DOWNLOAD HD: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_02_[720p][26D112FB].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_02_[480p][F6973DCD].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
Those of you who hated cameraman-san, rejoice! Cameraman-san has been upgraded to Producer-san. Replacing him is… cameraman-san! Who, thankfully, has spoken lines and is treated like a totally normal character.
Was anyone out there expecting LOTS of iM@S music? Hope you were, because today’s release introduces all sorts of goodness. We can probably expect the same from every week here on out, too.
We apologize for the delay. We had some encoding issues come up. Next week should be faster!
Once again: subtitle track 1 (default) will once again be UTW style with honorifics and common terms in japanese, whereas track 2 will be the more localized version with no honorifics, courtesy of Daiz.
See you next week!
yeah been waiting for this thanks meng <3
I’m waiting at last 3+ episodes to start to watch (heheeh, I can enjoy better)
Good stuffs~ Gotta love the twins~
Happy to see this! Thank you!
I don’t want to be an a-hole but if future eps shall be delayed, post about it, please.
In the matter of waiting, no news is NOT good news. Keep us informed. It makes us happy ^^
Again Thank you for your hard work!
Meh, I want to watch it now!
Thanks for your continued efforts! Especialy like how you simply included two styles of translating, rather than picking just one.
One nitpick though: anyone else getting botched sound, mostly during the ending?
Thanks for this release!
My sound is OK, but the (default) subs in the OP/ED are flickering quite a lot for me. Guess its the karaoke, the insert song was fine though.
I think I’m enjoying this more than I probably should be.
No xvids..?
ED fancy softsubbed karaoke is botched for me as well. Stutters. CCCP with external DirectVobSub. ED plays fine with subs disabled. 30% CPU usage. (Q6600@3ghz)
Is there not going to be an AVI version of this series?
The karaoke makes it lag like hell. I’m using a brand-fucking-new-top-of-the-line desktop PC. I’ve got all the usual codecs and stuff installed, running it in MPCHC. I think you guys need to rethink your karaoke style for next episode.
Is it true you guys are doing Appleseed? It’s a big departure from your normal release, but, if true, then that’s great news.
Is it just me or is the font too large? I had to decrease it by about 10pt, with some of the subs reaching four lines.
Opening Scene Karaoke flickers everywhere. Is it just me?
Same thing with all the karaokes, anyone have a solution ?
Booo Overrated but I still enjoy it
The ending karaoke does that too when they sing -fast-
I guess what was used just can’t handle the speed
Yep karaoke lags for me a lot too, especially the ED – whenever there’s more than a couple of words at once, the karaoke effects lag the video and audio, then the video/audio basically stops for half a second while the karaoke effects catch up.
I’m using the latest CCCP with MPCHC.
Same problem with karaoke, on both Windows Media and VLC.
Thanks! Somehow I keep hearing that one line in the OP as “Are you ready? I’m a lady!”
I think you should change that old poll to a “Who’s your favorite idol in iM@S?” poll.
Hm, no problems with the karaoke in the OP/ED here. mpchc and directvobsub.
Both OP and ED karaoke flickered. It still played smoothly for me though.
I too was having audio drop-out and lag during the ED, despite having a brand new computer. I just found out that there was a new CCCP version released 2 weeks ago (the previous being released over 9 months ago) and updated to that. Now the softsub ED works perfectly in sync.
This may not help people with older computer, but there was at least some speed upgrades in there.
OP was flickering like crazy when prebuffering sub pictures. Seems there was a recent update to K-Lite and the flickering disappeared after install:
Still might thinking about revising the Kara though. It’s overy complex to the point of causing issues and the alpha effect doesn’t even look very good.
Updated CCP, and it really helped with the stuttering, but it was still there. My computer is sort of old, but it usually doesn’t have these problems with karaoke.
Great work, guys! Only gripe is the lag/slowdown with the karaoke segments in the OP and ED. Once that gets fixed you have a nigh-perfect release.
sorry guys but, this release lags right from the start. im like, wow. even with updated cccp codecs installed. :\
So I tried overclocking my 2.4GHz Q6600 to 3.0GHz to try and get smooth karaoke with the ED… definitely helped with the lag on the ED karaoke, but doesn’t overcome it completely. I’m using directvobsub.
