DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Underwater]_Tasogare_Otome_x_Amnesia_-_01_[720p][900E8404].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Underwater]_Tasogare_Otome_x_Amnesia_-_01_[XviD][2AC1F493].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Moshi is probably hitting up chicks in Tokyo University at the moment and it’s way past fnord’s bedtime, so I’ll write up this release post in their stead.
Here’s the first episode of our third project of the season, a joint with sister group Underwater. I’ve never worked on an episode quite like this before, but despite the :effort:, it proved to be quite a lot of fun to sub. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it just as much as we did!
Its finally here! Thanks!
Thank’s Guys! ^-^
Fuck yes ghost waifu!
nice. spring seems to be full of zombie/apparition animes
my GoT S2 download would have to give way for this then :))) thanks and good job on the team up!
ah u guys beat hadena by a few mins, ive been waiting for this thanks for the release!
Welcome back, Yomi ;_;
Silver Link sure knows how to animate the SOFTEST bitches…
Didn’t know this would be a joint. Interesting.
Thanks for the release
nigga why you so gay?
you picked all 3 of the ones you sai doyud pick, nice~ now i wodner what the 4th one you were thinking about doing is~
Is Daiz related to this in any way?
I’m so glad you guys are subbing 3 of the shows I’m watching!!!
Thanks guys! Tasogare is one that i was watching out for since i loved the manga and for 50% of the mangas i read, they will turn it into anime eventually (which is alot).
the best 3 of the Season! Nice taste!
>Is Daiz related to this in any way?
>Is Daiz related to this in any way?
Daiz is related to UTW anyway. He’s been staff for like a year.
UTW+Underwater = UnderTranslationWater
Thanks guys!
I sure don’t like him
As always, thank you sirs!
go go go
Thank you for the release, and for the SD version!!
8bit or 10bit? Just asking is all.
Hell yeah! UTW fansubs + My most anticipated show = WIN! Man, i can’t wait to watch this… Hope it’s better than the manga…
Thanks UTW! ^_^
Oooohhh… your taste is fantastic, guys – I’m starting to love this show as well.
Thanks for the hard work, UTW!
@ someone: 720p is 10bit.
tank u tank u! 8^D
no honorifics? coulda sworn u guys did it before
Thanks, will check it out
Thanks can’t wait to see animated ghost yomi.
Is there a chance for v2 with honorifics?
Not really happy cause it’s obvious it’s not the usual UTW TL-script-style..
Well better than nothing.. Sankyuu~
thanks for the release! I’m not that fond on how they started the season off.
She’s not affected by any of the little school happenings (since she’ s almost always the cause) except for those ones so idk why she acted like that when blamed by Okonogi. Maybe they’re changing her character a little bit?
Maybe this isn’t the right place to ask but is it safe in using a crack mirc to access
your channel and download anime?Delete this if it does not belong here.
And I was about to ask about honorifics, since I saw the Underwater tag, but you guys in the comments answered it for me, thanks.
Well, hoping for a ReinWeiss version.
ddlani is being a bitch.
It takes too long to load, and when it does, I get:
Error happened when generating Download Link.
Please try again or Contact administrator.
(Can’t connect to [IP censored] (Connection timed out) LWP::Protocol::http::Socket: connect: Connection timed out at /usr/local/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/ line 51. )
lol that was a weird one
You guys are awesome, but why don’t you use italic on thoughts?
You could always add a second subs track with honorifics, you know…
@random faggot
Second tracks are effort and increase the chances of a muxing screw up.
So I’m assuming there aren’t going to be any honorifics for this show? Guess i’ll just wait for somebody else.
Thanks anyway!
It’s understandable if people don’t wanna download because of translation / video quality..
but it’s kind of funny to see that some people decided not to download from UTW when realize they didn’t use honorific. what a weeaboo when you’ll certainly hear that…..
Crunchyroll will simulcast this anime. Please do Jormungand.
Jormungand and Hyoka and the best of this season.
Correct comment:
Crunchyroll will simulcast this anime. Please do Jormungand. Jormungand and Hyoka are the best of this season.
So why does UTW still use honorifics on a whole? They’re not necessary at all, and judging from a large conversation involving most of the group’s members in #UTW last night, nobody in UTW thinks they’re necessary either.
OK, explain: what does it matter if the subs have honorifics or not? You can HEAR them? Unless you are deaf, why do you care?
lol CR’d
Just for the argument’s sake…
It is producing kind of inconsistency between what you hear and what you read. It’s the same when you understand what is being said, but then read something that does not make any sense. Don’t you find it annoying?
