Unlimited Translation Works

Puella Magi Madoka Magica BD – 01-12

DOWNLOAD 1080p: [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC]
DOWNLOAD 720p: [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_[BD][h264-720p_AAC]
DOWNLOAD Ep02v2 1080p patch: http://www.sendspace.com/file/8vajtq
DOWNLOAD Ep02v2 720p patch: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5g37p2
Uh so where to start. This wouldn’t have been possible without everybody involved since the project first started as a yesy BD release and up until now when it became a UTW side project pretty much.
The story goes that it was first started by my bro goof who then had RL shit come up, and I took lead on the project with EighthSin as my right hand man, who put a ton of time and effort into translating this nearly from scratch. I asked Kusion to help edit and he managed to stall it for 10 months (like a boss~), and then Xythar came on board to help out with the editing and gave Kusion the kick in the ass he needed to finish stuff up!
So a huge thanks goes out to EighthSin, Kusion, Xythar, Raze, fnord, Daiz, Tormaid and also to the original guys involved: Desolo, KingArthur, sportsrmyname, goof, and anybody I forgot. Also thanks to the Pixiv artist for this awesome pic~
Also this was encoded from the Italian BDs and it’s finally done so yay. We all really enjoyed this series, so having a chance to work on it ex-TV was nice, and hopefully we’ve done a job worthy of this show.
Merry Christmas guys, and hope you enjoy this present (it just somehow worked out like this!).

191 Thoughts on “Puella Magi Madoka Magica BD – 01-12

  1. conga conlon on December 25, 2012 at 1:00 am said:

    Thanks πŸ˜€ !

  2. tormaid on December 25, 2012 at 1:05 am said:

    Merry Christmas, guys~

  3. Holly crap, thanks *^*

  4. So you guys will do the movies too?
    Wait, yesy=UTW collab?
    When exactly is Fate Zero? It’s already Xmas.

  5. Pretty sure Kusion still stinx.
    oh, merry christmas.

  6. I haven’t even watched it yet but I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE THE BEST, etc.

  7. @jen
    Nah this was originally meant to be a yesy BD release, but the project lead had to drop it, so I picked up where we left off (which wasn’t very far in) and took it on myself.

  8. Wow, Italian BDs, that proves Italians are better than Japanese… lol

  9. Anonymous on December 25, 2012 at 1:18 am said:

    I’ve been waiting so long for a BD release of Madoka that does it justice. What a lovely Christmas present.
    Thanks to everyone involved!

  10. Thanks UTW!

  11. FateZero on December 25, 2012 at 1:34 am said:

    Now i just need to wait for you to release fate zero s2

  12. Thanks!
    I’m curious, what’s the deal with Italian BDs? I’ve seen them mentioned before, but I never saw an explanation of why they might be preferred to the Japanese ones. Are they encoded better or something?

  13. Jay-kun on December 25, 2012 at 1:44 am said:

    Thanks! πŸ˜€

  14. Primadog on December 25, 2012 at 1:57 am said:

    Thank you very much for the release! A series like this deserves one of archival quality.

  15. Dudeface on December 25, 2012 at 2:07 am said:

    Probably a dumb question, but is there any reason to go with these subs over the official release? I mean besides the fact that I’d have to pay for the official release.

  16. schokolade on December 25, 2012 at 2:16 am said:

    Thanks for the Xmas present~ πŸ˜€
    And Merry Christmas!

  17. damedame on December 25, 2012 at 2:44 am said:

    Thanks a lot guys!
    Merry Christmas!

  18. So, I wonder if BakaBT will still keep that horrible Engrishy sounding and error filled Tri4 release.

  19. Dudeface: The official subs are pretty good, but the video quality is awful… Also, someone told me they did steal the R1 lines when they thought were very good and they couldn’t come up with anything better themselves.

  20. F/Z S2 where?

  21. damedame on December 25, 2012 at 3:34 am said:

    They should keep it on the D slot, because of the subbed commentary track.

  22. MotsuCQ on December 25, 2012 at 3:35 am said:

    Good to see this finally come out. Thanks all.

  23. Fuck yeah.

  24. anonymous on December 25, 2012 at 3:51 am said:

    Who cares about Madoka, Shiny Festa subs fucking where Kusion? Stop being a lazy faggot and do it already, they can’t be that hard if they already got done by amateurs.

  25. martinez on December 25, 2012 at 3:53 am said:

    This is awesome!

  26. Invisiblemoose on December 25, 2012 at 3:57 am said:

    A nice Christmas present! Been waiting a long time for this… Thanks!

  27. A huge, huge congratulations to you all, not in spite of but particularly because it took so long. At least for me it’s the projects that stall and drag on that are all too easy to lose track of for good, but you got it done. This was a great series and I’ve been putting off rewatching it, it’ll be a fun marathon tomorrow night. Hope you’re all having a great season wherever you may be!

  28. tormaid on December 25, 2012 at 4:51 am said:

    @ Questions regarding Italian BDs.
    The licencing studio Dynit employs someone who actually knows how to dither high bit-depth material down to 8-bits, rather than truncating like, well, everyone else. This means the Italian BDs were almost free of banding.

  29. dreamer2908 on December 25, 2012 at 4:56 am said:


  30. C.L.O.S.E.D on December 25, 2012 at 5:09 am said:

    where tasogare otome ova?

