

    I remember watching this and thinking that this seems like a sad ending for everyone… especially between Touma and Haruki. Yeah, sorry was rooting for this pair from the start…
    But, having watched the ending again it seems that although Touma has left for Vienna, I think Haruki should be man enough to leave Japan to find and live is life with Touma in Vienna. He seems to have that strength in him.

  85. The ep10 fixed script isn’t even downloadable anymore. I guess I could demux, manually uncomment the relevant line, and remux, but you guys really should’ve just posted v2 torrents instead of immortalizing the bugged version 🙁 Oh well… thanks a ton for subbing the show, I loved it.

  86. rakim on July 23, 2021 at 9:05 pm said:

    Just completed it. Didn’t get the fixed script but weeb jp saved me lol. Also thanks a lot for doing this series, enjoyed it way more than I expected and definitely need to rewatch it once I fall in love lol

  87. redrover on June 24, 2023 at 2:04 pm said:


    Here’s the updated script for episode 10 if anyone still needs it

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