Someone who makes a Idolgame like this should know that 3 persons dancing synchron 100% accurate is not appealing, its just looks weird… or if its in the capability of the Game… the maker of the scene (first vid) should go in a corner and think about what he has done^^
-_- Stop complaining about Gosick:
ar says:
June 28, 2011 at 11:35 am
Anyway Gosick 23 will be released today or tomorrow, depending when Raze has the time after work to finish it.
I am wondering whether this is gong to be anything special like everyone keeps saying it is since I haven’t really seen a decent plot. I mean if someone tells me that this is going to have a Beck-like story with drama and great music I’m on board but if its going to be just moeblob after moeblob (cute girls doing cute things) and no real plot I’m going to have to say no.
@ Mike
lol I was just about to say the same
The vids are not bad, but I’d say for everyone who’s seem Montyoum’s stuff before it’s hard to be impressed.
Eh, using your own 3D models for a video like that guy, and extracting character animations from video provided by the game engine, like in the case of the second video here or the wakamuraP videos I posted, are quite different things and not really comparable.
@ Nobody
I’m very much aware of that ^^
But still, rationally knowing that they can’t and shouldn’t be compared doesn’t really stop you from doing so subconsciously, especially when the subject matter is so similar. I never said that Monty Oum’s was better, just that it’s hard to be impressed once you’ve seen his ^^
Some more of what? What am I watching?
Oh, it’s that IdolM@ster stuff, eh?
Someone who makes a Idolgame like this should know that 3 persons dancing synchron 100% accurate is not appealing, its just looks weird… or if its in the capability of the Game… the maker of the scene (first vid) should go in a corner and think about what he has done^^
This is strange and it’s not Gosick.
That’s what real idol groups do though…
‘Real’ version of that second video:
idk which I like more :p
IdolM@ster just reminds me of 3D custom girl, which I think is the far superior game
So uhhhh… where’s GOSICK?
GG GG baby baby!
Yay LoL stuff lols.
I liked the Vampire Girl one… but I gotta say, the real SNSD girls are cuter.
I thought the 2nd vid was going to be the girl’s singing Gee, slightly disappointed
cant wait until the anime starts. shits gonna be glorious
-_- Stop complaining about Gosick:
ar says:
June 28, 2011 at 11:35 am
Anyway Gosick 23 will be released today or tomorrow, depending when Raze has the time after work to finish it.
Since when did the Idol@master girls know Korean?
LOL gee? classic hahahahaha
I am wondering whether this is gong to be anything special like everyone keeps saying it is since I haven’t really seen a decent plot. I mean if someone tells me that this is going to have a Beck-like story with drama and great music I’m on board but if its going to be just moeblob after moeblob (cute girls doing cute things) and no real plot I’m going to have to say no.
Anyone know what is the name of the Tecktonik song?
First video looks p. bad. And MMD has really terrible hair physics. This surely would’ve been a much superior choice:
Second one is okay, so thanks for that.
my head exploded irl.
It’s weird seeing the Japanese idolm@ster girls pitted to Korean.
dammit 1st one is on repeat haha
I would appreciate if you guys release Gosick 23 instead.
AnoHana was the shit. Please continue with Gosick, at least that is more enjoyable…
I kinda liked vampire girl better though
Will this be High School Musical in anime??
Gosh …Is that Men in black (the first video) remixed by ….Daft Punk …?
I want a japanese Xbox 360…
Montyoum did Gee much better.
kusion-san your sick and i am infected
@ Mike
lol I was just about to say the same
The vids are not bad, but I’d say for everyone who’s seem Montyoum’s stuff before it’s hard to be impressed.
Eh, using your own 3D models for a video like that guy, and extracting character animations from video provided by the game engine, like in the case of the second video here or the wakamuraP videos I posted, are quite different things and not really comparable.
Second video was pretty bad imho. You’d think computer generated dancing could match SNSD’s, but… not at all…
The antigrav skirts in the first video. Cannot unsee.
Basically the loading song was preferential to both of these.
Found just a moment ago a wonderful combo for “Kyun! Vampire Girl”
lmao, sorry, but nothing beats the doa version
o, and ff. forgot to add that
doa + ff
@ Nobody
I’m very much aware of that ^^
But still, rationally knowing that they can’t and shouldn’t be compared doesn’t really stop you from doing so subconsciously, especially when the subject matter is so similar. I never said that Monty Oum’s was better, just that it’s hard to be impressed once you’ve seen his ^^
Damn we need a better version of the gee, i cant stop smiling while watching that video
I just started playing and wondering how to unlock the other idols. Do you unlock them after clearing something? I hope not through DLC.