DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Underwater]_Tasogare_Otome_x_Amnesia_-_12_[720p][3AA25CFB].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Underwater]_Tasogare_Otome_x_Amnesia_-_12_[XviD][114D4878].avi [DDL]
Here’s the final episode of our other Spring 2012 project!
There’s really not much I can say about this episode and the series without spoiling everything, so… I’ll just say that Yuuko’s delicious, Kirie’s a poser, and while it’s been pretty fun working on this series, I can’t say I’m not glad to be getting my full Sunday nights of sleep back.
Here’s the staff list for the project:
Translator/Editor: fnord
Translator/TLC: Moshiburner
TLC/Editor/QC: Raze
Timer: Sindalf
Typesetters: Daiz, Bungles
Encoder/QC: Daiz
And a few words from the staff (contains spoilers):
I’m really big on beautiful art and stuff, so this show naturally had my attention. Then I went through three phases as I watched it. At first I was a little bored by the lack of real plot to supplement the characters’ endless antics, but after the show started really delving into Yuuko’s past and resolving it, it grew on me. Then came the penultimate episode and it all ended nicely if somewhat predictably, and I wondered what they were going to show us in the last.
Boy, was it horrible. It’s presented well, heartbreaking even for a time. “For a time” being until the last few minutes. This entire episode was completely superfluous, a waste of time and empathy of such aggravating proportions that it threatens to overshadow my positive impression of the series as a whole.
Sindalf: It’s fucking awful
Bungles: I have only watched two scenes, one where the main character gets pushed down stairs, made me lol; other where the girl disappears, made me cry.
Daiz: The softest anime I’ve ever subbed. Also, stop making your shows so :effort: to typeset, Silver Link.[/spoiler]
We’ll release a batch with some revisions in the next week or so.
This has been a joint with Underwater. We hope you enjoyed the show and the subs!
First THX
Thanks so much for doing this show!
Thank you, guys! For this episode and for your excellent work on the whole series!
Two more days and I will finally have time to watch whole series!
Aw man… it’s been a FUKKEN wonderful ride… thanks for the subs and this wonderful show! YOU GUYS ROCK AND I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUR FUTURE PROJECTS! Thanks! A million times thanks!
Thank you so much for your excellent work in this series!
Yuuko, mai waifu~
Thanks UTW
Moshi where ? Seriously, I request a blog post or at least a comment !
Thanks to UTW for subbing the show.
Thanks to the re-encoders for making it 720p 8-bit like it should be in the first place.
Will you guys do the OVA when it comes out?
Sindalf is the best at giving criticism ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Dusk Maiden now rests in Anime Afterlife
Thank you! Awesome story and top quality releases.
I can’t explain why, but this was the best anime I’ve ever seen. And I did see like a hundred or more. I’ll miss this a lot! Thanks again, and congratulations on your awesome work!
way to play with our emotions eh?
we’ll just have to wait for the manga to resolve the ending in different way then.
good job on your work for this series guys, thanks!
oh, and yeah, you shouldve told moshi to write a crazy blog post or two, missed those posts.
What was that song, when Yuuko dissapeared?
@fnord and sindalf
Retards. (Don’t worry, I’m entitled to my opinion, as you are entitled to yours.)
What a terrific story. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Ahhh, I love this show. Extremely soft, contrasting to my strong taste for blood as in Elfen Lied and for bitter tragedies as in Fate/Zero, but damn I enjoyed watching this.
Thanks for sharing it with us, UTW, you guys are the best! Can’t wait for the next shows to come…
Thanks for subbing this show UTW-Underwater !
[spoiler]This episode was really good and the epilogue is just OMGWTFBBQ but it’s fine because I wanted it to end that way.[/spoiler]
Thank you!
sd,avi version where?
Thank you very mucho!!!
Thanks so much Guys
First, thanks to you guys and Underwater for subbing this. Great job.
Second, I agree with fnord. [spoiler]I haven’t been this mad at a series’ ending since Clannad.[/spoiler]
Another awesome project finished. Thanks UTW, Underwater.
I liked that ending, it was happy. Especially after that bit in the middle made me cry D:
DDL = 502 Bad Gateway
Can somebody answer my question please… will you do the OVA or not?
Will you do the OVA??? just like what Excel says,
Thank you
Expected ending for an anime which probably won’t get a second season… But we can hope, can’t we?
I’m gonna dig into mangas now, both for expansion on things missed in anime adaptation, and for MOAR DELICIOUS YUUKO!
Can’t see why are people getting pissed off over this ending. A bit sappy, yeah, but making you mad? Problems, much?
Also: this anime – best OP of the season, and best directing of the season.
Thanks for your hard work UTW, as well for this episode(as well for all of them), looking forward to your next project
Hi, does anyone knows the theme song during the clubroom parting scene? I couldnt find it anywhere… Please help. Thank you.
