DOWNLOAD 1080p: [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_06_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC][0D9F935D].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_06_[BD][h264-720p_AC3][D84D164E].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_06_[BD][XviD][DA55024F].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
The whole Type Moon Serial TV Novel section in this episode parodies a morning TV program that airs on NHK in Japan. I guess those of you who are more familiar with Asadora will get a bigger kick out of this arrangement.
Sakura + Rider fans will probably enjoy this episode, I guess. I personally liked the side sections more.
don’t worry. i’ll enjoy it, bro
UTW FTW, as always!
near heart failure at 07:30
YESS another Carnival madness
Wheres C3
Thanks!! but the fileserve link for 720p is actually episode 5 ~fix it..
filesonic link for 1080p fails– or you haven’t upload it?
Well, there you go, Sakura fans. Heaven’s feel animated.
That screen at 11:18, is that Ciel on the right before she got possessed and Akiha on the left?
God, you messed up all the jokes.
arEdit: Don’t know what you are talking about, was funny as hell to me.
Well, now I wait for UTW to release Ep 08 of the Carnival Phantasm. Apparently MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!! [spoiler]Saber becomes Saber Alter by removing he own Ahoge[/spoiler].
That was actually pretty funny, but Shinji is as much of an asshole as ever. >:(
“Nii-san only made others look good because he was such a loser!”
Wow, Sakura actually recognized the one reason for Shinji to exist which has eluded all of us wishing to castrate and disembowel him all this time. She must be the wisest person to have ever lived.
I agree, Xer. There is no other reason. I don’t think I’m only that felt no amount of pity at all for Shinji in any of the routes. :/
Only one.
I’m totally using that Before/After shot of Rin and Ciel as a background.
Damn, should have noticed that jewels in Rin’s hand.
woot! Rider <33333 thanks a bunch!
Meh this episode needs far more Lancer abuse.
was there a name given to the new Neko Arc? Otarcu?
Oi anyone know what a “ruranra” is? Thanks!
Thank you so much UTW
“My Riding skills are A+”
Also, Lancer is dead yet again. Reminds me of a certain guy named “Kenny” who dies all the time, too.
Why does it take around two days to release the XviD AVI?
@Toddler Naruto
Proper typesetting and proper encoding. The result is really high-quality stuff.
tat was fast! I havent even watch ep 5 yet. lol
Dear UTW:
Your work rocks however, this one time I have a problem, the show plays just fine, but there aren’t any subtitles, any ideas on how to fix that?
>sakura fans
Well Sakura is right; if she didn’t have such a nice body Shinji wouldn’t be raping her all the time.
So umm, is Rider popular because she looks like a slut even though her personality is the opposite? Kinda like Yoko form Tengen Toppa.
RIDER’s MASTER IS sakura!!! not shinji
all 3 route it has been this way LOL
something is wrong with the story!!
Man, having Rule Breaker as a keychain for your wallet?
Interesting place to keep it.
Thanks for the episode!
@Hodora: SHe does actually relinquish her master rights temporarely during both Fate and UBW. The moment the book gets destroyed (if she’s still alive that is) the rights go right back. That said, Rider died in both routes so it’s a moot point.
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Because I (the encoder of the series, and the XviD’s) have a job and work during the day, so the XviD gets done when I have free time (usually the day after sometime) since we tend to release while I’m asleep or just going to bed.
Wooo… Called it at episode 4. Ren was making oden
As usual: nice translation, superb typeset and awesome timing!
(though I do not really get the “inner-joke” feel, since I don’t watch the original [Asadora])
Looking forward to episode 8!
(IMO, funniest episode so far)
Oh my goodness, Sakura is like the moe anthropomorphization of the concept of rape culture…
If certain female friends of mine realized that I laughed at something like this… my imagination fails me.
@XerBlade actually, shinji realized and mourned that fact himself in a gag-scene in hollwo ataraxia, that his only purpose was to make others look good yb beeign a loser/asshole.. that was a very ncie scene, xD
guys at UTW mind if i ask what you’re using to encode your shows to Xvid format
FearFearFearFearFearFearFearFearFearFear ;___;
o.o y the subs r not appearing? the carnival 5 is fine though
Are you guys still doing C3?
Are you guys still doing C3?
Sincere thanks are given to you, UTW! I can’t wait for episode 8.
Back when Fate Stay/night first aired many years ago, Kamiya Hiroshi (of Bakemonogatari, Durarara, Angel Beats fame) was still relatively unknown, now it feels strange seeing him reprise such a pathetic character in Shinji.
Lancer just doesn’t get much love, does he? For the second episode running he gets killed off, and this time more ignominiously as well. lol
Fate and C3 are the only UTW shows i watch.
fuck year, rider time
Fuck yeah Rider! I happen to like Sakura as well.
Haters gonna hate.
Avisynth + Virtualdub.
msg Kusion on irc -> “Where’s my c3?”
It’s stalled at him.
I hate Sakura big time from the FSN novel. I hope she dies a horrible death in this CP episode. Otherwise, I’m skipping this.
How can you say that? Sakura got tortured all her life, man!
Crap I just made a sophism.
Oi UTW guys, according to a Chinese subbing group, the part where it sounds “ruranra” is actually this:
And according to them (I cannot read Japanese) it means “indisputably without a fault”.
Maybe worth checking out.
Where Fear Kusion? D:
What happened to C³?? :3 (just asking, still patiently waiting ^^)
@Nick J
That group would be wrong, the kanji reads Bunan meaning something along the lines of safety or security and if you read on the booklet it says, る らんら! 遅れないだね which the good guys have translated as well as they always do on that.
Where’s C³? Still waiting for it.
Well that’s good. ruranra!
Do you think you and everyone else asking is going to make it quicker?
Stop spamming posts, and come on irc if you want to ask where something is.
My long work week has been made more bearable thanks to UTW sandwiching fate/zero between two episodes of Carnival Phantasm.
Gratsi mille
Rider fans represent! She’a so moe in home clothes.
utw is originated from fate series, theres no way in hell some random series like ccc got priority first! go ask another group for faster translation
*cough* putting my rant aside, if theres phantasmoon dvd set, i want to buy it xD
i laughed so hard i choked on my ice cream
omg i wish there were more
Does anybody know the song at the end where sakura and rider walk under the cherry blossom trees ?? sounds so good ;O
someone has to know please p.p
I swear I read a doujin that was almost exactly like this episode. They just added a couple extra scenes to the animated version here.
I know that feel man, I know that feel….
Wasn’t this whole thing, in fact, adapted from some parody thing?