  31. @C.L.O.S.E.D

  32. Had the coalgirls version but will replace it with this release, thanks and merry Christmas.

  33. Since it’s December 25 here, thanks for the great Christmas present!

  34. TheSwordIsMyBlood on December 25, 2012 at 6:58 am said:

    Oh darn!!! I…don’t know what to say. This is such a nice present! Merry Christmas to you guys, too

  35. I’ve been meaning to watch this. Merry Christmas, UTW!

  36. Thanks I’m gonna enjoy this present with some hot choco and mallows <3

  37. Duuuuuuude on December 25, 2012 at 11:41 am said:

    To anyone who downloads from uptobox.com, here’s a present: http://goo.gl/XPi4m

  38. Should I replace the elysiumsubs version with this one?

  39. This is pretty AWESOME timing because I’m going to the screening of the two Madoka movies tomorrow(on the big screen!). Clearly ar is Santa.
    >Family coming
    >Can’t watch anime

  40. KurohKenji on December 25, 2012 at 3:37 pm said:

    Merry Christmas! will you guys sub Accel World EX Eps 2 & 3?..also will you sub Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Ep 13? i really only want to get these shows from you guys but if not its cool.

  41. So are the Italian BDs typically equal to/better than the Japanese? And where are the American releases usually at?
    Also thanks! Merry Christmas~

  42. Trigger Off on December 25, 2012 at 4:51 pm said:

    What about those Fate/Zero and Accel World BDs…?
    Oh right, it isn’t SAO so you don’t give two fucks, respectively.

  43. gilgamesh on December 25, 2012 at 4:53 pm said:

    That’s great guys! Keep up the awesome work!
    Madoka is one of my favorite shows. I have here the 1080p release from Doki, which has half of the bitrate. If anyone could compare the quality would be great. Unfortunetely, I’m not good at making comparisons, so I leave that for the pros.

  44. @Trigger Off
    What about them?
    You were never getting Accel World BDs, and Fate/Zero Season II will be done when Raze is done QCing. Also nobody here gives two fucks about SAO except maybe 1 person fyi.

  45. elmaton04 on December 25, 2012 at 6:59 pm said:

    I really want to know how the American release compares to the Italian and Japanese release before I make a purchasing decision.
    Since this is from a better source, I guess I won’t need my Doki releases anymore. I’m guessing the English subs will be superior to Doki’s subs.

  46. Rokudaime on December 25, 2012 at 7:29 pm said:

    I second what gilgamesh said. Comparison between this and Dokis version (which I also have, and which uses yesy subs)?

  47. iShiney on December 25, 2012 at 8:39 pm said:

    I approve. Good work. πŸ˜›

  48. @elmaton04.
    The american version is similiar to the Japanese version iirc, but with english subs included. It might even be a re-encode of the Japanese version, I don’t have the m2ts files anymore. The Italian version from Dynit has better video quality, but only has Japanese/Italian Dub/Italian Subs, ie. unless you know either Italian or Japanese or want to encode from it, there’s no point in buying it. I have the originals of this since I bought it, and it also has the most extras too.
    We also pretty much re-translated this from scratch so yeah the subs are a ton better than others out there. The American R1 subs were good though, but just a little rough around the edges, had Western Name order and no honorifics. Yesy’s subs had horrible awkward english for the record.

  49. Merry Christmas to all of you!

  50. junh1024 on December 25, 2012 at 9:54 pm said:

    Also note that the italian releases have 5.1 audio. The german releases do have 5.1 audio too, but it’s worse done than the italian 5.1 mix.

  51. @juhn1024
    2: DTS Master Audio, Italian, 5.1 channels, 16 bits, 48kHz
    (core: DTS, 5.1 channels, 16 bits, 1509kbps, 48kHz)
    3: DTS Master Audio, Italian, 2.0 channels, 16 bits, 48kHz
    (core: DTS, 2.0 channels, 16 bits, 639kbps, 48kHz)
    4: DTS Master Audio, Japanese, 2.0 channels, 16 bits, 48kHz
    (core: DTS, 2.0 channels, 16 bits, 639kbps, 48kHz)
    5: Subtitle (PGS), Italian
    6: Subtitle (PGS), Italian
    Yeah the Italian Dub is a 5.1 mix, but the Japanese is still 2.0.

  52. Chibi Goku on December 25, 2012 at 10:10 pm said:

    >The licencing studio Dynit employs someone who actually knows how to dither high bit-depth material down to 8-bits, rather than truncating like, well, everyone else. This means the Italian BDs were almost free of banding.
    Nope, even Madoka high bit-depth source had banding, it was truncated to 8bit somewhere in the process.
    The Italian BD are scene-base debanded (I don’t remember if he even masked some scene), so that’s why they are superior to the japanese ones.

  53. Rokudaime on December 25, 2012 at 10:13 pm said:

    Hmm, if what you’re sying is true, then your subs should be much better than yesy’s and by extension Doki’s (since they use yesy’s subs). Good! I guess it’s time to switch out my Doki release then! ^^

  54. Rokudaime on December 25, 2012 at 10:14 pm said:


  55. @Chibi Goku
    Do you have evidence of this? It’s possible for truncation to happen at various stages for different scenes…

  56. Cool thanks people keeping telling me to watch this so perfect timing.
    Them square heads make it hard for me to start though…

  57. Aww. I wish I had waited to dl this instead of get doki’s a few weeks ago. If I had read the FAQ I would have known.
    Maybe I’ll get the first ep of this and see if it’s worth re-downloading for the better translation.

