Unlimited Translation Works

Kill Me Baby – 01

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_01_[h264-720p][99001B5A].mkv [DDL1][DDL2]
 [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_01_[h264-480p][98186EBB].mp4 [DDL1][DDL2]

After a long day of work, UTW and Mazui present you with Kill Me Baby! It’s been a fun first episode after having been a fan of the manga, so we hope you enjoy the release.

We’ll see you again next Thursday for a blast of fun.

Check below for information regarding the opening translation:

[spoiler]There’s too much nonsense in the OP for you to keep track of. Trust me.[/spoiler]
For those bound to ask: Amagami SS+ will be coming later today.

70 Thoughts on “Kill Me Baby – 01

  1. ryuu_zer0 on January 6, 2012 at 5:32 am said:

    <3 fgghjjkll

  2. <3 ryuu_zer0

  3. fgghjjkll on January 6, 2012 at 5:33 am said:

    Kill me, baby…

  4. >not releasing Amagami first
    I’ve lost all faith in you as a quality subgroup.

  5. mascthemoney on January 6, 2012 at 5:35 am said:

    playful bite plus please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. leo@uhw on January 6, 2012 at 5:35 am said:

    What the shit?!
    I thought you were doing only 2 projects this season?
    Nevertheless, SWEET! I was wonder who I was gonna go with for this one.

  7. Rubedo on January 6, 2012 at 5:36 am said:

    Are you guys going to do Nisemonogatari even though CR is doing it? I really don’t trust CR’s translations for something that will be so SHAFT-y.

  8. mascthemoney on January 6, 2012 at 5:37 am said:

    >I’ve lost all faith in you as a quality subgroup.
    lol, derpy comment by an anon…. what great balls you have. oh btw, i guess i don’t have to remind you that UTW pwns joo.

  9. Nisemono on January 6, 2012 at 5:43 am said:

    So, will you guys still be doing Nisemonogatari?

  10. [00:26] man both utw/mazui and gg with 8thsin aren’t doing nisemonogatari anymore
    [00:26] I hope at least commie rips ‘orriblesubs’ script
    [00:26] cause this is bullshit
    [00:26] lol
    [00:26] utw might do it
    [00:27] oh?
    [00:27] depending on the quality of CRs translation

  11. dudestar on January 6, 2012 at 5:46 am said:

    would you please tell us already if you’re going to do or drop Nisemonogatari…..the suspense is killing me!….and please tell me that daiz is not involve with amagami because we all know that he’s always the reason why your show you’ve been doing lately are released later than usual….

  12. nixmeister on January 6, 2012 at 5:48 am said:

    cr has good translation…but we all know that they’re going to fail at the encode and typesetting….

  13. @dudestar
    Daiz isn’t working on Amagami, the only reason for the delay is really annoying slow to do typesetting, the rest of the release is ready to go.

  14. >cr has good translation
    That’s a shitty generalization. They have their good and their bad translations.
    That’s not to mention that their video and audio quality is complete shit. Them picking up Nisemonogatari literally ruined my entire week, since everyone’s decided to drop it.

  15. Where’s Amagami? Next time, Amagami first then this show… ¬¬

  16. cerealdow on January 6, 2012 at 6:33 am said:

    thanks for this

  17. riders on January 6, 2012 at 6:35 am said:

    480p mp4, 8bit or 10bit? PS: XviD sucks.

  18. At 10:45 “Danke schön” should be written together. Doesn’t really matter much though.
    Thanks for the release as always!

  19. Spinarakk on January 6, 2012 at 6:40 am said:

    Always interesting when a popular fansub group does something completely out of the left park.

  20. ranmachua on January 6, 2012 at 6:44 am said:

    Are you guys dropping xvid encodes for mp4?

  21. wow, xvids no more, you do mp4’s? lol. glad i get the 720p.

  22. macxxx007 on January 6, 2012 at 6:47 am said:

    Thanks so much for the episode! LOOKING FORWARD TO AMAGAMI SS+
    Good night!

  23. HS did a great job with S;G translation. but i doubt they will with Nisemono….
    didn’t see this one coming as well…wow (* ̄▽ ̄*)
    muchas gracias!

  24. tsunku on January 6, 2012 at 6:49 am said:

    eh?? mp4?? no xvid?!?!?

