Unlimited Translation Works


DOWNLOAD HD: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_04_[720p][v2][84703672].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD HD Patch: 720p v2 Patch
DOWNLOAD SD: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_04_[480p][v2][73E444EF].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD Patch: 480p v2 Patch
A pretty depressing approach to the spotlight on one of my personal favorite characters. I think we’re going to need a season 2, or possibly an entire spin-off series to deal with the plot points that were raised and left unresolved in this ep.
I’d say “imagine how I’m going to be when Miki’s ep comes,” except that… well, Miki doesn’t have much backstory to leave unresolved ^^;
Due to repeated issues with kfx lag, multiple new songs per episode and the standard UTW policy to leave things soft-subbed, we’re removing kfx from this release and future releases. Older eps will be fixed in v2’s.  Two tracks as always.
In any case, enjoy the frog costumes and damnable cameramen. See you next week!
arEdit: Update: Apparently the fonts didn’t attend the first muxing due to RL issues, but we, being the gentlemen that we are, organized a second muxing that they were able to attend.

47 Thoughts on “THE iDOLM@STER – 04

  1. Sutai on July 29, 2011 at 7:09 am said:


  2. Someguy on July 29, 2011 at 7:11 am said:

    My boner has returned.

  3. Carbon on July 29, 2011 at 7:26 am said:

    I enjoyed the kfx because I never lagged on them. Oh well, for the better of the people I suppose.

  4. bautrey on July 29, 2011 at 7:35 am said:

    maybe this ep is better than the first 2…

  5. sonikku10 on July 29, 2011 at 7:38 am said:

    Enjoyed the kfx too. I honestly thought they were hard-subbed because I had any problems. I’m even running on a POS laptop…I would be EXPECTING lag.
    It was nice change after seeing plain kfx on every soft sub. But I believe that it shouldn’t be a priority, nor should it hinder release schedule or playability. Thumbs up for attempting it, though. I’d like to see it again on a future series.
    Thanks for iDOLM@STER!

  6. sinkingmist on July 29, 2011 at 7:42 am said:

    You guys forgot to attach fonts.

  7. cockwrangler on July 29, 2011 at 8:03 am said:

    Thanks for removing the karaoke. Pretty useless if you ask me.

  8. blank on July 29, 2011 at 8:17 am said:

    I’m glad you’re addressing the karaoke issue, though I liked the kfx, and I didn’t have any problems with them after updating CCCP. What if you added a third track with kfx? Or is that just silly?

  9. Thanks!
    Didn’t have trouble with kfx, but I assume this should make things easier.
    How many episodes are there for this? If it runs long enough, I can see it dealing with most of the plot points. Though there are so many girls…

  10. sinkingmist on July 29, 2011 at 9:04 am said:

    Thanks for the prompt patch.

  11. I’d like to see the kfx on a music show like this though.

  12. Alexc on July 29, 2011 at 10:11 am said:

    Thanks for the awesome release! First episode put me off a lot but it looks like it has gotten better. 😀

  13. Suzuku on July 29, 2011 at 11:10 am said:

    “I think we’re going to need a season 2, or possibly an entire spin-off series to deal with the plot points that were raised and left unresolved in this ep.”
    You do know this is 2-cour right”

  14. dark317 on July 29, 2011 at 11:31 am said:

    Didn’t have problem with kfx and tbh I enjoyed the show more with that. Well anyway thanks for the ep UTW!

  15. recure on July 29, 2011 at 11:53 am said:

    seriously i really like your guys release cuz the kfx
    people that complain about it should learn from
    did according to that and i never suffer from kfx lag

  16. thanks for the release ^_^

  17. CampingHero on July 29, 2011 at 2:02 pm said:

    Thanks for antoher fine release, but i really don’t like the patches because i’m running linux, is ther a wine free way to appply them?

  18. Are you guys missing something in the patch?

  19. @CampingHero
    Well as long as you have the xdelta3 package installed (or otherwise compiled it yourself) it’s easy. all you need to do is run “xdelta3 -d file.diff” in the same dir as the mkv source.

  20. CampingHero on July 29, 2011 at 3:08 pm said:

    thx will try that when the torrent is finished or i load ddl

  21. fuyuhi on July 29, 2011 at 3:26 pm said:

    There’s something wrong with the trackers. I’m not getting seeds at all. Anyone else having this problem?

  22. CampingHero on July 29, 2011 at 3:27 pm said:

    yes same here

  23. Modhesh on July 29, 2011 at 3:41 pm said:

    I don’t get why some people still complain about the removal of kfx. There’s two tracks in there, 1 with it and 1 with none. >__< Unless you're a selfish one.
    tbh, I'm thankful for including a track with no kfx, I'm no rich person who can upgrade my machine so the kfx lag issue affects me.
    And finally, I can watch this without pressing S and using my knowledge of japanese language for the conversation along with the song.