  58. Anonymous on December 25, 2012 at 11:44 pm said:

    Excellent, thank you UTW.

  59. @Chibi Goku
    Sadly that wouldn’t surprise me, some of the banding steps show something alone those lines in most SHAFT stuff. Just simply poor handling of high bit-depth content, especially gradients.

  60. English BD video source is more or less identical to the Japanese source — same file sizes and everything for the m2ts files.

  61. Chibi Goku on December 26, 2012 at 12:04 am said:

    >Do you have evidence of this? It’s possible for truncation to happen at various stages for different scenes…
    mp3dom is the encoder of the italian BD.
    If you don’t want to use google translate it basically says that even in the original source he got there are true 10 bit scenes mixed with 8 bit ones (the two least significant bit do not contain any information)

  62. @Chibi Goku
    Ah, I see. That makes sense since there definitely was still banding in some scenes.

  63. lol 25Gb. You’ve got to be kidding.

  64. @Sumguy
    Nope, nobody is kidding. Download 720p if you are jewish with hdd space or don’t download it all. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.

  65. @ar:
    It’s not because of the resolution. The encode is just almost as bad as CGi.

  66. @Sumguy
    Please encode it better then. You obviously know what you are doing.

  67. Finally released! Been putting off watching the series until you finish it hahahaha

  68. Why do the sign translations have Western name order?

  69. @CarVac
    Because all my typesetting uses Western Name order for every show I typeset. My reasoning is because reading a name as text is much easier in Western order, than it is in Eastern. Believe it or not, Japanese Studios mostly use Western order too for text.

  70. @ar
    It just seems odd during Homura’s intro that the subs are Japanese name order and on the screen at the same exact time as the Western-ordered signs…The inconsistency bothers me more than one way or the other (yes, more than all western name order). Maybe.

  71. @CarVac
    I guess you can’t please everyone, lol. I guess you just get used to it after a while, for most people having spoken dialogue in Eastern Order is far more important than text, because the spoken vs what they read in the subtitle for that line is disjointed.

  72. I’m short on space right now but… awesome work as usual. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

  73. Shawn263241 on December 26, 2012 at 5:53 am said:

    Whaaaaaaaaaat? I didn’t know UTW was going to sub and batch this series!
    Thanks I guess!

  74. Revelations on December 26, 2012 at 7:28 am said:

    Pay attention to the posts under the UTW Release FAQ, they’ve been saying they would do it since….like, forever.

  75. Seeing as the release is not in AniDB yet, should I add it under UTW or a UTW–yesy joint called Meguca?

  76. UTW, all the yesy staff were off the project long ago.

  77. the simple reason why I preffer eastern way of wriiting names is that it looks and sounds messy if you read “x y” and hear “y x”, there is also chance that name put in proper order have additional meaning or something like that
    anyway, thanks guys!
    just the 25GiB, ugh… it hurts, I should’ve bought new hdd before that flood

  78. Rokudaime on December 27, 2012 at 12:55 am said:

    Ye, I want to grab your release over Doki’s since it probably has better translation, but I have to admit I find it a little strange that your 1080p release of this show is 23,7GB, when Doki’s is only 10,9GB….

  79. @Rokudaime
    Well the Blu-rays are 106gb. But honestly if you find the size of the 1080p to be that much of a problem, download the 720p. Like most anime the difference between 720p and 1080p isn’t huge and most of the extra bitrate is taken up by grain/noise.

  80. elmaton04 on December 27, 2012 at 2:28 am said:

    Well the translation may be better, but I decided to stick with Doki’s version since it has the original Japanese credits and their encoding has always been top notch. The difference between either encode is very very subtle that you won’t noticed the difference.
    @Rokudaime, get Doki’s version if disk space is a problem or get the 720p of this version.

  81. I just noticed how cruel the picture is… lol.

  82. Kajitani-Eizan on December 27, 2012 at 4:57 am said:

    disclaimer, i’m of the opinion that caring about disjointedness of audio is pointless and making up a new construction that doesn’t exist in the english language to express relationships between different characters is dumb, but what do i know.
    what i DO know is that it’s pretty silly to see Homura Akemi and Akemi Homura onscreen within seconds of each other. great release so far, but that really made me scratch my head. obviously i would recommend switching everything to the western name order, but whatever you choose, it’s got to be consistent even across main subtitles vs. signs.

  83. Thanks. This satisfies my archiving needs(lol).
    By the way, the one thing I’ve wondered since I watched episode 1 of this show:
    Mahō shōjo – puella magi…
    Latin FTW?

  84. Meneldal on December 27, 2012 at 8:51 am said:

    Having looked quite a lot at Doki’s encodes there’s not much banding and they’re well filtered and they used crf 17 so I don’t know what you used but it’s as big as Coalgirls encodes. You are probably encoding mostly noise to make encodes that much bloat. Some eps have almost no dark scenes and all and you still needed 1.8GB for them. It’s way too much. For almost everything 1.2GB is more than enough if you don’t go into very low crf where people won’t even see the difference.