Insert song:
“Requiem” by Nao Hiiragi (eps 8,12)!
First, thanks for subbing.
[spoiler] Why didn’t they just leave it with her resting in peace and him moving on with his life? I thought that was a really great ending until the last couple minutes. [/spoiler]
Thank you for doing this show and for the SD version.
Thanks for subbing! Your releases are the best!
two of your shows ended, tis time to… spend your newgained free time subbing the nisemonogaatri BDs~
Haha I’ve been downloading, but never actually got round to watching this anime yet, looks like I’ll just wait for the batch XD
Thanks a lot for doing this, awesome work and awesome series
thank you
thanks guys for finishing this series
Not really that happy that they just created their own ending to the series to make it a one season deal. But I’d have to say that Teiichi’s horrible fate in the end is one I’d gladly share
Well, I see I’m typing to a wall here… I thought you guys were better than that….
Thanks for the whole series! Was very enjoyable.
Thanks for your work on this series guys. Always a pleasure watching your subs
I’m pretty pissed off with the way it ended though. I mean don’t get me wrong, I like happy endings as well, but after what was actually a very beautiful, moving and bittersweet farewell, we suddenly get a stupid asspull of an ending. Felt like a big middle finger.
And sadly, an ending like that is enough to ruin the entire series for me.
Thanks for work on the series. Amazing episode.. up until last few minutes of course. It did feel like a bit of a middle finger, but then I realized this wasn’t exactly a serious show the whole way through to begin with. Main issue with the ending was it was trying to be funny and its like…way to ruin the atmosphere from the first 20 minutes. Might wait for bluray epicness
I was wondering at first why the people are complaining about this ep. I thought it was good, it almost made me cry.
But now I figured that it would’ve been better indeed if they left out the happy ending and just stuck with the farewell. That has to be the most touching anime moment I’ve ever seen but the so-called happy ending did kinda ruin it. I don’t think it’ll ruin the entire series for me though, the series sure was enjoyable and I’m happy it was. I was kinda doubtful of this series after not enjoying C3…
Agree, Yuuko is delicious
[spoiler]Ending was zomgwtfhax
Yuuko made it worth it[/spoiler]
The ending was bad, really!!! so much suffering and drama just for “I couldn’t go to heaven, so forget aboout me telling you to forget me and get a real woman”,
I stick with my original assessment of the show. In the end, fancy visuals and some pretense at artsiness cannot obscure a trite plot and uninteresting stock characters. It had some promise, but never built on it. Since that promise was the only reason to keep watching, there is little to recommend. The show tried to be too many things at once, but merely ended up failing at all of them.
Final assessment: Fourth tier out of five (just interesting enough to keep watching, but nothing beyond that).
I liked the ending. Mainly cause I felt that her “fading because she had no regrets was bs. No matter what, leaving him would’ve been an everlasting regret for her.
Great show, sad to see that it’s over.
telll me the name of song when yukko was disappearing plzzzzz
Love the manga, was disappointed by the show.
huehue… the ending failed hard,
all should have been resolved when she disappeared in the end…
I disagree. I was starting to get really pissed when it looked like she would just fade away. The ending made up for though. If it would have ended differently than it did, I would have not enjoyed the entire series as much.
The last episode felt like it was dragging its feet, trying way too hard to get an empathetic response, when it all ended up being for nothing, eh. I’d stopped expecting too much from this show a while back when it turned from ghost antics to an attempt at deep drama, but the ending was just annoying.
Can’t say I’m left wanting more, but it was a decent time sink if nothing else. It seems to pale in comparison to Hyouka in every way possible.
Thank you so much for picking up this show, guys. It’s something I was looking forward to every Monday and getting your version of the show made me enjoy it twice as much.
As many others already said I, too, hope that you’ll be doing the OVA(s). Again thanks.
Shadowknight said: “I liked the ending. Mainly cause I felt that her “fading because she had no regrets was bs. No matter what, leaving him would’ve been an everlasting regret for her. Great show, sad to see that it’s over.”
I couldn’t agree more. Now I need to dispose of those sobbed tissues. And read the manga.
Wow the ending was nice until they revived her with the kiss. The ending would of definetly left a very epic sad yet happy ending if then ended it where she disapear and he told the story and met with the his two girlfriends. Everyone should understand that it is always impossible to have a relationship with ghost and must face goodbyes no matter what. Even in reality we have to say our goodbyes to our love ones who’s no longer there. So with that understanding and left with the way they had it prior to the part of here leaving the world would make for an epic ending. But they didn’t oh well it was a good anime.
yasir it was probably “Requiem” by Nao Hiiragi “”
well an inappropriate ending for me….
the ending = a slap in the face which was worth every PENNY
Have to love Sindalf’s response.
so they never should have completed yuuko’s sidequest
fucking stupid
ok i finished the episode
the disappearance was so well executed that it made her reappearance utterly retarded
wow way to make me cry, thinking this was a great series, only to end with retardation. could have been actually good, way to cop out.
but at least im not bawling anymore holy cow that was so sad. now its just stupid
I’ve never been a fan of any ending that isn’t happy. This as a good ending. The whole show was also better than most of the ones I’ve seen lately.
