DOWNLOAD HD: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_07_[720p][11B4A4B2].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_07_[480p][D37CC342].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
Yayoi-cchi! How is it possible to be so adorable? She’s a parent’s dream come true.
Fans of the older idols, you can sit down. This week’s ep takes things at a slower pace with a focus on three of the office’s younger idols. In fact, none of the other girls even have lines!
Bonus points for anyone who catches Haruka’s ??? face in this ep.
See you next week!
first and downloading
Wow, didn’t expect this so soon, considering I just randomly decided to check the blog.
Can’t wait to grab this in 6 hours.
thanks for the release!
Alice from Kamisama is still more adorable though =o
03:15 … what episode are we on again?
thanks for realse i knew you can do it XD
is that Tenshi from Angel Beats with a ninja mask?
really appreciate the early release
Found the ??? face
So the cucumbers with lots of bumps taste best huh?….. I wonder if Miki and Makoto knew that on that certain hot day……
Thanks for the release!
Wow that was quick, thanks guys.
I fucking hate this show. Your subs are probably as good as always though. Good work.
@BLACK: why the hell are you still watching then? I seriously can’t understand the masochists who can’t just drop a show they hate.
Nah, BLACK is just Tsun
@J3N0V4 @Kusion
You’re talking about “that” doujin right?, from C80.
[spoiler]Atsui Hi Daradara by Chotto Dake Aruyo.[/spoiler]
it’s ???????Not????
Thanks a lot for your hard work!
omg that was fast
i hope next week ep will be like this
What’s the big ugly logo at the end of the OP mean? The one that looks like it’s some baby head with a big letter A for a body, with wings and hearts off of the wings, and feet with the letters C and G in them?
CAG? ACG? Or read right to left: GAC? ACG?
AMCG?Advanced Media Creation Girls)
@Guy LeDouche: Heh, I didn’t even notice that number until you pointed it out. I guess they will fix it later?
@WhoWhat: Advanced Media Creation Girls was the name credited as the developer in the arcade game. That ugly logo is their logo I think.
Nonowa at [spoiler]8:07[/spoiler]
Hibiki on a gawd, so adorable.
No sexual harassment training in this ep. Maybe next.
This episode has a nice piano track, which starts right when the search for Yayoi’s brother begins. Does anyone know if this is some “original work” for the animation, or maybe something that comes from the game?
@null – there are a lot of original tracks for this show. the piano renditions do not appear in the games, but may have appeared before the anime on CDs or something. not that i’ve come across any of them personally, but i’ve heard a few used in youtube vids, etc.
cake for dango, okuu and raizing! i promised bonus points, but you get cake instead!
@dango – i was too distracted by the ??? (according to caitlyn D:!) before to notice… what IS the 2nd oldest brother doing to hibiki in that screencap you took?! should we be concerned?!
@TruePsyche: Thanks, I was looking for a hint to start searching. I usually skip all the idol jpop stuff and therefore never really checked out the various idolmaster soundtrack releases.
A soundtrack release (COCX-36899) for the animation is going to come out in September, so maybe the track gets included there. Or it already was released, but I really don’t know where to start looking (VGMdb lists around 140 album when doing a query for idolm@aster…),
Wow, i’m amazed you guys can’t recognize that it’s simply a piano version of the 6th ED with a slow tempo… so I guess the track would be called “The iDOLM@STER ~Piano ver~”.
@null – i’ll tell you right off the bat that the MASTER ARTIST discs (1&2) don’t have piano tracks, so don’t bother with those. MA have only original, M@STER and karaoke versions, along with the various talk tracks. MASTERWORK, MASTERPIECE, and Break! discs don’t have piano tracks either, though iirc MP has some of the game BGMs. unfortunately, there are literally tens of other discs i haven’t yet listened through, including specials, best of’s, LIVEs, and seasonal discs, many of which i could only find in complete CD images. and of course, the possibility still exists that the piano tracks haven’t been put out on CD yet and will be released on the disc you mentioned.
sigh. the piano arrangements really are nice, though. lemme know if you eventually find them!
@Check Your Ears! – we recognize what songs the piano renditions are based on. null is looking for the specific CDs on which he can find recordings of those exact piano renditions. thank you for your concern towards our health, though.
ANIM@TION MASTER 02 (COCX-36899) will have the ending themes up to episode #5. It will also have the piano rendition of “i” (the Columbia Japan page specifies this track is unique to the disc), as well as a few BGMs and blah blah tracks filling out the rest (Kotori action included).
“READY!!” was ANIM@TION MASTER 01, and I imagine there will be at least another in the series to see the light of day. I’d almost bet on one to match each DVD/BD that comes out, but it seems they’re covering quite a bit with the second CD… so who knows? On top of it all, there’s the 3 CD/DVD “Best of” Famison 8bit (FVCG-1175) comin’ out in October from 5pb. iDOLM@STER exists to liquefy money of all varieties, not just yen.
I can dig it.
Long comment short: ANIM@TION MASTER seems to be the way, we simply need a little patience I suppose.
Thanks for the explanation guys! I’m going to keep my eyes open then.
Friend… Me too, me too…
I honestly advise abandoning Daiz and finding someone else in his place…
*moving on to Doki, can’t wait anymore for Ami, Mami and other girls*
Why do that kid have a Haruka doll?