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I’m pretty mad at myself for overlooking a recurring South Park reference until someone pointed it out in the comments for ep10. I’m not even sure why I never managed to make the connection after so many episodes, considering that I used to follow South Park (in English) so religiously. Sorry about that, and the affected episodes will be fixed in the batch.
Anyway, here’s FINAL DEAD LANCER, with 100% more “You bastards!”. Please do enjoy.
Yay, ep 11!
Also, where did anyone point anything out? I went looking for the comment but I can’t see it.
He didn’t actually point it out specifically, but he made the suggestion and it turned out he’s absolutely right.
Also I don’t get South Park at all, so.
Thanks for the release
Ep12 would be about the Ep4 voting results, right?
@ Nick J
Since Ep. 1, sometimes when Lancer is dead or killed some characters say “ Lancer died! You aren’t human!”, as a reference to South Park’s “OMG they killed Kenny! You bastards!”
For example, in Ep.9 there is a reference to E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial at 10:03
Yay…! Thnx…!

Also… Another thing to point out…
About South Park’s ” Kenny ” and Nasu’s “Lancer” servant for the 5th grail war…
The creators/artists/makers of these characters are the ones who gave them life…
So… They just have the F~ing right to do whatever they want with them…! Just mine 2 centz for today…
Lancer patting Lion-Saber was adorable.
I never watched those shows. Thanks for the explanations though!
@ Nick J
Why E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial?, compare Ep 9. at 10:03 to at 1:09, does it look similar?
LOL! South Park!
Wouldn’t have realized it without the English!!
Thanks as always!!
the commentary:
Huh. First time I’ve ever seen that. Thanks!
So, Final Dead Lancer is like, a Final Destination joke? …I think?
you seriosuly didt realize it? i thought you were just staying truer to the script to, well, stay true to the script instea dof making the south parlk reference obvious, the thought taht you didnt notice it didnt even cross my mind, lol… interesting how obvious some thigns are for soem people and others dont notice them huh? but sfter your told, you realize its obvious.. ive seen that alot from both sides…
R.I.P. Lancer, you never really had a chance to survive. What a drab tristesse. Thanks again to you, UTW!
Probably the worst episode so far, sure it had a couple of funny moments but it was pretty much a recap episode =/
even when fate/stay night isn’t even part of the episode, lancer dies.
I wonder why I can’t find “Dead Lancer” on EP2. So this is WHY.
Thanks so much for the episode!
~LoL~ @ Final Destination reference.
Thank you very much guys
Lancer from beyond the grave. How awesome.
I had actually caught onto the South Park reference early, but I don’t wanna hear it translated exactly as that. I was never a fan of SP after all.
Thanks for all the good work, guys. I am enjoying this series immensely.
Thanks UTW!
One question: is that South Park parody in the original?
I finally found out Who-the-Neco Arc-which-always-nod.
The problem is, are they really joking about South Park or is it just a coincidence?
The Japanese sentence sounds too short to me to be translated as “Oh my God! They killed Lancer!” instead of “Lancer died!”.
Thank you guys.
And who the fuck voices Grail-kun?
That epic moment when your suggestion is accepted more openly than first anticipated.
I love you guys!
As for the voice of Grail-kun, it’s the voice actress that does Sakura. You’ll see if you check the credits at the end of this episode.
Huh, wasn’t as great as I thought it would be but it was a South Park and a Final Destination reference so no complaints here…plus it had that horror-movie after-credits scene xD
Then again, there could have been a couple of new scenes that they could have added. I feel kinda jostled that all the Lancer deaths so far have been phonies
Why are Japanese parodies of ame hrican c damnedulture so hilarious ?
The You Bastards! line is straight out of the japanese South Park dub, word for word. Having just Lancer died before it though sounds silly. But yeah there’s definitely no oh my god.
Thanks as always UTW, btw people have been poiting out this reference since the first time it was made in episode… 1, yeah, kinda funny you guys just made the connection.
Thanks for the release
Poor Lancer, the Death Flag is always up for him…
Oh, I’d never have realized that without someone spelling it out for me. I never watched South Park in the first place, though I am familiar with the general idea, and probably won’t be able to unsee the reference now.
1. You spelled “lollipop” wrong.
2. Isn’t it a popsicle stick?
In the OP for the rest, what does the coupon say that Akira holds up after chastising Kohaku?
LANCER DIED!!!! you’re not human!!!!
It says しょうたいじょう (招待状) which is “shoutaijou” and means “invitation” like “i received this invitation letter” kind of invitation.
Everytime Lancer dies, take a drink.
didnt play the game so can anyone tell me why lancer has such a bad luck?
Woah…I really gotta give it to Type-MOON…A whole episode just to cover up the “loophole” in Lancer’s “absolute death” in every episode that went missing on the second episode~ XD Probably the didn’t plan this running gag at the beginning of the production, so that’s why no (obvious) death scene on the second episode. Anyhow, Id’s say that this episode is an excellent job for the cover-up, and making a “Final Destination” reference makes it even cooler~ XD
@anon: He doesn’t have bad luck at all in the Visual Novel and regular series. In fact, he’s ussually one of the last to be defeated with the first dead ussually being Berserker or Rider except for one particular scenario. In terms of stats he’s one of the luckiest and has a very unfair one-on-one weapon that bends cause and effect to his will and the skill to almost-always be able to escape a losing battle. The “lancers always die” running gag however comes from the community rather than the game. There’s just a general perception Lancers are unlucky even though personally it should be something like “Casters always die”.
@Leon-Gun: Nope, his luck sat is the lowest possible one (E). here’s the proof- his status screen from the novel: He dies in all three routes, offscreen in the first, in the beggining in the third, and is forced to commit suicide in the second, all three times directly or indirectly because of his master. His Noble Phantasm, depite supposedly being unavoidable, fails him on two ocasions out of two. On two paths he’s unable to have an all-out, honorable fight with another champion, which was the only thing he sought in the Grail war, because of his master’s command. His rightful master is killed (or nearly killed) by Kirei, who proceeds to take his command spells. And his new master has another servant who kills him in Fate. and don’t even make me begin on /Zero Lancer… All in all, if “Lancers always die” wasn’t supported by canon, then i don’t know what was
No wonder the volleyball never came back out through the other side of the rocket.
I don’t think they planned this in episode 2, though?

It’s a great job of the animator to be able to come up with this episode.
It turned into a South Park reference to make it more entertaining, but the real reason they have Lancer die in every episode is well… look back at all of the Fate/Stay games, routes, series, Fate/Extra, etc… this particular Lancer always dies, he even makes a wise crack about it when he dies in Fate/Extra too XD
Id prefer you guys stay true to the script. Can you guys keep wit you aren’t human for final ep, and then change all ofem in batch?
I noticed! I really really noticed the lack of lancer’s death in episode 2! Because when i realised that he died quite often, i wanted to check or see how he dies in every episode. And I thought they just overlooked it!!! This was HIRARIOUS XD ! Thx for the upload!
@ castor212
But it is true to the original Japanese. That’s what Kyle/Eric say for the equivalent line in Japanese-dub South Park.
I have been watching a lot of Gaki no Tsukai shows lately in anticipation of the latest Batsu game to be subbed. Anyone catch the reference at the beginning intro?
Once again, thank you so much for the release and hard work!
Can I request something? Can you please upload the scripts of the latest Carnival Phantasm episode (EX Season, 10-11; also episode 12 once it’s done)? [Sorry to be rude -_-“]
Reminds me of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni