DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_B_Gata_H_Kei_-_09_[h264_720p][BAAC2657].mkv [MU]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_B_Gata_H_Kei_-_09_[XviD][C83AAAC0].avi [MU]
Picked this picture because the scene made me lol.
This episode was great, though. For once, encoding, timing, and typesetting were all done in a timely manner: the reason we’re about 3 hours behind schedule is because I can’t just lock myself in my dorm room on Thursday nights to sub anime now. Summer, life, and such.
As usual, enjoy, and please leave comments!
omg thats fast, you guys rock, definitely the best sub group for this show (well doki good too, but they delayed it)
Keep up the awesome H-ness, this makes my day ^^
Great release as always, thanks!
“Here’s some fan service!” I almost rolled out of my bed laughing at that one.
Doki isn´t as good with B gata H kei, UTW is the best, the time “is” an important factor but the quality within the cap is better here, doki is good and the best for other shows, but UTW have the monopoly of B gata H kei and Angel Beats! (for me)
Thank you guys for the early release of B Gata H Kei.
haha this ep was actually hillarious! (the second part at least)
good thing, lets hope they can keep the comedy
this is my choice 4 B Gata H Kei….all of my B-H is UTW…and u guys didn’t disappoint me…
keep ur good work guys….
download eps 9…NOW….
Thanks guys, that was a great episode. Keep up the good work =D
Thanks. However, having the same person TL+TLC+Edit+QC sometimes results in
08:07: That means even the teachers about it?
Thanks a lot and this time both HD and SD where uploaded so fast
Thanks for pointing that out. We try to put our releases out right the first time, but we do keep track of stuff like that for fixing in the end-of-season batch.
na guess there’s more then just one typo.
[UTW] B Gata H Kei – 09 [h264_720p][BAAC2657].mkv
01:52/24:49 Aren’t they’re supposed to be more fun and make me happier?
01:55/24:49 Instead, it wrings my heart and wears me out…
05:05/24:49 Wasn’t it was just a popularity vote?
08:07/24:49 That means even the teachers about it?
14:42/24:49 I don’t think she’d do all that if she wasn’t really interested in you.
14:47/24:49 That’s why you don’t have to be so worried.
15:07/24:49 I’d like Kosuda to just lie there, and for me to take the lead.
16:49/24:49 Leave where we’re going to us legs!
lol, what is that pic about anyway… Well, I guess I better start downloading in a few minutes… Thanks UTW~~~
Lmao, funny episode