On the other note, how would you make a difference between Onee-san and Onee-sama when addressing to the same character?
honorifics, just for conisistency. and there are some animes that use them as jokes (not in this one though)
Why choose between Windows, Linux or Mac? Unless ure stupid you will find your way with the OS. Android? iOS? Don’t they all, more or less, try to do the same thing damn thing?
That’s the point, personal preferences (aside from the unique strength and weakness each system , but that’s another story ). Personal Preferences do exist, and you will have to live with them. This is true if we’re talking about the notorious anime, even more because they’re fansubed anime, the honorifics have such a strong presence and such a strong predilection among the fans.
Of course people will complain. If in a fair amount and reasonably asking for it, the team may even decide to add it. From the very beginning one of the reason there’s a comment section is for feedback.
Were they trying to convince a sub like Commie to add honorifics would be unreasonable because these are sub groups with a tradition of unlocalized subs.
But the only show UTW did without honorifics was Gosick, but it’s very reasonable, after all it was set in a western country, and honorifics itself appeared just a few times.
So, don’t assume each person asking for honorifics is a weaboo or deaf, there are a lot reasonable persons that do watch UTW and do like honorifics.
@DmonHiro – Its personal preference. Here’s an analogy: I like peperoni on my pizza. Do I have to have it that way? Naw, but its just the way I enjoy my pizza. I goto a certain pizzaria because they make it the way I enjoy it. However, that pizzaria did a joint promotion with another pizzaria and released a new pizza but you couldn’t get peperoni on it. Does it make that pizza any worse? No, but its just not the way I enjoy it so while I’ll still get their regular pizza since it _does_ come with peperoni, i’ll pass on this ‘promotion’ because it doesn’t fit my tastes. If I end up really wanting that promotion pizza and maybe a different pizzaria down the street is offering the same deal, why not get it from them for that particular ‘promotion’ unless their pizza is terrible.
People have different tastes and there’s inheritly nothing wrong with that.
But WHY? You can already hear them, and if you’re complaining about them not being translated properly, it means you understand them. And if you understand them, why do you also need them to be written? By hearing them, you already understand them.
we do kinda also want those that dont fully understand to actually understand. but it does come down to the subbers, after all it’s their time they’re giving up.
but i can kinda tell it’s different than their usual style. like “da yo ne?” at 9:18 being subbed into “can’t say i’m suprised”
The difference between what I hear and what I read can be pretty jarring; it’s especially so with instances of something like “nii-san” and variations being translated as a first name.
CR = SD-Upscale
So I hope you’ll keep subbing this show, the TV version looks much better.
Too be honest the only reason honorifics would be acceptable in this show is if they put in Kirishima Yuuko later in the show. At that point, at least in the manga, they call her Yuuko while our ghost is Yuuko-san, and they of course explain it as well. So instead of putting in something like “Miss” or some other crap to tell who their talking to/about-that is if they don’t say Kirishima-san or w/e at all-then “san” seems acceptable.
This is of course if they put that character later in the show, which means if they get that far, which may or may not happen.
Please continue, CR don’t cover my country, i’m lost without your subs. Global UTW for the win.
DmonHiro, you’d ideally want your subs to serve the show’s understanding, keeping the fact that you are actually shifting your focus to the lower end of the screen all the time well below the threshold of awareness and consciousness. Thus it’s imperative to make them as unobtrusive as possible, avoiding inconsistencies and dissonances whenever it’s possible.
Fitting the subbing choices to the show at hand seems to be a reasonable thing to me, and honorifics are something like a litmus test. Sure, you can hear them and possibly understand them. Sure, they are technically translatable. But honorifics are at the thin line separating translatable and untranslatable semantic information; a sensei is not completely a master, an onee-san is not completely a big sis, a Takahashi-sama is not completely a Takahashi-san is not completely a Mister [= Master] Takahashi; they each carry exclusive historical, etymological and semantic connotations. You can technically work around them, replacing them with what appears to be the closest equivalent even, but in the end, you are losing information.
Now of course, you always lose information in the translation process (it’s my trade, I know that). But you should aim to lose as little information as possible, and avoid unnecessary liberties that are replacing the original meaning with one that is merely based on your very own, highly subjective interpretation.