  85. @Meneldal
    This is the difference between not enough bitrate and enough. D = Doki, M = us. It really starts showing during the explosions and stuff. Anyhow Doki’s doesn’t look too bad for its size, but it’s clearly starved in a lot of places and needs way more bitrate. They also knocked off 130mb odd per ep off the size by reducing the bit depth of the audio to 16-bit from 24-bit, what is the point of FLAC if they reduced the depth, it is no longer lossless anymore. Anyway, if size is a concern, downloading the 720p wouldn’t be a bad idea at all, that would be my recommendation.

  86. Thank you. I’ve been meaning to watch this show, and now I have, and its greatness is truly in-fucking-calculable.
    So, thanks.

  87. Meneldal on December 27, 2012 at 1:18 pm said:

    Your screenshot looks a little better but it’s clearly not worth having an ep of twice the size for me. And as for FLAC 24-bit, for japanese anime I never found it was worth it considering nobody can tell if it’s 16-bit or 24-bit.

  88. @Meneldal
    That’s totally fine mate, I can respect that. Nah my problem with the 16-bit audio is more so on the bitdepth reduction was done rather than the 16-bit itself. It still needs to be dithered probably, and this isn’t really something we should be doing. If reducing size was important a transparent AAC would have probably been a better choice, that way the dithering would have been handled as expected.
    I’d still rather encode noise than smooth it out, and the other thing you might want to consider is Doki and I used different BD sources. The one I used already had a fair bit of noise added by the encoder, so it is going to be a lot bigger by default if you maintain the noise.

  89. If you’re gonna go down that road you might as well encode to AAC though. Transcoding the audio kinda defeats the purpose of using FLAC in the first place.

  90. I would be grateful if someone were to explain what “horrible awkward english (sic)” is.

  91. > \N{\alpha&HFF&}.{\r}end of sentence.
    Whoa, this is genius!
    But it isn’t used everywhere, and sometimes it’s used as
    > {\alpha&HFF&}.{\r}end of question?
    where I think it only makes matters worse. A question mark looks almost like a capital letter, so no compensation is needed.
    On another note, the chapter names for episode 1 contain β€˜Kyubee’ despite β€˜Kyubey’ being used everywhere else.

  92. Rokudaime on December 27, 2012 at 7:21 pm said:

    Thanks for the reply, I’m convinced. I don’t really have enough of an eye for details to spot much difference between those two screenshot comparisons (though it’s nice to know that there is one I guess), but I didn’t know that Doki’s version only had 16-bit audio rather than 24-bit. I’ve had Doki’s 1080p version up until now, but I think I’m gonna switch over to your version. That said, since I’m one of the people who won’t be able to notice the difference in the video quality, and won’t be able to hear the difference in the audio quality, it’ll come down to the translation in my particular case. I’ll download your version and watch an episode from both versions in order to compare, and if there’s a noticeable difference I’ll keep your version. If not, then I’ll probably just keep Doki’s, since even though your version is better, I won’t be able to notice it, meaning it’ll just be a doubling in the filesize for me, with no gain. πŸ˜‰

  93. elmaton04 on December 27, 2012 at 8:21 pm said:

    24 bit audio is pointless when you don’t have a sound card or the equipment to hear its full potential, but I didn’t know Doki converted the 24 bit audio to 16 bit. In my book that is completely unacceptable. You are actually throwing away a lot of quality, almost half the bitrate is gone since 16 bit is 1536 kbps and 24 bit is 2304. Going 2304>1536 kbps is just bad. This show screams for 24 bit audio, it needs it. I’m going to have to get this version since audio quality is very important to me especially when I’m going to upgrade my equipment so I can hear 24 bit audio at its fullest.
    This is kind of a nitpick, but I don’t like how the letter “y” is displayed in this version. It looks like the descender is being chewed off on the letter “y.”
    I wonder if the font can be tweaked?

  94. gilgamesh on December 27, 2012 at 8:35 pm said:

    Yeah, it is disappointing that Doki used 16 bit FLAC. AAC or Vorbis would be a better solution then…
    Also, UTW’s encode is sharper and has less banding.
    Therefore, it’s a matter if you want to use the extra storage space.
    Unfortunetely, I already have too many torrents to share here. I’ll finishing sharing them before downloading this release. This shitty third world upload speed is killing me :/

  95. What’s with the green tint and slight crop? Was that existent in the original Italian BD?

  96. @Pass
    Yes the green tint is in the original Italian BD, probably from noise or something, dunno. The slight crop is because I did a slight crop for dirty edges that appear here and there.

  97. Pass, you must mean the magenta tint in Doki’s release that used old x264’s broken conversion from 8 to 10 bits (despite its brokenness being widely known and patched builds being readily available at the time). Oh, here’s another reason why anyone who has Doki’s encodes should switch.
    (For the record, they continued using broken x264 builds at least for some releases at least until the beginning of April 2012, while the mainline x264 was fixed on 4 February 2012.)
    As for 16-bit FLAC, humans can’t hear the difference between properly dithered 16-bit and 24-bit. For more details and references, see http://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html. Dithering 24-bit audio to 16 bits is more lossless than converting a spectral power distribution to a three-component colour coordinate. Unlike lossy encoding in particular, it doesn’t try to reason about what humans β€˜notice’ and is unable to produce perceivable distortions.
    That said, 24-bit is good if further audio processing is going to be performed (much like high colour depths in video processing, it reduces error accumulation), and of course there is always the good feeling from knowing you have the best version possible no matter what.