Godamnit i shed manly tears then got slapped in the face with a happy ending. fuck this.
So many people got trolled by that ending…. I do agree it was perfect until the last few minutes, but I could see them doing that once he started ranting about shutting memories about her away.
That notebook ending would have been fine when they were bidding goodbye by writing in the notebook, why the ___ did they have to bring her back in the end?.
because its manga still continues, maybe?
My opinion is with the staffs, fail anime is fail anime.
I don’t remember anything about it other than the… boobs?
Torn between:
“Wow, they actually let her dissappear. No fluffy ending for you Teichii!” *Almost cry manly tears*
“FML, guess you have to do a happy ending. Sux not to be Teichii!” *Almost get jealous at a anime character*
But somehow almost just doesn’t quite cut it.
What happened with Index II BD, they disappeared from release list?
thanks for this!!
its like they went out of their way to undo all of the character progression from the past few episodes =/
Hmm… Truly then ending was like awh then WTF and Yay…
Just wondering… if the couple would continue “Loving ”
Will Yuuko be able to be a real person? I mean… they made supernatural events happen like that other Yuuko and those memories Teichi experienced were almost real AND he got to know a ” ghosts ” own memories… Just hoping the OVA will be some supernatural event where Yuuko would be real or some shit like her getting reincarnated and then it would really make my day!
thanks for the batch!
How about episode 13?
WIll you also sub the OVA which is the episode 13 of the anime?
Do the hints and clues makes sense? > I sought a deeper meaning to this Anime’s ending chapters, and the Manga’s supposed final epilogue.
The common theme to me of this “Ghost and Mrs Mulher-ish” plot is the “bonding of souls” – to be held in place as a Human Pillar for a shrine (AKA Human offering to ward off disaster), to be made substantial by the material of the myths and rumors, unwillingly bound to a location and image of people’s fear and beliefs, and to be a split soul with each part wanting to be freed from the long lonely existence and to have some hope for a future if the bonds could be broken.
Theories of a concept of a Virtual Life after Dusk- (It allowed me to sleep better after hearing the Manga ended in 2013 without more to go on.)
1-Teichi stated he was “possessed” by a spirit at the start. Did he take a leap off the nearest building to fulfill his real or imagined spiritual bond with Yuuko and lock his future and hers together in the spirit world beyond? (Mrs. Mulher simply died of old age and her youthful spirit was captured and embraced by the Ghostly Captain as the ideal woman he grew to love for eternity at the end of that story).
2- Had Yuuko came back because she still had a bond or two left to reconcile? Maybe like reaching the pearly gates and being recalled to officially forgive her sister Yukariko, or Teichi’s Grandma to dissolve the grudge in their minds and heal them, stay around and watch over her sister until her sister dies, or see to the end where the promise of a parting kiss would lead, or maybe as trivial as to feed the cat that she promised food for 60 years before? (I assume the cat in the Manga not only saw, but could interact with Yuuko.)
3- My favorite theory – Teichi was the spiritual medium gluing the two sides of Yuuko’s soul together in the end. He was the fabric the Happy-Yuuko wore that kept her care-free spirit longing for more life even with the mix of past hurt and new experiences with friends and dark emotions leaking back from her darker self caused her pain. Being in the middle, Teichi absorbed the soul and spirit of Yuuko as he bonded the bi-polar being together in this ménage-a-tois. Yuuko literally became his possession. Still together, and yet connected to the living world through the boy. Anyone notice she can now doze off when bored and even walk off the school property at his beckoning after her return from limbo? Teichi is the new building she became bonded to, and Yuuko is his pillar. Together they share the comfort and warmth of spirit they both need to keep her sane and their love whole. She is no longer stuck to the rumors and mysteries of the past to have substance. She also was not anchored to her worldly possessions when they were destroyed, nor her place of death, or the shrine in the cavern, nor even her own bones. She will be with Teichi forever, and like what happened to Mrs. Mulher, his body won’t be young forever, and one day his spirit would call upon Yuuko as his pillar to keep their shrine of love safe from disaster for eternity.
Come on man, yuuko not really dissapear, look at the end of video man, Yuuko is back because she can’t go to heaven after that last kiss, with all of your comment i know that you are not watching till the end