DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_13_[h264-720p][F2431D22].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_13_[XviD][D0208803].avi [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SCRIPT: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_13.ass
*Ahem* I’ll admit, that new ED (the Engrish, oh gawd) was kicking our ass. I spent way too much time trying to figure out just two lines with Ershin’s help, and in the end I’m still not very sure. We even enlisted the help of the two best (and retired) translators on Rizon and they were of no help either. ?(???)? I guess no one will really know for sure either until the official lyrics are out three weeks later.
Yeah. This was a good episode. I wanted to name the black cat “Poo” but my staff members wouldn’t let me.
hurrah!! <3 you guys speed releases but reliable translations and quality
Yeah, good job.
Another English ending song? I hope it’s better than Sae’s ending song… Sae’s song annoyed me sooooo much >.<
Thanks for the hard work!
Sae’s voice in general makes me want to strangle her…out of love of course.
Anyway, thanks guys for the release!
Holy sh–!! I’ve been waiting for Ai’s arc!! Btw, Haruka=?(forgotten because I’m not a fan of hers), Kaoru=sexhair, Sae=fabulousbody. Ai=lovelovelove! <3
Thanks guys.
that was seriously awesome.. i hope it ends good and not gimped like kaoru’s..
Let’s hope for [spoiler]Hot spring ending.[/spoiler]
Awesome! Gonna watch it as soon as the Xvid comes out.
The cat is from the delivery service…
ni-ni ^^
she’s somewhat….beautiful XD
`OMGOMG Ai is cute. btw did the art get better? It seems the size has increased quite a bit.
NANASAKI!!! \(^O^)/
The moment I saw this release, buckets of bodily fluids starting pouring out from my little friend.
[spoiler]Of course, I’m taking about my little dog.[/spoiler]
is the narrator still there?
Thanks for the release – been looking forward to starting this new arc!
she reminds me of rei
Why “Poo”? You should go with Ness.
just a heads-up, but the kanji karaoke of the avi wasn’t synced. Anyway, good job. ^^
“HOLY SHIT AI IS HOT.” i totally agree with you guys.
thanks from Philippines! ^.^
This arc shows some promise, I’m happily surprised.
another fine UTW release, <3 u guysss (nohomo)
i like it. so far the best arc by now
hmm I want to marry Ai suddenly lol – isn’t she ranked #1 in popularity btw?
god ai is freaking hawtttttttt
Geezzz u guys, go watch hentai.
i hope Ai-chan is Tsundere type…hehehe ?(???)? it cant be help…
BTW im still voting for Miya Arc…hahaha
When I asked whether you intend to do the BD version of Amagami SS you said you may not. Does this still hold true with the new announcement of a Miya arc on the BD? It would be really great to see you also doing a quality BD release for this show. You’re doing a great job!
I’m really looking forward to the Rihoko arc (once Ai’s arc finishes of course) not that I haven’t enjoyed the others. It’s just that she’s my fave right now.
@Chikuyo….Miya’s arc WIN !!!
MIYA !!!
@randow… i know that! i know that! and now i believe it!
As much as Miya rocks, not sure if want on the incest arc.
“HOLY SHIT AI IS HOT” – I totally agree
I was looking forward for the Nanasaki’s arc, i’ve liked her a lot more than the other 6 girls, i think it’s because of her “serious” personality ^^
Lol I haven’t been this excited since the Haruka Arc. Ai really is awesome though it’s times like these that it’s a damn shame the “arcs” are only 4 episodes long. I was loving the whole Ai being a tsundure in the beginning but then she suddenly starts acting all friendly in the end. I was hoping for her “initial cold attitude” towards him to linger on at least for 2 episodes -_-
i added this to my seed box with a 1 gbps speed XD.
supper seed for a while guys enjoy ^_^
@Akira: I’m with you. Rihoko is really, really cute. ^^
@martinez: Spread the word, but spell me more accurate! ^^
damn she is hot
Ai’s ED made my day
News of Miya’s arc made my life complete
I like Ai’s ED. Didn’t really like the Sae’s that much.
Thanks for subbing this, hope you do the extra arcs on the BD.
Hey, her English isn’t that bad to me… and I certainly enjoyed the episode =)
Nanasaki Ai is a much more confident and polite character [spoiler]and even though she teases Junichi initially or laughed at Miya’s writing on his forehead, she never meant any harm, and apologizes for her bits of selfish fun.[/spoiler]I do hope Junichi also becomes more of a gentleman through this arc, and keep it enjoyable~
Ai is damn fucking hot. x3.
The ED is AMAZING compared to other ones.
Thanks for the awesome subs guys :].
I LOVE THIS ARC~!!!, i love the ending theme for some reason, thank you so much for subbing this!!
Amagami has been out for a while now. Does anyone know when the Blu-Rays are going to start being officially released? Seeing Haruka in full 1080p makes me go -_-
I suspect the engrish you guys were struggling with is probably, “dive into the pool”… just my guess
well since Eclipce said kudos does some matter
Eclipse is dead! Long live the UTW!
Let’s check if your subs are as good as theirs =)
Well, Eclipse is gone. You guys always released faster than them anyways. Time to switch over to you.
@Orange Hollow
We try to do our best, I hope you like our subs anyway
Eclipse will be missed, Mentar worked really hard all these years he definitely deserves kudos for his efforts.
Like Orange Hollow, I’ve just moved over from Eclipse (RIP). It was nice to find you’re doing a great job on them, so I’ll be following you guys from now on. Thanks for the work!
just wondering..why do u guys use fileserve instead of megaupload for DDL now? is there any problem with MU?
Thanks for the great work. I <3 Ai so much. Definitely my favorite route. Cant wait till next episode.
totally … though kaoru & haruka rocks my boat as well … sae is just too young & naive for me taste …
so , i don’t understand …what happened to amagami ? i mean..when is the next ep up?
check the anidb or wikipedia. The next episode hasn’t even aired yet. Might how to do with how those crazy japs space out their seasons. I’m not sure how they work but they seem much more uniform than they are here in the USA.
There is no Amagami ep this week. Next one doesn’t air until next week… the 8th(?), I think.
Well, at least I know that I haven’t been missing it then. No fair to start an arc then have a few weeks hiatus!
Your subs absolutely rocks! Thank you! (forgot to mention that last week ^^)
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