  98. @Chortos Yeah, I mostly just did that {\alpha&HFF&}.{\r} thing when the alignment of the lower line felt off to me, which wasn’t in every single case (eg if one line was much longer than the other, making it harder to see). You’re probably right about the question mark but at the time it probably looked better to me. I wasn’t actually expecting anyone to notice or acknowledge those, so good eye πŸ˜›

  99. I had forgotten just how much I enjoyed the OST for this. Thanks for the release guys. Happy holidays etc etc.

  100. tormaid on December 28, 2012 at 7:12 am said:

    I was going to say something about 24-bit audio, but Chortos-2 did it for me…

  101. Urm uhhhmmm… NCOP, NCED anyone?
    Was it not included on the Italian BD?

  102. OP yes, ED1 yes, ED Ep9 yes, Magia no. There was no creditless of Magia in any release.

  103. I see, but it seems you decided to not include them in this release, will that stay this way?

  104. Most likely. I’m not a big fan of encoding NCOP/EDs.

  105. Argh. Thanks anyway.

  106. Thank you for the Xmas present my beloved UTW

  107. Thanks for the release. First time watching it and just gotta say it was pretty epic!!

  108. Is it just me or is the sound in the last episode worse than normal? I was just watching it and all the reverberanting background sounds are kind of weird, almost wobbly. I compared it to Doki’s release I previously archived and that episode doesn’t have that problem.
    Is there anything unusual about the Japanese audio in this release? Anything that requires a new codec or something? It sounds a lot like 64kbps music… Especially around 5:55 and onwards.

  109. Why was there a single line of romaji when Magia started playing in the second episode?

  110. Rokudaime on December 28, 2012 at 7:44 pm said:

    Awwww, no NCOP’s ad NCED’s? That kinda sucks…I like those. Granted this anime doesn’t have the most amazing OP and ED songs (except Magia of course, which is friggin’ awesome (and yet isn’t included as an NCED on the BD disc…)! Kalafina rocks! ), nor does it have the most amazing OP and ED videos to watch, but it is still always nice to watch anime intros without credits in the way imo, and you ought to include them when they are included on the disc…Doki did include the NCOP at least, but not the NCED’s…Why are so many fansub groups lazy when it comes to this particular aspect? I never could understand this. Including NCOP’s and NCED’s ought to be a given.

  111. Meneldal on December 28, 2012 at 9:19 pm said:

    @Rokudaime Doki never released 24-bit FLAC because very few people have the appropriate equipment to make it sound different and much less can actually hear the difference.

  112. Progeusz on December 28, 2012 at 9:26 pm said:

    @Meneldal, there’s no point in FLAC then.

  113. @rimx
    QC missed that one line when commenting the insert songs out!

  114. No comments on the audio issue?

  115. I am looking into it. I am getting two different outputs two different ways, so yeah not too sure as yet. It was basically just sourced as 24-bit big endian pcm and trimmed with avisynth then dumped straight out to flac. So maybe something odd happened on the avisynth end.

  116. @virox
    Do you use irc? If so send a msg to __ar.

  117. dbull620 on December 29, 2012 at 5:23 am said:

    Wow, I did not expect that my computer wouldn’t be able to handle the regular Magia ED in the 1080p files but apparently it can’t. Would’ve figured a Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit system with a 3.3GHz quad core processor, 8GB of RAM and 1GB of dedicated video memory running MPC with the latest version of CCCP and xy-VSFilter would be more than enough, but that ending literally peaks my CPU and chugs visually with audio skipping. I know the Magia ED’s got a lot going on in the background but dang, I wouldn’t have figured it would be a performance benchmark for my system lol. Well, either this machine just can’t handle it or I’m missing something.

  118. junh1024 on December 29, 2012 at 5:31 am said:

    Also, sometimes, dithering audio when doing 24>16bits is detrimental or won’t do much. This is because there’s (already) a noise floor.
    Also, when encoding 24bit audio to AAC, the encoders and/or decoders need to be 24bit aware. IIrc the Apple & mainconcept encoders are. Don’t know many 24bit AAC decoders apart from quicktime & mainconcept. Correct me if i’m wrong.
    I think vorbis should be fine, but I haven’t played with vorbis much.

  119. @dBull, my PC is a bit less powerful than yours (i7 860 from a couple years ago) and it handles the 1080p EDs okay, so it might be something else on your end. Does it still lag if you turn the subs off?

  120. junh1024 on December 29, 2012 at 6:11 am said:

    PS: to clarify, you can decode 24bit AAC on a 16bit decoder, you just won’t get all your bits

  121. dbull620 on December 29, 2012 at 12:05 pm said:

    @Xythar Yeah even with the subs turned off it still does it. I did notice that I had both the old and new xy-VSFilter running at the same time in my settings though and after I disabled the old one it did get better, sometimes it even gets through the whole thing now without a hitch but other times it still hiccups occasionally. Anyways, for now I’ll chalk that under a minor annoyance and just deal with it as everything else works just fine so far from what I can tell.

  122. Thanks a lot for this!

  123. Rokudaime on December 29, 2012 at 3:30 pm said:

    I have a less powerful system than your as well, and I can also play that Ed with no lag. The problem is not your hardware, but your software configuration. I’m guessing you’re getting lag or dropped frames because of the karaoke. Since you’re using MPC, and have a powerful CPU, the problem should be easily resolved, provided you have decent codecs installed (such as CCCP). Try doing the following:
    Open MPC, and go to “Options”. Click on the “Subtitles” category. Check the box called “Allow animation when buffering”, and then change “Sub pictures to buffer” to 20. Hit “Apply”.
    If you’re using CCCP like me, it might be that you need to do this for CCCP’s own VSFilter settings as well for it to work: When CCCP installed, it should’ve created a folder in your start menu. Go there, and there’ll be a subfolder called β€œFilters.” In there, you’ll find the VSFilter configuration. Load that up, and under the β€œMisc” configuration, set the β€œsub-pictures to buffer” to 20. Make sure β€œAllow animation when buffering” is checked as well. That’s it. Hit β€œapply” and reload the video and it’ll hopefully play flawlessly.
    This will eat up some of your CPU, but it will allow you to buffer the animation of the karaoke while you’re watching so that it’ll play just fine. I don’t recommend this method to other people that have sucky CPU’s though, as in that case it won’t work. I also don’t know for certain if this will work if you are using codec packs like K-Lite or something else. I only tested it with CCCP, which uses DirectVobSub as an external filter.

  124. tormaid on December 29, 2012 at 3:44 pm said:

    AAC is bit-depth independent.

  125. tormaid on December 29, 2012 at 3:46 pm said:

    ^ Ignore last; read your fist comment -___-

  126. I created a patch to remove the single Romaji line in episode 2 of the 1080p version. Thanks _ar for helping out. Don’t worry about the patch for the 720p version, it’ll come.

  127. damedame on December 29, 2012 at 5:44 pm said:

    He is using xy-vsfilter. None of those changes you mentioned will have any effect.
    Try using the latest version of LAV Filters for video decoding, it is somewhat faster than ffdshow which is used by default on CCCP. Also make sure the internal subtitle renderer on MPC-HC is disabled.

  128. @dbull620
    Try updating to the new CCCP, over one years of updates should help with performance.

  129. Rokudaime on December 30, 2012 at 7:50 pm said:

    I’d very much like to grab that 1080p patch, but…: “The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service”. Re-upload somewhere please? ^^ And thanks so much for making the patch in the first place.

  130. The only thing I have ever had issues with is commie’s little intro to sword art offline. I have no clue how to even fix that, or they just did something over the top and dumb πŸ˜›
    The arrow madness was fine, it was just the title screen.

  131. Also: thanks for the release πŸ™‚
    I didn’t like doki’s styling.. so it’s nice to have something a little better.

  132. You just throw it in the same folder as the file you want to patch and run the .bat, right?

  133. Rokudaime on December 30, 2012 at 11:17 pm said:

    Thank you man! ^^
    Yup, that’s all you need to do. ^^
    Having watched through all of both Doki and UTW’s version of episode 1 now, right after one another, to compare, I definitely prefer UTW’s subs, so I’ll be keeping this release, thanks! ^^ Also, for anyone else who’s interested in the NCOP’s and NCED’s, Flep has done all of them: http://fleppensteyn.wordpress.com/

  134. Rokudaime on December 30, 2012 at 11:24 pm said:

    Well, at least I THOUGHT putting the 3 patch files in the folder where the file I wanted to patch was and running the .bat file was all I needed to do, because that’s how it usually is, but when I do that this time around, I just get an error message telling me “The program cannot start because MSVCR100.dll is missing”, or something…

  135. dbull620 on December 31, 2012 at 12:06 am said:

    Yeah that worked wonders, I watched my cpu usage through the ending and it didn’t get anywhere near as high as it was getting.

  136. Rokudaime on December 31, 2012 at 12:25 am said:

    One other cool thing I noticed in your version compared to Doki’s (though I don’t really blame Doki or anyone else for not knowing what is up with that weird music language in the show) is that you included the names of the Witches in English! I love that! ^^ It’s a nice bonus. I have mixed feelings about the lack of karaoke when Magia plays as an insert song during certain scenes in the show though…On one hand it means there is no karaoke obstructing the video, but on the other hand it’s also kind of nice to have the lyrics and the translation for them, like in Doki’s version. Not sure which option I prefer.

  137. @Rokudaime: Sounds like a problem on your side, as there are usually no other files required. Look up “MSVCR100.dll is missing” on Google and you should find the answer.

  138. Rokudaime on December 31, 2012 at 1:12 am said:

    Thanks, turns out the problem was that I was missing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages (I’ve only had the 2005 and 2008 ones for years now, I didn’t think I needed 2010). I installed them and ran the patch, and the romaji sentence in episode 2 is now removed in the v2, so everything’s turned out roses! Thanks! ^^

  139. @Rokudaime The karaoke lines are still present in the .ass file, just commented out. You can uncomment them and remux if you really want to have them there. We decided in the end it wasn’t worth having them get in the way of the action, especially when you can read the lyrics to Magia every time the ED comes up anyway.

  140. Rokudaime on December 31, 2012 at 2:11 am said:

    Ye, in the end, I agree with your decision. Like you said, the karaoke would get in the way of the action, and I can read the lyrics during the ED. That said, I’m sorry, but when you say “The karaoke lines are still present in the .ass file, just commented out. You can uncomment them and remux if you really want to have them there.”, then the majority of that might as well be in Greek to me. ┐(οΏ£γƒΌοΏ£)β”Œ I haven’t the faintest idea how to do that. I don’t know what an .ass file is, I don’t know what it means that karaoke lines are commented out (or what it means to uncomment them), and although I have some idea of what it means to remux, I have no idea how to do so. ^^’ That’s fine though, I don’t need to know.