You can’t avoid basing your work on your own interpretation when translating whole sentences. It’s part of what makes translating both frustrating and, in tackling the challenge, satisfying. But as a translator, I constantly remind myself to reserve a degree of humility towards my own capabilities, never forcing my own view on people who depend on my work’s results.
Honorifics, though, are virtually entry level basics for people who invest ten minutes of their time to educate themselves on Japan, which I assume most people who willingly opt to spend their time with Japanese cartoons do at one point or another. Neither UTW nor Crunchyroll produce for a general audience that has no idea of Japan whatsoever, so I think it’s safe to say that most people watching these subs – remember, this is a niche market in a niche culture – get the gist behind the honorifics system in Japan. I heavily, heavily doubt that there is a significant number of people completely and totally unaware of anything Japan while watching torrented anime of all things, and even if there was, I’d contest that they should be catered to. Anything else just looks like false pretense of professionalism to me. In any case, I would say that preserving the information in keeping the honorifics is plausible. A good translator should know where to take a step back and invite and educate his audience; give a man a fish,…
Of course, this is no golden rule. Keeping honorifics in stories decidedly set in Japan, surrounded by a Japanese frame of reference, seems to be a good idea to me. A whole lot of other settings – sci fi, historical, outside Japan -, however, are open to more flexible models since Japanese honorifics, if used (note how excellently written shows like Cowboy Bebop use no honorifics whatsoever, and other shows make very deliberate, careful use of them), are in and of themselves translations from a different frame of reference into 2012 Japan.
So I would argue for a reasonable and flexible approach and against a stubborn, unrelenting and dogmatic policy aimed more at the discourse than at the show. [Disclaimer: Staunch self-entitled translators and editors annoy me more than the pro-honorifics crowd.]
Coming back to my first point: a deliberate use of honorifics, which can of course be their omission whenever reasonable, lessens the impact of subtitles on your consciousness and makes for a smoother and richer watching experience. This, of course, is not an argument for dogmatically making use of them whenever possible; don’t put me in that camp. I liked UTW a lot since I was under the impression that their translators and editors shared my position. Not so sure any more.
Two more minor points up for consideration: Several cop-outs in translation result in dubious wording and decisions, such as “Big Bro”. It’s just awkward, especially since not all that many translators and editors are simply not good enough to present an adequate alternative solution. And bear in mind that fansubs are consumed globally, not everyone shares an American (or even Anglosaxon) frame of reference; neither do I, English is my third foreign language as you might have noticed. I’ve ever been to the US and it downright annoys me seeing decidedly un-Texan characters talk like they are from Fort fucking Worth. A shared vocabulary, such as a very, very basic and very, very reasonable minimum of Japanese, can assume the position of a lingua franca of some sort and lessen that jarring impression.
Just forget about this shitty internet drama bullshit surrounding sub policies for a second here and rethink things. I hope I was concise enough to get my points across and you can at least understand that there is some worth in steering a middle course.
Same reason, consistency. Don’t go subbing other shows with honorifics while others don’t have. it’s pretty lame, adding -chan, -san, -sama, -dono, -kun at the scripts won’t even cost you a fingers to type so why remove it? just because of different TL? then what’s the use of an editor?
but lol, CR is really a cancer.. Wth, it ruined the fun. Hope you guys can do this without dropping..
I would just like to say, for the record, not that it has any importance, that the Japanese blurays that have subtitles do not have honorifics. That pretty much means the Japanese don’t even see the point in adding them it.
That would be but a recourse to authority, making it unimportant, yes.
Conversations like these are always hilarious.
@Nosgoroth and “others”:
Complaining that one aspect of the subs is different from what you hear when pretty much everything in the subs is different from what you hear (because it wouldn’t be a translation otherwise) is kind of dumb.
Apparently because you enjoy something a certain way that is different than the way somebody else enjoys it automatically makes somebody right or wrong. There isn’t a right or wrong answer to the honorifics. Its merely a preference. Apparently having a preference to something one way or another pisses some people off.
That’s a pretty weak argument, considering that there are groups such as HorribleSubs ripping and uploading CR episodes.
This sounds like a very reasonable post.
As you said, there are cases where honorifics aren’t needed. Unfortunately, there are groups that don’t use honorifics and well known japanese expressions no matter how stupid their choices/replacement. The most prominent example being the Steins;Gate OVA release by Commie. I can still hear the outcry.
Well, looks like Underwater had the say in that regard.
Nothing new. Almost always has been like that on japanese releases with official english subtitles. Often questionable translation choices.
