DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_S_-_06_[720p][B559DBAC].mkv
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_S_-_06_[480p][9D9429FC].mp4
And so I squeeze the mayonnaise onto the egg.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_S_-_06_[720p][B559DBAC].mkv
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_S_-_06_[480p][9D9429FC].mp4
And so I squeeze the mayonnaise onto the egg.
Oh yeah, it’s finally here. This shall be awesome!
Also lol @ Mayonegg
Thanks for the episode!
Don’t be afraid of that egg
Thanks for quick release, Biri Biri time !
Guys I can’t find this ep in the xdcc parser, is there usually a time delay b/w you posting the torrent and uploading the file to xdcc?
Sorry if the question is a bit noobish, I’m new to the entire xdcc thing.
Are we human… or are we dancers?
Idle on #news. Multiple bots auto download the torrent and announce when they have new files. You can use the !find trigger too.
Thanks for answering, went to #news, I’m apparently banned despite never having visited.
Your explanation helps though, thanks for sharing the information.
i love this anime really and wait for your release every week.
thanks a lot ..i love you!
Thanks for the release once again!
Don’t worry, Touma and his best friend, his right hand will solve this!
Mayoegg? Ewww…
[spoiler]Surprise buttsex![/spoiler]
Thansk a lot! More Accelerator
Oh god, I was waiting for the They had to open a new beach/Mayonegg scene.
did you… did you just make an arrested development joke?
i think i just blue myself.
And YOU must be the Monopoly guy.
Thanks for the free parking.
Wah~ What are we going to do on the bed?
[spoiler]…. oh wait[/spoiler]
Reality’s a bitch, ain’t it?
Thanks for the episode and please have a great night as well as weekend!
More Accelerator, you just made my day
Thanks for this!
Have a nice weekend :>
Wow, thanks for the ep!
I love you forever
Love the references from
Does anyone know whether Accelerator missed intentionally with his reflection of railgun attack or Misaka’s attack was so powerful that Accelerator somehow miscalculated reflection or reflected badly?
Thanks for the release. Great ep. This show just sky rocketed up to my favourite this season.
@kriman: if he wanted to hit her, he would.
Thanks for the episode, Accelerator sure is a twisted asshole…
@kriman: Accelerator just wanted to have some sort of entertainment, so he didn’t want to kill her that fast. Just wanted tease her a little bit and talk to her for a while.
@kriman: well, what exactly can you understand by “control any and all vectors”? Misaka went all out, the guy’s just being his usual self. (Though, personally, I prefer him post-sisters’ arc. Index reference.)
Incoming facility obliteration. Misaka made that thing before accelerator even thought of it, woohoo!
Accelarator missed on purpose, it seems. According to somewhere I read(could be in Index, or some other sources), the supercomputer Tree Diagram calculated that in a battle between Accelarator and Misaka, Accelarator will win by the 128th move. This is done by reflecting Misaka’s Railgun back at her. 128 moves also took into consideration Accelator’s tendency to play with his victims.
From the fight scene, we can infer that they barely even reached 50 moves.
Accelerator’s reflection-barrier’s automatic – it subconsciously detects what he declares as “harmful” and reflects it. If he wants, he can also prevent sound from reaching his ears, sunlight from his eyes, etc.
It reflects anything that hits it back, but the reflection’s not exactly reversing the vector. It’s more like it’s mirroring it. The mirrored vector would be slightly off from the original. Note how if he’s hit by bullets, the bullets aren’t guided back into the gun’s barrel.
Well, of course he missed on purpose. He likes playing around, but also, he’s not as big an asshole as he acts. He doesn’t go around randomly killing people either. He kills the sisters, but he doesn’t see them as humans. He’s twisted, but not completely evil. In fact, technically, he’s not really evil at all.
Hey guys. Thanks for clarification. I generally understand Accelerator power – I watched Index and read light novels (until volume where Index S2 ended) some time ago. I just think I’m missing some details here and there hence (it seems silly) question.
> Accelerator gleefully tortures and then brutally murders 9982 sisters, thorougly enjoying all of it.
> “In fact, technically, he’s not really evil at all.”
No, that doesn’t fit together *at all*. He’s still *very* evil and depraved. Just because he doesn’t run around killing random people on the street doesn’t make him any less evil. If he wasn’t entertained by mass-murdering the sisters, I could very well see him murdering random people on the street. He’s only killing for fun, after all, only for his own, personal entertainment. Those are always the most depraved ones, as they don’t need any reason to kill anyone.
Actually, while he acts evil, he’s still not ACTUALLY evil. It was pretty much explained that the real reason why he sought Level 6 wasn’t just to get the ultimate power (since he technically already had it).
[spoiler] The real reason was that he thought that once he obtained Level 6, he wouldn’t have to hurt anyone anymore, because nobody would dare attack him. Last Order then concluded that he most likely didn’t actually enjoy killing the sisters, but acted like he did as either a coping mechanism, or a way to try and persuade the Sisters to stop participating in the experiment. He’s cruel, and a little insane, but doesn’t quite fit the category of “evil”. [/spoiler]
I believe he didn’t do it on purpose. He was talking when Misaka launched her railgun and and Accelerator began to wonder Misaka’s silence. His vector power defaults to reflect things he thought to be harmful. Well, that’s what I learned from watching Index.
I’m waiting for Touma’s right hand.
“Grit your teeth well, ‘strongest’ one. My ‘weakest’ attack … might shake you up a little!!!” -Touma (Index 1, ep 14)