  141. Rokudaime on December 31, 2012 at 2:11 am said:

    Sorry, that was meant as a reply to Xythar.

  142. No separate OP/ED files? Well damn… that was the only thing I cared about in this release. Thanks anyway though.

  143. Rokudaime on December 31, 2012 at 5:54 pm said:

    You can get them from Flep. See my link above.

  144. @ Rokudaime: On the contrary, I think the addition of the Witchs’ names in English really detract from the mystique and adds to the onscreen clutter. If the other runes that are seen throughout the show aren’t translated, why must these be? It doesn’t make any sense. If you’re really invested and interested, the Madoka wiki is only a click away -> http://wiki.puella-magi.net/Deciphering_the_runes

  145. Rokudaime on January 1, 2013 at 6:09 pm said:

    You can’t be serious? Well whatever, it’s your oppinion. I couldn’t disagree more though… ┐(οΏ£_οΏ£)β”Œ

  146. @Traac
    Agreed 100%, the runes are meant to be esoteric…. if you want to look them up, go ahead, but translating any of them really just ruins the spirit of it.

  147. @Traac/anon
    We actually discussed the matter of runes and came to the conclusion it would be a nice bonus adding the ones that matter, most of them mean nothing in particular and are just random text that SHAFT added being SHAFT, and there is no point adding them all. There were a few that we thought would be nice to have on-screen, ie. the Witches names. Sure they are meant to be esoteric, but it’s actually nice to know the ones that matter.

  148. Rokudaime on January 2, 2013 at 3:50 pm said:

    Totally agree with what ar on UTW’s decision. That said, it’s not true that most of the runes mean nothing in particular. Tri4 (they have it on BakaBT) methodically translated all of them (or almost all of them) and included them in a readme or something. They all have real and proper meanings. The little little white mustache guys in episode 2 that work for Gertrude for instance talk a lot when Mami, Madoka, and Sayaka enter her domain. For anyone who’s interested, here you go:

  149. Rokudaime on January 2, 2013 at 3:51 pm said:

    I wouldn’t recommend the new CCCP. They made a bunch of drastic changes, and there are isssues (as listed on their own site). I couldn’t even play Doki’s release of Angel Beats anymore after I installed it, so I removed it, and reverted back to the previous version again.

  150. That’s the same link the other guy just posted… And the runes are just that, flavour. Apart from a few allusions, they really have no meaning in the context of the story.

  151. @ Rokudaime: Don’t worry, I agree with you on many other issues and our translation tastes seem pretty similar, so I’m not that big of an ass. ^.^;
    @ ar: I can see where you are coming from, and I appreciate the effort. I also appreciate the replies (which says a lot for other subbers out there). Well, I guess I can just edit the scripts to take them out if I find them too obtrusive, so no harm done. Other than that, thanks for the great release.

  152. Rokudaime on January 2, 2013 at 11:23 pm said:

    And those few allusions make it worth it. Most of the runes are just flavour, yes, but some DO have significant meanings in the context of the story. For example, in episode 11 Kyubey explains to Madoka how the Incubators have affected human history, and shows flashbacks of historically important female figures. Well, the runes here tell you the names of these women (Cleopatra, Himiko, Jean D’arc), and also gives some helpful information to help explain who they are (in the case of Himiko and Jean D’arc. I guess they assumed no-one on the planet would not know who Cleopatra is. ; ) ).
    In other cases, there are runes that are not necessary to understand the story, but which have useful meanings that have a purpose and adds to the story, such as in episode 1 when Madoka and Sayaka are first caught in Gertrude’s barrier. The witch’s minions (the little round white guys with the mustaches) have a whole conversation about Madoka and Sayaka when they spot them and become aware of their intrusion (the flowers being the two girls here):
    -Those flowers are unknown to me.
    -Yes. They are also unknown to me.
    -Shall we cut them off?
    -Yes. Let us cut them off.
    -We present the roses to our queen.
    -And the bad flowers
    -go to the guillotine.
    -Yes. Cut them off!
    -Yes. Cut them out!
    They’re not important, but they’re not insignificant either. I for one appreciate ones such as the ones I just mentioned.

  153. I’m well aware of all of that. My opinion on the runes has always been that they’re a neat addition and one of the many little details that make me enjoy this show so much. Having seen the typesetting for the witch names I will say that it is well-done and doesn’t detract or clutter anything, but I am glad the rest are untranslated for the reasons I’ve already mentioned.
    As far as their meanings or significance, they’ve been discussed to death at this point and I don’t have anything new to add beyond what’s on the wiki. They are what they are.

  154. sakagamitomoya on January 3, 2013 at 7:00 am said:

    Around 2:12 in episode 10, the typesetting for the equation on the board is incorrect. While the original Japanese reads (1+n)^p -n^p-1, your typesetting sets it as (1+p)^p -n^p -1.
    Xythar sucks.

  155. Rokudaime on January 3, 2013 at 8:25 pm said:

    In that case I agree. I just don’t agree with the people who criticise UTW for translating the witches’ names. I think it was a nice touch that they did. But translating everything else would indeed just clutter the screen completely, and it’s not necessary anyway. Though I imagine it would be damn hard to try and do so in the first place lol.

