DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_02_[h264-720p][3580DEEE].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD PATCH: KMB_02_Fixes_v2.rar
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_02_[h264-480p][256D366A].mp4 [DDL1] [DDL2]
We’ve got nunchucks, we’ve got bears, and we’ve got BALLOONS. Oh, wait. Did I forgot to mention more ninja gags? Aw, yeah!
Yet another satisfying episode of Kill Me Baby. Enjoy!
EDIT: Patched up the errors (mistranslated sign; I’m sick, sorry! I misread ;; no font for the OP, etc).
Not going to bother v2ing the actual episode or the mp4. Sorry.
that was fast.
Thanks for your hard work!
Have a good night and weekend!
“I’m more or less in high school.”
Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
uh, guys? You didn’t mux in the fonts for the OP.
Thanks, still have to watch the first episode XD
i haven’t watched all new shows but i hereby nominate agiri for troll of the season
gotta love that small file size. Thanks for the release.
I watched all the versions of ep1. Muteki Subs had the best translation of them all, and was offered in 8-bit and 10-bit, as would be expected from real anime-loving folk. Your translation was a second best, even in its fish-skin wrappings. Congratulations.
Great work for this week guys
Is it just me or are there some similarities between Kill Me Baby 02’s screen grab and Amagami SS’+s? (The answer lies in the phalanges)
Incorrect translation at 10:52 “Bamboo-shaped Spear”, where it should be “Bamboo-shaped speaker”, which also makes much more sense.
4:24 – Missed a “to” after “supposed”
Thanks for the episode.
The patch DL link is broken for me, redirects to a 404 error page :S
Patch link is broken, please fix. Thanks
yeah, patch link is broken
Patch the patch!!!
Patch link fixed.
Still Spanish subs on opening.
Ep1: 01:14 – What’s up? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa?
Ep2v2: 0:57 – What’s up? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa?
You don’t even need to v2 anything here…

No let them babies have their bottle… Yes! Just one bottle for all of ’em…
Thanks for your hard work and understanding…
gee, don’t you think maybe… it’s on PURPOSE?!
On 0:09 of episode 2, yes…
But not here:
@ Genha
We already had a note added for ep1. The opening is a bunch of random words and wordplay with added music so that they could make it into a song.
So, that’s not an error. That was intentional.
need help here, im using a mac, so is there a software i can use to patch files?
Thanks. Long live UTW.
Unlimited Patch Works.
1. If you don’t have xdelta yet, you need to install it. Instructions on how to do that follow.
2. First, install MacPorts. Use the .pkg installer if possible, and keep in mind you need to install XCode from your MacOS X installation DVD (or the extra software DVD) first.
3. After you’ve installed MacPorts, start the Terminal (can be found in Applications -> Utilities). If it was already running, make sure you restart it before you proceed to the next step.
4. In the terminal window, issue this command: sudo port install xdelta
5. You will be prompted for your password. Type it in, then press enter; it’s normal that nothing shows up when you type it in (the input is hidden completely rather than showing stars like most password boxes).
6. Now, change the terminal directory to the folder with the patch file (and the v1 file; you did put them in the same directory, right?). This is done by typing cd ‘/Path/to/folder’ and pressing enter. For example, if your patch file is in your user’s Movies folder, you’d type cd ‘/Users/yourusername/Movies’.
7. Still in the terminal, issue the command xdelta3 -d ‘patchfile.vcdiff'(obviously, replacing patchfile.vcdiff with the filename of the actual patch file).
8. You will now magically have the v2 file. You can delete the patch file and the v1 file, and quit the terminal.
I saw the note on ep1 post.
But, ‘wasa wasa’ = ‘¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa?’ ?
I studied (a bit) Spanish some time ago, and ‘¿Qué pasa?’ = ‘What?’ (or something similar).
btw, I’m waiting the official lyrics…
i have studied 5 years worth of spanish, and i have spanish friends, they would agree that ¿Qué pasa? means “what’s up?” AND if you even want me to tell you, it’s very informal too, to boot.
Que = “What”
Que pasa = “What’s happening?”. Can also be used as “what’s up”.
This shit sux, pick something else up
So the rumers were indeed true after all…
UTW always just have to do a shitty anime every season…
You guys are too good for this obnoxious anime…
you should have done something better insted of this imo.
Thank you for your hard work, but I was hardly able to finish the 1st episode because of how shitty the anime is…
@Kitty, JC200X:
Because this, the “¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa?” is wrong.
Since “what’s up?” are also in the line.
But even “what’s up? what’s up? what’s up?” ” would be wrong (I think), since “わさわさ” (or something like that) seems to be a
onomatopoeia (I could be wrong, but seems to be something like that).
Sorry for my poor English.
To quote what I said in the post for the first episode,
You can read this here. Now stop making a fool of yourself in the comments. This isn’t YouTube.
This anime is weird as hell. So weird that although I’m posting here I have only watched the first episode (barely) and will not follow from the second episode onwards.
Whoever decided to do this… Thank you.
Haha, I really love this show. There are barely any shows which are insane like this.
DAT OPENING. Nice show thanks!
it seems, only when the official lyrics available we’ll have some progress on it.
Thanks for the episode, but the patch link died again. ;D
Patch no longer available.
Thanks for this funny series.
Patch link is broken. Can you please update it.