@Cezar Well, I’d gladly share my opinion if you’re so inclined. If not, that’s ok too. I’m just kind of watching this to the end to see how it all pans out, despite my gripes.
@Tiger Nah mate, I’m fine. I don’t have a problem with the adaptation and can’t say I care about the public opinion as long as I enjoy it. Though I’m quite dumbfounded you dislike it, but to each his own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey @ar and @Xythar
Since there was no kanji karaoke in the opening I took it upon my self to time it in my spare time using the same styling from your releases. Here is the link to the .ass file: https://www.mediafire.com/?h9p4bluc57hxo26
I’ve tried to quality check it as much as possible and also haven’t used Aegisub really that much before but still would love for you guys to check it out and hope it gets included in future eps.
Watching this scene with utw subs just feels so right. Just need kotomine vs shirou from heavens feel and all my favorite scenes will have been animated. Thanks for the subs.
Let me just put it this way. The hate for the “rule of cool” choices that ufotable has done for UBW is so stupid at times that I actually read people saying they prefered DEEN’s version. Yes, they preferred the version that had SHirou overwhelming Archer with the power of bullshit.
Yes, they’ve made changes, but saying the changes are worst than the crap DEEN pulled is just going overboard.
The changes ufotable have made are with the support of Nasu afaik. So people saying they don’t like the changes are kinda saying that they don’t like how the original author sees his work now, as an animated version.
What forreal said. You have no right to complain, especially in such a rude way (“fuck you”, seriously?). You can’t expect people everywhere to keep quiet about everything that’s happened in a work that’s been out for such a long time. Avoiding spoilers is your own responsibility, not other’s. If you don’t want to be spoiled at any cost, then I suggest you don’t read comments at all.
Can you guys make an official announcement regarding the Cinderella Girls subs? I want to at least know what’s going on before I move on to another subgroup.
Also… How is ” Just need kotomine vs shirou from heavens feel and all my favorite scenes will have been animated. ” a spoiler…? Even if you have not played through the LN… Watching the series till now should at least tell anyone that the MC will have to face-off with the villainous Final Boss eventually…. They already fought during the previous arc. This arc is a bit different… And of course, the last story arc will have it’s final showdown as well…
Then again… Considering that you have not seen any of the previous adaptations as well as read anything online in almost a decade about this title. Which I find somewhat hard to believe… Being rude about such things is just– JUST… Hm? Why did I suddenly thought that I may just be feeding a lousy Troll here…?
It’s definitely a spoiler, given certain events that happen partway through Heaven’s Feel. And no matter the length of time something’s been out, a spoiler is a spoiler. Pretending that a certain length of time makes something not a spoiler is ridiculous.
Now, if promotional material showed that spoiler, then that’s a bit different (and kind of sucks).
I’m fine with the changes, but I feel ufotable couldn’t depict them the way those changes were intended. Miura said he wanted to show from animation, and this episode had a LOT of Archer inner talking, that for me was completely unnecessary.
Shirou vs. Archer could’ve been so much better with those changes if handled differently… oh well, this is what we got.
Purrty fast.
Thank you for the release! Thank god this arc is over though. Season 2 of UBW has simply been a downward spiral. =/
@Tiger Care too share your weed ? Seems like it works.
@Cezar Well, I’d gladly share my opinion if you’re so inclined. If not, that’s ok too. I’m just kind of watching this to the end to see how it all pans out, despite my gripes.
@Tiger Nah mate, I’m fine. I don’t have a problem with the adaptation and can’t say I care about the public opinion as long as I enjoy it. Though I’m quite dumbfounded you dislike it, but to each his own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks for the subs.
Hey @ar and @Xythar
Since there was no kanji karaoke in the opening I took it upon my self to time it in my spare time using the same styling from your releases. Here is the link to the .ass file:
I’ve tried to quality check it as much as possible and also haven’t used Aegisub really that much before but still would love for you guys to check it out and hope it gets included in future eps.
Watching this scene with utw subs just feels so right. Just need kotomine vs shirou from heavens feel and all my favorite scenes will have been animated. Thanks for the subs.
Let me just put it this way. The hate for the “rule of cool” choices that ufotable has done for UBW is so stupid at times that I actually read people saying they prefered DEEN’s version. Yes, they preferred the version that had SHirou overwhelming Archer with the power of bullshit.
Yes, they’ve made changes, but saying the changes are worst than the crap DEEN pulled is just going overboard.
The changes ufotable have made are with the support of Nasu afaik. So people saying they don’t like the changes are kinda saying that they don’t like how the original author sees his work now, as an animated version.
Thank you!
@Tm0n Fuck you for that spoiler, God you are an asshole
Are you serious? The game has been out for eleven years, and you are going to try and complain about a spoiler?
Thank you for the awesome awesomeness.
Thank you!!!
What forreal said. You have no right to complain, especially in such a rude way (“fuck you”, seriously?). You can’t expect people everywhere to keep quiet about everything that’s happened in a work that’s been out for such a long time. Avoiding spoilers is your own responsibility, not other’s. If you don’t want to be spoiled at any cost, then I suggest you don’t read comments at all.
Can you guys make an official announcement regarding the Cinderella Girls subs? I want to at least know what’s going on before I move on to another subgroup.
Also… How is ” Just need kotomine vs shirou from heavens feel and all my favorite scenes will have been animated. ” a spoiler…? Even if you have not played through the LN… Watching the series till now should at least tell anyone that the MC will have to face-off with the villainous Final Boss eventually…. They already fought during the previous arc. This arc is a bit different… And of course, the last story arc will have it’s final showdown as well…
Then again… Considering that you have not seen any of the previous adaptations as well as read anything online in almost a decade about this title. Which I find somewhat hard to believe… Being rude about such things is just– JUST… Hm? Why did I suddenly thought that I may just be feeding a lousy Troll here…?
Think you meant the VN on there bud… And so…
Trolls are to be starved and left to perish!
It’s definitely a spoiler, given certain events that happen partway through Heaven’s Feel. And no matter the length of time something’s been out, a spoiler is a spoiler. Pretending that a certain length of time makes something not a spoiler is ridiculous.
Now, if promotional material showed that spoiler, then that’s a bit different (and kind of sucks).
Still doesn’t give him/her right to complaints rudely though
Thanks for subbing…! Can’t wait to see next ep. subbed by UTW! ^^
fotc please
That’s not the real fotc though! His posts are too short to be real~
ar memeing it up. What a time to be alive ಥ‿ಥ
@DasKuruumi That 5th and 6th picture,,. What anime is that?
@Walao http://myanimelist.net/anime/14467/K
@Cezar Thanks!
There’s a mistake at 12:07
It should be:
Why are you still here/in this world, Archer?
I’m fine with the changes, but I feel ufotable couldn’t depict them the way those changes were intended. Miura said he wanted to show from animation, and this episode had a LOT of Archer inner talking, that for me was completely unnecessary.
Shirou vs. Archer could’ve been so much better with those changes if handled differently… oh well, this is what we got.