  25. HS doesn’t do translations. They rip Crunchy’s videos.
    Also, they did not. “Put some fail in your fail so you can fail while you fail while you fail while you fail while you fail” is not a good script. Any retard can put Internet memes into a script.

  26. KKRais on January 6, 2012 at 6:50 am said:

    >did a great job with translation
    I think you mean Crunchy. Horrible just does straight rips of their (and several other sites’) streams.

  27. ooh mp4… definitely liked that switch from xvid. Wish you guys have done that years ago ^_^

  28. where is the xvid??

  29. where is xvid ??

  30. TheSilverSky on January 6, 2012 at 7:09 am said:

    Thanks for the awesome show UTW! I was hoping a good sub group would pick up this show, way better then whoreslutSS+ (jk, but damn you guys get a lot of shit for providing a pleasant appetizer before the main course…)

  31. nINJAkECIL on January 6, 2012 at 7:16 am said:

    Tsun-tsun ~ dere-dere….
    Wait for someone to convert this release to xvid. There’s always someone who does that.

  32. urafaget on January 6, 2012 at 7:24 am said:


  33. urafaget on January 6, 2012 at 7:24 am said:


  34. Drummin on January 6, 2012 at 8:14 am said:

    As much as I enjoyed Fate Zero, iDOLM@STER, and several other past projects, I simply couldn’t make it through the first 5 minutes of this show before I wanted to start breaking stuff. Good to see the UTW-Mazui tag again just wish it was on something I could watch. Oh well, keep up the good work guys and here’s to looking forward to S2 of Fate Zero.

  35. @KKRais….hahah my bad. i forgot it. i mean CR. my tongue slipped since i only download HS.

  36. Progeusz on January 6, 2012 at 9:17 am said:

    I was worried that no one would sub it after EveTaku decided to do IxB else and…. there comes UTW to the lescue XD Totally didn’t expect that.

  37. Didn’t expect this one. Now I can go with Mazui and UTW for Kill me Baby as well! Sweet!

  38. Greg the Mad on January 6, 2012 at 9:47 am said:

    Wait? You’re not doing Nisemonogatari? Why? I want a official statement and a apology!
    This makes Mad commenter Sad. 🙁
    Anyway, where is Amagami SS+? Sorry, I was bound to ask. *trollface*

  39. Gazelle on January 6, 2012 at 10:13 am said:

    whoa, didn’t see this coming.

  40. ahh, didnt expect this, but its goodtoo see, i like the manga^^
    @Yuyu both is right, danke schön and dankeschön, both goes.
    @Nisemonogatari seems like there is a lot of suspense on thsi one now; i doubt youd drop it after the biiiiiiig announcements and all, btu anyways, in case your considerig dropping it i hope you dont.

  41. dark317 on January 6, 2012 at 11:04 am said:

    Nisemonogatari pls.. ~ Hoping since there’s no formal announcement about dropping it or whatnot.

  42. same with many comment above, still hoping for Nisemonogatari from UTW

  43. Jay-kun on January 6, 2012 at 1:55 pm said:

    Thanks 😀

  44. klose91 on January 6, 2012 at 2:35 pm said:

    Thank you for this episode. 😉

  45. That Man on January 6, 2012 at 3:59 pm said:

    I will cry if I have to watch CR

  46. Lawl Lawlsworth on January 6, 2012 at 3:59 pm said:

    The MP4 file doesn’t appear to be properly encoded. There are lots of blocky segments [more so than a regular 480 rip], and fragments of previous scenes were left at least a couple of times. At first, I thought this was a problem with my computer, since I’d just updated my CCCP before watching, but I tested some other files and they played fine.
    It isn’t, of course, unwatchable. Just giving a bit of feedback.

  47. blah1234 on January 6, 2012 at 4:26 pm said:

    0:35 – “She’s does” should be “She does”
    19:30 – Missing an “a”
    Thanks for subbing this show!

  48. @Yuyu – “Danke schön.” is written as two words. In English, you would write “Thank you.” “Dankeschön” is a nominative – in English “a thank you”. For instance, “This is a little thank you for you.”

  49. erejnion on January 6, 2012 at 4:51 pm said:

    Whooo, great! Love ya guys!

  50. shadowfall on January 6, 2012 at 9:53 pm said:

    lol at opening song..its cute haha

  51. Marelt on January 7, 2012 at 5:38 am said:

    I for one appreciate having something interesting from left field. More at least than another show about a bunch of high school girls worshiping some random loser’s penis.
    So please keep it up. We need more variety.