  156. Rokudaime on January 3, 2013 at 8:26 pm said:

    In this case I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say: nobdoy cares. ┐(οΏ£_οΏ£)β”Œ

  157. Could you guys upload the .ass files for this release?

  158. gilgamesh on January 11, 2013 at 10:54 pm said:

    Won’t this go to bakabt?
    UTW’s encode of Madoka is clearly the best.

  159. Rokudaime on January 12, 2013 at 4:44 pm said:

    That all depends on whether anyone is willing to offer it at BakaBT, and then if someone does, it has to get approved.

  160. Rokudaime on January 12, 2013 at 4:50 pm said:

    UPDATE: I checked BakaBT, and it has already been offered. Now it just needs to be approved. I’m pretty sure it will be though.

  161. Primadog on January 13, 2013 at 9:08 pm said:

    Over at the wiki, we have plans to translate The Beginning Story book in the near future, once we have the RAW scanned. Since the book is mostly the series’ screenplay, I was wondering if we may use the [Meguca] script as a base to work from? Relevant page http://wiki.puella-magi.net/Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_The_Beginning_Story

  162. Anyone having troubles with BD playbacks may wanna try giving this setup a whirl:
    (link may be NSFW)
    Definitely works better than CCCP did for me, much as I loved CCCP.

  163. NoName on January 15, 2013 at 8:17 pm said:

    You kind of forgot to give Elly a caption (E04 – 19:20). Or was that not doable because it rotates and stuff?

  164. Are you going to release a patch for episode 2 720p?

  165. Brent on April 7, 2013 at 10:16 pm said:

    Btw, is there an AVI version of this one? I’d like to use this in my presentation…

  166. When I try to download the patch, Chrome tells me that it’s a dangerous file. Help?

  167. Non on May 4, 2013 at 7:21 pm said:

    Also, I don’t know if this has already been noted, but in episode 11, at around 15:17, one of Madoka’s brother’s lines (talking about something related to roasting meat, I think, but I’m not sure because my Japanese is broken at best) was left unsubbed. Was this intentional?

  168. Pingback: ufotable + type-moon = epicness |

  169. annnnnon on July 4, 2013 at 12:09 am said:

    y is 1080’s file size so big? Most of my 1080 FLAC are 500-1.5gb only. o_o

  170. Jimmy C on July 20, 2013 at 8:13 am said:

    You thoughtfully replaced the Italian ED with the Japanese originals for the credits. But you missed that for Ep 7’s ED.
    Any chance you can fix that?

  171. fantastic issues altogether, you just won a brand new reader. What may you recommend about your publish that you made some days in the past? Any certain?|

  172. Cirnopoly on September 15, 2013 at 10:42 pm said:

    Thanks for the release. Are there any plans for the movies?

  173. IlDuce777 on December 24, 2013 at 9:56 pm said:

    what subs do you use for this project? yesy’s or yours?

  174. Can somebody please re-upload the patch for 1080p version?

  175. ^
    I second this

  176. TRTERTER on January 15, 2014 at 2:46 pm said:

    You said if dynit released the films you would do them http://www.dynit.it/scheda.asp?mn=3&ctl=1&iddsc=1053 http://www.dynit.it/scheda.asp?mn=3&ctl=1&iddsc=1054 Are you going to do them when they can?

  177. Animus on January 18, 2014 at 8:56 pm said:

    I just wanted to pop in and thank you guys for your work with Madoka. I’ve seen screenshots of other translations and as a whole, I always end up preferring the wording your team went with. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there might eventually be a release of Rebellion Story from your team, but either way, thank you for your hard work and love put back into the series!

  178. GreatWizard on April 6, 2014 at 12:41 am said:

    Can somebody please re-upload the patch for 1080p version ? Thank You ^^

  179. meganhollywebb on April 23, 2014 at 2:46 am said:

    Could someone guide me along for how to properly apply the Ep. 2 patch?

  180. Medve on June 29, 2014 at 8:19 pm said:

    Kind of a necro, but I’d like to say thanks for your hard work with this sub. I’ve just watched it the second time, and checked out a lot of other subs, and I have to say, yours is spot on. The style really captures the theme of it. I especially liked the titles, among a lot of other things. Keep up the great work! πŸ™‚

  181. Please re-upload the Episode 2 patch. Thanks!

  182. Flapgian on March 16, 2015 at 9:23 pm said:

    Hey dude, this is very cool.. I’m downloading the 720p version, but the subs for the song magia in the first ep doesn’t appear, even when they are actually written in the .ass file.. how can i fix that? can somebody help me?!

  183. GEX クリーンバイオ−N 280g(140g×2)淡水?海水両用 on August 21, 2015 at 5:00 am said:

    GEX クリーンバイオ−N 280g(140g×2)淡水?海水両用 ジェックス 関東当日便:charm 楽天市場店 http://localleadsmagnet.ca/catdogs/3504.html

  184. Little bit late, but I couldn’t not cemomnt.I loved this show so much. The tension is indeed awesome, as is the story-telling. This show is kind of like the Song of Ice and Fire of magical girl shows, except not crazy long.Anybody writing UF or Dark Fantasy could learn something from watching it.

  185. Mutualideas on January 4, 2016 at 1:38 am said:

    Thank so much for the translations! Best version out there.
    If not sure if you’re still active but can you please reupload the Ep2v2 patch for 1080p? PLEEAASSEEE πŸ˜€

  186. guest on April 7, 2018 at 9:40 am said:

    anyone willing to re-up the patch for 720p (or both preferably)

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