It’s all great as long as karaoke’s not on screen, my laptop totally can’t handle it, and I never had such problems even with 1080p vid with karaoke
It works perfectly with mplayer and libass support.
Nice softsubbed karas though.
Finally! thank you very much UTW!
Running on a 3.0GHz Core 2 Quad, got some lag during the OP, but the ED was completely unwatchable. First time I’ve ever had any sort of issue like that.
Updated CCCP as mentioned in these comments and it magically fixed it all.
Even after upgrading CCCP the ED was unwatchably laggy. :<
uhm, nevermind, this worked on windows media player for me. hahaha.
Running a stock 2500 got no lag, thanks.
sorry for the late release, everyone
lots of things to work out in a group with so many people who aren’t familiar with one another. doesn’t help that i’m a slow TL either ;; hope you’re all enjoying our work, though!
ppl having issues while using the new cccp: try mplayer2, works like a charm but it’s not very user friendly.
It’s not something I really care about, but something is definitely wrong with the karaoke. It works fine for the OP, but it seems to lag and generally not work for the ED and insert song. The actual subs and video run smoothly though, it’s just the karaoke that’s screwed up.
I miss the old idolm@sters serries.. that being said .. i miss the whole big robo comet busters part too
As for the Karaoke op/ed, yes, it definitely causes a lot more CPU load. I guess people with not all that new computers might have problems. I do not have any (i7-2600K plus CUDA), but even so, task manager shows quite some difference between standard subs ( and karaoke (
Don’t know if anybody know of this author’s guide but try this instead of the CCCP’s Codec-pack + it also utilize the MPC-HC player like CCCP do:
High/Low: CUDA [nVidia only, and the bare minimum i tried it with was an GT220 but the upgrade to an GT240/GT430 is good enough for MadVR]:
High/Middle: DXVA [nVidia, AMD]:
Low: DXVA [Intel]:
[Can be used with nVidia and AMD GPU’s + it’s also lite on entry-level/IGPU, and is the one I’m currently using as of now [Is trying to survive using an crappy laptop with an quite crappy Intel 4500MHD that can barely run out-of-spec 1080p videos] since my motherboard died on me last month/turned into an door stopper =_=*]
But i would recommend xvidvideo’s MPC-HC’s SVN builds instead of the one used in the guide:
P.S: The crappy-laptop-with-the-crappy-integrated-gpu didn’t lag from the karaoke effects.
Flickering confirmed on DirectVobSub while using prebuffering. None of that with prebuffering off, but then it renders slower than molasses on 2.4Ghz dual core i5, with CUDA enabled CoreAVC, with resizing to 1600×900 and debanding on in ffdshow.
Yeah opening was a bit weird. Just make it hard subbed.
3.2GHz Phenom II 555 (stock, no OC)
4GB DDR3-1600 Corsair Vengeance RAM
DXVA @ on-board ATI Radeon HD 4250 (512MB shared system RAM)
ASRock 880GM-LE motherboard (880G/SB710 chipset)
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32-bit
AMD VISION drivers 11.6
Media Player Classic – Home Cinema nightly version
Absolutely no other codecs installed aside from the ones built-in to Windows 7. Raw MPC-HC using EVR Custom Pres. output renderer and sub picture buffering set to 3 with allowed animations.
RESULT: No problems with OP and ED animation at all.
Its a shame it lost its original documentary/VN style, now its quite generic tbh imo
Damn, even the 480p OP and ED lags for me. :0
yea the ed and op lag
I found out why the karaoke didn’t work for me. It’s because I didn’t “allow animation when buffering”. Karaoke works perfectly fine when it’s checked. I don’t like having it on though, because subtitles disappear when I pause.
Hey guys: Great job on the show, but I’m having the same issue with the karaoke freezing the video that others are having. You think you could do a non-karaoke track also?
I never ever had any problems with kareoke before, but wow it lags.