  24. fuyuhi on July 29, 2011 at 3:41 pm said:

    I think the problem is over at Underwater. Tried torrenting some of their stuff and none of them were loading trackers. Supposed something happened to their servers.

  25. I actually loved the kfx, and it ran smoothly after I updated my CCCP. Mind you, this is a 3 year old machine I’m using. Though if what Modhesh said is true(I dunno cause the torrent isn’t finished yet, and I dunno if Modhesh has watched it), then it’s all good.
    I think what Modhesh said should actually be directed at the people who complain about kfx, though.

  26. Double comment lol sorry. But if the timer is tired of k-timing, then I guess it’s okay to remove kfx. Wouldn’t want to trouble the staff.

  27. Julio on July 29, 2011 at 6:49 pm said:

    Do we need the V2 patch on the v2 video or just download the v2 and forget the patch?

  28. thanks that you decided not to drop the series – I like this one a lot, and you’re doing an awesome job. I agree that it’s probably best to remove the kfx – I had no problems with lag, so I don’t care either way, but it’s definitely good to make the series watchable without problems for as many people as possible.

  29. guibin on July 29, 2011 at 9:52 pm said:

    I think a lot of people noticed this already but…
    Kisaragi Chihaya looks like Kisaragi Misato….lulz

  30. Julio: The v2 patch is a patch that you can use to turn the initial release into the v2 release. It has no purpose with the v2 release file.

  31. Totony on July 30, 2011 at 12:42 am said:

    Hmm, I get a DNS resolution error for nyaatorrents.info, anyone have the same problem ?

  32. Asura on July 30, 2011 at 2:22 am said:

    I’m not picking up any seeds after downloading the 720 torrent.

  33. @guibin – katsuragi misato* ._. i do that too, all the same.
    @jbm – we’re actively considering releasing separate hardsubbed, spectacularly kara’d OP’s/ED’s and possibly inserts in the near future for the minority of people who really liked flashy effects, myself included. but we can’t have the main releases lagging for such a large portion of our audience, regardless of the cause. keep an eye out if you like sparkles and glowy effects!

  34. Otakus on July 30, 2011 at 3:05 am said:

    lol, this this technically is already a spin-off, isn’t it?

  35. @otakus – xenoglossia was a spinoff (unrelated to the original plot). this series is a faithful reproduction of the plot in the 2nd iDOLM@STER game for xbox360 and thus not a spinoff.

  36. Kitty on July 30, 2011 at 3:21 am said:

    the kfx did lag a lot, though i liked the second track from last release, so at least i could follow the singing with the subs, it’s now feeling too plain, kinda like underwater’s releases of anything with karaoke…

  37. whale-chan on July 30, 2011 at 5:02 am said:

    this may look dumb but how do i patch it ?

  38. throw the episode .mkv and the contents of the patch zip file together in one directory on your hard disk, then double click the .bat file. Your computer should work a while and then you should have the v2 .mkv in that directory. If you already have the episode .mkv with the “v2” in the filename, you do not need the patch.

  39. Larnu on July 30, 2011 at 7:02 pm said:

    @Asura, it looks like Nyaa have changed their trackers since this launch, I’d recommed using these links: http://www.nyaa.si/?page=torrentinfo&tid=232205&showfiles=1 for 720P and http://www.nyaa.si/?page=torrentinfo&tid=232204 for 480p.

  40. Bobby on July 30, 2011 at 9:52 pm said:

    Why aren’t there any UTW-made AVIs for Idolmaster? Really saddened by that. Maybe a batch at some point?

  41. MasterShadow on August 3, 2011 at 2:57 am said:

    Am I broken or are there no seeds for this or any of the other 3 eps?

  42. cawcaw on August 4, 2011 at 1:11 am said:

    are the trackers down?

  43. Hoping... on August 4, 2011 at 8:21 am said:

    I HOPE we get to see “Awaken” Miki in the Miki episode though.

  44. @MasterShadow & cawcaw
    Nyaa moved the website to a new server and changed the trackers around. It should work if you just re-download the torrent again from there rather than the ones linked in the posts here.

  45. @Hoping – Awakened Miki doesn’t exist in iDOLM@STER 2, unfortunately. Even if the anime decided to follow more of the plot from the first game, there would be a LOT of ground to cover and would require Miki to be something of a main heroine… I just can’t see it happening, much as I want it to ;; Let’s hope together against inevitability anyway!

  46. Maybe they can do a longer OVA for awaken Miki XD

  47. Hoping... on August 5, 2011 at 4:49 am said:

    @TruePsyche – I know, but I’m still going to have my fingers crossed for it though. Either way good to know I’m not the only one hoping for it.
    @x – I would love to see one. :D… if it ever get made.

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