The japanese companies often seem pretty ignorant to me when it comes to the wishes of western anime fans. Which is stupid, since who else than the hardcore/weeabo/whatever you call it fans would buy those releases?
>It is producing kind of inconsistency between what you hear and what you read.
Why are you watching subtitles? If you want to read what you hear, then ask Daiz for the closed captions from the transport stream.
>so why remove it? just because of different TL? then what’s the use of an editor?
Both the translator and editor are members of UTW.
>there are a lot reasonable persons that do watch UTW and do like honorifics.
proof whar?
So, I’m cutting this dispute to thank UTW and Underwater for their effort. I don’t give a damn about honorific as long as the subs are excellent – and indeed, they are! This show is quite humorous, so just enjoy watching it!
I’ve never got why people have ever cared so much about honorifics. For a start, I’m going to presume none of you here are dumb enough to make the argument that all translation should be one-to-one, and going via ‘isn’t using Mr. X for X-san all the time really dumb’ to justify honorifics. Translation is always heavily contextual and anyone looking for universal translations for this sort of thing is all sorts of wrong.
The argument is basically what, that it displays important information about the relationship between the people using them and that in dropping them you lose this valuable information, right?
Well that’s great, but it’s a drop in the ocean compared to how politeness levels and so on are reflected in the entirety of dialogue. Nearly sodding every last word that someone says will confer some meaning either about the speaker or about the person or object they’re speaking about.
Why keep such a trivial aspect as honorifics when it’s okay to lose out on so much information from the rest of the dialogue?
A good translator recognises the information being transferred and replicates it in the tone of speech in English. They’re being incredibly polite and formal? Well, I guess that needs to be reflected in polite and formal English. Simple concept, if difficult to execute.
So if you can translate all of this other information, why care about such a relatively small issue as honorifics? Oh, because maybe you can think of some examples where you can’t think how it should be translated. For a start, there won’t be many that can’t be. And for those right little buggers where it may well be impossible, so? That can happen in absolutely any part of Japanese.
Let’s take personal pronouns for an example. I remember a scene in the 2006 adaptation of Kanon where the joke is that Ayu has to speak using different personal pronouns, which flummoxed the translator. Does that very precise example mean that to be on the safe side we should never translate personal pronouns?
I can see the sweet nectar of honorifics. For a translator, it’s a nice, easy, lazy way out of having to deal with them at all. As a consumer, it’s nice to feel included in some sort of cultural bollocks, that the understanding that outsiders wouldn’t have makes you feel all nice and fuzzy inside. But they are simply very, very rarely important enough in speech to even consider retaining.
I don’t know if you were addressing me specifically, but in case you were, I have no problem with people having different preferences. However, it would be nice for some people to have a better reason than “Oh no! I’m reading something that’s different from what’s being said!” I’d actually consider having no reason at all to be better than that excuse. On the other hand, a person with no reason for their preferences probably doesn’t mind much either way.
By the way, your pizza analogy was terrible. If you remove the pepperoni from the pizza, the pizza changes. If you remove the subs from the anime, the audio does not change.
I was really looking forward for UTW to continue this show, it was of my two favorites for the season. But now I’ll be suck with a sub-par subber :/
You’ll be suck, all right. You’ll probably spend your whole life being suck.
Ignoring the whole honorifics issue on the whole, I am interested in the decision regarding the translation of the club. Detective Club sounds fine and all, until you notice that the club name has paranormal/supernatural in front of the word. Detective Club works but the whole thing just irks at me.
Just go back and watch every show utw did, tell me what you see. Also, go back and see all that happened in the first episode of Toaru II
“I would just like to say, for the record, not that it has any importance, that the Japanese blurays that have subtitles do not have honorifics”
Did you see how japanese use English? I don’t think the Japanese should have sole discretion on that matter. And you know, even if they use the english so bad I even like some way they use it, like “maido”.
People do have preferences, there are different ways to comply with what people like. Discussing any further is “muda na koto”
Now for what is bothering me truly.
Why the hell did they change the seyuu? Damn it. Yuuko’s seyuu in the drama cd was perfect!
Not sure if there was no kara or not, but anyway…
I k-timed the ed(or the future op)
link(kara in script, so just mux):
note: primary and secondary colors untouched.
Please continue doing this even with Crunchyroll licensing. They don’t cover my country and I find your release to be the best among the others who sub this!
Hahaha, well, the only solution is to use aegisub to add honorifics lol.
I frankly just wanna rant that it’s troublesome since the first episode had a lot of honorifics that is omitted..
Well, to the person who clarified to be that both TL/editor is from UTW, then why Amagami SS+ contains the honorifics at all sentences? Really, be consistent, if you add honorifics on one project, be sure to do it on the other cause for the record, UTW has always been delocalizing scripts + honorifics from what I’ve seen in the past. Only a handful of shows(collaborated with Underwater) had no suffixes which seems to be an influence of the other group lol. XD
Anyways, thanks for the release.
For everyone with an issue about honorifics for this show, copy the subs to a separate file and add the honorifics yourself, it is easy to do with the latest STABLE version of MPC-HC. I have done this with a variety of shows from different groups.
Yes, I do see the point you are trying to make, that a translation is inherently different to the source, so it shouldn’t be jarring to have one more element that differs from the source. However — and this is just what I have observed I do, so it might not apply to anyone else, mind you — names are unchanging across languages, so, when listening and reading at the same time to supplement an incomplete understanding of Japanese, they can be used as “landmarks” of sorts to better establish a connection between the original line and the translated line; an intersection of sorts, if you will. This is the place where I find a difference is most jarring.
I don’t know if I’m making any sense.
Joint with Underwater again? Seriously?
Did the shitstorm from Index II not make apparent enough that your fanbase doesn’t like their localization policies? Be yourself ffs.
The key word was >reasonable
@Jojo, when was the last time UTW jointed with Underwater? Seems like you’re thinking of gg.
I want honorifics ;_;
YO guys can somebody pls upload the patch for Kampfer dressing room cause link is down onegaiiii
I personally prefer to have honorifics in the subtitles, but am OK without it because I can pick up the nuance from the audio.
However, as noted by @Imperial_Neko there is a (living) character called Yuuko in the manga, and Yuuko (the ghost) is distinguished from her in the mysteries by being called “Yuuko-san”. I’ll be interested to see how UTW/Underwater handle this in the TL. Please don’t let it be “Ghost-Yuuko”!
Is it true that you guys are going to be doing Jormungand?
Personally I couldn’t give two shits if my animu has honourifics or not, it’s hardly distracting to me, and doesn’t detract from the experience at all. Some people need to quit being whiny bitches and accept what UTW choose to do, and if you still can’t, sub your own shit instead of bitching on here like a faggot asking for a V2 which isn’t needed.
We had similar drama with Toaru, once, i don’t think UTW staff wants to repeat it again…
I, fb, have decided to make my opinions known. Remain seated, still, and quiet as you are blessed with my thoughts.
I prefer honorifics. I also tend to favor UTW as my preferred source of honorifics. Studies have shown that reasons exist regarding this and other things.
I love you UTW. You so crazy I wanna have your baby. Therefore, it’s cool bros.
Depends on if they want to give into the demands of whiny Japanese faggots personally.
Meant Wapanese, phone correction software changed the word but the meaning is still there.
The VA cast is glorious. Especially Ghost Girl (it’s just like iDOLM@STER all over again ;D).
The audio seems to be acting up somewhere around the halfway point of the .avi version of the file.
Wait, I lied. Forget my last statement lol.
100th comment
argument combo breaker~
celenk kartun aja dipermasalahin, tinggal nonton doank susah amat
Paranormal Investigations > Detective
@pantat NH english please, if you can’t write english then learn to do so
Nice. I am in love with the manga.
done watching and god what a quality, nicely done there UTW!
this looks really good and funny. Is the manga like this.
Thank you for the Subs. Hope you continue the series. I’m aware of your general policies to drop shows that are Crunchyroll`ed.
cool thanks
Amazing show, glad you guys are doing it!
can you please sub Sankarea?
because the other fansub groups translation is not that good compared to you
there are 6-7 groups including commie,sfw,eveyuu,doki etc but I don’t think their translation can satisfy my taste
their translation are too English, if you know what I mean
thank you
@mysterious girl x….Do you prefer a translation that too Japanese? just watch raw then
stfu petrushit
I’m very happy to see Tasogare Otome x Amnesia subbed by your group, as I quite enjoyed the manga, and I found the first pilot episode pretty entertaining so I’m very much looking forward to those whom come out next. You might say it’s my favorite anime for this season, and that I’m a bit chagrined it’ll only be a 12 episode series – I felt pretty sure there was enough material for two seasons.
As for the honorific debates, I thought the first version that was out was already very appropriate, and didn’t find it jarring to read at all.
In any case, thank you very much for taking this up.