Um, there’s a small error in the release at 01:40.
It’s ” everyones’ “, in the script, but it should be “everyone’s”.
Otherwise an excellent release as usual, please keep up the great work
Also, the kara does lag on an i3, using latest CCCP + MPC-HC. However, it does not on the latest version of SMPlayer and KMPlayer.
try offloading the video processing use DXVA or CUDA with madvr on MPC-HC
‘But why are everyone -> is <- pictures like this…?'
eeeeehrm. nevermind. now I’m confused.
I also managed to type in the wrong name TWICE.
Might explain it…
Glad to hear I’m not the only one with the OP/ED playback problems.
At first I thought it had something to do with my laptop’s processing power, so I had to get the 480p, but when even 480p was having the same problems, I came on here to see if anyone else was going through the same stuff.
After updating my CCCP, the 480p is more or less working perfectly.
However, for the 720p, the OP is still slightly laggy but tolerable, while the ED is still extremely slow. And that is me closing all other programs to ensure a smooth playback.
Having massive lagg issues with the karaoke here as well. Tried it in a couple of players, but nothings happy. Thought maybe it was due to the file being paused for a good 20 minutes, and it’d been indexed into the Page file, but episode ran fine.
Not sure what to suggest, as running a 1080p vid and it’s fine as well.
Thanks for episode though! Hopefully it’ll be one of those silly thigns that resovles itself.
Kara lags here too. Up-to-date CCCP, Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz, MPC-HC.
no op or ed lag on my end, but the kara has some flashing issues (no big deal). using cccp/coreavc with MPC-HC on a laptop that can’t handle 1080p.
i did uncheck the box “Allow animation when buffering” in the option setting. still have flashing op subtitles. ed is the same also, but not as bad as the op.
one more thing…. thxs 4 the release.
fuuuuuuck….. went to the cccp settings and unchecked “VSFilter Subpicture Pre-Buffering”. major fking lag with op!! the subs are perfect though.. so the culprit is the “VSFilter Subpicture Pre-Buffering” that’s causing the flashing subtitles. i guess flashing subs is better than lag so if anyone is lagging try going to cccp settings and check “VSFilter Subpicture Pre-Buffering”.
@Voyeur: Thanks, helped tremendously with my karaoke lag issue. It plays perfectly smoothly for me now (albeit with a little bit of flickering around 22.54 and 23.10)
Actually, the lagging seems an issue with using the combination ffdshow video decoder + DirectVobSub in any video player(which is set as default combination for MPC-HC, afaik).
Changing any one of them to another decoder/renderer does the trick, whatever be the video player.
Just tested with various combinations on KMPlayer and MPC-HC, works fine on the rest. Hope it helps ^^
I’m getting major lag on the kara, OP/ED and insert songs. Using CCCP/MPC-HC and using CoreAVC for H.264 processing. Thought that it was my dual-core machine, but also getting it on the quad-core. Processor load is okay, but it still lags. What gives?
Just to add to this, I so far used the current mpc-hc from and had no karaoke lag. Then I saw the link to in a post above here, downloaded the current version from THERE, and my oh my did I get karaoke lag with that one (no animated text, the text lagged behind the music and sometimes I got subtitles popping up in the wrong places). So back to mpc-hc for me, absolutely no problems with that one.
Kara is flashing in some parts. The same issue with one sign, don’t remember which one. I use standard mpc/cccp, no problems with other series.
@Zeuradin: You’re welcome.
Daiz is a fag and doing a joint with underwater will only make you a more mediocre group.The show ,shame since you are one of the few decent groups left.Maybe you should focus on the bds of your shows already finished and ongoing and dump the trolls like Diaz and the like
What exactly does Daiz do for this series? Just provide the second subtitle track?
Everyone’s is correct, as the apostrophe is being used as possession, not a contraction. Tomo’s bag doesn’t mean Tomo is bag, so it does need an apostrophe.
nice ‘simulcasting’ again from crunchyroll. 2 days after the broadcast, hahaha oh wow
so are you guys gonna drop this since crunchyroll ^^ at least you made it through 2 episodes, a new record