  52. Beckett on January 7, 2012 at 5:41 am said:

    The WTF’s started with the opening song and pretty much continued right through. Looking forward to more of this one.

  53. just a few things:
    0:34 – She’s does a special type of work. > should not be She’s but just She.
    5:08 – the typeset has two e’s in great tea, since it reads greEat tea.
    Stop repeating what everyone has already said. The text on 5:08 is すご~いお茶, the tilde is an extended vowel. Thus: Goood Tea, Grrreat Tea, Greeeat Tea, etc.

  54. adam326 on January 7, 2012 at 10:05 am said:

    I’m amazed. Mazui got all the shitstorm about using 10bit and you get none. I don’t wish you one (I’d rather wish Mazui didn’t get it either), but it still is weird to me.
    Anyway, thanks! I’m off to to check what is this madness.

  55. who gives a shit bout amagami ss

  56. Yes! Thanks for this release. I’ve read the manga and was curious about this series…hope it’s as good as advertised. 🙂

  57. EcchiSkecchi on January 8, 2012 at 1:36 am said:

    Yay good episode. The ending music draw my attention since the pv.
    On a side note, watched the first episode of nisemonogatari and is very good; the dialogues are awesome as always, but hey, where are the panties? Anyways one of the few main characters the straightforward admits his lolicon-ness

  58. @EcchiSkecchi actually, in the novels ararararararai-kun always says “its ot like im a pedophile but” when he narrates abotu soemting liek that, lol^^ hes a tsundere about his lolicon-ness xD or maybe hes just oblivious to it

  59. EcchiSkecchi on January 8, 2012 at 7:47 am said:

    Hello, long time no see man!
    Oh my, maybe you bite your tongue as well, not even Hachikuji used so many ‘”ra”, lol
    On a side note some people love translate lolicon as pe dophile, but from the standpoint of anime, they should just leave it lolicon.
    Anyways, since I saw the first episode (of Bakemonogatari) I wanted to see the history of Shinobu, the very beginning is full of breathtaking action (I had to slow down the speed 3x to be able to read all the walls of text that appeared). There will be a movie, but till the bds come out, who knows how much it will take? I though in reading the novels, but the translation is incomplete, also, I would get spoilered.

  60. Blargh on January 8, 2012 at 5:31 pm said:

    A suggestion for future reference, regarding the “double e” thing: put the letter 3 times instead of two, so that the people that aren’t playing attention to the audio (though I *must* ask why someone would do that…) can notice it’s a leeeeengthed out sound. 😀

  61. Blargh on January 8, 2012 at 5:34 pm said:

    Oh wait, TYPESET. I fail at reading.
    Scrap the audio part and focus on the rest of the idea, which stands regardless.

  62. skyhack on January 9, 2012 at 2:07 am said:

    This was nuts. More.

  63. hjkjhk on January 9, 2012 at 3:18 am said:

    this thing is boring as fuck

  64. i will master the dance in the ED…

  65. @Opening:
    01:14 – What’s up? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa?
    Serious? Spanish?

  66. @EcchiSkecchi haha yeah^^
    true, that, though the meaning is kind of intertangled in many occasions
    you know, if you only wanna know shinobu-chans story/what happens in the movie, you only need to read kizumonogatari; unlike all the other novels, baka-tsuki translated that one completely already.
    and yes, kizumonogatari has way more action then bakemonogatari^^ also it has shinobu-chan in 6 different forms: 24-year old body without limbs, 11-year oold body, 14-year old body after gettign one limb back, 17-year old body after gettgn two more back, complete 24-year old body after gettign all limbs back (all fully vampire) and the 8-year old pseudo-vampire body she’ll be having from then on^^
    also you can tbe spoilered from it sicne its a prequel XD

  67. bob9595 on January 12, 2012 at 10:30 pm said:

    The whole time i watched this i was thinking “lul wut”, shortly after laughing my ass off.

  68. As a frequent downloader of UTW’s (and Mazui’s!) 400p XviD avi releases, I for one don’t mind the switch to 480p h264 mp4 (though softsubbed .mkv at the same resolution would be fine too). Then again, I don’t watch on hardware players or other plastic toys that require XviD.

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