@diminishedfifth You’ve got everyone, except Gilles was still standing there after his house disappeared (I think that’s him at the end) but I have no idea how strong he is considering Shakes just made him out of nothing.
Semiramis isn’t dead yet, just fatally wounded.
Its similar to how Mordred didn’t kill Arthur in battle, but gave Arthur a fatal wound he would later succumb to.
Semiramis is the best servant in Apocrypha, i hope she doesn’t dies at all until the end. I wish they killed off that Mordred bitch right away but nope, they had to give her the upper hand even if she was much weaker than Semiramis, fucking plot armor. I’m so glad Mordred is dead.
Finally we get Seiba back!
Thank you!!!!
best episode
Best partner in f/ap T_T
I lost the count. How many are left alive now ?
I bet Shakespeare will be the last servant left alive.
Thank you very much
is it just me or is anyone else getting an error (write to disk), that it can’t find the torrent path?
ok forget it, it seems like my bittorrent was going haywire
@pib Servant wise, I know it’s Jeanne, Amakusa, Sieg, Astolfo, & Shakespeare. Don’t think I’m missing anyone, but I could be wrong
@diminishedfifth You’ve got everyone, except Gilles was still standing there after his house disappeared (I think that’s him at the end) but I have no idea how strong he is considering Shakes just made him out of nothing.
Thanks for the episode!
Also, minor sub error at ~15.35 for the batch:
“]n illusion.” (closing square bracket instead of a letter)
Thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to the guys at UTW, thanks for all the hard work.
Poor Semiramis, didn’t even get a backstory.
Semiramis isn’t dead yet, just fatally wounded.
Its similar to how Mordred didn’t kill Arthur in battle, but gave Arthur a fatal wound he would later succumb to.
Semiramis is the best servant in Apocrypha, i hope she doesn’t dies at all until the end. I wish they killed off that Mordred bitch right away but nope, they had to give her the upper hand even if she was much weaker than Semiramis, fucking plot armor. I’m so glad Mordred is dead.
Mordred cleaving Semiramis in half was was one best scenes in the entire anime, awesome!